EXOPLANETARY is a science-fiction adventure that follows four siblings, the Wolverton family, as they work for a 26th Century corporation in space named Exoplanetary. A science-fiction audio drama featuring serialized space opera, adventure, and a healthy sense of humor. © 2014-2022, C. Christopher Hart, All Rights Reserved.
Such a great show
I can only hope there will be more episodes. I need more shows like this
Fantastic series
Don’t know how I looked over this series for so long, but I’m glad I finally took the time to listen to it. It has a great mixture of comedy while at the same time covers serious and speculative concepts. Overall 10/10
Great sci-fi
Lots of fun! I love how they weave in humor while they create an immersive dystopian future that could be human’s inheritance. The stories simultaneously remind me of the best of human nature, and the worst. Hope more episodes are coming.
Must listen space drama
The adventures of the Wolvertons are by turns engaging, entertaining, thought provoking, and heartbreaking. A fantastic audio drama that should be on everyone’s list.
- CreatorC. Christopher Hart
- Episodes37
- Seasons2
- RatingClean
- Copyright© 2014-2021, C. Christopher Hart, All Rights Reserved.
- Show Website