Another Road Show! This time to Mexico. Well south of the (Ireland/UK) border in Letterkenny. Ted is embroiled in a high stakes bet with his hated rival Dick Byrne in the Annual All-Priests 5-a-Side Over 75 Indoor Football Challenge Match.
Dougal's on a career break from being physio, in order to protect the corner flags. Jack downs a full bottle of Dreamy Sleepy Nighty Snoozy Snooze (banned in most European countries, so you know it's good), while Mrs Doyle rounds up a firm of fellow football converts for the terraces.
We also discuss Amazon's toilet roll delivery service, lying in a confessional and there's a host of expertise offered by self-proclaimed Bikram Yoga Expert, Sean Treanor.
- Show
- PublishedNovember 11, 2020 at 4:00 PM UTC
- Length1h 9m
- Season3
- Episode4
- RatingExplicit