Father-son relationships are a unique bond. The father sacrifices to raise the son, and then the son sacrifices to care for his father.
The Quran speaks of the strongest bond ever forged between a father and son—a legacy we are reminded of every single day of our lives: *Ibrahim and Ismail* (AS).
Join us at Faith Circle, this *Thursday, January 23* at *6:45pm at Islamic College* of Brisbane as Sheikh Zohair takes us through a reflection on the legendary partnership of Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Ismail (AS) that established our most sacred place of worship and produced a progeny that culminated in our last and final Messenger (SWAS).
Through this story, we will reflect on:
🤝The *model father-son* relationship and unwavering faith and connection of Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Ismail (AS)
🤲The immense trials and sacrifice of Ibrahim AS, forging an unbreakable familial bond built on *faith and trust*
🕊️ How to leave a lasting legacy that rewards even after your passing.
*Bonus*: Learn about how _hardship and sacrifice_, not peace and ease can be the ultimate way to bring us closer to Allah and strengthen our relationships.
- Show
- FrequencyUpdated Weekly
- PublishedFebruary 19, 2025 at 7:42 AM UTC
- Length1h 13m
- RatingClean