Fighting Chronic Fatigue with Dr. Miles Nichols

LYME Voice

Chronic fatigue in his early 20's was threatening Dr. Nichol's ability to finish school. He was also confused as to why he was having a hard time "getting out of bed in the morning." While his tests at multiple doctors were "within range" the way he felt was less than optimal and not sustainable.

Talking Points:

-Using breathing techniques to regulate the nervous system
-Buteyko and Win Hof breathing methods
-Cold exposure therapy
-Peptide therapies to stimulate tissue repair
-Resetting your chronic stress responses
-Understanding mitochondrial diseases

Dr. Miles Nichols is a functional medicine doctor specializing in Lyme, mold illness, gut, thyroid, and autoimmunity. After Dr Miles personally struggled with chronic fatigue in his early 20’s, Dr Miles dedicated himself to figure out the root causes. He suffered with and recovered from thyroid dysfunction, autoimmunity, a gut infection, Lyme co-infections, and mold illness.

Dr. Miles and his wife Dr Diane Mueller co-authored “How to Use Your Mind to Heal Your Mold and Lyme” and “Stress Resilience”. They founded the Medicine with Heart functional medicine clinic in Colorado and also the Medicine with Heart Institute that trains other doctors in functional medicine. With a doctorate in oriental medicine, he has extensive training and expertise around herbal medicines and has developed formulations used by functional medicine doctors across the country.

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