the GG Show

Ms. GG
the GG Show

We talk about stories around us. 我們談論發生在我們四周的故事 Stories in those and me, 有關於那些故事以及我 Between your city and mine. 就在你的城市與我的之間 When you and I are connected, 當你我產生了連結 This is a tale of two cities. 這就是雙城故事 Podcast使用語言:華語(Taiwanese Mandarin) 以及 English 請多多支持與鼓勵訂閱我的電子報:每一天的生活 Daily Michelle Powered by Firstory Hosting

  1. 06/07/2021

    the GG show 第八集:疫情下的社區藥局 🎉三溫暖 ♨️ (part3)

    短介Brief:肯定這一場世紀的大疫病,給台灣來了一場三溫暖,從2019年底的突起,到2020年年初的草木皆兵,如履薄冰,再到2020年下半年的平行世界,再來到了2021年以為這樣狀況會持續下去,結果4月開始有徵兆,5月旋即情勢大變 (也是大便),二級再變三級,停課持續,全國三級延了一次,是不是06/14會有不一樣的前景,再錄製podcast的當下 (05/23),我們都還不知道疫情會變成如此,而到底會怎樣,再者社區藥局如何應變? === Origin原文出處: 請多多支持鼓勵與訂閱這一份的電子報: photo credit to: Takashi Murakami, “Me Among the Supernatural”, 2013 音樂版權:Music by VALNTN - Mona Lisa - === "主持人Ms. GG 懺情錄:好啦,可能 the GG show 是不會收啦,但 Ms. GG 肯定需要休息,頂多就是頻道放給她在那邊,有緣人走過路過,有心人點出來或者是更有心的下載了下來,用它習慣的podcast player聽,都好啦;放著放著,也不會丟掉,就只是在那邊累積下載瀏覽量而已,是吧!?但從電子報,到 the GG show,其實也更看見這持續更新還有維持的勉力與侷限,所以感覺能力以及心力非常的不足,想想分心或分配比例一失衡,就像是現在的狀況,需要喊暫停。但可能,現在說說,明天就跑出來什麼樣的東西吧,所以還是不再說的好。人性,不是嗎?" 肯定這一場世紀的大疫病,給台灣來了一場三溫暖,從2019年底的突起,到2020年年初的草木皆兵,如履薄冰,再到2020年下半年的平行世界,再來到了2021年以為這樣狀況會持續下去,結果4月開始有徵兆,5月旋即情勢大變 (也是大便),二級再變三級,停課持續,全國三級延了一次,是不是06/14會有不一樣的前景,再錄製podcast的當下 (05/23),我們都還不知道疫情會變成如此,而到底會怎樣,再者社區藥局如何應變? 絕對不能夠錯過,這最後一part,Cedric, Mark, 還有 JuliaNa,讓世界都驚呆的發表!快點點進去聽。 === 雖然 Mark 藥師,已經太會經營社群媒體了,但是還是不得不再大力的推薦他所經營許久,累績粉絲成千上萬的粉絲頁:社區藥局的五四三,我相信身為執業中入世的社區藥局,這或許是我們所想見在現在這個疫情蔓延的時刻-真正發揮功能且與時俱進的健康公所。 === 不知道你對這一集的訪談是否有所感覺,還是有其他的想法或建議,也很歡迎你留言,讓我們能夠繼續討論,或者是做更好的改進。謝謝! We would like to know how do you feel about this episode! Should there be any comments or suggestions, we are happy to receive them. Thank you. === 主持人Host:Ms. GG 邀請貴賓Inivted Guests:Cedric, Mark, JuliaNa 錄製日期時間Rocording Date/Time:2021.05.23 下午 14:00 ~ 16:00pm 訪問大綱 Interview Guide: A. 你的現狀 i. 你是誰?請讓我們知道你的相關背景。 ii. 社區藥局之於社區,是怎樣的一個存在? B. 過去一年多以來 i. 疫情開始以來,你如何看待這一個疫情的發展? ii. 社區藥局投入協助代售口罩,你怎樣看? iii. 非疫情vs. 疫情中,社區藥局所發揮的功能? C. 社區藥局的經營 i. 疫情前vs. 疫情後,社區藥局的經營,有何變化與不同? ii. 請問社區藥局是備受影響的嗎?好的方面?不好的方面? iii. 疫情爆發的現在(第三級),社區藥局如何因應? iv. 口罩之後,是什麼? D. 神秘主題 i. 請以平靜的心情等待現場的公布。 錄音編輯後製Editing:JuliaNa (謝謝她一路上成全自己所想所做) 音樂版權Music Authorization:Music by VALNTN - Mona Lisa - Powered by Firstory Hosting

    47 min
  2. 06/07/2021

    the GG show 第八集:疫情下的社區藥局 🎉三溫暖 ♨️ (part2)

    短介Brief:新冠肺炎疫情發展到現在,又是一波的高峰不減,讓我們回到2020年初,同樣是一個差不多的過年時間的前後,全台突如其來的緊張了起來,一下子對於這一個不熟悉的病毒,人人自危,紛求自保;開始往社區藥局衝,搶口罩、搶酒精,也搶著好像可以保護自己各種物品,社區藥局面臨排山倒海而來的群眾,又更被臨危授命待售起了政府統整管理收編的醫療口罩,開始…就是一場社區藥局-誤入-的三溫暖? === Origin原文出處: 請多多支持鼓勵與訂閱這一份的電子報: photo credit to: Takashi Murakami, “With Eyes on the Reality of 100 Years from Now”, 2013 音樂版權:Music by VALNTN - Mona Lisa - === "主持人Ms. GG 懺情錄:很多人問為什麼要叫做 the GG show,還有為什麼是 Ms. GG,這倒是可以來說說,GG就是雞雞,the GG show,為得就是橫空出世的為雞這樣荒唐的東西,所舉辦的一場大秀;更讓一個叫做 Ms. 雞雞的人來主持,不是再好也不過的事情嗎?只是,如果用雞雞,可能到時候會黃標不斷,但換成GG就好像,在雞雞上打了層霧碼,看出個形狀就好的那樣般的,而且好像有高尚了些。看起來,說起來,就像是催眠自己般的,這一切都很好很美滿。" 新冠肺炎疫情發展到現在,又是一波的高峰不減,讓我們回到2020年初,同樣是一個差不多的過年時間的前後,全台突如其來的緊張了起來,一下子對於這一個不熟悉的病毒,人人自危,紛求自保;開始往社區藥局衝,搶口罩、搶酒精,也搶著好像可以保護自己各種物品,社區藥局面臨排山倒海而來的群眾,又更被臨危授命待售起了政府統整管理收編的醫療口罩,開始…就是一場社區藥局-誤入-的三溫暖? 你覺得呢?讓我們繼續聽下去! === 雖然 Mark 藥師,已經太會經營社群媒體了,但是還是不得不再大力的推薦他所經營許久,累績粉絲成千上萬的粉絲頁:社區藥局的五四三,我相信身為執業中入世的社區藥局,這或許是我們所想見在現在這個疫情蔓延的時刻-真正發揮功能且與時俱進的健康公所。 === 不知道你對這一集的訪談是否有所感覺,還是有其他的想法或建議,也很歡迎你留言,讓我們能夠繼續討論,或者是做更好的改進。謝謝! We would like to know how do you feel about this episode! Should there be any comments or suggestions, we are happy to receive them. Thank you. === 主持人Host:Ms. GG 邀請貴賓Inivted Guests:Cedric, Mark, JuliaNa 錄製日期時間Rocording Date/Time:2021.05.23 下午 14:00 ~ 16:00pm 訪問大綱 Interview Guide: A. 你的現狀 i. 你是誰?請讓我們知道你的相關背景。 ii. 社區藥局之於社區,是怎樣的一個存在? B. 過去一年多以來 i. 疫情開始以來,你如何看待這一個疫情的發展? ii. 社區藥局投入協助代售口罩,你怎樣看? iii. 非疫情vs. 疫情中,社區藥局所發揮的功能? C. 社區藥局的經營 i. 疫情前vs. 疫情後,社區藥局的經營,有何變化與不同? ii. 請問社區藥局是備受影響的嗎?好的方面?不好的方面? iii. 疫情爆發的現在(第三級),社區藥局如何因應? iv. 口罩之後,是什麼? D. 神秘主題 i. 請以平靜的心情等待現場的公布。 錄音編輯後製Editing:JuliaNa (謝謝她一路上成全自己所想所做) 音樂版權Music Authorization:Music by VALNTN - Mona Lisa - Powered by Firstory Hosting

    27 min
  3. 06/06/2021

    the GG show 第八集:疫情下的社區藥局 🎉三溫暖 ♨️ (part1)

    短介Brief:Cedric, Mark, 還有 JualiaNa,都是曾經或正在不同型態的社區藥局工作的藥師,新冠肺炎從2019年底襲來,同樣的也給予社區藥局各種的挑戰!她們的醫事執涯,因為各種經驗,而選擇了來到了社區藥局。對於它們,社區藥局是怎樣的一個地方,還有存在呢? === Origin原文出處: 請多多支持鼓勵與訂閱這一份的電子報: photo credit to: Takashi Murakami, “Panda Family and Me”, 2013 音樂版權:Music by VALNTN - Mona Lisa - === "主持人Ms. GG 懺情錄:這是第二季 the GG show 最後一集了 (沒有了),同樣也是再一次分成很多part,就三parts,真是辛苦了偉大的JuliaNa。總共 the GG show 第二季,從-你我的20-30-40 (2 parts),Covid-19 pandemic in me and in my home country (4 parts),還有這一集 (3 parts)。the GG show 會暫停,Ms. GG 會休息,希望她還有回來的一天。" Cedric, Mark, 還有 JualiaNa,都是曾經或正在不同型態的社區藥局工作的藥師,新冠肺炎從2019年底襲來,同樣的也給予社區藥局各種的挑戰!她們的醫事執涯,因為各種經驗,而選擇了來到了社區藥局。對於它們,社區藥局是怎樣的一個地方,還有存在呢? 讓我們聽它們自己說! === 雖然 Mark 藥師,已經太會經營社群媒體了,但是還是不得不再大力的推薦他所經營許久,累績粉絲成千上萬的粉絲頁:社區藥局的五四三,我相信身為執業中入世的社區藥局,這或許是我們所想見在現在這個疫情蔓延的時刻-真正發揮功能且與時俱進的健康公所。 === 不知道你對這一集的訪談是否有所感覺,還是有其他的想法或建議,也很歡迎你留言,讓我們能夠繼續討論,或者是做更好的改進。謝謝! We would like to know how do you feel about this episode! Should there be any comments or suggestions, we are happy to receive them. Thank you. === 主持人Host:Ms. GG 邀請貴賓Inivted Guests:Cedric, Mark, JuliaNa 錄製日期時間Rocording Date/Time:2021.05.23 下午 14:00 ~ 16:00pm 訪問大綱 Interview Guide: A. 你的現狀 i. 你是誰?請讓我們知道你的相關背景。 ii. 社區藥局之於社區,是怎樣的一個存在? B. 過去一年多以來 i. 疫情開始以來,你如何看待這一個疫情的發展? ii. 社區藥局投入協助代售口罩,你怎樣看? iii. 非疫情vs. 疫情中,社區藥局所發揮的功能? C. 社區藥局的經營 i. 疫情前vs. 疫情後,社區藥局的經營,有何變化與不同? ii. 請問社區藥局是備受影響的嗎?好的方面?不好的方面? iii. 疫情爆發的現在(第三級),社區藥局如何因應? iv. 口罩之後,是什麼? D. 神秘主題 i. 請以平靜的心情等待現場的公布。 錄音編輯後製Editing:JuliaNa (謝謝她一路上成全自己所想所做) 音樂版權Music Authorization:Music by VALNTN - Mona Lisa - Powered by Firstory Hosting

    27 min
  4. 05/27/2021

    the GG show 第七集:Covid-19 pandemic in me and in my home country - 🇹🇭 Thailand & Eswatini 🇸🇿 (P4)

    短介Brief:Tan (Thailand) and Bongani (Eswatini) both share their home country share a long border with neighbouring countries, while the country is not only thinking about to contain possible transmission of Covid-19 crossing the border but also struggle with economic sustainability. Whether there will be a U-turn back to normal or a new normal for living, the vaccine is one of the most anticipating tools to settle this pandemic down! 泰國與史瓦帝尼都與鄰近國家分享著長國界,更煩惱著如何在經濟發展以及阻斷傳染的散播之間掙扎。是否會有可能回到原本的正常生活,或會有一個新的正常生活,大家都引頸期待著的疫苗能夠將這一切的混亂整平。 === Origin原文出處: 請多多支持鼓勵與訂閱這一份的電子報: photo credit to: Dene Leigh, “Checkered Memories”, ca. 2021 音樂版權:Music by VALNTN - Mona Lisa - === "主持人Ms. GG 懺情錄:這是最後一場次了,這主題 Covid-19 pandemic in me and in my home country。 原本應該有三個場次,七個國家八個人,但是後來因為許多因素包含這一個台灣的疫情爆發,所以只安排了上一場次的貝里斯還有越南 (part 1 和 part 2),這一場次的泰國和史瓦帝尼就算是最後一個場次了。同樣也是分為上下集,算是這一系列的part 3 和 part 4。" 回顧 Catch-up: 貝里斯 Belize 和 越南 Vietnam (part 1 and part 2) 還有 泰國 Thailand 和 史瓦帝尼 Eswatini (part 3 and this episode) Border control is difficult especially for Thailand and Eswatini, where they are closely connected with their different neighboring countries. Even, they probably would both agree that personal protection is essential and should be practiced 24/7. However, vaccines, while every country is struggling to obtain and purchase, might be the ultimate tool. Whether this kind of new normal will continue, in this part 4, we have different opinions. Can’t wait? please join us together in this episode. 邊境管制對於,無論是泰國或史瓦帝尼,都是很困難的,但卻又不得不,因為他們都緊密的與鄰近的國家,分享著國界!甚或,節目中的來賓都同意個人保護是最必要最基本的;但也相信,可能疫苗是我們最終極的武器。然而,各國都掙扎的想要爭取和採購到更多的疫苗,但對於我們所面對的新生活日常 (new normal),我們其實有著不同的看法,到底是會是一個完全不一樣的生活日常呢?還是我們總是會回歸到過去的那一種日常的日常? 讓我們繼續聽他們說下去吧! === References: Thailand 1st-3rd waves of Thai Pandemic on media (Following ordered links) Policy to tackle Thai Pandemic Eswatini video 1 video 2 === 不知道你對這一集的訪談是否有所感覺,還是有其他的想法或建議,也很歡迎你留言,讓我們能夠繼續討論,或者是做更好的改進。謝謝! We would like to know how do you feel about this episode! Should there be any comments or suggestions, we are happy to receive them. Thank you. === 主持人Host:Ms. GG 邀請貴賓Inivted Guests:Tan and Bongani 錄製日期時間Rocording Date/Time:2021.05.25 下午 06:00 ~ 08:00pm 訪問大綱 Interview Guide: 01. Could you please introduce yourself and where you from? 02. For the past year, where were you? what did you do? and what happened to this world? how did you feel? 03. How is the situation now in your mother country? could you please briefly take us to your country's story from when Covid-19's first strike, what did it do? 04. Please provide THREE news reports (better in English if possible and you may briefly tell the audience what the news report about in the recording) about the severity of Covid-19 spreading in your home country. - it would be very appreciated if you could provide these news reports to the host before the recording. 05. Please provide THREE news reports (better in English if possible) about how the government's act and strategy to flatten the curve. - it would be very appreciated if you could provide these news reports to the host before the recording. 06. Specifically on the Vaccination Roll-out, please tell us what is the ongoing plan in your home country. 錄音編輯後製Editing:Medusa (基本上就是頭尾,但牠很混怒現在) 音樂版權Music Authorization:Music by VALNTN - Mona Lisa - Powered by Firstory Hosting

    1h 1m
  5. 05/27/2021

    the GG show 第七集:Covid-19 pandemic in me and in my home country - 🇹🇭 Thailand & Eswatini 🇸🇿 (P3)

    短介Brief:In this series, we continue to welcome Tan (Thailand) and Bongani (Eswatini) to join in the discussion. Thailand as a member of ASEAN is also experiencing the 3rd wave of outbreaks like we have here in Taiwan. Even Eswatini is far away in Africa, as Bongani told us previously the condition is not good. Let's listen to them in this episode! 這一系列我們第二個場次,也是最後一個場次,繼續來訪談另外兩個國家的國際學生,Tan (泰國) 以及 Bongani (史瓦帝尼) 加入了今天的討論。和前兩集越南一樣,泰國屬於東南亞國協之一,更正經歷著和台灣一樣的新冠肺炎疫情(第三波)爆發;史瓦帝尼雖然遠在非洲,但從Bongani的描述,其實之前的狀況也是非常的不理想;一起來聽聽他們怎麼說吧! === Origin原文出處: 請多多支持鼓勵與訂閱這一份的電子報: photo credit to: Alina Grasmann, “The Montauk Project (how do you know)”, 2019 音樂版權:Music by VALNTN - Mona Lisa - === "主持人Ms. GG 懺情錄:這是最後一場次了,這主題 Covid-19 pandemic in me and in my home country。 原本應該有三個場次,七個國家八個人,但是後來因為許多因素包含這一個台灣的疫情爆發,所以只安排了上一場次的貝里斯還有越南 (part 1 和 part 2),這一場次的泰國和史瓦帝尼就算是最後一個場次了。同樣也是分為上下集,算是這一系列的part 3 和 part 4。" 回顧 Catch-up: 貝里斯 Belize and 越南 Vietnam (part 1 and part 2)  In this series, “Covid-19 pandemic in me and in my home country”, we appreciated having Tan (Thailand) and Bongani (Eswatini) join in the discussion. Bongani arrived in Taiwan to start his Ph.D. study in September 2019, which made him away from home where many beloved relatives and friends died because of Covid-19. Bongani didn’t experience the outbreak in Eswatini but now he is together with all Taiwanese people experiencing this wave of community outbreak in Taiwan. Tan luckily to go back to Thailand to visit his parents at the end of 2020, that he experienced a 14-days quarantine on both sides of Thailand and also Taiwan. Coincidently, this wave of Covid-19 strikes Asia, not only in Thailand but also in Taiwan, around the same time. Let us listen to what they are observing here in Taiwan and also share their understanding from their own countries. 這一系列,”Covid-19 pandemic in me and in my home country”,我們很高興能夠繼續邀請到泰國的Tan還有史瓦帝尼的Bongani!Bongani在2019年的九月來到台灣,重新開始他的博士班就讀,剛好讓他完全避開史瓦帝尼國家內的疫情越發嚴重,並且我們也發現他在台灣的同時,許多他親近的家人和朋友也因為新冠肺炎而過世。Tan很幸運的,還能夠回去泰國曼谷探望他的父母親,同時具有兩邊泰國和台灣的14天居家檢疫的親身體驗。很剛好的,這一波新冠肺炎的疫情,在亞洲差不多同時捲起了各國的疫情爆發 (四月/五月)! 讓我們來聽聽看他們在台灣的觀察,還有對照他們自己國家的狀況。 === References: Thailand 1st-3rd waves of Thai Pandemic on media (Following ordered links) Policy to tackle Thai Pandemic Eswatini video 1 video 2 === 不知道你對這一集的訪談是否有所感覺,還是有其他的想法或建議,也很歡迎你留言,讓我們能夠繼續討論,或者是做更好的改進。謝謝! We would like to know how do you feel about this episode! Should there be any comments or suggestions, we are happy to receive them. Thank you. === 主持人Host:Ms. GG 邀請貴賓Inivted Guests:Tan and Bongani 錄製日期時間Rocording Date/Time:2021.05.25 下午 06:00 ~ 08:00pm 訪問大綱 Interview Guide: 01. Could you please introduce yourself and where you from? 02. For the past year, where were you? what did you do? and what happened to this world? how did you feel? 03. How is the situation now in your mother country? could you please briefly take us to your country's story from when Covid-19's first strike, what did it do? 04. Please provide THREE news reports (better in English if possible and you may briefly tell the audience what the news report about in the recording) about the severity of Covid-19 spreading in your home country. - it would be very appreciated if you could provide these news reports to the host before the recording. 05. Please provide THREE news reports (better in English if possible) about how the government's act and strategy to flatten the curve. - it would be very appreciated if you could provide these news reports to the host before the recording. 06. Specifically on the Vaccination Roll-out, please tell us what is the ongoing plan in your home country. 錄音編輯後製Editing:Medusa (基本上就是頭尾,但牠很混怒現在) 音樂版權Music Authorization:Music by VALNTN - Mona Lisa - Powered by Firstory Hosting

    50 min
  6. 05/23/2021

    the GG show 第七集:Covid-19 pandemic in me and in my home country - 🇧🇿 Belize & Vietnam 🇻🇳 (P2)

    短介Brief:One thing we all anticipate is the Vaccine, and what may worry is the options of choices and also the roll-out plan. In this part 2, we will continue to listen to their sayings. 這下半段,我們比較集中在討論疫苗,包含了在貝里斯 (Belize) 和在越南 (Vietnam),各有不同的疫苗規劃,包含疫苗的爭取,到優先順序,以及如何進行施打! === Origin原文出處: 請多多支持鼓勵與訂閱這一份的電子報: photo credit to Mr. Brainwash, “New Fresh Paint”, 2020 音樂版權:Music by VALNTN - Mona Lisa - === "主持人Ms. GG 懺情錄:基本上Ms. GG一開始在設計要做這一個Podcast的時候,就已經設想她絕對不想要做剪輯的這一份工作,因為要剪輯就要每一個過程環節都要確認之後,才決定這裡要怎樣剪,那裡要如何剪,意思就是說認為我還要花double的時間來處理這後段收尾的工作,如果Ms. GG真的要要求到那一個地步的話,應該會逼此自己雇用一個全職或接案的剪接師吧;所以Ms. GG主動放棄,一期一會,人生就這樣一次,錄過就不重來,隨緣!卡彈,可以接受!靜默、尷尬,忘詞,這就是人生。後來,應該就是開始至少要求音質,Ms. GG也確實是如此感受,畢竟音質是所有閱聽人要入門或者是要求的,所以才轉到OnMic Studio去錄音,再者頂多加個片頭入場音樂,還有收尾,有時候會有精彩預告的剪接,但應該也算是可遇不可求就是了。總而言之,這一件事情是起碼,包含錄音,三個小時是基本,以上是跑不掉的。" 上集:請點選這裡過去 (don’t miss part 1 of this episode) In the previous part 1, we have Lika and Karin from Belize, Tuan Hung from Vietnam to give us a broad review of the current status of the Covid-10 pandemic in their home country, especially they provided us the local media reports to guide us from around March to May. For certain conditions, some of them have experienced before they came to Taiwan, so what we are experiencing in Taiwan now may not be so different to them. One thing we all anticipate is the Vaccine, and what may worry is the options of choices and also the roll-out plan. In this part 2, we will continue to listen to their sayings. 這下半段,我們比較集中在討論疫苗,包含了在貝里斯 (Belize) 和在越南 (Vietnam),各有不同的疫苗規劃,包含疫苗的爭取,到優先順序,以及如何進行施打!同時,也嘗試的詢問,當地社區藥局的功能,和如果由社區藥局 (藥師) 來做疫苗施種的假設,他們是怎樣的想法? === References: Vietnam Situation Government work: For vaccination: Belize Severity of COVID 19 spreading  1.) - 3 COVID-19 Deaths Recorded in 2 Days 2.) - Belize Confirms First Case Of UK Variant Of COVID-19 In Member Of BATSUB 3.) - Outbreak of COVID-19 at Princess Casino Government's Act & Strategy to Flatten Curve 1.) - PAHO/WHO Belize Response to COVID-19 (January - August 2020)  2.) - 3 Frontliners Are First To Get Jab 3.) - Belize Places Temporary Ban on Visit to India and Bangladesh === 不知道你對這一集的訪談是否有所感覺,還是有其他的想法或建議,也很歡迎你留言,讓我們能夠繼續討論,或者是做更好的改進。謝謝! We would like to know how do you feel about this episode! Should there be any comments or suggestions, we are happy to receive them. Thank you. === 主持人Host:Ms. GG 邀請貴賓Inivted Guests:Lila, Karina, Tuan Hung 錄製日期時間Rocording Date/Time:2021.05.22 下午 12:00 ~ 13:30pm 訪問大綱 Interview Guide: 01. Could you please introduce yourself and where you from? 02. For the past year, where were you? what did you do? and what happened to this world? how did you feel? 03. How is the situation now in your mother country? could you please briefly take us to your country's story from when Covid-19's first strike, what did it do? 04. Please provide THREE news reports (better in English if possible and you may briefly tell the audience what the news report about in the recording) about the severity of Covid-19 spreading in your home country. - it would be very appreciated if you could provide these news reports to the host before the recording. 05. Please provide THREE news reports (better in English if possible) about how the government's act and strategy to flatten the curve. - it would be very appreciated if you could provide these news reports to the host before the recording. 06. Specifically on the Vaccination Roll-out, please tell us what is the ongoing plan in your home country. 錄音編輯後製Editing:Mona Lisa & Mickey (我其實也很懷疑他們是怎樣摸出來的XD) 音樂版權Music Copyright:Music by VALNTN - Mona Lisa - Powered by Firstory Hosting

    51 min
  7. 05/22/2021

    the GG show 第七集:Covid-19 pandemic in me and in my home country - 🇧🇿 Belize & Vietnam 🇻🇳 (P1)

    短介Brief:International students from all over the world to study in Taiwan are experiencing what all Taiwanese are experiencing, especially in this wave of Covid-19 outbreak. Back to their mother country, they might also experience the same as before or still under the impact of Covid-19. We hope their voices could be heard and that's is why we invite them to join in the podcast to talk about themselves as in Taiwan, and that of back to their home country. 正如我們所經歷的有史以來新冠肺炎疫情的限時戰,當我們感覺到生活是如此的不便還有到處都是限制的同時,在台灣就讀的國際學生也和我們一樣,一同經歷著這一些;有些回到他們自己的母國,或許他們在來到台灣之前也曾經經歷過類似的生活,更甚者比台灣的現在或好或遭。他們的聲音應該要被聽到,也透過它們的描述,帶我們回到它們的國家去,了解現在或過去曾經經歷過哪一些,因為這是一場,屬於全球大家的疫病時代。 === Origin原文出處: 請多多支持鼓勵與訂閱這一份的電子報: photo credit to: Bambou Gili, “Distance of the moon”, 2020 音樂版權:Music by VALNTN - Mona Lisa - === "主持人Ms. GG 懺情錄:各位觀眾我想這是我們第一次,由Mona Lisa 還有 Mickey,在這一個特別艱苦的疫情時間,第一次使用Google Meet 校園旗艦版,邀請訪談貴賓來線,來取代原本應該要在OnMic Studio的Podcast錄音,之後訪談過後,立刻從Google Meet下載MP4檔案,抓到威力導演裡面開始編輯,插上片頭版權音樂,入口旁白,調整音效淡出鍵入,全部都是Mona Lisa 還有 Mickey的第一次,更不用說還有超級麻煩的檔案輸出,還要去轉檔成MP3,我只能夠說,他們總也是會有第一次。哈!" We are also trying to develop a new series, namely "Covid-19 pandemic in me and my home country". I know many of our international students studying in Taiwan were stocked somehow during this pandemic and we are concerned whether your feelings and thought are being listened carefully. And we think it would be meaningful, if we invited our international students to talk about their life in Taiwan and also talk about their most beloved one back home, especially during this time around a year or more after it started from the end of 2019. More importantly, we in Taiwan rarely know the situation outside Taiwan, even we keep chasing after news reports on how the pandemic goes, but it won't be better than listen to you talking about the situation in your home country. Let’s welcome Lila and Karin from the Belize, and also Tuan Hung from the Vietnam! 正如我們所經歷的有史以來新冠肺炎疫情的限時戰,當我們感覺到生活是如此的不便還有到處都是限制的同時,在台灣就讀的國際學生也和我們一樣,一同經歷著這一些;有些回到他們自己的母國,或許他們在來到台灣之前也曾經經歷過類似的生活,更甚者比台灣的現在或好或遭。他們的聲音應該要被聽到,也透過它們的描述,帶我們回到它們的國家去,了解現在或過去曾經經歷過哪一些,因為這是一場,屬於全球大家的疫病時代。 來聽聽這一場,來自於貝里斯 (Belize) 還有越南 (Vietnam)的國際學生,他們的故事吧! === References: Vietnam Situation Government work: For vaccination: Belize Severity of COVID 19 spreading  1.) - 3 COVID-19 Deaths Recorded in 2 Days 2.) - Belize Confirms First Case Of UK Variant Of COVID-19 In Member Of BATSUB 3.) - Outbreak of COVID-19 at Princess Casino Government's Act & Strategy to Flatten Curve 1.) - PAHO/WHO Belize Response to COVID-19 (January - August 2020)  2.) - 3 Frontliners Are First To Get Jab 3.) - Belize Places Temporary Ban on Visit to India and Bangladesh === 不知道你對這一集的訪談是否有所感覺,還是有其他的想法或建議,也很歡迎你留言,讓我們能夠繼續討論,或者是做更好的改進。謝謝! We would like to know how do you feel about this episode! Should there be any comments or suggestions, we are happy to receive them. Thank you. === 主持人Host:Ms. GG 邀請貴賓Inivted Guests:Lila, Karina, Tuan Hung 錄製日期時間Rocording Date/Time:2021.05.22 下午 12:00 ~ 13:30pm 訪問大綱 Interview Guide: 01. Could you please introduce yourself and where you from? 02. For the past year, where were you? what did you do? and what happened to this world? how did you feel? 03. How is the situation now in your mother country? could you please briefly take us to your country's story from when Covid-19's first strike, what did it do? 04. Please provide THREE news reports (better in English if possible and you may briefly tell the audience what the news report about in the recording) about the severity of Covid-19 spreading in your home country. - it would be very appreciated if you could provide these news reports to the host before the recording. 05. Please provide THREE news reports (better in English if possible) about how the government's act and strategy to flatten the curve. - it would be very appreciated if you could provide these news reports to the host before the recording. 06. Specifically on the Vaccination Roll-out, please tell us what is the ongoing plan in your home country. 錄音編輯後製Editing:Mona Lisa & Mickey (我其實也很懷疑他們是怎樣摸出來的XD) 音樂版權Music Copyright:Music by VALNTN - Mona Lisa - Powered by Firstory Hosting

    43 min
  8. 05/12/2021

    the GG show 第六集:你我的20-30-40 🥜花生省魔術🍿 (下集)

    短介:從上一集我們寧聽了來賓的求學還有工作 ,這下集我們進入了工作之後的轉換跑道,還有走入婚姻以及養兒生子,人生就好像洗了又一次的三溫暖,每一次就像搓澡,始終能夠搓出一些東西來,讓我們來聽聽他們不同時期的故事吧! === Origin原文出處: 請多多支持鼓勵與訂閱我的電子報: photo credit to Daniel Richter, “Nach dem Frühiling (After the Spring)”, 2000 音樂版權:Music by VALNTN - Mona Lisa - === "主持人Ms. GG 懺情錄:五月的下半場,站在今天這一集Podcast發布,我只能夠說前面的道路非常艱難,因為久違的英文訪談要回來了!從CCR (ㄈㄈ尺),還有Study in UK的發佈之後,好像有一陣子都是華文的訪談;這裡可以預告的是,接下來05/19、05/22、05/25的三場安排的Podcast錄音,將會是全英文的訪談,主題是:”Covid-19 pandemic in me and in my home country”,將會有來自七個國家 (Honduras宏都拉斯、Thailand泰國、Philippines菲律賓、Vietnam越南、Indonesia印尼、Eswatini史瓦帝尼、Belize貝里斯)等八位在台灣的國際學生的訪談。請期待!" 延續上一集,生命中的每一個階段,好像就像是洗了一場又一場的三溫暖,大學畢業之後,或許一陣的失落,因為同學們各奔前程,聯絡的越來越少;但這一部分的缺憾,也逐漸的被另外一部分給填滿,新工作的上任,拚搏之後,又建立了一群更緊密連結的朋友,更有可能開始有了戀愛的偶遇;到了某一個時間點了之後,不在是思考有沒有男女朋友,而是更進一步的想,如果我未來有個可以陪伴走更遠更長伴侶;踏入婚姻不簡單,那更是另一個修練場,是在繁重的工作職場之外,又一個需要用生命拚搏的地方。意外的生命,或即使是安排好的生命,也是活生生的在兩人生活插入了一個不容忽視的生命…一切就像是循環般的,我從看不見自己到看見自己,我也從看見生命看見另一個那樣走過來的自己。 你準備好了嗎?讓我們繼續聽下去這四個人,20、30、40的故事吧! === 不知道你對這一集的訪談是否有所感覺,還是有其他的想法或建議,也很歡迎你留言,讓我們能夠繼續討論,或者是做更好的改進。謝謝! === 主持人:Ms. GG 邀請貴賓:Alston, Amy, JuliaNa 錄製日期時間:2021.04.24 下午 15:00 ~ 16:30pm 訪問大綱: A. 你的現狀  i. 你是誰?請讓我們知道你的相關背景。 ii. 我們怎麼樣認識的?是什樣的狀況? iii. 我們的生命重疊是在哪一個時候呢?什麼事情? B. 你的成長 i. 你如何長大? ii. 20 代 iii. 30 代 iv. 40 代 C. 你的世界觀 i. 請問你如何看待家庭關係? ii. 請問你如何看待朋友交往? iii. 請問你如何看待工作事業? iv. 請問你如何看待這個社會與世界? 錄音編輯後製:JuliaNa大神 (不瞞你說,這上下兩集,她早早在三週前就已經撿好了放著,非常神手!) Powered by Firstory Hosting

    43 min


We talk about stories around us. 我們談論發生在我們四周的故事 Stories in those and me, 有關於那些故事以及我 Between your city and mine. 就在你的城市與我的之間 When you and I are connected, 當你我產生了連結 This is a tale of two cities. 這就是雙城故事 Podcast使用語言:華語(Taiwanese Mandarin) 以及 English 請多多支持與鼓勵訂閱我的電子報:每一天的生活 Daily Michelle Powered by Firstory Hosting

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