One Minute Scripture Study: A Come Follow Me Podcast

Kristen Walker Smith and Cali Black
One Minute Scripture Study: A Come Follow Me Podcast

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Quality Come Follow Me scripture study in ONE minute? It's possible! This podcast is for busy LDS teens, moms, families, and anyone else who finds themself WANTING quality scripture study but LACKING the time! Enjoy five 1 minute study sessions a week plus a "Big Picture Monday" to help you understand where we are in the scriptures.

  1. 5일 전 • 구독자 전용

    Conference on-the-Go: Gregorio E. Casillas, “God Loves All His Children”

    Today we’re diving into  “God Loves All His Children” by Gregorio E. Casillas In case you want to follow along, here are the quotes we’re discussing today: Promised blessing: “Whenever we seek to bless the lives of others, the Lord takes mercy upon us even more; He strengthens us and helps us in our lives.”  Quote #1:  “...As disciples of Christ, we should avoid comparing ourselves to one another. Your spiritual abilities are unique, personal, and innate, and your Heavenly Father wants to help you develop them. There will always be someone you can help feel the love of your Heavenly Father.”  Quote #2: “One of the crafts of the adversary today is to make us think and believe that there is no way for us to change or that we no longer have hope. This destructive thinking causes many of us to stop trying. And it is at this moment when our love, our words of encouragement and support, our time, and our help can give someone hope enough to try once more.”  Invitation: “By going and blessing the lives of our brothers and sisters, we will collect testimonies that will fill our lives with faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.” “God Loves All His Children” by Gregorio E. Casillas © By Intellectual Reserve, Inc. Don’t forget to grab your weekly printable and study guide here:

  2. 5일 전 • 구독자 전용

    Conference on-the-Go: Juan Pablo Villar, “His Hand Ready to Help Us”

    Today we’re diving into “His Hand Ready to Help Us” by Juan Pablo Villar In case you want to follow along, here are the quotes we’re discussing today: Doctrine: “As we reach out to Jesus Christ in faith, He will always be there.” Promised blessing: “As we exercise faith in Him, He will save us from our fallen state, beyond our challenges, infirmities, and needs in this temporal life, and give us the greatest of all gifts, which is eternal life.” Quote #1: “He persisted, even if that required rescuing me twice. He persisted, even if I could not get it at first. He persisted so I could overcome that challenge and succeed. If we think celestial, we will realize that our Savior will be there as many times as necessary to provide help if we want to learn, change, overcome, cope, or succeed in whatever will bring true and everlasting happiness to our lives.” Quote #2:“. . . in our lives we will face challenges that seem greater than our capacity to overcome them. . . Jesus Christ. . . has the power to help us out of every miserable condition or adverse situation. Regardless of whether we feel close to Him, He still can reach us where we are as we are.” Invitation: “While we must face challenges and trials, our Heavenly Father knows our capabilities and knows we can bear or overcome our difficulties. We must do our part and turn to Him in faith.” “His Hand Ready to Help Us” by Juan Pablo Villar © By Intellectual Reserve, Inc. Don’t forget to grab your weekly printable and study guide here: This material is neither made, provided, approved, nor endorsed by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Any content or opinions expressed, implied or included in or with the material are solely those of the owner and not those of Intellectual Reserve, Inc. or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

최고 5점
545개의 평가


Quality Come Follow Me scripture study in ONE minute? It's possible! This podcast is for busy LDS teens, moms, families, and anyone else who finds themself WANTING quality scripture study but LACKING the time! Enjoy five 1 minute study sessions a week plus a "Big Picture Monday" to help you understand where we are in the scriptures.

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