The Pioneers of the Web

The Pioneers of the Web

Technology is the future of mankind. I've always been passionate about innovation, and have been a pioneering web entrepreneur since 1998. Discoveries, analyses, sharing, training, exploring, questioning, everything is good in Tech. So let's dive into this universe together and share our passion. We've entered a new era, that of AI. Man's latest invention. Something to think about. This podcast is sponsored by Your turnkey website in 72 hours, on time or your money back.

  1. #33. 20 years later it’s time to say goodbye to Skype

    6D AGO

    #33. 20 years later it’s time to say goodbye to Skype

    What Happened to Skype? Have you ever wondered what happened to Skype, the once-dominant video chat platform that seemed to vanish almost overnight? In this episode, we explore the fascinating rise and fall of Skype, a service that revolutionized global communication. From being the go-to tool for video calls to its eventual decline, we delve into the factors that contributed to its downfall and examine whether it could have maintained its leading position in the tech world. Our guest for this episode is not specified, but the discussion is led by the podcast hosts who take us on a journey through Skype's history. They reminisce about the early days when Skype was synonymous with video chatting, and everyone used it to connect with friends and family across the globe. The hosts provide insights into Microsoft's acquisition of Skype in 2011 and discuss the strategic decisions that may have contributed to Skype's decline. The episode provides a high-level overview of the challenges Skype faced in adapting to a rapidly changing tech landscape. Despite Microsoft's backing, Skype struggled to keep up with emerging competitors like WhatsApp, Telegram, Discord, and Zoom. The hosts discuss how these platforms capitalized on the mobile and cloud trends that Skype missed. They also touch on Microsoft's shift of focus from Skype to Microsoft Teams, which ultimately became the company's flagship communication tool. Through this exploration, listeners gain a deeper understanding of how quickly technology evolves and the importance of adapting to stay relevant. 0:00:00 - Introduction and Initial Context 0:00:18 - The Rise of Skype in 2003 0:01:04 - The Acquisition by Microsoft 0:01:78 - Microsoft's Mistakes 0:02:154 - Competition Takes Over 0:03:195 - Discord and Zoom Add Pressure 0:04:251 - The 2020 Pandemic: A Missed Opportunity 0:04:277 - Microsoft and the Rise of Teams 0:05:330 - The Official End of Skype 0:06:363 - Skype's Legacy 0:07:437 - What Users Will Miss 0:07:462 - Final Thoughts and the Future of Communication This episode is brought to you by Patrick DE CARVALHO and the production studio "Je ne perds jamais." Let's speak Web, innovation and technologies and explore the future together.

    8 min
  2. #32. Perplexity submits a new bid for TikTok

    JAN 27

    #32. Perplexity submits a new bid for TikTok

    What does the future hold for TikTok? In this episode of The Deep Dive, we tackle a question that's been on everyone's minds: what's next for TikTok? With a looming deadline set by the Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act, TikTok's parent company, ByteDance, faces a critical decision. By January 19, 2025, they must sell off their US operations or face a nationwide ban. This has sparked intense discussions about national security concerns and the potential for foreign influence through TikTok's powerful algorithm. As listeners, we are invited to explore these complex dynamics and consider what they mean for the future of social media. In this episode, we are joined by an expert in digital transformation who brings a wealth of knowledge about the intersection of technology, policy, and society. With a background in analyzing the impact of digital platforms on global markets, our guest provides valuable insights into the potential outcomes of TikTok's current predicament. Their expertise helps us navigate the intricacies of the proposed merger between TikTok and Perplexity AI, a surprising twist in the unfolding story. Unpacking the TikTok conundrum This episode delves into the heart of the TikTok saga, examining the implications of the potential merger with Perplexity AI and the broader impact on users, creators, and the digital landscape. We discuss the role of TikTok's algorithm, a sophisticated tool that personalizes content and raises concerns about its influence on users. The episode also highlights the geopolitical tensions between the US and China, emphasizing how decisions made in the coming months could set precedents for data privacy, online activism, and free speech. Ultimately, listeners are encouraged to stay informed, engaged, and adaptable as the digital world continues to evolve. 00:00:00 - Welcome and Introduction 00:00:38 - Current Context of TikTok 00:01:09 - Deadline and National Security Concerns 00:01:92 - Proposed Merger with Perplexity AI 00:02:25 - Role of the U.S. Government in the New Entity 00:03:00 - Importance of TikTok's Algorithm 00:03:33 - Potential Consequences of a Forced Sale 00:04:28 - International Stakes and Data Security Concerns 00:06:00 - Power and Influence of the Algorithm 00:07:42 - Uncertainties Surrounding User Data 00:10:00 - Impacts on Creators and Users 00:12:26 - The Future Evolution of the Internet and Technologies 00:15:05 - Conclusion and Perspectives This episode is brought to you by Patrick DE CARVALHO and the production studio "Je ne perds jamais." Let's speak Web, innovation and technologies and explore the future together.

    18 min
  3. #31. AI will create more jobs than destroying : let’s deep in the future of job 2025 by World Economic Forum

    JAN 21

    #31. AI will create more jobs than destroying : let’s deep in the future of job 2025 by World Economic Forum

    What Does the Future Hold for Your Job? Have you ever wondered what the job market will look like in a few years? In this episode of "The Deep Dive," the hosts explore the World Economic Forum's Future of Jobs Report for 2025. This isn't just speculation—it's a comprehensive analysis based on a survey of over a thousand major employers, representing more than 14 million employees across 22 industries and 55 economies. The hosts break down the five major trends reshaping the job market, offering listeners a glimpse into the future of work. The episode features insights from the report, detailing how various global trends are impacting employment. The guest list isn't specified, but the content is rich with data-driven predictions. The discussion covers the tech revolution's influence on job creation and the need for adaptability in a volatile world. The hosts also highlight the importance of green skills as the world transitions toward sustainability, and they delve into demographic shifts affecting healthcare and education demands. Listeners will gain a comprehensive understanding of the evolving job landscape, with a focus on the rise of tech roles like AI specialists and fintech engineers, as well as surprising growth in sectors like agriculture and construction. The episode emphasizes the critical skills for future success, such as AI literacy, cybersecurity, and adaptability, while also addressing the decline of jobs susceptible to automation. Companies are increasingly investing in upskilling and reskilling programs, recognizing the value of a skilled and adaptable workforce. The conversation concludes with a call to action for individuals to embrace continuous learning and adaptability in this rapidly changing job market. 0:00:00 - Introduction to the Future of Jobs Report 2025 0:01:01 - Technological Revolution and the Impact of AI 0:02:15 - Geopolitical Tensions and Labor Market Adaptation 0:03:20 - Green Transition and the Creation of Sustainable Jobs 0:03:59 - Demographic Shifts and Growing Demand for Care 0:04:47 - Economic Uncertainty and Corporate Priorities 0:06:40 - Key Skills for Success in 2025 0:08:47 - Reskilling and Upskilling Initiatives in Companies 0:10:20 - Projected Global Increase in Jobs by 2025 0:11:00 - Fintech and Other Expanding Technological Roles 0:12:30 - Unexpected Growth in Traditional Jobs 0:19:00 - Using AI to Augment Human Capabilities 0:20:32 - Regional and Sectoral Focus: Specific Challenges and Opportunities This episode is brought to you by Patrick DE CARVALHO and the production studio "Je ne perds jamais." Let's speak Web, innovation and technologies and explore the future together.

    28 min
  4. #30. Jean-Michel BILLAUT, le pionnier de l'Internet français en route pour l'e-ternité

    JAN 11

    #30. Jean-Michel BILLAUT, le pionnier de l'Internet français en route pour l'e-ternité

    Un pionnier visionnaire de l’internet françaisLe samedi 11 janvier 2025, nous avons perdu l'une des figures les plus emblématiques de l’internet français. Jean-Michel Billaut s’est éteint, laissant derrière lui un héritage immense et une inspiration durable pour tous ceux qui ont eu la chance de croiser son chemin.Quel rôle la technologie joue-t-elle dans la transformation de notre société et comment pouvons-nous, en tant qu'individus, participer activement à cette évolution? Dans cet épisode de The Deep Dive, nous explorons cette question en nous plongeant dans la vie et l'héritage de Jean-Michel BILLAUT, un pionnier de l'Internet français. À travers un hommage émouvant, nous retraçons le parcours de cet homme visionnaire qui a su anticiper et façonner les grandes tendances technologiques de notre époque. Jean-Michel BILLAUT, véritable catalyseur de l'innovation, a commencé sa carrière comme économiste à la compagnie bancaire en 1963, à une époque où l'informatique en était à ses balbutiements. Très vite, il a perçu le potentiel révolutionnaire des technologies émergentes et a fondé l'atelier de la Compagnie Brocaire, devenu plus tard l'atelier BNP Paribas. Cet espace d'innovation a réuni des entrepreneurs, chercheurs et artistes autour d'une même ambition : construire le futur. BILLAUT a également été un fervent défenseur de l'accès universel à Internet, plaidant pour la fibre optique comme un levier essentiel pour le développement du pays. Au cours de cet épisode, nous explorons les prédictions audacieuses de BILLAUT, notamment sa vision d'une "troisième révolution" technologique. Il anticipe des transformations radicales dans des domaines tels que l'alimentation, avec la production de viande en laboratoire, et l'administration, avec la digitalisation complète des services. BILLAUT met également en lumière les défis liés à l'automatisation du travail et à l'influence croissante des géants du numérique sur nos sociétés. Son message est clair : face à ces bouleversements, il est crucial de rester vigilants, de cultiver notre esprit critique et de nous engager activement dans la construction d'un avenir où la technologie sert le bien commun.00:00:00-Bienvenue et Introduction 00:00:18-Début de Carrière de Jean-Michel Billaut 00:00:48-Intérêt Précoce pour l'Informatique 00:01:30-Création de l'Atelier BNP Paribas 00:02:30-Impact et Vision Technologique 00:03:00-La Troisième Révolution 00:04:30-Alimentation du Futur : Food 2.0 00:05:30-Digitalisation de l'administration 00:06:30-Révolution de la Finance par la Blockchain 00:07:00-Éradication des Maladies 00:09:40-Pouvoir des Géants du Numérique 00:11:00-Invitation à la Réflexion et Conclusion En hommage et afin que ça ne se perde pas si jamais son blog était coupé, je vous glisse ici son dernier billet de blog qui date de 2020. Il y a également toutes les références en toutes fins de ses supports, réseaux sociaux. C'est tel quel sans aucune modification. Les années 2020 vont être chahutées ! Etes-vous préparés ? L’Humanité prépare sa troisième grande Révolution. La 3ème de notre Histoire ! Pourquoi ? Comment ? Il est toujours utile d’avoir une vue d’ensemble : petit récapitulatif historique. Notre espèce, à savoir nous les Homo Sapiens, a émergé selon les scientifiques, il y a environ 200.000 ans en Afrique de l’Est. Cela à la suite d’un cataclysme géologique et d’un changement climatique majeur (déjà à cette époque !). Ce qui aurait complètement modifié sur plusieurs millénaires, la structure génétique de certains hominidés existants à l’époque. Il y en avait en effet déjà quelques-uns sur le même territoire. Il y a 70.000 ans environ, toujours selon les scientifiques, nos ancêtres ont été pris de bougeotte et ont quitté le berceau originel, à savoir le Serengeti, et la vallée de l’Olduwaï en Tanzanie. Alors que nous n’étions pas plus de 10.000. Certains sont certes restés. Mais d’autres sont partis, qui vers le Nord, qui vers le Sud. Et d’autres encore, se sont « évadés » vers l’Est, par le passage du Moyen Orient. C’est de cette façon que nous nous sommes répandus sur Terre, selon un « business model », comme on dit aujourd’hui, basé sur la chasse et la cueillette. Pour en « extraire » les protéines nécessaires à la vie. Des clans d’une trentaine de spécimens exploitaient une zone de 30 km2 environ. Quand il n’y avait plus grand chose à se mettre sous la dent, le groupe allait plus loin, et recommençait sa quête. C’est ainsi que nous nous sommes répandus partout sur les terres émergées. En Europe où l’on est arrivé il y a 30.000 ans environ. En Australie d’un côté. Et de l’autre, à la Terre de Feu, en passant par le Détroit de Behring, en dévalant les 2 continents américains, où nos ancêtres ont fait quelques stops, le temps de créer des civilisations locales. Voilà pour le début de notre épopée, au cours de laquelle nous nous sommes perdus de vue, alors que nous étions issus du même « berceau ». Depuis, nous avons fait 2 très grandes Révolutions : la Révolution agricole et l’élevage il y a 10.000 ans. Laquelle a démarré dans le Croissant Fertile, à savoir l’Iran aujourd’hui. Puis, la Révolution Industrielle il y a 300 ans, qui elle, s’est amorcée en Angleterre. Pourquoi ces Révolutions ? C’est à cause des technologies que certains, toujours en petit nombre, ont inventé à ces différentes époques. Car, sans nouvelles technologies, par rapport à celles qui préexistaient, pas de Révolutions. Statu quo. La première a vu la sélection et la domestication des plantes et la mise en œuvre de leurs cultures. Ainsi que la domestication des animaux. Les premières technologies d’irrigation ont été inventées pour réguler le cours du Tigre et de l’Euphrate. Et divers outils pour travailler la terre, et utiliser la force animale, ont mis été mis au point. Changement complet donc par rapport au nomadisme de la cueillette et de de la chasse. On est passé de systèmes claniques nomades, à des structures politiques d’empires, et de villes états plus ou moins structurés, implantés localement. Lesquelles ont émergé sur les rives de ces fleuves (Babylone, Assur, Ninive). On notera qu’à cette occasion, s’est forgé la notion de travail, car avant on ne travaillait pas. Travail et surtout développement de l’esclavage. Qui a été si l’on peut dire « l’énergie » nécessaire pour amorcer le développement de cette Révolution. Car pour faire une Révolution, il faut beaucoup d’énergie. Empires, villes-états, et civilisations correspondantes, c’est à noter, ont tous disparus dans les limbes de notre Histoire avant l’arrivée du Christ. La deuxième révolution est née de la machine à vapeur, du chemin de fer, du moteur à explosion, etc. D’un ensemble donc de nouvelles technologies, qui ont convergé l’une vers l’autres avec le temps. Et cela a entraîné un changement complet de civilisation. D’une civilisation agricole à une civilisation industrielle. La notion de travail est devenue la règle, et à l’énergie « esclave », on a substitué les énergies fossiles. Mais créer de nouvelles technologies ne suffit pas, loin de là ! Il faut que le reste des populations de l’époque et surtout les suivantes y adhérent. Pourquoi y ont-ils adhérés ? Simple : PARCE QU’ILS AVAIENT INTERET ! Nouvelles technologies + intérêt = nouvelle civilisation ! Dans le premier cas, nos ancêtres avaient leurs protéines disponibles à domicile : plus besoin de se déplacer. Déclin donc du nomadisme sur les siècles suivants. Dans le deuxième cas, il n’est plus question de protéines puisque le problème a été résolu. Mais de la création et de la « mise en marché » d’une foultitude de produits et de services nouveaux, que la loi des rendements décroissants, fondée sur ces nouvelles technologies, ont permis de fabriquer. Avec la naissance de la bourgeoisie et du capitalisme qui en a découlée et qui en été le terreau. Les peuples y ont aussi adhéré, vu qu’ils pouvaient améliorer sensiblement leur vie de tous les jours, en s’achetant divers produits et services, à des prix « grands publics ». Le travail s’est installé à grande échelle. En contrepartie, les travailleurs recevaient un salaire, avec lequel ils pouvaient acheter biens et services. Un cercle « « presque vertueux » en quelque sorte. Cela ne s’est naturellement pas passé en un jour. L’agriculture par exemple, née dans le Croissant Fertile, a mis environ 3 mille ans pour s’implanter en Europe de l’Ouest. Cela a été plus vite pour la Révolution Industrielle. Disons une centaine d’année pour gagner toute l’Europe. Et beaucoup plus pour les Amériques. Et encore plus pour l’Asie du Sud-Est. Qu’en est-il aujourd’hui ? Aujourd’hui, les Homo Sapiens démarrent semble-t-il leur 3ème grande Révolution (qui sera peut-être la dernière ?). Et cela, selon les mêmes schémas que les 2 premières : «nouvelles nouvelles » technologiques + intérêt des peuples. Sur le plan de ces « nouvelles nouvelles technologies », je dois dire que nous sommes servis. Cela a démarré dans les 30 ou 40 dernières années, avec une explosion créatrice dans la décennie 2010. Qu’on en juge avec cette liste à la Prévert. Pêle-mêle : Intelligence artificielle, robots divers, blockchain, crypto-monnaies et tokens, ICO , STO, génétique et génomique, système rapide du séquençage de n’importe quel génome et de détection de gènes mutants (qui sont la cause de maladies), médecine prédictive, 3D Printing et 3D bio-Printing, énergies renouvelables, batteries de stockages d’électricité permettant le « off grid », véhicules divers autonomes,

    13 min
  5. #29. Berners-Lee's Vision for a User-Controlled Web


    #29. Berners-Lee's Vision for a User-Controlled Web

    How much control do we really have over our personal data online? In this episode, the hosts delve into the complex issue of personal data management in the digital age. They pose a critical question to the audience: with the rise of AI and its reliance on vast amounts of data, how much control do we truly have over our personal information online? The discussion highlights the growing concerns about data privacy and the dominance of tech giants like Apple and Google, who have built empires by collecting and monetizing user data. The hosts explore the implications of this data-centric system and the potential threats it poses to individual privacy and autonomy. The episode features insights from Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web. Berners-Lee is spearheading a movement towards a more user-controlled internet through his company, Inrupt. His vision involves creating "personal data pods" that would allow individuals to have greater control over their digital information. By advocating for a shift in how we manage and share data, Berners-Lee is challenging the status quo and pushing for a more democratic web where users have a say in how their data is used. Revolutionizing Data Control with Personal Data Pods The hosts explore the concept of personal data pods, which are essentially secure digital wallets that store and manage personal data. Unlike traditional cloud storage, these pods offer users granular control over who can access their data and for what purpose. The episode discusses the ongoing pilot program in the Flanders region of Belgium, where personal data pods are being tested for various applications, from healthcare to social services. The hosts also address the challenges and potential pitfalls of implementing this system, such as overcoming big tech resistance and ensuring interoperability. Ultimately, the episode emphasizes the importance of user empowerment and the role of personal data pods in shaping a more equitable digital future. 00:00:00 - Introduction and Data Issues 00:00:12 - Role of AI and Data Dependency 00:00:37 - Tim Berners-Lee and the Current Data System 00:01:01 - Personal Data Pods: Definition and Benefits 00:02:16 - Pilot Program in Flanders 00:03:45 - Observed Benefits and Transparency 00:04:26 - Technical and Regulatory Challenges 00:05:56 - Tim Berners-Lee's Vision for the Web 00:07:47 - Implications and Impact for Users 00:11:01 - Compatibility of Pods with Existing Systems 00:17:48 - Role of AI: Opportunities and Threats 00:24:43 - Importance of AI Ethics and Governance This episode is brought to you by Patrick DE CARVALHO and the production studio "Je ne perds jamais." Let's speak Web, innovation and technologies and explore the future together.

    27 min



    Is Firefox's 20th Anniversary a Celebration or a Farewell? As Firefox marks its 20th anniversary, the mood is more contemplative than celebratory. With recent news of layoffs, budget cuts, and analysts questioning its future, the timing of this milestone has stirred up a whirlwind of speculation. Is this the end of the road for Firefox, or merely a rough patch? This episode delves into the factors contributing to Firefox's current predicament, exploring whether the browser is a victim of circumstances or if missteps have played a role. We're left pondering a crucial question: In a world dominated by Google, can Firefox reclaim its former glory? A Look at Firefox's Journey and Challenges The episode features an in-depth analysis of Firefox's rise to fame and its subsequent challenges. Once hailed as a revolutionary force against Microsoft's Internet Explorer, Firefox introduced groundbreaking features like tabbed browsing and pop-up blocking. However, the rise of Google's Chrome, especially with its integration into Android devices, marked a turning point. Firefox's attempt to launch its own mobile operating system, Firefox OS, didn't succeed, leaving it struggling to compete in the mobile space. Despite these challenges, Firefox's financial situation remains surprisingly stable, thanks to its lucrative search engine deal with Google, which also poses a significant risk due to potential antitrust rulings. Navigating the Future of Browsing and Privacy The heart of this episode is a discussion on the future of web browsing, particularly in terms of privacy. As Firefox grapples with legal challenges over its new Privacy Preserving Attribution feature, the podcast explores alternative browsers like Brave and Tor, which prioritize user privacy. Brave offers aggressive ad-blocking and a unique rewards system, while Tor provides anonymity for users needing to bypass censorship. The episode emphasizes the importance of choice in browsing, encouraging listeners to consider their priorities—whether speed, privacy, or security—when selecting a browser. Ultimately, the episode underscores the dynamic nature of the internet and the power users have in shaping its future through informed decisions. 00:00:00 - Introduction and Context of Firefox's 20th Anniversary 00:00:42 - Success and Decline of Firefox 00:01:74 - The Rise of Chrome and Its Impact on Firefox 00:02:154 - Firefox and Mobile: A Missed Opportunity 00:03:189 - Firefox's Financial Dependence on Google 00:03:227 - Legal Issues with Google and Potential Impact on Firefox 00:04:267 - Privacy Lawsuits in Europe 00:04:292 - Controversies Surrounding Firefox's Privacy Tracking 00:05:372 - Privacy-Focused Browser Alternatives 00:08:498 - Overview of Brave and Its Privacy Features 00:09:549 - Firefox vs. Brave in Terms of Privacy and Security 00:12:733 - Browsing Alternatives for Enhanced Privacy: Brave and Tor 00:13:856 - Conclusion: The Importance of Browser Choices for the Future of the Internet This episode is brought to you by Patrick DE CARVALHO and the production studio "Je ne perds jamais." Let's speak Web, innovation and technologies and explore the future together.

    14 min
  7. #27. Netscape shaped the web, open source and tech companies


    #27. Netscape shaped the web, open source and tech companies

    Have you ever wondered how the digital world we navigate daily was shaped by a company that no longer exists? In this episode, we delve into the fascinating story of Netscape Navigator, the browser that once dominated the internet landscape. From its revolutionary impact on web browsing to its role in shaping modern tech culture, we explore how a company that vanished from our screens continues to influence our online experiences today. Our guest today is a tech historian who has extensively researched the legacy of Netscape. With a background in both technology and history, they provide unique insights into how Netscape's innovations have left an indelible mark on the internet. Their expertise helps us understand not only the technical advancements introduced by Netscape but also the broader cultural and economic shifts it instigated. Throughout the episode, we examine Netscape's pivotal contributions, including the introduction of JavaScript, SSL/TLS encryption, and the popularization of animated GIFs. We also discuss its pioneering role in the freemium business model and the open-source movement. Despite its eventual decline, Netscape's influence is evident in today's tech giants and the ongoing evolution of internet culture. We reflect on the enduring impact of its founders and the ripple effects of its groundbreaking IPO, which ignited the dot-com boom and transformed Silicon Valley. Join us as we uncover the story of Netscape, a testament to the power of innovation and the lasting legacy of a company that helped shape the digital age. 0:00:00 - Introduction: The Symphony of Netscape 0:00:54 - The Web of the 90s: Before and After Netscape 0:01:76 - Netscape and User Experience: Introduction of Images 0:01:98 - Netscape's Technological Legacy: JavaScript and SSL 0:03:234 - Cookies: The Double-Edged Sword of Personalization 0:04:295 - Netscape's Role in Internet Culture: GIFs and the Back Button 0:05:315 - The Open Source Revolution: The Birth of Mozilla 0:06:402 - Netscape and the Freemium Model: A Growth Strategy 0:07:435 - Human Impact of Netscape: Marc Andreessen and Silicon Valley 0:08:525 - Netscape's IPO in 1995: Trigger of the Internet Bubble 0:10:607 - Netscape and the Financial Impact After the Internet Bubble 0:14:863 - Conclusion: The Lasting Legacy of Netscape This episode is brought to you by Patrick DE CARVALHO and the production studio "Je ne perds jamais." Let's speak Web, innovation and technologies and explore the future together.

    15 min



    Ever feel like you're drowning in apps, tabs, and notifications, with your digital life spiraling out of control? If so, you're not alone. In today's episode, we delve into a groundbreaking new development from Google called Project Jarvis, which promises to revolutionize the way we manage our digital lives. Could this be the solution we've all been waiting for? Let's explore how this advanced AI assistant aims to bring order to the chaos and what it means for our future interactions with technology. We discuss providing you with valuable insights into the capabilities of Project Jarvis. They discuss how Jarvis is not just another app but a fundamental shift in how we interact with our digital environments. Designed as a proactive and personalized assistant, Jarvis is being compared to existing AI like Siri or Alexa, but with far more advanced features. This episode offers a fascinating look at how Jarvis could become a digital partner, handling everything from organizing emails to planning personal trips, all while seamlessly integrating with Google's existing ecosystem. The episode covers the potential impact of Project Jarvis on various aspects of life, from work and personal tasks to broader societal implications. Jarvis is designed to alleviate the burden of mundane tasks, allowing users to focus on strategic and creative endeavors. However, the conversation also touches on critical concerns about data privacy and the ethical use of AI. As Jarvis requires extensive data to function effectively, questions about security and user control are paramount. The discussion concludes with a thought-provoking reflection on the future of AI: how it can enhance our lives if used responsibly, yet also the potential risks if misused. Ultimately, the future of AI like Project Jarvis is in our hands, and it's up to us to ensure it's developed and utilized in a way that benefits everyone. 00:00:00 - Introduction to Project Jarvis 00:00:34 - Features of Project Jarvis 00:01:62 - Jarvis as a Super Assistant 00:01:87 - Personal Use of Jarvis 00:02:134 - Advances in Natural Language Processing 00:02:163 - Concerns About Data Security 00:03:186 - Google's Security Measures 00:03:233 - Balance Between Personalization and Privacy 00:04:259 - Potential Societal Impact of Jarvis 00:04:292 - Applications in Healthcare 00:05:336 - Risks and Potential Abuse of Jarvis 00:06:364 - Developer Responsibility and Ethics 00:06:413 - The Future of AI in Our Daily Lives This episode is brought to you by Patrick DE CARVALHO and the production studio "Je ne perds jamais." Let's speak Web, innovation and technologies and explore the future together.

    10 min


Technology is the future of mankind. I've always been passionate about innovation, and have been a pioneering web entrepreneur since 1998. Discoveries, analyses, sharing, training, exploring, questioning, everything is good in Tech. So let's dive into this universe together and share our passion. We've entered a new era, that of AI. Man's latest invention. Something to think about. This podcast is sponsored by Your turnkey website in 72 hours, on time or your money back.

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