Five Minute Friday Series: We're Talking the "Healthiest" Food on Campus

Nutrition Navigators at The University of Arizona

Show Details: 

This episode is discussing both our relationship with food, and mainly reviewing where to eat on campus! Cactus Grill anyone?

**Note: These answers are for a general audience and are not a substitute for individual medical, nutritional, or mental health advice.

Links/References from the show: 


Production Thanks:

Thank you for listening we are Nutrition Navigators,  a program at Campus Health, in Health Promotion, here at the University of Arizona.

Our mission is to have students navigate nutrition and have a healthy    relationship with food and body. Please consider leaving us a rating & review to help others find our show, or share with friends!

Please let us know how we can better serve  you  and take our short SURVEY!!!

Thanks for listening and Be Well Wildcats!!

Connect with Campus Health and send us your feedback!





We are sponsored by Campus Health, Health Promotion and Preventive Services!

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