► Zen Honeycutt is the Founding Director of Moms Across America (MomsAcrossAmerica.com), a non-profit National Coalition of Unstoppable Moms, and author of the new book, UNSTOPPABLE: Transforming Sickness and Struggle into Triumph, Empowerment, and a Celebration of Community. With the motto, "Empowered Moms, Healthy Kids," Moms Across America has grown rapidly with over 600 leaders have created 1,000+ community events in all 50 states in the first 5 years of inception. Zen has three boys with allergies and autism symptoms which greatly improved when they went GMO-Free and organic. She discovered that thousands of Moms are seeing the same results. Zen L. Honeycutt is -- first and foremost -- a mom. She is also an activist, speaker, author, founding executive director of Moms Across America, and co-creator, with Dr. Vandana Shiva, of Mothers Across the World (MomsAcrossTheWorld.com). ► Jennifer Kozek, LPC, NCC (HealingWithoutHurting.com), mother, psychotherapist-counselor, author of two books: • Healing without Hurting: Treating ADHD, Apraxia and Autism Spectrum Disorders Naturally and Effectively without Harmful Medications • A Healthy New Me & ADHD Free Jennifer Kozek is a psychotherapist-counselor who practices in Connecticut, health advocate, and is also the mother of a son with Autism Spectrum disorders. After treating Evan bio-medically, along with other healing practices, Jennifer witnessed the kind of improvements that every parent of a similarly diagnosed child dreams of: Evan no longer grunts and screams, throws toys, hits others, or has mood swings. He no longer throws himself into fits of uncontrollable rage, listens to his teachers & responds appropriately. He copes better with changes in routine & makes eye contact more often. He no longer enters into a trance-like state and the list goes on. Evan is now a happy, well-adjusted, 7 year-old. It is the author's mission to reach the millions of parents who struggle to find healthier and more natural ways to treat their children's nuanced disorders. ► Show page with full info.: TheLiberationStation.com/September-25-2018-Edition ► In the 2009-2010 format, stories covered on the show are posted (latest at the top) in various categories archived at http://theliberationstation.com/#websitearchives2009-2010. In the new format, stories and related material are posted on each show's web page.