14 episodes

Are you ready to supercharge your Czech listening comprehension?

Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Czech, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Czech and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Prague, Český Krumlov, or Karlovy Vary? Maybe you want to speak Czech with your grandparents from Brno?

Our podcast provides the cultural and linguistic foundation necessary to fully immerse yourself in the Czech-speaking regions of the Czech Republic. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Czech listening comprehension.

Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Zlepšte své schopnosti ve sledování pomocí našich českých příběhů ještě dnes!

FluentFiction - Czech FluentFiction.org

    • Education

Are you ready to supercharge your Czech listening comprehension?

Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Czech, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Czech and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Prague, Český Krumlov, or Karlovy Vary? Maybe you want to speak Czech with your grandparents from Brno?

Our podcast provides the cultural and linguistic foundation necessary to fully immerse yourself in the Czech-speaking regions of the Czech Republic. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Czech listening comprehension.

Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Zlepšte své schopnosti ve sledování pomocí našich českých příběhů ještě dnes!

    Hidden Love Letter: Unveiling Prague's Secret Romance

    Hidden Love Letter: Unveiling Prague's Secret Romance

    Fluent Fiction - Czech: Hidden Love Letter: Unveiling Prague's Secret Romance
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Cs: Bylo krásné ráno v Praze.
    En: It was a beautiful morning in Prague.

    Cs: Jan se rozhodl projít po slavném Karlově mostě.
    En: Jan decided to take a walk across the famous Charles Bridge.

    Cs: Čerstvý vzduch a zvuk Vltavy ho uklidňoval.
    En: The fresh air and the sound of the Vltava River calmed him.

    Cs: Slunce svítilo a dav turistů pomalu proudil kolem.
    En: The sun was shining, and the crowd of tourists slowly drifted by.

    Cs: Jan šel pomalu, rozhlížel se a obdivoval sochy svatých.
    En: Jan walked slowly, looking around and admiring the statues of saints.

    Cs: Najednou viděl něco neobvyklého.
    En: Suddenly, he saw something unusual.

    Cs: V jedné z mezer mezi kameny bylo zastrčené něco bílého.
    En: In one of the gaps between the stones, something white was tucked in.

    Cs: Šel blíž a uviděl starý dopis.
    En: He went closer and saw an old letter.

    Cs: S opatrností jej vytáhl.
    En: Carefully, he pulled it out.

    Cs: Dopis byl krásně psaný.
    En: The letter was beautifully written.

    Cs: Byl starý, ale text byl stále čitelný.
    En: It was old, but the text was still readable.

    Cs: Jan četl: "Drahá Marie, Čekám na tebe každý den na Karlově mostě.
    En: Jan read: "Dear Marie, I wait for you every day on Charles Bridge.

    Cs: Snad jednou přijdeš.
    En: Perhaps one day you will come.

    Cs: S láskou, Tomáš."
    En: With love, Tomáš."

    Cs: Jan byl zvědavý.
    En: Jan was curious.

    Cs: Kdo byl Tomáš?
    En: Who was Tomáš?

    Cs: Kdo byla Marie?
    En: Who was Marie?

    Cs: Bylo to romantické tajemství.
    En: It was a romantic mystery.

    Cs: Rozhodl se zjistit více.
    En: He decided to find out more.

    Cs: Zašel do nedaleké kavárny.
    En: He went into a nearby café.

    Cs: Ukázal dopis staršímu muži u vedlejšího stolu.
    En: He showed the letter to an elderly man at the next table.

    Cs: "Znám ten rukopis," řekl muž.
    En: "I know that handwriting," the man said.

    Cs: "Tomáš byl můj strýc.
    En: "Tomáš was my uncle.

    Cs: Pisál hodně dopisů Marii.
    En: He wrote a lot of letters to Marie.

    Cs: Nikdy se nesetkali."
    En: They never met."

    Cs: Jan se usmál.
    En: Jan smiled.

    Cs: "Pomohu vám najít Marii," řekl.
    En: "I will help you find Marie," he said.

    Cs: Muž kývl a poděkoval.
    En: The man nodded and thanked him.

    Cs: Spolu prohledali staré adresáře a záznamy.
    En: Together, they searched old directories and records.

    Cs: Trvalo několik týdnů, ale Jan našel Marii.
    En: It took several weeks, but Jan found Marie.

    Cs: Bydlela u své dcery v nedaleké vesnici.
    En: She lived with her daughter in a nearby village.

    Cs: Jan a starší muž šli na návštěvu.
    En: Jan and the elderly man went to visit.

    Cs: Marie byla překvapená, když uviděla dopis.
    En: Marie was surprised when she saw the letter.

    Cs: "Myslela jsem, že ty dopisy jsou ztracené," řekla slzami v očích.
    En: "I thought those letters were lost," she said with tears in her eyes.

    Cs: "Tomáš tě miloval," řekl starší muž.
    En: "Tomáš loved you," said the elderly man.

    Cs: "Čekal na tebe každý den na mostě."
    En: "He waited for you every day on the bridge."

    Cs: Marie byla dojatá.
    En: Marie was moved.br...

    • 15 min
    Unexpected Encounters on Charles Bridge: A Springtime Tale

    Unexpected Encounters on Charles Bridge: A Springtime Tale

    Fluent Fiction - Czech: Unexpected Encounters on Charles Bridge: A Springtime Tale
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Cs: Jaro přišlo do Prahy.
    En: Spring came to Prague.

    Cs: Na Karlově mostě bylo rušno.
    En: Charles Bridge was bustling.

    Cs: Stánky s kraslicemi a velikonočními dekoracemi zářily barvami.
    En: Stalls with decorated Easter eggs and Easter decorations gleamed with colors.

    Cs: Vůně perníků a koření se mísila s čerstvým jarním vzduchem.
    En: The scent of gingerbread and spices mixed with the fresh spring air.

    Cs: Jan kráčí se zabořeným nosem do mobilu.
    En: Jan was walking with his nose buried in his phone.

    Cs: Jeho myšlenky bloudí někde daleko.
    En: His thoughts wandered somewhere far away.

    Cs: Najednou se ozve tlumený náraz.
    En: Suddenly, a muffled bump resounded.

    Cs: Jan se zarazí a vzhlédne.
    En: Jan stopped and looked up.

    Cs: Tereza stojí přímo před ním.
    En: Tereza stood right in front of him.

    Cs: Ve tváři má překvapení a v rukou drží rozbitou kraslici.
    En: She had a look of surprise on her face and a broken Easter egg in her hands.

    Cs: "Promiň, to jsem nechtěl," říká Jan zmateně.
    En: "Sorry, I didn't mean to," Jan said, confused.

    Cs: "To nic," odpovídá Tereza jemně a usměje se.
    En: "It's okay," Tereza replied gently and smiled.

    Cs: "Stále můžu koupit další."
    En: "I can always buy another."

    Cs: Jan se na ni usměje zpátky a nabízí jí pomoc.
    En: Jan smiled back at her and offered his help.

    Cs: Představil se a dozvěděl se, že Tereza je studentka z Moravy, která přijela na víkend poznat Prahu.
    En: He introduced himself and learned that Tereza was a student from Moravia who came to Prague for the weekend to explore.

    Cs: "Projdeme se spolu trhem?"
    En: "Shall we walk through the market together?"

    Cs: navrhuje Jan, cítíc se odpovědný za malou nehodu.
    En: Jan suggested, feeling responsible for the small accident.

    Cs: Tereza souhlasí a pokračují společně k dalšímu stánku.
    En: Tereza agreed, and they continued together to the next stall.

    Cs: Mluví o všem možném – o škole, o městě, o svých zájmech.
    En: They talked about everything – school, the city, their interests.

    Cs: Cítí se, jako by se znali roky.
    En: It felt like they had known each other for years.

    Cs: Stánek za stánkem, krok za krokem, Jan a Tereza mají stále více a více společného.
    En: Stall by stall, step by step, Jan and Tereza found more and more in common.

    Cs: Jan vezme kraslice a ukáže Tereze, jak je správně malovat.
    En: Jan picked up some Easter eggs and showed Tereza the right way to paint them.

    Cs: Tereza nadšeně poslouchá a zkouší to sama.
    En: Tereza listened enthusiastically and tried it herself.

    Cs: Navečer se most halí do zlatavého světla.
    En: In the evening, the bridge was bathed in golden light.

    Cs: Trh pomalu končí, ale Jan a Tereza nemají dost.
    En: The market was slowly coming to an end, but Jan and Tereza hadn't had enough.

    Cs: Sednou si na hráz mostu a pozorují lodě plavící se po Vltavě.
    En: They sat on the edge of the bridge, watching the boats sailing on the Vltava River.

    Cs: "To bylo krásné odpoledne," řekne Tereza s úsměvem.
    En: "That was a beautiful afternoon," Tereza said with a smile.

    Cs: "Děkuji, Jane."
    En: "Thank you, Jan."

    Cs: "Já děkuji tobě," odpoví Jan.
    En: "Thank you," Jan...

    • 14 min
    A Celebration at Prague Castle: A Family's Love and Legacy

    A Celebration at Prague Castle: A Family's Love and Legacy

    Fluent Fiction - Czech: A Celebration at Prague Castle: A Family's Love and Legacy
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Cs: Jan a Eva stáli před Pražským hradem.
    En: Jan and Eva stood in front of Prague Castle.

    Cs: Bylo to krásné ráno.
    En: It was a beautiful morning.

    Cs: Slunce svítilo a ptáci zpívali.
    En: The sun was shining and the birds were singing.

    Cs: Jan držel květiny.
    En: Jan was holding flowers.

    Cs: Eva měla velkou krabici s dortem.
    En: Eva had a large box with a cake.

    Cs: Oba byli nervózní.
    En: Both were nervous.

    Cs: Dnes byla velká oslava, výročí svatby prarodičů.
    En: Today was a big celebration, their grandparents' wedding anniversary.

    Cs: Hrad byl plný lidí.
    En: The castle was full of people.

    Cs: Celá rodina se sešla.
    En: The whole family had gathered.

    Cs: Strýcové, tety, bratranci a sestřenice.
    En: Uncles, aunts, cousins.

    Cs: Všichni se smáli a povídali si.
    En: Everyone was laughing and chatting.

    Cs: Jan a Eva se připojili k ostatním.
    En: Jan and Eva joined the others.

    Cs: Prarodiče seděli uprostřed nádvoří.
    En: The grandparents sat in the middle of the courtyard.

    Cs: Dědeček měl na sobě starý dobrý oblek.
    En: Grandfather wore his good old suit.

    Cs: Babička měla krásné červené šaty.
    En: Grandmother wore a beautiful red dress.

    Cs: Jan dal babičce květiny.
    En: Jan gave the flowers to grandmother.

    Cs: „Pro tebe, babi!
    En: "For you, grandma!"

    Cs: “ řekl s úsměvem.
    En: he said with a smile.

    Cs: Babička byla dojatá.
    En: Grandmother was touched.

    Cs: „Jsi tak hodný, Janku,“ řekla a objala ho.
    En: "You are so kind, Jan," she said and hugged him.

    Cs: Eva otevřela krabici s dortem.
    En: Eva opened the box with the cake.

    Cs: Všichni tleskali.
    En: Everyone clapped.

    Cs: Dort byl velký a krásný.
    En: The cake was big and beautiful.

    Cs: Měl padesát svíček.
    En: It had fifty candles.

    Cs: Někdo přinesl kytaru.
    En: Someone brought a guitar.

    Cs: Začala hudba a všichni zpívali.
    En: Music started and everyone sang.

    Cs: Prarodiče tančili.
    En: The grandparents danced.

    Cs: Byli šťastní.
    En: They were happy.

    Cs: Dědeček políbí babičku.
    En: Grandfather kissed grandmother.

    Cs: „Miluji tě,“ řekl.
    En: "I love you," he said.

    Cs: Babička se usmála.
    En: Grandmother smiled.

    Cs: „A já tebe,“ odpověděla.
    En: "And I love you," she replied.

    Cs: Večer začali pouštět ohňostroj.
    En: In the evening, they started the fireworks.

    Cs: Obloha byla plná barev.
    En: The sky was full of colors.

    Cs: Všichni se dívali a jásali.
    En: Everyone watched and cheered.

    Cs: Byla to krásná podívaná.
    En: It was a beautiful spectacle.

    Cs: Jan se podíval na Evu.
    En: Jan looked at Eva.

    Cs: „Jsem rád, že jsme tady,“ řekl.
    En: "I'm glad we're here," he said.

    Cs: Eva přikývla.
    En: Eva nodded.

    Cs: „Já taky,“ odpověděla.
    En: "Me too," she replied.

    Cs: Když ohňostroj skončil, všichni se pomalu rozcházeli.
    En: When the fireworks ended, everyone slowly dispersed.

    Cs: Jan a Eva pomáhali uklidit.
    En: Jan and Eva helped clean up.

    Cs: Bylo to dlouhý, ale krásný den.
    En: It had been a long but beautiful day.


    • 14 min
    Czech Folklore Festival: Dancing Through Tradition in Prague

    Czech Folklore Festival: Dancing Through Tradition in Prague

    Fluent Fiction - Czech: Czech Folklore Festival: Dancing Through Tradition in Prague
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Cs: Pod nádherným modrým nebem, Jana stála u vchodu Pražského hradu.
    En: Under a beautiful blue sky, Jana stood at the entrance of Prague Castle.

    Cs: Slunce zářilo a lidé se shromažďovali pro tradiční český folklorní festival.
    En: The sun was shining, and people were gathering for the traditional Czech folklore festival.

    Cs: Hradní nádvoří bylo plné barevných stánků a ozdobených vlajkami.
    En: The castle courtyard was filled with colorful stalls and adorned with flags.

    Cs: Vzduchem se nesla vůně pečené klobásy a sladkých koláčů.
    En: The air was filled with the scent of roasted sausages and sweet pastries.

    Cs: Jana, v široké sukni a vyšívané blůze, nemohla skrýt své vzrušení.
    En: Jana, in a wide skirt and an embroidered blouse, couldn't hide her excitement.

    Cs: Milovala české tradice.
    En: She loved Czech traditions.

    Cs: Byla to její první návštěva tohoto festivalu.
    En: This was her first visit to this festival.

    Cs: Slyšela o něm od své babičky, která jí často vyprávěla příběhy o starých zvycích.
    En: She had heard about it from her grandmother, who often told her stories about old customs.

    Cs: Kapela začala hrát veselou muziku.
    En: A band started playing cheerful music.

    Cs: Lidé začali tancovat.
    En: People began to dance.

    Cs: Jana se připojila k tanci.
    En: Jana joined in the dancing.

    Cs: Cítila radost a svobodu, když se její nohy pohybovaly v rytmu hudby.
    En: She felt joy and freedom as her feet moved to the rhythm of the music.

    Cs: Kolem ní se smáli a radovali děti i starší lidé.
    En: Around her, children and older people were laughing and rejoicing.

    Cs: U jednoho stánku prodávali medovinu.
    En: At one stall, they were selling mead.

    Cs: Jana si koupila malý hrneček.
    En: Jana bought a small mug.

    Cs: Byla sladká a horká, přesně jak jí babička popisovala.
    En: It was sweet and hot, just as her grandmother had described it.

    Cs: "Na zdraví!"
    En: "To your health!"

    Cs: zvolala a připila si s novými přáteli.
    En: she exclaimed and toasted with her new friends.

    Cs: Chvíli poté zazvonil zvon.
    En: A moment later, a bell rang.

    Cs: Všichni se zastavili a obrátili pohled k pódiu.
    En: Everyone stopped and turned their eyes towards the stage.

    Cs: Starosta Prahy začal mluvit o významu tradic.
    En: The mayor of Prague began to speak about the importance of traditions.

    Cs: Jana poslouchala a cítila hrdost na svou kulturu.
    En: Jana listened and felt proud of her culture.

    Cs: Když slunce začalo klesat, festival končil.
    En: As the sun began to set, the festival was ending.

    Cs: Jana se cítila naplněná a šťastná.
    En: Jana felt fulfilled and happy.

    Cs: Bylo to den plný krásných okamžiků a nových zážitků.
    En: It was a day full of beautiful moments and new experiences.

    Cs: Začala rozumět, proč její babička tak milovala tyto tradice.
    En: She began to understand why her grandmother loved these traditions so much.

    Cs: S úsměvem na tváři Jana opustila hradní nádvoří.
    En: With a smile on her face, Jana left the castle courtyard.

    Cs: V srdci si nesla vzpomínky, které zůstanou navždy.
    En: In her heart, she carried memories that would last forever.

    Cs: Ačkoliv festival skončil, ví, že se sem...

    • 13 min
    A Magical Easter: Love and Tradition on Prague's Charles Bridge

    A Magical Easter: Love and Tradition on Prague's Charles Bridge

    Fluent Fiction - Czech: A Magical Easter: Love and Tradition on Prague's Charles Bridge
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Cs: Prahou plynula Vltava a na Karlově mostě bylo rušno.
    En: The Vltava River flowed through Prague, and the Charles Bridge was bustling.

    Cs: Bylo sváteční ráno a most se hemžil lidmi.
    En: It was a festive morning, and the bridge was teeming with people.

    Cs: Jana a Petr stáli uprostřed mostu.
    En: Jana and Peter stood in the middle of the bridge.

    Cs: Byli tu na velikonočním trhu.
    En: They were here for the Easter market.

    Cs: "Pojď, podíváme se na stánky," usmála se Jana.
    En: “Come on, let’s look at the stalls,” Jana smiled.

    Cs: "Rád, už se těším," odpověděl Petr.
    En: “I’d love to, I’m looking forward to it already,” Peter replied.

    Cs: Procházeli se mezi stánky.
    En: They walked among the stalls.

    Cs: Každý stánek měl něco jiného.
    En: Each stall had something different.

    Cs: V jednom byly malované vajíčka, v druhém tradiční perník.
    En: In one, there were painted eggs, in another, traditional gingerbread.

    Cs: Lidé tu byli přátelští.
    En: The people here were friendly.

    Cs: Děti se smály.
    En: Children were laughing.

    Cs: Vzduch voněl kořením a květinami.
    En: The air smelled of spices and flowers.

    Cs: "Podívej, tady mají pomlázky," řekla Jana a zastavila se.
    En: “Look, they have pomlázkas here,” Jana said and stopped.

    Cs: Petr se usmál. "Koupíme jednu?"
    En: Peter smiled. “Shall we buy one?”

    Cs: "Ano, můžeme ji pak použít příští rok."
    En: “Yes, we can use it next year.”

    Cs: Takže koupili pomlázku.
    En: So they bought a pomlázka.

    Cs: Od stánku ke stánku.
    En: From stall to stall.

    Cs: Petr ochutnal tradiční trdlo.
    En: Peter tasted traditional trdlo.

    Cs: Usmíval se, chutnalo mu.
    En: He smiled, he liked it.

    Cs: Najednou začaly bít zvony.
    En: Suddenly, the bells started ringing.

    Cs: Byl čas poledne.
    En: It was noon.

    Cs: Z mostu byl krásný výhled na Pražský hrad.
    En: There was a beautiful view of Prague Castle from the bridge.

    Cs: Jana a Petr se zastavili a dívali se na něj.
    En: Jana and Peter stopped and gazed at it.

    Cs: "Praha je nádherná," řekla Jana.
    En: “Prague is gorgeous,” Jana said.

    Cs: "To určitě," odpověděl Petr a chytil ji za ruku.
    En: “Definitely,” Peter replied and took her hand.

    Cs: Prošli mostem a pokračovali do uliček Starého Města.
    En: They crossed the bridge and continued into the alleys of the Old Town.

    Cs: Všude byly stánky s velikonoční výzdobou.
    En: Everywhere there were stalls with Easter decorations.

    Cs: Vypadalo to kouzelně.
    En: It looked magical.

    Cs: Potkali starou paní, co prodávala ručně dělané svíčky.
    En: They met an old lady who was selling handmade candles.

    Cs: "Kupme jednu na památku," navrhla Jana.
    En: “Let’s buy one as a souvenir,” Jana suggested.

    Cs: Petr souhlasil.
    En: Peter agreed.

    Cs: "Dobře, ať máme vzpomínku."
    En: “Sure, let’s have a memory.”

    Cs: Když se blížil večer, oba se zastavili na jednom posledním stánku.
    En: As the evening approached, they stopped at one last stall.

    Cs: Byly tam krásné ručně malované kraslice.
    En: There were beautiful hand-painted Easter eggs.

    Cs: Jana si vybrala jednu s modrými květy.
    En: Jana chose one...

    • 15 min
    Charles Bridge's Holographic History: A New Era in Prague

    Charles Bridge's Holographic History: A New Era in Prague

    Fluent Fiction - Czech: Charles Bridge's Holographic History: A New Era in Prague
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Cs: Karelův most zářil v ranním slunci.
    En: Charles Bridge glowed in the morning sun.

    Cs: Turisté se procházeli a fotili sochy.
    En: Tourists strolled and took photos of the statues.

    Cs: Jakub a Klára stáli na mostě a čekali.
    En: Jakub and Klára stood on the bridge, waiting.

    Cs: Byli nadšení.
    En: They were excited.

    Cs: "Dnes je velký den," řekla Klára s úsměvem.
    En: "Today is a big day," said Klára with a smile.

    Cs: "Je to velký den pro celé město," odpověděl Jakub.
    En: "It's a big day for the whole city," replied Jakub.

    Cs: Dnes se na Karelův most instaloval první holografický průvodce.
    En: Today, the first holographic guide was being installed on Charles Bridge.

    Cs: V Praze to byla velká událost.
    En: It was a major event in Prague.

    Cs: Všichni se těšili na něco nového a vzrušujícího.
    En: Everyone was looking forward to something new and exciting.

    Cs: Jakub pracoval jako technik.
    En: Jakub worked as a technician.

    Cs: Právě on měl na starosti instalaci.
    En: He was in charge of the installation.

    Cs: Klára byla historička.
    En: Klára was a historian.

    Cs: Psala texty pro holografického průvodce.
    En: She wrote the texts for the holographic guide.

    Cs: Oba byli nadšení, že jejich práce se blíží ke konci.
    En: Both were thrilled to see their work nearing completion.

    Cs: "Podívej, už to začíná," ukázal Jakub na tým techniků, kteří přicházeli s vybavením.
    En: "Look, it's starting," Jakub pointed to the team of technicians arriving with the equipment.

    Cs: Přinesli velké obrazovky, kabely a malé projektory.
    En: They brought large screens, cables, and small projectors.

    Cs: Klára se natáhla, aby viděla lépe.
    En: Klára stretched to see better.

    Cs: Kolem nich se shromáždil dav lidí, kteří byli stejně zvědaví jako oni.
    En: A crowd gathered around them, just as curious as they were.

    Cs: Technici začali zapojovat projektory k obrazovkám.
    En: The technicians began connecting the projectors to the screens.

    Cs: Netrvalo dlouho a všechno bylo připravené.
    En: It didn’t take long before everything was ready.

    Cs: Vedoucí týmu dal znamení.
    En: The team leader gave a signal.

    Cs: Zapnuli projektory a na mostě se objevil obraz.
    En: They switched on the projectors, and an image appeared on the bridge.

    Cs: Byla to postava z historie. Měla staré oblečení a klobouk.
    En: It was a historical figure, dressed in old clothing and a hat.

    Cs: Lidé v davu zalapali po dechu.
    En: The crowd gasped.

    Cs: Postava začala mluvit. Vyprávěla příběh o Karel IV. a stavbě mostu.
    En: The figure began to speak, telling the story of Charles IV and the construction of the bridge.

    Cs: Lidé poslouchali se zaujetím.
    En: People listened intently.

    Cs: Klára se usmála.
    En: Klára smiled.

    Cs: "Vypadá to úžasně," řekla.
    En: "It looks amazing," she said.

    Cs: "Je to jako kouzlo," přidal se Jakub.
    En: "It's like magic," added Jakub.

    Cs: Holografický průvodce byl úspěch.
    En: The holographic guide was a success.

    Cs: Lidé se mohli dozvědět o historii mostu novým a zajímavým způsobem.
    En: People could learn about the history of the bridge in a new and interesting way.

    Cs: Jakub a Klára byli...

    • 15 min

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