Never Stop Peaking - Motivation for Your Creative Maniac Mind

Heath Armstrong
Never Stop Peaking  - Motivation for Your Creative Maniac Mind

Heath Armstrong makes podcasts to help inspire your best creativity, energy, and intergalactic orgasms so that you can never stop peaking. We will dance with the muses of optimal health, habitual patterns, psychedelics, sacred plant medicines, authentic relatability, flow consciousness, world travel, energetic synchronicities, and scandalous true stories! If you want to laugh loudly and think deeply at the same time, press play.

  1. 2022. 03. 24.

    What if the hokey pokey really is what it's all about? (Final episode)

    This is the last podcast, and it’s about the hokey pokey and you.   I will be disappearing for a while to join my team over at Rage Create to bring more affirmation and oracle decks to life with you.   I deeply appreciate your support in spreading these positivity snacks around the world with us.   Sweet-Ass Affirmations 2 is now available on Amazon, Etsy, and   Will you share them with 1 person you know today and help spread the good vibes?   Don’t listen at all   I am not in a position to give you advice.   However, I want to offer encouragement to unleash the wild, exploratory creator within you.   What if you rip off all of your layers and run looney through the woods? What if you do the opposite of everything they tell you that you should?   Play where the fishies fly high above the trees. Swim where the birdies dive deep below the seas.   Lose yourself in the moments with foreign foods, and dudes?? and boobs??!…and try on love of all shapes, sizes, and colors too.   Play Duck Duck Moose while you shake your caboose. Eat your salad with a spoon and go howl at the moooooooooon.   Break the rules but first break the rulers.   And don’t just think outside the box, be the box remover.   Say I love you more. Surrender to love too. Forgive everyone for everything, starting with you.   Slow down and enjoy something beautiful here.   Slow down and enjoy that beautiful something in the mirror.   Seek the laughs and loves. Honor truth over doubt. Inhale the white light and blow the boogie monsters out.   When you become the sun, you bypass the clouds.   When you flow like the ocean, you wash out the drought.   Stop trying so f*****g hard to figure it out, because what if the hokey pokey really is what it’s all about?   Creative Maniac Quote & Idea for You   “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”   ― Marianne Williamson   Shut everything off, put your bare feet and bottom on the Earth, and just sit for 5 minutes and breathe. What feels good and light in your life? Focus on them.   Thank you for being a part of Never Stop Peaking.   It has been my pleasure,   -Heath @heathfistpumps

  2. 2022. 03. 07.

    The Tickle Monster Effect

    Quick Link: Have you ever laughed so hard that you accidentally ripped a monster fart in front of other people… and then laughed even harder because of the sheer awkwardness of the situation? What about laughing so hard that you gushed some pee through your undies and pants? Remember that feeling of wild, uncontrollable joy? The tickle monster is an angel of abundance Uncontrollable laughter actually raises your vibrational state. It removes the space between you and your happiness. It feels good. Laughter is an emotional manifestation of abundance, just like tears of joy, gratitude, orgasms, and love. The tickle monster is an angel of abundance. When was the last time you laughed hard enough to pee your pants? When was the last time you helped someone else rediscover their giggles? Peeing your pants is cool Gremlins want you to pee your pants out of fear (not cool). They don’t want you to know the power of peeing your pants through joy and laughter (super cool). They want you to react and have meltdowns. They want you to be the victim. You are not the victim. You are a kickass starlight fairy giggling symphonies of love and abundance throughout the galaxy. No matter how hard it gets or how much pain you feel— you are fundamentally a child of love and light. You deserve laughter, joy, and fuzzy love. When all feels dark, what if you respond with peace and ease instead of reacting by feeding chaos and disease? It's not about your beauty and bullshit Life isn’t about what ‘happens’ to you. It’s not about the beauty that happens to you, and it’s certainly not about the bullshit that happens to you. Life is about how you choose to respond (not react) when it happens. A response is rooted in awareness. It supports growth toward the highest version of yourself. A reaction is an ignorant trigger that usually just feeds ongoing negativity. What if you respond to the hard stuff in life in ways that support elevated health, happiness, and play? What if every time you feel shitty or off you simply respond with ways that make you feel good? Oh baby it feels sooo good A few powerful and abundantly available ways to feel truly great are: Sweating, real food, sunlight, forest bathing, saltwater, hot/cold baths and plunges, sex, flowers, drinking clean water, earthing, meditation, good sleep, fasting, playing, creating, exercising, dancing, meeting new friends, and laughing. Be a contagious fireball of laughter You have the power to pull yourself out of any funk by leading yourself into a self-contagious laugh. (see idea below) When you start laughing more, the light-hearted energy transfers to those around you and increases the beauty of their moods, too. Each day, if you can make one person smile— or laugh so hard that they tinkle in their undies— your day is not wasted. Creative maniac quote & idea for you “Totalitarian systems are notably devoid of humor at every level. Laughter, which brings acceptance and freedom, is a threat to their rule through force and intimidation. It is hard to oppress people who have a good sense of humor. Beware the humorless, whether in a person, institution, or belief system; it is always accompanied by an impulse to control and dominate, even if its proclaimed objective is to create prosperity or peace.” -David Hawkins, Power vs. Force Today, stand up with your hands on your hips and force yourself to start laughing. It will feel awkward because maybe you don’t feel happy and nothing seems funny. However, the obnoxious fake laugh will domino into a rampage of contagious real laughs. You won’t be able to stop. It is hilarious. Do it. Keep doing it. Do it until you accidentally fart and someone else hears it. Laughing is how we save the world.   Thanks for reading “The Heathen.” –Heath   Quick share link Here is a quick link to share this message with an alien you know:

  3. 2022. 01. 31.

    Danger is "appearing to be"

    Are you pretending to be happy? How does this question make you feel? View this post on There is great danger when you value “appearing to be” over “being” “Appearing to be” is pretending to be something you are not, usually at the expense of yourself and the benefit of someone else. “Being” is honoring the truth within you no matter how messy it may be. Here are some examples: Doing what you “should” (appearing to be) vs. Doing what truly lights you up (being) Hiding behind your smile (appearing to be) vs. Smiling while you cry because you are sharing your truth and it feels relieving (being) Sharing filtered pictures to enhance your features or correct your blemishes (appearing to be) vs. Sharing your raw, natural beauty and helping others build confidence to do the same (being) Telling your friends that your broken relationship is thriving to avoid shame and judgment (appearing to be) vs. Communicating honestly with your partner, friends, and therapist about your hardships, thus creating opportunity for healing and growth (being) Resisting exercise or meditation because you are “too busy” (appearing to be) vs. Prioritizing self-care practices, thus enhancing all aspects of your life (being) “Appearing to be” is resistance. It feels easy in the moment but destroys you over time. “Being” is the hardest work of all, but it bears eternal fruits. It removes the space between you and your truth. Are you appearing to be, or are you being? Be aware of the gremlins “Appearing to be” is also an elusive trick of mASS media, corrupt politicians, and con-artists. These tricksters are predatory gremlins. Their schemes may sound familiar: “Act the part” even though you don’t enjoy it. “Do as you are told” even though you don’t want to. “Follow the rules” even though they only benefit someone else. “Be good” even though good and bad are completely subjective. “Behave” or endure shame and punishment… As you strive to live in truth, be aware of the world that “appears to be.” Choose to be a hot mess What if you allow yourself to simply be you? What if you unleash the raw, hot mess of beauty and chaos within you? Choosing to be (rather than appearing to be) sets you free. Exploration keeps you free. Creating removes the trap altogether. Do you really have anything better to do? doodle by @thingsintedshead Creative maniac quote & idea for you “All that you see out in front of you is how you feel inside your head.” – Alan Watts With this breath, you have an opportunity to invite more flowers, laughter, and love into your head and out into the world. Take a moment to write down 3 ways you haven’t been entirely truthful to yourself and those around you. How will you make changes to start “being” rather than “appearing to be” in each of these 3 ways? Don’t hesitate to make the necessary changes. Start now. Your future self is already twerking in celebration.

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35개의 평가


Heath Armstrong makes podcasts to help inspire your best creativity, energy, and intergalactic orgasms so that you can never stop peaking. We will dance with the muses of optimal health, habitual patterns, psychedelics, sacred plant medicines, authentic relatability, flow consciousness, world travel, energetic synchronicities, and scandalous true stories! If you want to laugh loudly and think deeply at the same time, press play.

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