292 episodes

Are you ready to supercharge your Norwegian listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you.

Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Norwegian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Norwegian and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension.

But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

And our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who want to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Norway? Maybe you want to speak Norwegian with your friends from Oslo? Our podcast will give you the cultural and linguistic background to fully immerse in Norway.

Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Norwegian listening comprehension. Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself.

Begynn å forbedre din lytteforståelse i norsk med våre historier i dag!

Fluent Fiction - Norwegian FluentFiction.org

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Are you ready to supercharge your Norwegian listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you.

Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Norwegian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Norwegian and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension.

But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

And our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who want to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Norway? Maybe you want to speak Norwegian with your friends from Oslo? Our podcast will give you the cultural and linguistic background to fully immerse in Norway.

Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Norwegian listening comprehension. Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself.

Begynn å forbedre din lytteforståelse i norsk med våre historier i dag!

    The Day of Laughter and Learning by the Bergen Harbor

    The Day of Laughter and Learning by the Bergen Harbor

    Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: The Day of Laughter and Learning by the Bergen Harbor
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Nb: Solnedgangen malte himmelen i flotte farger over Bergen by.
    En: The sunset painted the sky in beautiful colors over the city of Bergen.

    Nb: Ingrid, Lars og Ole satt på en benk, rett ved havnen.
    En: Ingrid, Lars, and Ole sat on a bench, right by the harbor.

    Nb: De var gode venner.
    En: They were good friends.

    Nb: De likte å lese, le og lære nye ord sammen.
    En: They enjoyed reading, laughing, and learning new words together.

    Nb: Denne dagen hadde de et morsomt oppdrag.
    En: On this day, they had a fun mission.

    Nb: "Dere vet," sa Ingrid, "det er et norsk ord jeg sliter med."
    En: "You know," said Ingrid, "there's a Norwegian word I struggle with."

    Nb: "Hva da?" spurte Ole og Lars.
    En: "What is it?" asked Ole and Lars.

    Nb: "Skjærgård!" ropte Ingrid.
    En: "Skjærgård!" exclaimed Ingrid.

    Nb: De lo alle sammen.
    En: They all laughed.

    Nb: De visste at det ikke var lett for Ingrid å si ordet rett.
    En: They knew it wasn't easy for Ingrid to say the word correctly.

    Nb: Og det var enda morsommere da de prøvde uten å spytte på hverandre.
    En: And it was even funnier when they tried without spitting on each other.

    Nb: Lars gikk først.
    En: Lars went first.

    Nb: Han pustet dypt inn.
    En: He took a deep breath.

    Nb: "Sk... sk... skjærgård!" sa han.
    En: "Sk... sk... skjærgård!" he said.

    Nb: Alle lo.
    En: Everyone laughed.

    Nb: Og takket være vinden, spyttet han ikke på noen.
    En: And thanks to the wind, he didn't spit on anyone.

    Nb: Nå var det Ole sin tur.
    En: Now it was Ole's turn.

    Nb: Han var den modigste av dem.
    En: He was the bravest of them.

    Nb: Han sa, "Sk... sk... skjærgård!"
    En: He said, "Sk... sk... skjærgård!"

    Nb: Og da spyttet han litt.
    En: And he spat a little.

    Nb: De lo mer.
    En: They laughed even more.

    Nb: Til slutt prøvde Ingrid.
    En: Finally, Ingrid gave it a try.

    Nb: Hun rullet ordet rundt i munnen.
    En: She rolled the word around in her mouth.

    Nb: "Sk... sk... skjærgård!" Og hun klarte det!
    En: "Sk... sk... skjærgård!" And she did it!

    Nb: Uten å spytte på noen!
    En: Without spitting on anyone!

    Nb: Ole og Lars klappet for henne.
    En: Ole and Lars applauded for her.

    Nb: Det var en gøy dag i Bergen.
    En: It was a fun day in Bergen.

    Nb: De hadde ledd, lært et nytt ord og til og med klart å si det uten å spytte på hverandre.
    En: They had laughed, learned a new word, and even managed to say it without spitting on each other.

    Nb: De tre vennene så på hverandre, smilte og visste at de ville huske denne dagen lenge.
    En: The three friends looked at each other, smiled, and knew they would remember this day for a long time.

    Vocabulary Words:
    sunset: solnedgangpainted: maltebeautiful: flottecolors: fargercity: byBergen: BergenIngrid: IngridLars: LarsOle: Olebench: benkharbor: havnfriends: vennerreading: leselaughing: lelearning: lærenew: nyewords: ordtogether: sammenmission: oppdragNorwegian: norskstruggle: sliterword: ordexclaimed: ropteeasy:...

    • 9 min
    Discovering 'Koselig': A Tale of Friendship and Norwegian Warmth

    Discovering 'Koselig': A Tale of Friendship and Norwegian Warmth

    Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Discovering 'Koselig': A Tale of Friendship and Norwegian Warmth
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Nb: Lars var en mann fra Oslo. Astrid var hans beste venn.
    En: Lars was a man from Oslo. Astrid was his best friend.

    Nb: En dag møtte de en dame. Dama var fra England. Hun het Molly. Molly var på ferie i Norge. Hun var forvirret. Hun hørte mange folk si "koselig". Molly spurte Lars, "Hva er koselig?"
    En: One day they met a lady. The lady was from England. Her name was Molly. Molly was on vacation in Norway. She was confused. She heard many people say "koselig". Molly asked Lars, "What is 'koselig'?"

    Nb: Lars lo og sa, "Koselig er et ord vi bruker i Norge. Det er ikke så lett å forklare direkte."
    En: Lars laughed and said, "Koselig is a word we use in Norway. It's not so easy to explain directly."

    Nb: Astrid nikket, "Det er sant. Det er et veldig norsk konsept."
    En: Astrid nodded, "That's true. It's a very Norwegian concept."

    Nb: Molly så forvirret ut. Hun sa, "Kan dere vise meg da?'
    En: Molly looked confused. She said, "Can you show me then?"

    Nb: Lars tenkte på dette. Han sa til Molly, "Vi skal vise deg 'koselig'."
    En: Lars thought about this. He said to Molly, "We will show you 'koselig'."

    Nb: Først tok Lars og Astrid Molly til Operahuset. De satt på taket og så på solnedgangen. Det var vakkert. Det var koselig.
    En: First, Lars and Astrid took Molly to the Opera House. They sat on the roof and watched the sunset. It was beautiful. It was koselig.

    Nb: Så tok de henne til en liten kafé i Gamlebyen. Inne var det masse lys og folk lo og pratet lavt. Det føltes varmt og behagelig. Det var koselig.
    En: Then they took her to a small café in the Old Town. Inside, there were lots of lights and people laughing and talking quietly. It felt warm and comfortable. It was koselig.

    Nb: Deretter tok de Molly til Karl Johans gate. Folk gjikk i gatene; noen shoppet, noen pratet med hverandre. Det var livlig og gøy. Det var koselig.
    En: Next, they took Molly to Karl Johans gate. People walked the streets; some were shopping, some were talking to each other. It was lively and fun. It was koselig.

    Nb: Til slutt gikk de til Frognerseteren. De satte seg ned ved peisen med varme pledd, med kaffe, sjokolade og kanelboller. De pratet og lo sammen. Det var koselig.
    En: Finally, they went to Frognerseteren. They sat by the fireplace with warm blankets, with coffee, chocolate, and cinnamon buns. They talked and laughed together. It was koselig.

    Nb: Molly forsto da. Hun sa, "Jeg skjønner. 'Koselig' kan ikke oversettes direkte. Man må oppleve det."
    En: Molly understood then. She said, "I get it. 'Koselig' can't be translated directly. You have to experience it."

    Nb: Lars og Astrid smilte. De sa, "Nettopp! Det er 'koselig'."
    En: Lars and Astrid smiled. They said, "Exactly! That is 'koselig'."

    Nb: Da Molly dro hjem til England, tok hun med seg minnet om 'koselig'. Hun ville vise sine venner og familie hva det betydde.
    En: When Molly went back to England, she took with her the memory of 'koselig'. She wanted to show her friends and family what it meant.

    Nb: Lars og Astrid var glade. De hadde klart å forklare 'koselig' til en utlending.
    En: Lars and Astrid were happy. They had managed to explain 'koselig' to a foreigner.

    Nb: Fra den dagen, hver gang de sa "koselig", tenkte de på Molly. Det var en god dag. Det var koselig. Virkelig, virkelig koselig.
    En: From that day on, every time they said...

    • 13 min
    Unraveling Bonds: The Tale of Bergen's Knitting Circle

    Unraveling Bonds: The Tale of Bergen's Knitting Circle

    Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Unraveling Bonds: The Tale of Bergen's Knitting Circle
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Nb: Den våte vinden fra Bergen pisket mot vindusruten.
    En: The wet wind from Bergen whipped against the window pane.

    Nb: Hilde og Lars så på hverandre.
    En: Hilde and Lars looked at each other.

    Nb: Det var tid for strikkesirkelen.
    En: It was time for the knitting circle.

    Nb: Strikkesirkelen var noe alle i Bergen visste om.
    En: The knitting circle was something everyone in Bergen knew about.

    Nb: En gammel tradisjon, fylt med hygge og varm te.
    En: An old tradition, filled with coziness and warm tea.

    Nb: Hilde og Lars bodde sammen i bergen.
    En: Hilde and Lars lived together in Bergen.

    Nb: De var gode venner.
    En: They were good friends.

    Nb: Hilde likte å strikke.
    En: Hilde liked to knit.

    Nb: Lars likte også å strikke.
    En: Lars also liked to knit.

    Nb: Lars var ikke like god som Hilde, men han lærte fort.
    En: Lars wasn't as good as Hilde, but he learned quickly.

    Nb: Det regnet ofte i Bergen.
    En: It often rained in Bergen.

    Nb: Men inni strikkesirkelen, var det alltid varmt og koselig.
    En: But inside the knitting circle, it was always warm and cozy.

    Nb: Alle satt rundt, med strikkepinnene i hendene.
    En: Everyone sat around, with their knitting needles in hand.

    Nb: De snakket og lo masse.
    En: They talked and laughed a lot.

    Nb: Alle likte hverandres selskap.
    En: Everyone enjoyed each other's company.

    Nb: Ingenting kunne være bedre.
    En: Nothing could be better.

    Nb: Men en dag, kom det en uventet endring.
    En: But one day, an unexpected change came.

    Nb: Strikkesirkelen var ikke det samme lenger.
    En: The knitting circle was not the same anymore.

    Nb: En tråd ble rotet sammen.
    En: A thread got tangled.

    Nb: Uklart hvordan det skjedde.
    En: Unclear how it happened.

    Nb: Tråder fra ulike prosjekter virket sammenfiltret.
    En: Threads from different projects seemed intertwined.

    Nb: Hilde og Lars måtte se på med store øyne.
    En: Hilde and Lars had to look on in amazement.

    Nb: De tenkte begge det samme.
    En: They both thought the same thing.

    Nb: Hvordan skulle de løse dette?
    En: How were they going to solve this?

    Nb: Tråden så ut som en stor floke.
    En: The thread looked like a big knot.

    Nb: Men de måtte prøve.
    En: But they had to try.

    Nb: Strikkesirkelen måtte fortsette.
    En: The knitting circle had to continue.

    Nb: Hilde tok tak i floken først.
    En: Hilde tried to tackle the knot first.

    Nb: Hun prøvde å dra litt, men den var for stram.
    En: She attempted to pull it a bit, but it was too tight.

    Nb: Lars kom for å hjelpe.
    En: Lars came to help.

    Nb: De jobbet sammen for å prøve å løse floken.
    En: They worked together to try and untangle the knot.

    Nb: Noen ganger, virket det håpløst.
    En: At times, it seemed hopeless.

    Nb: Floken var stor og stram.
    En: The knot was big and tight.

    Nb: Men de hadde bestemt seg.
    En: But they had made up their minds.

    Nb: De ville ikke gi opp.
    En: They wouldn't give up.

    Nb: Og så, etter mange timer, skjedde det noe magisk.
    En: And then, after many hours, something magical happened.

    Nb: Floken begynte å løsne.
    En: The knot started to loosen.br...

    • 13 min
    Discovering 'Koselig' in a Bergen Sauna

    Discovering 'Koselig' in a Bergen Sauna

    Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Discovering 'Koselig' in a Bergen Sauna
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Nb: Ingrid og Lars var i Bergen.
    En: Ingrid and Lars were in Bergen.

    Nb: De skulle i badstue.
    En: They were going to the sauna.

    Nb: De var spente.
    En: They were excited.

    Nb: I Bergen var det ofte kaldt.
    En: In Bergen, it was often cold.

    Nb: Men i badstuen er det varmt.
    En: But in the sauna, it was warm.

    Nb: Det likte de.
    En: They liked that.

    Nb: Melkekartongene var plassert utenfor døren, og badstua var plassert i en liten hytte i hagen deres.
    En: Milk cartons were placed outside the door, and the sauna was located in a small cabin in their garden.

    Nb: De gikk inn i badstuen.
    En: They entered the sauna.

    Nb: Der satt en mann.
    En: There was a man sitting there.

    Nb: Han het Mike.
    En: His name was Mike.

    Nb: Mike var fra England.
    En: Mike was from England.

    Nb: Han var forvirret.
    En: He was confused.

    Nb: "Ingrid, hva er koselig?
    En: "Ingrid, what is 'koselig'?"

    Nb: " spurte Mike.
    En: Mike asked.

    Nb: Han så på Lars.
    En: He looked at Lars.

    Nb: "Lars, kan du forklare?
    En: "Lars, can you explain?"

    Nb: "Ingrid smilte.
    En: Ingrid smiled.

    Nb: Hun pekte rundt i badstuen.
    En: She pointed around the sauna.

    Nb: "Koselig er dette, Mike," sa hun.
    En: "This, Mike, is 'koselig'," she said.

    Nb: "Ikke bare varmen, men selskapet.
    En: "Not just the warmth, but the company."

    Nb: "Mike rynket pannen.
    En: Mike furrowed his brow.

    Nb: Han forsto ikke helt.
    En: He didn't fully understand.

    Nb: Lars prøvde også å forklare.
    En: Lars also tried to explain.

    Nb: "Koselig er å føle seg hjemme," sa han.
    En: "Koselig is feeling at home," he said.

    Nb: "Det er å være avslappet og glad.
    En: "It's being relaxed and happy."

    Nb: "Mike nikket sakte.
    En: Mike nodded slowly.

    Nb: Men han virket fortsatt usikker.
    En: But he still seemed unsure.

    Nb: "Men hvorfor i en badstue?
    En: "But why in a sauna?"

    Nb: " spurte han.
    En: he asked.

    Nb: "Fordi," sa Ingrid, "selv om det er kaldt ute i Bergen, kan vi varme oss her.
    En: "Because," Ingrid said, "even though it's cold outside in Bergen, we can warm up here.

    Nb: Og det, Mike, er veldig koselig.
    En: And that, Mike, is very 'koselig'."

    Nb: "Mike tenkte lenge.
    En: Mike thought for a while.

    Nb: Han så på flammene.
    En: He looked at the flames.

    Nb: Han så på Lars og Ingrid.
    En: He looked at Lars and Ingrid.

    Nb: Han følte varmen.
    En: He felt the warmth.

    Nb: "Takk," sa han til slutt.
    En: "Thank you," he said finally.

    Nb: "Jeg tror jeg forstår nå.
    En: "I think I understand now.

    Nb: Badstue kan være koselig.
    En: A sauna can be 'koselig'."

    Nb: "Ingrid og Lars smilte.
    En: Ingrid and Lars smiled.

    Nb: De visste at Mike forsto.
    En: They knew Mike got it.

    Nb: I Bergen, i en badstue, lærte Mike om koselig.
    En: In Bergen, in a sauna, Mike learned about 'koselig'.

    Nb: Og det var en god dag.
    En: And it was a good day.

    Nb: Alle var glade.
    En: Everyone was happy.

    Nb: De satt i den koselige varmen og delte mange gode minner.
    En: They sat in the cozy warmth and shared many good memories.


    • 12 min
    Whispers in Bergen: Mastering the Language of Whimsical Dreams

    Whispers in Bergen: Mastering the Language of Whimsical Dreams

    Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Whispers in Bergen: Mastering the Language of Whimsical Dreams
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Nb: Solstikkene tegnet lange skygger på plassen ved Bryggen i Bergen. I midten satt to fargerike personer, Ingrid og Magnus, begge med ordbøker i hendene.
    En: The sunbeams cast long shadows on the square by Bryggen in Bergen. In the middle sat two colorful figures, Ingrid and Magnus, both holding dictionaries in their hands.

    Nb: Ingrid, med brunfargede støvler og blått skjerf, var utlending. Hun hadde kommet fra England for å lære seg norsk. Magnus, kledd i en grønn parkas, var læreren henne - med eld i øye og en uendelig tålmodighet.
    En: Ingrid, wearing brown boots and a blue scarf, was a foreigner. She had come from England to learn Norwegian. Magnus, dressed in a green parka, was her teacher - with fire in his eyes and endless patience.

    Nb: "Ingrid, først og fremst...solstikk," Magnus pekte mot himmelen. Ingrid gjentok ordet, men klarte ikke å få lydene riktig.
    En: "Ingrid, first of all...solstikk," Magnus pointed towards the sky. Ingrid repeated the word, but couldn't get the sounds quite right.

    Nb: "Ikke bekymre deg, Ingrid." Magnus pekte deretter til et bilde i boken. "Hva om vi prøver 'hytte'?"
    En: "Don't worry, Ingrid," Magnus then pointed to a picture in the book. "How about we try 'hytte'?"

    Nb: Ingrid uttalte ordet nesten perfekt. Da var det Magnus sin tur til å forundre seg. Han klappet henne lett på skulderen og begge lo.
    En: Ingrid pronounced the word almost perfectly. It was then Magnus's turn to be amazed. He lightly patted her shoulder and they both laughed.

    Nb: Dagene ble til uker, og Ingrid kjempet mot de trange lydene i det norske språket. Magnus lærte henne om Bergen, om fiskehandlerne ved Bryggen, om Fantoft Stave Kirke, om Griegs villa på Troldhaugen, men den største kampen var mot de norske ordene.
    En: Days turned into weeks, and Ingrid struggled with the narrow sounds of the Norwegian language. Magnus taught her about Bergen, about the fishmongers at Bryggen, about Fantoft Stave Church, about Grieg's villa at Troldhaugen, but the biggest challenge was the Norwegian words.

    Nb: Motvillig forsøkte Ingrid å si ordet 'skjære'. Hennes tunge famlet med lydene, men ordspråket kom ut mer som 'kjære'. Magnus holdt seg for ikke å tulle mens Ingrid rødmet.
    En: Reluctantly, Ingrid attempted to say the word 'skjære'. Her tongue fumbled with the sounds, but the word came out more like 'kjære'. Magnus held back from teasing while Ingrid blushed.

    Nb: Så en dag skjedde det. De satt i kafeen ved den berømte Pepperkakebyen, og Ingrid sa ordet 'pepperkakebyen' med perfekt uttale. Magnus så på henne med brede øyne og klappet høyt.
    En: Then one day it happened. They were sitting in the cafe at the famous Gingerbread City, and Ingrid pronounced the word 'gingerbread city' perfectly. Magnus looked at her with wide eyes and clapped loudly.

    Nb: "Ingrid! Du gjorde det!" gratulerte Magnus. Ingrid brant rødt som en pepperkake, men hun smilte strålende.
    En: "Ingrid! You did it!" congratulated Magnus. Ingrid blushed as red as a gingerbread, but she smiled brightly.

    Nb: Historiens tid kom til en slutt, men suksessen med det vanskelige, norske språket ble hengende i luften mellom St. Mary's Church og Bryggen. Ingrid, nyslått norsk-talende, og Magnus, lykkelig lærer, delte deres triumf over en norsk språkklasse i Bergen - byen mellom syv fjell.
    En: The time of the story came to an end, but the success with the difficult Norwegian language lingered...

    • 11 min
    The Warmth of 'Koselig': A Norwegian Tale of Hospitality

    The Warmth of 'Koselig': A Norwegian Tale of Hospitality

    Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: The Warmth of 'Koselig': A Norwegian Tale of Hospitality
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Nb: Lars og Ingrid bor i Oslo.
    En: Lars and Ingrid live in Oslo.

    Nb: De venter en spesiell gjest.
    En: They are expecting a special guest.

    Nb: Gjesten heter Mr. Harrison.
    En: The guest's name is Mr. Harrison.

    Nb: Han kommer fra England.
    En: He's coming from England.

    Nb: Dagen er kald.
    En: The day is cold.

    Nb: Snøen faller.
    En: The snow falls.

    Nb: Lars ser ut vinduet.
    En: Lars looks out the window.

    Nb: Mr. Harrison kommer snart," sier han.
    En: "Mr. Harrison will be here soon," he says.

    Nb: Ingrid nikker.
    En: Ingrid nods.

    Nb: Hun smiler og sier, "Vi må vise ham 'koselig'."
    En: She smiles and says, "We must show him 'koselig'."

    Nb: Lars blir forvirret.
    En: Lars is confused.

    Nb: "Hvordan forklarer vi 'koselig' til en engelskmann?" spør han.
    En: "How do we explain 'koselig' to an Englishman?" he asks.

    Nb: Ingrid smiler lurt.
    En: Ingrid smiles cunningly.

    Nb: Hun har en idé.
    En: She has an idea.

    Nb: Mr. Harrison ankommer.
    En: Mr. Harrison arrives.

    Nb: Han er stor og vennlig.
    En: He's big and friendly.

    Nb: Men han ser kald ut.
    En: But he looks cold.

    Nb: Ingrid takker for at han kommer.
    En: Ingrid thanks him for coming.

    Nb: Lars henter kofferten hans.
    En: Lars gets his suitcase.

    Nb: Ingrid inviterer ham til å sitte ved peisen.
    En: Ingrid invites him to sit by the fireplace.

    Nb: Varmen fra peisen fyller rommet.
    En: The warmth from the fireplace fills the room.

    Nb: Ingrid serverer varm sjokolade.
    En: Ingrid serves hot chocolate.

    Nb: Mr. Harrison smiler.
    En: Mr. Harrison smiles.

    Nb: Han ser glad og varm ut.
    En: He looks happy and warm.

    Nb: Ingrid sier, "Dette er koselig."
    En: Ingrid says, "This is 'koselig'."

    Nb: Mr. Harrison blir forvirret.
    En: Mr. Harrison is confused.

    Nb: Han har ikke hørt ordet før.
    En: He hasn't heard the word before.

    Nb: "Koselig?" spør han.
    En: "Koselig?" he asks.

    Nb: Lars prøver å forklare.
    En: Lars tries to explain.

    Nb: Lars sier, "Det er vanskelig å forklare 'koselig'. Det er en følelse."
    En: Lars says, "It's hard to explain 'koselig.' It's a feeling."

    Nb: Ingrid nikker.
    En: Ingrid nods.

    Nb: Hun peker på det varme teppet.
    En: She points to the warm blanket.

    Nb: Hun peker på den knitrende peisen.
    En: She points to the crackling fireplace.

    Nb: Hun peker på de hjerteformede vaflene de skal spise.
    En: She points to the heart-shaped waffles they are going to eat.

    Nb: "Dette er 'koselig'," sier hun. "Vennlig samvær. God mat. Varme."
    En: "This is 'koselig'," she says. "Friendly company. Good food. Warmth."

    Nb: Mr. Harrison forstår.
    En: Mr. Harrison understands.

    Nb: Han smiler bredere.
    En: He smiles wider.

    Nb: Han sier, "Jeg tror jeg liker 'koselig'."
    En: He says, "I think I like 'koselig'."

    Nb: Hele kvelden ler de, deler historier og spiser hjerteformede vafler.
    En: Throughout the evening, they laugh, share stories, and eat heart-shaped waffles.

    Nb: Rommet er fylt med varme og lykke.
    En: The room is filled with warmth and happiness.

    Nb: Dette er koselig.
    En: This is...

    • 15 min

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hannaaa18 ,

Great Language Learning Resource

I’m learning Norwegian and came across this podcast by chance, I’m surprised it’s not more popular! It’s encouraging to realize how much you understand, and so helpful to have the stories translated to pick up what you missed.

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