
Melissa Lapin
AfterTheWell Podcast

The conversational podcast where you will learn to recognize the every day encounters that seem mundane but have the ability to transform your very existence. On AfterTheWell we're going to be talking with all types of people from all walks of life about how their life changed after having a 'well' experience with Jesus. Just like the woman of John 4:4–42 we always walk away not only changed, but transformed after an encounter with the Love of Jesus.

  1. 3 DAYS AGO

    ATW - Chat with Shae Bynes

    Summary   In this conversation, Melissa Lapin interviews Shae Bynes, a transformational storyteller and kingdom business advisor. They discuss Shae's journey of encountering Jesus and the importance of understanding His love. Shae shares how she learned to walk with God and embrace the unforced rhythms of grace. They also touch on the need to challenge traditional religious beliefs and the importance of building intimacy with God. In this conversation, Shae Bynes and Melissa Lapin discuss the importance of cultivating a personal relationship with God. They emphasize the need to shift from performing for God to simply being with Him. Shae shares how she started engaging God in questions and seeking His wisdom in all areas of her life. Melissa encourages listeners to ask God questions and to not blindly believe everything they hear or read. They also discuss the significance of small, everyday encounters with God and the importance of gratitude.     Takeaways   Encountering Jesus and experiencing His love can transform our relationship with Him. Walking with God involves learning to be and work with Him, embracing the unforced rhythms of grace. Challenging traditional religious beliefs and embracing a personal, intimate relationship with God can lead to freedom and a deeper understanding of His love. Building intimacy with God involves creating space for dialogue, friendship, and a daily connection with Him. Shift from performing for God to simply being with Him Engage God in questions and seek His wisdom Don't blindly believe everything you hear or read; ask God questions Value small, everyday encounters with God Cultivate gratitude in your relationship with God

    54 min
  2. SEP 11

    ATW - Interview with Brenda Wallish

    Summary In this conversation, Melissa Lapin interviews her friend Brenda Wallish. Brenda shares her personal journey of faith and how she encountered God in her darkest moments. She talks about her experience of hearing God's voice in an audible way and how it changed her life. Brenda also discusses the challenges she faced in her marriage and how she had to overcome religious beliefs that hindered her understanding of God's love and blessings. The conversation highlights the importance of personal encounters with Jesus and the need to let go of religious mindsets. In this conversation, Brenda Wallish and Melissa Lapin discuss the importance of exchanging lies for truth and finding freedom in the relational nature of Jesus. They emphasize the need to let go of shame and embrace the transformative power of encountering Jesus. They also highlight the significance of community and the role of 12-step programs in finding healing and belonging. The conversation explores the story of the woman at the well and how she became an apostle, spreading the message of Jesus. Overall, the conversation encourages listeners to have conversations with Jesus, seek truth, and share their stories. Takeaways Personal encounters with Jesus can transform our lives and deepen our faith. Religious beliefs can hinder our understanding of God's love and blessings. It is important to let go of religious mindsets and embrace a personal relationship with God. God meets us in our delusion and desires to bless us, regardless of our past mistakes. We have multiple opportunities to come face to face with Jesus and experience His unconditional love. Exchange lies for truth and have conversations with the relational Jesus. Let go of shame and embrace the transformative power of encountering Jesus. Find healing and belonging in community, including 12-step programs. Embrace the story of the woman at the well and her transformation into an apostle. Seek truth, share your story, and spread the message of Jesus.

    57 min
  3. SEP 4

    ATW - Time with Eunike Jonathan

    Summary In this episode, Melissa Lapin interviews Eunike Jonathan, author of the book 'Radical and Reckless.' Eunike shares her journey of growing up as a pastor's kid in a performance-driven environment and feeling dissatisfied with her relationship with God. She talks about her search for love, protection, and tangible experiences of God's goodness. Eunike emphasizes the importance of encountering God for who He truly is and being honest with ourselves about our perceptions and beliefs. She also discusses her experiences of interacting with the cloud of witnesses, including a conversation with the apostle Paul. In this part of the conversation, Eunike Jonathan and Melissa Lapin discuss the unique experience of the apostle Paul and his encounter with Jesus. They highlight how Paul, unlike the disciples, never walked with Jesus on earth but had a powerful revelation and download from Jesus post-ascension. They emphasize that Paul's experience serves as a model for believers today, as they can also experience Jesus and the Holy Spirit in a non-physical and tangible way. They discuss how Paul's understanding of the Old Testament scriptures was transformed in light of the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. In this conversation, Melissa and Eunike discuss the importance of understanding our identity as beloved children of God. They emphasize the need to humble ourselves and receive God's love, rather than striving to earn it through performance. They also highlight the significance of living in union with God and finding rest in Him. They encourage listeners to trust God in every season, even in the midst of darkness or disobedience, and to allow Him to transform their hearts and perspectives. Takeaways Growing up in a performance-driven environment can lead to dissatisfaction in our relationship with God. Encountering God for who He truly is and being honest with ourselves about our perceptions and beliefs is crucial for a genuine relationship with Him. Our perception of things can change our reality, and being open to the supernatural can lead to encounters with the cloud of witnesses. Interacting with the cloud of witnesses can provide unique insights and mentorship in our spiritual journey. Leaving behind religious traditions and embracing a genuine relationship with God can lead to a deeper understanding of His heart. Paul had a unique experience of revelation and download from Jesus post-ascension, unlike the disciples who walked with Jesus on earth. Believers today can also experience Jesus and the Holy Spirit in a non-physical and tangible way, similar to Paul's experience. Paul's understanding of the Old Testament scriptures was transformed in light of the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The encounter with Jesus and the revelation of the gospel can bring true freedom, abundance, and the realities of the kingdom of God into believers' lives. Humble yourself and receive God's love, understanding the value you carry in His eyes. Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, living from a place of righteousness in His kingdom. God loves you even in your darkest and lowest points, and He wants to meet you there. God cares more about you than what He has called you to do. Heaven is not in a hurry, so exhale and trust the process. Love is patient and not transactional; it acts differently when it is mature. Partner with what God thinks about you and attract His love and blessings. Take the time to engage with God and experience the joy and fulfillment of His presence. God sees you and wants to show you His love and purpose for your life. Lean into the process and allow God to disrupt and transform you with His love.

    1h 31m
  4. AUG 28

    ATW - Talk with Brandon Beard

    Summary Brandon Beard shares his journey of faith and spirituality, from growing up in a church-going family to joining the military and experiencing a crisis of faith. He discusses the impact of false theology and the weight of guilt and shame. Brandon's spiritual transformation began in 2009 when he encountered a community that embraced him and introduced him to the prophetic. He learned to discern the voice of God and understand that it often sounds like his own thoughts but with a different thought pattern. Brandon's story highlights the importance of community and the power of encountering God's love and grace. Brandon Beard shares his journey of discovering his identity in Christ and the transformation it has brought to his everyday life. He emphasizes the importance of realizing that God is within us and that there is no separation between us and Him. Brandon also discusses the need for grace and understanding in our relationships with others, and the power of planting seeds and walking alongside people on their spiritual journeys. He encourages listeners to never give up and to seek out communities that will support and guide them in their individuality. Takeaways False theology and guilt can weigh heavily on one's faith journey. Encountering a community that embraces and supports can lead to spiritual transformation. Discerning the voice of God often involves recognizing thoughts that align with a different thought pattern. God's love and grace can bring healing and freedom from guilt and shame. Realize that God is within you and there is no separation between you and Him. Have grace and understanding in your relationships with others. Plant seeds and walk alongside people on their spiritual journeys. Never give up and seek out communities that support and guide you in your individuality.

    58 min
  5. AUG 21

    ATW - Conversation with Dr. Eboni Truss

    Summary In this episode, Melissa Lapin interviews Dr. Ebony Trust about her journey of unbecoming and rediscovering her true identity. They discuss the importance of not conforming to societal expectations and finding one's unique purpose. They also touch on the pitfalls of following trends and copying others in business and the need to have genuine conversations with God to discover one's true calling. The conversation highlights the significance of living out one's purpose and leaving a lasting legacy. In this conversation, Melissa and Eboni discuss the importance of embracing one's true identity and breaking free from religious and societal expectations. They highlight the need for authentic fellowship and the damaging effects of religious systems that promote fear and control. They encourage listeners to embrace their own experiences with God's goodness and to reject the pressure to conform to others' interpretations of who they should be. The conversation ends with a reminder that everyone has unique gifts and talents that need to be fully expressed. Takeaways Unbecoming is a process of shedding societal expectations and rediscovering one's true identity and purpose. Copying others and following trends in business can lead to soullessness and a lack of fulfillment. Having genuine conversations with God and seeking His guidance can help uncover one's true calling. Living out one's purpose and leaving a lasting legacy requires staying true to oneself and not conforming to societal pressures. Embrace your true identity and reject societal and religious expectations Seek authentic fellowship and surround yourself with supportive and encouraging friends Recognize and celebrate the unique gifts and talents that you possess Focus on your own experiences with God's goodness and reject the pressure to conform to others' interpretations

    1h 7m
  6. AUG 7

    ATW - Chat with Fernanda Warnock

    Summary   In this conversation, Melissa and Fernanda discuss the concept of fullness and how it relates to their lives. They talk about the importance of recognizing that the fullness in their lives is a result of the things they have prayed for. They also discuss the idea of not just being busy, but being full, and how changing their perspective has helped them appreciate the abundance in their lives. Fernanda shares her journey of starting her own coaching business and the lessons she has learned about perfectionism and comparison. Melissa reflects on her own journey of stepping into her calling and overcoming rejection. They both emphasize the importance of defining success on their own terms and not comparing themselves to others. In this conversation, Melissa Lapin and Fernanda discuss the importance of embracing imperfection and taking action in pursuit of our dreams. They emphasize the need to have a daily connection with Jesus and to trust in His guidance. They also discuss the significance of understanding our identity and purpose, and the importance of community and partnership. The conversation highlights the need to let go of perfectionism and fear, and to focus on being courageous and showing up authentically. The key takeaway is to step out and take action, even if things are not perfect, and to trust in God's plan and timing.   Takeaways • Recognize and appreciate the fullness in your life that is a result of the things you have prayed for. • Shift your perspective from busyness to fullness and embrace the abundance in your life. • Don't let perfectionism and comparison hold you back from pursuing your dreams and stepping into your calling. • Define success on your own terms and focus on being the best version of yourself. • Be vulnerable and open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit in your life and business. Embrace imperfection and take action in pursuit of your dreams • Have a daily connection with Jesus and trust in His guidance • Understand your identity and purpose • Value community and partnership • Let go of perfectionism and fear • Be courageous and show up authentically

    1h 5m
  7. JUL 31

    ATW - Conversation with Kathleen Irey

    Summary In this episode, Melissa Lapin interviews her friend Kathleen about her journey with God. Kathleen shares her experience growing up in Southern California and attending Catholic church with her mom. She talks about rebelling against her mom's new Baptist church and her own struggles with anger and rebellion. Kathleen also discusses her unplanned pregnancy at 18 and how it led her to seek God and attend church with her mom. She shares a powerful moment of realization and acceptance when her daughter was born on March 16th, which reminded her that her daughter was not a mistake but a blessing. Kathleen shares her experience with attending church and her evolving relationship with religion. She recalls a kind woman who made her feel accepted and loved, and how that influenced her perception of church. Kathleen discusses her journey from Catholicism to exploring different denominations and eventually finding her own path. She talks about the role of prayer and rituals in her faith, as well as the supernatural experiences she has had. Melissa and Kathleen also discuss the challenges and expectations of being a Christian and the different sects within Christianity. In this part of the conversation, Kathleen shares about her journey of surrendering to God and the challenges she faced along the way. She talks about the pain, loneliness, and anger she experienced, as well as the moments of growth and healing. Kathleen also discusses the importance of community and the need to be true to oneself. Despite the difficulties, she ultimately finds a renewed sense of purpose and a deeper connection with God. In this final part of the conversation, Kathleen shares her journey of finding community and healing through her faith. She talks about the importance of showing up for oneself and the challenges she faced in stepping into her true identity. Melissa emphasizes the need for women to prioritize their own dreams and desires, even while being mothers and wives. They discuss the power of community and the negative impact of societal expectations on women. The conversation ends with a lighthearted exchange and a reminder to embrace oneself and continue growing.   Takeaways • Growing up in a religious environment doesn't always lead to a personal relationship with God. • Rebellion and anger can be a result of unresolved issues and disappointments. • God can use unexpected circumstances, like an unplanned pregnancy, to draw us closer to Him. • Accepting and embracing God's plan can bring healing and transformation. • Support and love from others can make a significant impact on someone's faith journey. The influence of kind and accepting individuals in church can have a profound impact on someone's perception of religion. • One's relationship with religion can evolve and change over time, leading to exploration of different denominations and finding a personal path. • Prayer and rituals can provide comfort and a sense of connection with a higher power. • Supernatural experiences can strengthen one's faith and belief in the presence of God. • The challenges and expectations of being a Christian can vary among different sects and denominations. Surrendering to God can be a difficult and painful process, but it leads to growth and healing. • Loneliness and anger are common emotions during the journey of surrender. • Having a supportive community is crucial for spiritual growth and healing. • Being true to oneself and embracing one's identity is important in the journey of surrender. • Despite the challenges, surrendering to God ultimately leads to a deeper connection and purpose. Showing up for oneself is crucial for personal growth and healing. • Women should prioritize their own dreams and desires, even while fulfilling their roles as mothers and wives. • Having a supportive community is essential in the journey of self-discovery and healing. • Societal expectations can put women in bo

    1h 40m

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5 Ratings


The conversational podcast where you will learn to recognize the every day encounters that seem mundane but have the ability to transform your very existence. On AfterTheWell we're going to be talking with all types of people from all walks of life about how their life changed after having a 'well' experience with Jesus. Just like the woman of John 4:4–42 we always walk away not only changed, but transformed after an encounter with the Love of Jesus.

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