Back to The Music

Back to The Music
Podcast de Back to The Music

Welcome one and all to our channel! Back to The Music has taken original Chinese songs, and transformed them into diverse English songs for you to listen at your leisure. We hope that our music can inspire and encourage you wherever you are. Powered by Firstory Hosting

  1. 【Who You Are】ZNSE 1803 | Music | Praise the Lord 2023 | Zion New Song English

    25 AGO

    【Who You Are】ZNSE 1803 | Music | Praise the Lord 2023 | Zion New Song English

    🎵Song Lyrics🎵 First come the struggles, the struggles to face your fear 起初是掙扎 直面恐懼的掙扎 It’s your worst nightmare, the pain of reforming character 這是你最可怕的惡夢 改造性格的痛苦 A mountain that’s immovable, the weight of the world upon your shoulders 一座不可撼動的高山 壓在你肩上猶如世界之重 Bit by bit, movin’ uphill 一點一點 向上攀爬 Step by step, make it simple 一步一步 從簡入手 Break it down, ’cause one wrong move could prove fatal 逐步攻克 因一失足成千古恨 Don’t give up on who you are 不要放棄真我 Fortify your mind, set the bar 堅定心志 訂立標杆 Noble reasons lead you on 崇高的信念為你導航 Tell you where to start 指引你從何開始 When every muscle breaks and tears apart 當每塊肌肉崩潰撕裂 And every ounce of will is shot to the stars 當每絲意志徹底耗盡 Right then and there, you decide who you are 此時此刻 由你決定真我 When strength is little, fatigue drives you to your knees, you just sit and stare 當筋疲力竭 疲勞使你跪下 你只能呆坐  Your mind is so stuck and so tired 思緒混沌 疲憊不堪 This is the part your spirit shows, will you persevere 這是考驗你志氣之際 你會堅持下去 Or stay a failure 抑或屈服 Tell you where to start 信念會指引你從何開始 When every muscle breaks and tears apart 當每塊肌肉崩潰撕裂 And every ounce of will is shot to the stars 當每絲意志徹底耗盡 Right then and there 此時此刻 Powered by Firstory Hosting

    5 min
  2. 【Better Look Inside The Mirror】ZNSE 1782 | Music | Praise the Lord 2023 | Zion New Song English

    25 AGO

    【Better Look Inside The Mirror】ZNSE 1782 | Music | Praise the Lord 2023 | Zion New Song English

    🎵Song Lyrics🎵 Those fairy tales and works of fiction 那些童話與小說 Sing praises of those who sow love and kindness 歌頌展示慈愛與善良的人 A line is drawn separating heroes from the villains 為英雄與反派劃界線 A rift between light and darkness 為明暗定分界 When there’s no one watching, by yourself 當你獨處 無人注視 With all the freedom in the world 擁有了世間一切自由 Your true personality will be shining forth 你的真我將顯露無遺 Better look inside the mirror, tell me, what do you see 你最好照照鏡子 告訴我 看到了什麼 Show yourself, come to light, all that you’re hiding 展現本性 顯露你隱藏的一切 Confront your inner demons 直面心魔 Embark upon your expedition of self-discovery 踏上自我探索的征途 Slay the beasts within, slay ’em one by one 一一戰勝內心兇獸 You’re born to win 你是為得勝而生 I’ve lived a life of contradictions 我過著充滿矛盾的人生 I’ve shouldered burdens too painful to handle 我肩負著難以承受的重擔 Believed a lie that I was a villain of the story 相信了謊言 以為自己是故事反派 But truth be told, I’m the hero 但說實話 我才是英雄 Oh the years have changed me, yes they have 啊 歲月改變了我 確實如此 In many ways I cannot tell 在許多我無法言喻的層面 I still trust that I can be better, change myself 我仍堅信我能變得更好 改變自己 Powered by Firstory Hosting

    5 min

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Welcome one and all to our channel! Back to The Music has taken original Chinese songs, and transformed them into diverse English songs for you to listen at your leisure. We hope that our music can inspire and encourage you wherever you are. Powered by Firstory Hosting

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