It's Not Rocket Science! Five Questions Over Coffee

The Complete Approach
It's Not Rocket Science! Five Questions Over Coffee

The mission of It's Not Rocket Science! is to bring a new idea for building business to growth-hungry business leaders and owners who want to do more with less time and so increase their business and influence. We deliver actionable ideas using our “five questions over coffee.”

  1. 1 小時前

    Five Questions Over Coffee with Jeff Standridge (ep. 112)

    Who is Jeff? Jeff Standridge is a seasoned business strategist and consultant with a strong focus on innovation and strategic growth. He is the founder of a company that serves two distinct customer segments - startups in the state of Arkansas, and larger companies worldwide. With sponsored funding from the federal and state government, he provides resources and support to startups in Arkansas. For larger companies, he helps them challenge the status quo through innovation exercises and assists in creating and implementing strategic growth plans. Standridge is dedicated to helping businesses of all sizes achieve their goals and drive success. Key Takeaways 00:00 We serve startup and larger company markets. 03:42 Transformed insurance group achieved significant growth. 09:25 Team commitment, empowering communication, accountability, organizational agility. 13:26 Subscribe for podcast updates, transcripts, and resources. Some free resources at _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Subscribe to our newsletter and get details of when we are doing these interviews live at Find out more about being a guest at : Subscribe to the podcast at Help us get this podcast in front of as many people as possible. Leave a nice five-star review at apple podcasts : and on YouTube :! Here's how you can bring your business to THE next level: If you are a business owner currently turning over £/$10K - £/$50K per month and want to grow to £/$100K - £/$500k per month download my free resource on everything you need to grow your business on a single page : It's a detailed breakdown of how you can grow your business to 7-figures in a smart and sustainable way ————————————————————————————————————————————- Transcript Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast) SUMMARY KEYWORDS Innovation Junkie, strategic growth, business operation, start up segment, larger companies, federal government, state government, revenue growth, profit growth, business growth, sustained growth, systematic approach, growth plan, strategic planning, cultural fit, accountability, leadership, organizational behavior, mergers and acquisitions, global operations, organizational success, corporate troubleshooting, organizational agility, business owners. SPEAKERS Jeff Standridge, Stuart Webb Stuart Webb [00:00:22]: Hi and welcome back to It's Not Rocket Science 5 questions of a coffee. Get my hand into the camera properly so you can see the 5 questions. I'm Stuart Webb, the the host, and I'm here today with Jeff Standridge. Jeff is an Innovation Junkie. He's founder of Innovation Junkie. He's helping his customers to to be more innovative and to help them to produce innovation in their businesses. I'm really looking forward to this conversation. Welcome to, It's Not Rocket Science 5 of question 5 Questions Over Coffee. Stuart Webb [00:00:54]: Jeff, I hope you're there with a drink in front of you. Jeff Standridge [00:00:56]: Yes. Thank you so much, Stuart. It's great to be here today. I appreciate it. Stuart Webb [00:01:00]: No problem. So, Jeff, tell me a little bit about, the sort of customers you help and how you help them to be more innovative, but how you also help them to sort of, you know, standardize that as part of their business operation? Jeff Standridge [00:01:13]: Sure. So we we actually serve 2 different segments of of, customers. 1 is the start up segment, and and we do that in a specific geography, the state of Arkansas, within the United States because we have sponsored funding

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  2. 9月26日

    Five Questions Over Coffee with Julie Guegan (ep. 111)

    Who is Julie? Julie Guegan has spent the last two decades dedicated to understanding and promoting sophisticated collaboration. She has observed the challenges and complexities that arise when genuine collaboration is required, and has worked to navigate and overcome them. With a deep understanding of human nature and culture, Julie has led the way in finding solutions for effective collaboration, drawing on her own experiences in marriage as an example of the difficulties that can arise when multiple individuals come together. Her expertise and dedication have made her a leading figure in the field of collaboration. Key Takeaways 00:00 20 years consulting led to founding Global Collaboration Institute. 04:33 Embrace diversity for collaborative and impactful solutions. 09:35 Revelation of nature's strength prompts relearning behavior. 11:59 Encourage collaboration, step out of comfort zone. 14:54 Avoid doubts, pioneer, and create global collaboration. 20:02 Anna awakened me to societal inferiority complex. 22:20 Julie, pursuit of dream through listening, innovation. 28:06 Julie promotes positive cultural change and collaboration. 29:48 Follow Julie, subscribe to the newsletter. Exciting guests.Valuable Free Resource or Action Some free resources at _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Subscribe to our newsletter and get details of when we are doing these interviews live at Find out more about being a guest at : Subscribe to the podcast at Help us get this podcast in front of as many people as possible. Leave a nice five-star review at apple podcasts : and on YouTube :! Here's how you can bring your business to THE next level: If you are a business owner currently turning over £/$10K - £/$50K per month and want to grow to £/$100K - £/$500k per month download my free resource on everything you need to grow your business on a single page : It's a detailed breakdown of how you can grow your business to 7-figures in a smart and sustainable way ————————————————————————————————————————————- Transcript Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast) SUMMARY KEYWORDS global collaboration, books, citizen empowerment, participatory democracy, systems dynamic theory, Global Collaboration Institute, diverse perspectives, collaboration framework, innovation, diversity, storytelling techniques, well-being, empathy, change, nature, European dream, humility, curiosity, Alfred Adler, human behavior, inferiority complex, youth, COVID-19 pandemic, meta collaboration framework, social needs, humanistic values SPEAKERS Julie Geugan, Stuart Webb Stuart Webb [00:00:19]: Hi, and welcome back to It's Not Rocket Science 5 questions over coffee. This is my coffee which I have in front of me. I know Julie has a drink with her as well, and I'd like to welcome Julie Gegan who is a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and a recipient of 2 European Commission Awards and she's really passionate about citizen empowerment and participatory democracy and collaboration, and she's got work, which has been enriched by systems dynamic theory to do that. We're gonna have a really fascinating discussion about how she's doing this and things she's written about it. And, Julia, I'm really delighted to welcome to it's not rocket science, 5 questions over coffee. Thank you for making the time. Julie Guegan [00:01:02]: Thank you so much, Strat. And I will warn you that maybe my my dog will sparkle, with with Bobby during the conversation, but, you know, it's my dog. It's fine. And my cats my cat als

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  3. 8月29日

    Five Questions Over Coffee with Darren Saul (ep. 110)

    Who is Darren? Darren Saul is a seasoned podcaster who has found his passion in the world of podcasting. With multiple successful podcasts under his belt, Darren has established himself as a prominent figure in the industry. His belief in the power of podcasting as a marketing tool has led him to create valuable content that not only builds brand awareness but also serves as a passive means of sharing his expertise with the world. Darren's dedication to podcasting has allowed him to create a platform for himself and his work, connecting with audiences in a unique and engaging way. Key Takeaways 00:00 Maximizing podcast content for effective marketing. 07:00 Podcast resources, courses, and free webinar available. 09:04 Traditional advertising no longer effective, turned to podcasts. 12:03 Podcasting creates diverse, reusable marketing content opportunities. 17:03 Start a podcast with a video call. 18:11 Leverage other podcasts for marketing content. Valuable Free Resource or Action Some free resources at _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Subscribe to our newsletter and get details of when we are doing these interviews live at Find out more about being a guest at : Subscribe to the podcast at Help us get this podcast in front of as many people as possible. Leave a nice five-star review at apple podcasts : and on YouTube :! Here's how you can bring your business to THE next level: If you are a business owner currently turning over £/$10K - £/$50K per month and want to grow to £/$100K - £/$500k per month download my free resource on everything you need to grow your business on a single page : It's a detailed breakdown of how you can grow your business to 7-figures in a smart and sustainable way ————————————————————————————————————————————- Transcript Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast) SUMMARY KEYWORDS podcasting, podcasters, podcasting strategy, brand awareness, marketing content, podcast monetization, podcast guests, podcast preparation, podcast marketing, podcast production, podcast promotion, podcast value, podcasting courses, podcasting resources, podcasting webinar, podcasting content, podcasting journey, podcasting advice, podcasting strategy, podcasting coach, podcasting industry, podcasting impact, podcasting audience, podcasting success, podcasting commitment, podcasting imposter syndrome, podcasting start, podcasting consistency, podcasting confidence, podcasting opportunities SPEAKERS Darren Saul, Stuart Webb Stuart Webb [00:00:24]: Hi, and welcome back to It's Not Rocket Science 5 Questions Over Coffee. My name is Stuart Webb. I'm here with Darren Saul, who is, a podcaster, pretty pretty experienced at this podcast stuff. I'm fairly sure that he doesn't need any introduction from me on what we're doing. So, Darren, you're a you're a podcaster. You're a you're a strategist, trainer, coach, student of human, attention, you say. And you've started heavily utilizing the power of podcasting. So I'm really interested to hear how you're helping your clients to use podcasting and how it's making a difference in in their their business. Stuart Webb [00:01:06]: So welcome to It's Not Rocket Science, 5 questions and go for coffee. I hope you've got your coffee there in front of you. My coffee. Darren Saul [00:01:13]: I have to stay on brand with the show. Stuart Webb [00:01:16]: Good man. Good man. So, Darren, tell us, how is it that you help people, in their podcasting? Darren Saul [00:01:23]: You bet. So podcasting is something that's g

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  4. 8月8日

    Five Questions Over Coffee with Dr Daniel Gbujie (ep. 109)

    Who is Daniel? Daniel Gbujie is a passionate advocate for sustainability and global cooperation. His experiences have inspired him to work towards creating a more sustainable and inclusive world. Through his work, he hopes to inspire young people to follow in the footsteps of those who have come before and make a positive impact. Key Takeaways 00:00 Born in West Africa, evolved, overcame challenges. 05:18 Young Africans advocate for sustainable development globally. 06:51 Highlighting sustainability, leadership, and forward-thinking mindset. 11:52 Forming team Hakuna Matata to drive change. 16:36 Biosphere's balance, sustainability, and diversity importance. 18:07 Sustainability principles for inclusive and lasting systems. 21:39 Networking, expertise, and sustainability showcased through app. 26:37 Promoting sustainability through app and solar box. 29:29 Development requires inspiration, willpower and community. 32:26 Sustainability and resilience are crucial for culture. 36:13 Commitment to sustainability; grateful for support. Future involvement. Valuable Free Resource or Action Follow Daniel on _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Subscribe to our newsletter and get details of when we are doing these interviews live at Find out more about being a guest at : Subscribe to the podcast at Help us get this podcast in front of as many people as possible. Leave a nice five-star review at apple podcasts : and on YouTube :! Here's how you can bring your business to THE next level: If you are a business owner currently turning over £/$10K - £/$50K per month and want to grow to £/$100K - £/$500k per month download my free resource on everything you need to grow your business on a single page : It's a detailed breakdown of how you can grow your business to 7-figures in a smart and sustainable way ————————————————————————————————————————————- Transcript Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast) SUMMARY KEYWORDS ESG consulting, social impact, brand value, customer relationships, workforce, global standards, social responsibility, social risks, reputational damage, legal issues, financial losses, stakeholders, business objectives, sustainability, UN courses, environment, governance, materiality assessments, data analytics, internal biases, graduate advice, GRI standards, labor practices, human rights, diversity and inclusion, community engagement, customer privacy, GDPR, pandemic, employee engagement, resistant to change, effective communication, social responsibility efforts, ESG consultants, social risk management, stakeholder engagement, data collection, analysis tools. SPEAKERS Daniel Gbujie, Stuart Webb Stuart Webb [00:00:18]: Hi, and welcome back to It's Not Rocket Science, 5 questions over coffee. I'm Stuart the Webb, the host of this thing, and I'm joined today by, a guest I'm truly honored to be, to be on the podcast with me. This is doctor Daniel Bougie. Doctor Daniel Bougie is a, is is a public health, expert, but has recently taken part in the 200 the Webb Sustainability World Cup. And I'm proud to be able to say, as a judge of that particular competition, he was voted and his team won, but he was voted the most impressive and valuable team leader of that competition. So, doctor Buge, thank you so much for spending a few minutes here with us today. I'm really honored that you've taken some time out of what I know is a very busy day for you to come and spend a few minutes with us. But please, just spend a few minutes.

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  5. 7月25日

    Five Questions Over Coffee with Lubna Samara (ep. 108)

    Who is Lubna? Lubna Samara is a seasoned healer and leadership coach who specializes in well-being coaching for people in the workplace. With a focus on supporting individuals at all levels of the organization, she helps senior leaders and lower-ranking employees navigate the challenges they face. She understands the toll that burnout and feelings of being marginalized can take on individuals in the professional world, and is dedicated to providing the support and guidance needed to thrive in the workplace. Through her work, Lubna seeks to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for all. Key Takeaways 00:00 Healing, coaching, and support for workplace struggles. 06:10 Book focuses on holistic healing and psychology. 07:44 Unlocking superconscious mind for personal and workplace success. 12:32 Focus on the positive, nature heals tech burnout. 14:26 Book integrates psychology, coaching, meditation, and energy. 18:35 Thank you, check out newsletter and subscribe. Valuable Free Resource or Action Download a workbook from with a copy of Lubna’s book “Beyond Potential” _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Subscribe to our newsletter and get details of when we are doing these interviews live at Find out more about being a guest at : Subscribe to the podcast at Help us get this podcast in front of as many people as possible. Leave a nice five-star review at apple podcasts : and on YouTube :! Here's how you can bring your business to THE next level: If you are a business owner currently turning over £/$10K - £/$50K per month and want to grow to £/$100K - £/$500k per month download my free resource on everything you need to grow your business on a single page : It's a detailed breakdown of how you can grow your business to 7-figures in a smart and sustainable way ————————————————————————————————————————————- Transcript Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast) SUMMARY KEYWORDS healing, well-being, leadership, coaching, burnout, confidence, imposter syndrome, procrastination, work environment, imposter syndrome, meditation, energy healing, mindfulness, emotional intelligence, resilience, empathy, personal development, business, book Beyond Potential, values, purpose, intuition, energy fields, body-mind-spirit, team building, stress management, leadership coaching, energy exercises, empowerment, mindfulness exercises SPEAKERS Lubna Samara, Stuart Webb Stuart Webb [00:00:22]: Hi, and welcome back to It's Not Rocket Science five questions over coffee. I actually don't have a coffee in front of me right at the moment. This is a fruit tea, because I've had quite a lot of coffee already today, and therefore, I'm trying to reduce the amount of caffeine in my system. But I'm delighted to be joined by, Lubna Samara. Lubna is a an award winning leadership and well-being coach. She works with healing and she's a best selling author of a book called Beyond Potential. I'm sure we're gonna get into that in just a moment which is a number 1 in 7 categories, including business. So we're gonna talk a little bit how this applies to business. Stuart Webb [00:01:05]: So welcome to It's Not Rocket Science five Questions Over Coffee, Lubna. Lubna Samara [00:01:10]: Hello, Stuart. Hi. Good to be here. Stuart Webb [00:01:12]: Thank you. So so, Lubna, who who is who is it you're trying to help, particularly in in the work you do? And and I know it's not just about healing, but it's about leadership as well. Lubna Samara [00:01:24]: Yes. It is. I am a long standing healer, b

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  6. 7月11日

    Five Questions Over Coffee with Alex Dumas (ep. 107)

    Who is Alex? Alex Dumas is a passionate advocate for representation and diversity in the boardroom. Facing the fear of failure and the pressure of succeeding for future generations, Alex understands the importance of focusing on the generational impact while not sabotaging oneself. With a belief in regrouping and recovering from mistakes, Alex aims to break the stigma attached to people of color in the corporate world. Through their work, Alex is committed to creating a more inclusive and accepting environment for all professionals. Key Takeaways 00:00 Challenges facing people of color in leadership. 04:37 Coaching changed perspectives, empowering questions lead forward. 07:00 Nonprofit leaders face burnout from overcommitment. 12:47 Free audio gift to improve leadership skills. 16:59 Early coaching was about impressing, now understanding matters. 20:26 Alex, thank you for the insightful chat. 22:02 Grateful for the opportunity to make a difference. Valuable Free Resource or Action Download a FREE audio lesson _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Subscribe to our newsletter and get details of when we are doing these interviews live at Find out more about being a guest at : Subscribe to the podcast at Help us get this podcast in front of as many people as possible. Leave a nice five-star review at apple podcasts : and on YouTube :! Here's how you can bring your business to THE next level: If you are a business owner currently turning over £/$10K - £/$50K per month and want to grow to £/$100K - £/$500k per month download my free resource on everything you need to grow your business on a single page : It's a detailed breakdown of how you can grow your business to 7-figures in a smart and sustainable way ————————————————————————————————————————————- Transcript Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast) SUMMARY KEYWORDS world champion boxer, warm up, business leaders, mindset, fear, competition, inspirational, motivational speaker, teamwork, individual, team, potential, self-improvement, frequency of vibration, mindset, brain health, Samaritan, mental boxing, mental health, future, identity crisis, depression, bankruptcy, Landmark Forum, team support, positivity, newsletter, insights, life lessons, business owners SPEAKERS Alex Dumas, Stuart Webb Stuart Webb [00:00:15]: Hi, and welcome back to It's Not Rocket Science five questions over Coffee. My, well, my coffee is here in front of me. I'm here with Alex, my guest today. Alex, really pleased to have you on. Alex is a a keynote speaker and executive coach. He's a a a global movement leader, and he's the VP of the BIPOC Coach Collective and a partner of black leaders worldwide. Again, a man with a really impressive CV. So I'm really looking forward to the to the discussion we're gonna have today. Stuart Webb [00:00:42]: Alex, welcome to It's Not Rocket Science. Five questions over coffee. Alex Dumas [00:00:48]: Hey. Great morning, Stuart. Thank you for this invitation. Looking forward to this conversation. Stuart Webb [00:00:53]: Terrific. Well, look. Let's start with the the the the the reason that we're here, Alex. So who who are the people you're trying to help? You know, you've got an impressive CVU. You're working with some impressive people. Who who are those people that you're trying to help? What What's the the main problem they face in their business and personal lives? Alex Dumas [00:01:11]: Yeah. Great question. A lot of my work has been centered around black executive

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  7. 6月27日

    Five Questions Over Coffee with Billy Schwer (ep. 106)

    Who is Billy? Billy Schwer is a renowned world champion boxer turned leadership coach. With his expertise in boxing, he helps individuals develop a winning mindset to succeed in their personal and professional lives. Despite facing his own health challenges, Billy remains dedicated to inspiring and motivating others through his speaking engagements and coaching services. His resilience and determination make him a powerful force in the world of leadership development. Key Takeaways 00:00 World champion boxer teaches leadership through mindset. 05:28 Striving for natural wellness despite discomfort. 08:14 Important lesson: adapt energy and communication style. 11:55 Boxer breaks stereotypes, faces post-retirement challenges. 14:57 Early midlife crisis led to boxing retirement. 19:11 Love yourself, share the available life. 22:08 Focus on the future, let go of the past. 23:38 I want the world to hear about it. Valuable Free Resource or Action Download a copy of Billy’s book FREE at or an audio version at A video version of this podcast is also at _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Subscribe to our newsletter and get details of when we are doing these interviews live at Find out more about being a guest at : Subscribe to the podcast at Help us get this podcast in front of as many people as possible. Leave a nice five-star review at apple podcasts : and on YouTube :! Here's how you can bring your business to THE next level: If you are a business owner currently turning over £/$10K - £/$50K per month and want to grow to £/$100K - £/$500k per month download my free resource on everything you need to grow your business on a single page : It's a detailed breakdown of how you can grow your business to 7-figures in a smart and sustainable way ————————————————————————————————————————————- Transcript Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast) SUMMARY KEYWORDS world champion boxer, warm up, business leaders, mindset, fear, competition, inspirational, motivational speaker, teamwork, individual, team, potential, self-improvement, frequency of vibration, mindset, brain health, Samaritan, mental boxing, mental health, future, identity crisis, depression, bankruptcy, Landmark Forum, team support, positivity, newsletter, insights, life lessons, business owners SPEAKERS Billy Schwer, Stuart Webb Stuart Webb [00:00:19]: Hi, and welcome back to It's Not Rocket Science. Five questions over. I've got a copy. Billy's got one. Billy, this is gonna be a brilliant conversation. I'm really looking forward to this man. Billy Stuart, he is a world champion boxer. As you can tell, he's doing his he's doing his warm up now. Stuart Webb [00:00:35]: I'm gonna be Stuart Webb [00:00:36]: in trouble. Up. I'm Stuart Webb [00:00:38]: ready. I'm gonna be in trouble with this one. Billy, world champion, but he's turned what he knows about boxing into helping you become a better leader because he can help you change your mindset to the mindset he had to have as a world champion boxer. If you can imagine not having the fear of being boxed out of a ring by your business and taking on your competition and taking them on in a way that you will not only believe is possible, but this man can take on the world. Billy, it is my absolute pleasure to have you here on it's not rocket science, 5 questions over coffee. I'm really looking forward to this because you are such an inspirational motivational speaker. Thank yo

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  8. 5月30日

    Five Questions Over Coffee with Ekua Cant (ep. 105)

    Who is Ekua? Ekua Cant is a passionate entrepreneur who loves helping others in their business journey through the use of LinkedIn. She enjoys working with entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, and freelancers, whether they are just starting out or looking to scale their business and who might use LinkedIn better. Ekua is dedicated to guiding people through the challenges and excitement of building their business, and she is committed to helping established business owners stay on top of their game and grow their brand with LinkedIn. With her expertise and enthusiasm, Ekua is a valuable resource for anyone looking to succeed in the world of entrepreneurship. Key Takeaways 00:00 Passionate about helping entrepreneurs and solopreneurs. 05:32 Custom links on LinkedIn help profile visibility. 09:07 Featured section should include linked story, testimonial, offer. 11:35 LinkedIn loves selfies and face photos. Celebrations too. 13:45 Confidence and clarity in offering services. 16:59 Caution against misrepresenting oneself when using AI. 21:10 Expressing gratitude for valuable insights and advice. Valuable Free Resource or Action Download a valuable resource at A video version of this podcast is also at _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Subscribe to our newsletter and get details of when we are doing these interviews live at Find out more about being a guest at : Subscribe to the podcast at Help us get this podcast in front of as many people as possible. Leave a nice five-star review at apple podcasts : and on YouTube :! Here's how you can bring your business to THE next level: If you are a business owner currently turning over £/$10K - £/$50K per month and want to grow to £/$100K - £/$500k per month download my free resource on everything you need to grow your business on a single page : It's a detailed breakdown of how you can grow your business to 7-figures in a smart and sustainable way ————————————————————————————————————————————- Transcript Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast) SUMMARY KEYWORDS LinkedIn, social media, profile optimization, entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, freelancers, business, LinkedIn profile, mistakes, banner, open to work, custom link, headline, value, sales, AI, consistency, followers, engagement, newsletter, community building, branding, content, lead generation, networking, coaching, mentorship, strategy, optimization, customer journey, digital presence SPEAKERS Ekua Cant, Stuart Webb Stuart Webb [00:00:21]: Hi, and welcome back to It's Not Rocket Science, 5 Questions Over Coffee. I'm absolutely delighted today to be joined by Jackie Norton. Now they always say, if you want to improve, if you want to get better in your business, you should employ people who are better than you, and that's how I feel about my guest today. I am really delighted to be having a conversation with Jackie who has a far more impressive portfolio of of businesses and interests than I have met, and so I'm really, really delighted, Jacqui, you found time in your diary to come and join us for a few minutes. Jacqui is what they call the unretirement speaker. She revealed facts and the reality about retirement in the 2020s for the boomers and how to get to your 100 year lifespan. She mentors and supports entrepreneurs who need to p

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The mission of It's Not Rocket Science! is to bring a new idea for building business to growth-hungry business leaders and owners who want to do more with less time and so increase their business and influence. We deliver actionable ideas using our “five questions over coffee.”








