Feeling Underapprecciated as a coach? Welcome to my podcast, "No Coaches No Boxing"! I'm Gabriele Martelli, and today we're diving deep into a topic that hits close to home for many of us. Have you ever felt like your passion, commitment, work ethic, and sacrifices are underappreciated or even abused by others? If so, this episode is definitely for you. We'll explore these situations together and discuss how we can effectively manage them. Emotionally and psychologically challenging, these experiences can cause real damage. But don't worry - "No Coaches No Boxing" is here to provide the support and guidance you need as a coach. Join me in finding solutions! #CoachingTips #PodcastDiscussion #gabrielemartelli #nocoachesnoboxing
Thông Tin
- Chương trình
- Tần suấtHằng tuần
- Đã xuất bản09:00 UTC 6 tháng 8, 2024
- Thời lượng10 phút
- Mùa2
- Tập17
- Xếp hạngSạch