179 episodes

Are you ready to supercharge your Slovak listening comprehension?

Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovak, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovak and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bratislava, Košice, or High Tatras? Maybe you want to speak Slovak with your grandparents from Banská Bystrica?

Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in Slovakia, the heartland where the Slovak language is primarily spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovak listening comprehension.

Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Zlepšte svoje počúvacie schopnosti s našimi slovenskými príbehmi ešte dnes!

FluentFiction - Slovak FluentFiction.org

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Are you ready to supercharge your Slovak listening comprehension?

Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovak, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovak and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bratislava, Košice, or High Tatras? Maybe you want to speak Slovak with your grandparents from Banská Bystrica?

Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in Slovakia, the heartland where the Slovak language is primarily spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovak listening comprehension.

Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Zlepšte svoje počúvacie schopnosti s našimi slovenskými príbehmi ešte dnes!

    Joyful Adventure at Bratislava Castle: A Day of Challenges

    Joyful Adventure at Bratislava Castle: A Day of Challenges

    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Joyful Adventure at Bratislava Castle: A Day of Challenges
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Sk: Na vrchole nádherného kopca v Bratislave sa nachádza majestátny Bratislavský hrad.
    En: On the top of a beautiful hill in Bratislava stands the majestic Bratislava Castle.

    Sk: Jana, mladá žena z Prahy, naň po prvý raz zavítala.
    En: Jana, a young woman from Prague, visited it for the first time.

    Sk: Slnečné ráno v apríli ju privítalo modrým nebom.
    En: A sunny morning in April welcomed her with a blue sky.

    Sk: Vždy snívala vidieť hrad a teraz sa jej sen splní.
    En: She had always dreamed of seeing the castle, and now her dream was coming true.

    Sk: Jana kráčala po kamenných chodníkoch hradu.
    En: Jana walked along the castle's stone paths.

    Sk: Ocitla sa na nádvorí, kde cítila ducha histórie.
    En: She found herself in the courtyard, where she could feel the spirit of history.

    Sk: Pri prechádzke po hradbách jej srdce bilo radosťou.
    En: As she walked along the ramparts, her heart beat with joy.

    Sk: Zrazu však narazila na nerovnosť v kameni.
    En: Suddenly, she stumbled on an uneven stone.

    Sk: Stratila rovnováhu a dopadla na zem.
    En: She lost her balance and fell to the ground.

    Sk: "Au!
    En: "Ouch!"

    Sk: " vykríkla Jana.
    En: Jana cried out.

    Sk: Pokúsila sa postaviť, ale bolesť v členku bola neznesiteľná.
    En: She tried to stand up, but the pain in her ankle was unbearable.

    Sk: Skúsila to znovu a členok ju prebodol bolesťou.
    En: She tried again, but her ankle pierced her with pain.

    Sk: Jana si uvedomila, že si vyvrtnula členok.
    En: Jana realized that she had sprained her ankle.

    Sk: Vydýchla.
    En: She exhaled.

    Sk: „Potrebujem pomoc,“ povedala si ticho, pozerajúc sa okolo seba.
    En: "I need help," she said quietly, looking around.

    Sk: Videla turistov, ale všetci boli ďaleko.
    En: She saw tourists, but they were all far away.

    Sk: Jana vytiahla telefón, zazvonila rodičom, ktorí zostali v Prahe.
    En: Jana pulled out her phone and called her parents, who were still in Prague.

    Sk: Sľúbili, že jej pomôžu, ale to chvíľu potrvá.
    En: They promised to help, but it would take some time.

    Sk: Jana upozornila jedného zo sprievodcov hradu.
    En: Jana caught the attention of one of the castle's guides.

    Sk: Staršia dáma s milým úsmevom pristúpila k nej.
    En: An older lady with a kind smile approached her.

    Sk: "Si v poriadku?
    En: "Are you okay?"

    Sk: " spýtala sa.
    En: she asked.

    Sk: Jana ukázala na členok a povedala, čo sa stalo.
    En: Jana pointed to her ankle and explained what had happened.

    Sk: Sprievodkyňa jej okamžite pomohla postaviť sa a podporila ju.
    En: The guide immediately helped her to stand and supported her.

    Sk: Zaviedla ju na lavičku a ponúkla vlažný obklad na zniženie opuchu.
    En: She led her to a bench and offered a lukewarm compress to reduce the swelling.

    Sk: "Zavolám lekára," povedala sprievodkyňa.
    En: "I’ll call a doctor," said the guide.

    Sk: Čoskoro prišiel mladý lekár.
    En: Soon, a young doctor arrived.

    Sk: Preskúmal členok a potešil Janu slovami, že to nie je nič vážne.
    En: He examined the ankle and reassured Jana that it was nothing serious.

    Sk: "Len oddychujte," usmial sa.
    En: "Just rest," he smiled.

    Sk: "Buďte opatrná na nerovných kamenných...

    • 16 min
    Discovering History: A Day at Bratislava Castle

    Discovering History: A Day at Bratislava Castle

    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Discovering History: A Day at Bratislava Castle
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Sk: Na jednom slnečnom ráne sa Jana, Marek a Petra stretli pred školou.
    En: One sunny morning, Jana, Marek, and Petra met in front of the school.

    Sk: Boli veľmi nadšení.
    En: They were very excited.

    Sk: Dnes mali ísť na školský výlet do Bratislavského hradu.
    En: Today, they were going on a school trip to Bratislava Castle.

    Sk: Všetci už dlho očakávali tento deň.
    En: Everyone had been looking forward to this day for a long time.

    Sk: Slovom, boli pripravení na dobrodružstvo.
    En: In short, they were ready for an adventure.

    Sk: Jana mala so sebou veľký ruksak.
    En: Jana had a large backpack with her.

    Sk: V ňom mala sendviče, vodu a fotoaparát.
    En: In it, she had sandwiches, water, and a camera.

    Sk: Marek niesol mapu a kompas.
    En: Marek was carrying a map and a compass.

    Sk: „Musíme sa nestratiť,“ povedal Marek.
    En: “We can't get lost,” Marek said.

    Sk: Petra mala so sebou zápisník.
    En: Petra had a notebook with her.

    Sk: Chcela si zapísať všetko, čo sa dozvie.
    En: She wanted to write down everything she learned.

    Sk: Učiteľka pani Nováková prišla k žiakom a povedala: „Dobre, deti, do radu.
    En: Their teacher, Mrs. Nováková, approached the students and said, “Alright, children, line up.

    Sk: Ideme na autobus.“
    En: We're going to the bus.”

    Sk: Autobus bol plný detí.
    En: The bus was full of children.

    Sk: Všetci sa rozprávali a smiali.
    En: Everyone was talking and laughing.

    Sk: Cesta k hradu trvala pol hodiny.
    En: The journey to the castle took half an hour.

    Sk: Keď dorazili, Jana prvá vystúpila.
    En: When they arrived, Jana got off the bus first.

    Sk: „Pozrite na tú krásu!“ zvolala.
    En: “Look at that beauty!” she exclaimed.

    Sk: Stáli pred veľkým hradom, ktorý bol veľmi starý.
    En: They stood in front of a large castle that was very old.

    Sk: „Bratislavský hrad je veľmi významný,“ povedala pani Nováková.
    En: “Bratislava Castle is very significant,” said Mrs. Nováková.

    Sk: „Je starší ako naša škola.“
    En: “It's older than our school.”

    Sk: Deti išli po kamenných schodoch do hradu.
    En: The children climbed the stone steps into the castle.

    Sk: Bol tam nádherný výhľad na celý Bratislavu.
    En: There was a beautiful view of the whole of Bratislava.

    Sk: Jana začala fotiť.
    En: Jana began taking pictures.

    Sk: Marek rozložil mapu.
    En: Marek unfolded the map.

    Sk: „A kde je kráľovská sála?“ spýtala sa Petra.
    En: “And where is the royal hall?” Petra asked.

    Sk: „Dole vľavo, za veľkou halou,“ odpovedala pani Nováková.
    En: “Down to the left, past the great hall,” answered Mrs. Nováková.

    Sk: V kráľovskej sále bolo veľa starých obrazov a nábytku.
    En: The royal hall had many old paintings and furniture.

    Sk: „Tu sedávali králi,“ vysvetľovala učiteľka.
    En: “This is where the kings used to sit,” explained the teacher.

    Sk: Marek sa pozrel na jeden veľký obraz a povedal: „Vidíš, Jana, to je obraz kráľa Mateja.“
    En: Marek looked at a large painting and said, “Look, Jana, that's a painting of King Matthias.”

    Sk: Jana si ho odfotila.
    En: Jana took a photo of it.

    Sk: Petra si zapísala každé slovo.
    En: Petra wrote down every word.

    Sk: Po prehliadke mali deti voľno.
    En: After...

    • 16 min
    Martin's Enchanting Day at Bratislava Castle

    Martin's Enchanting Day at Bratislava Castle

    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Martin's Enchanting Day at Bratislava Castle
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Sk: Martin kráčal po starých uličkách Bratislavy.
    En: Martin walked through the old streets of Bratislava.

    Sk: Míňal staroveké kostoly a domy.
    En: He passed ancient churches and houses.

    Sk: Nad ním sa týčil majestátny Bratislavský hrad.
    En: Above him, the majestic Bratislava Castle towered.

    Sk: Dnes tam bolo veľa ľudí.
    En: Today, there were a lot of people there.

    Sk: Konal sa tam tradičný folklórny festival.
    En: A traditional folk festival was taking place.

    Sk: Martin miloval folklór.
    En: Martin loved folklore.

    Sk: Hudba a tanec ho vždy fascinovali.
    En: Music and dance always fascinated him.

    Sk: Keď bol malý, jeho starí rodičia mu rozprávali príbehy o slovenských tradíciách.
    En: When he was little, his grandparents told him stories about Slovak traditions.

    Sk: Vždy túžil vidieť ich naživo.
    En: He always longed to see them live.

    Sk: Na hrade už hrala hudba.
    En: Music was already playing at the castle.

    Sk: Ľudia tancovali v krojoch.
    En: People were dancing in traditional costumes.

    Sk: Martin cítil pulzovanie melódií v srdci.
    En: Martin felt the pulse of the melodies in his heart.

    Sk: Atmosféra bola živá a srdečná.
    En: The atmosphere was lively and warm.

    Sk: Všade bol smiech a spev.
    En: Everywhere there was laughter and singing.

    Sk: Martin si kúpil z obchodu malý drevený fujaru.
    En: Martin bought a small wooden fujara from a shop.

    Sk: Bola krásne vyrezávaná.
    En: It was beautifully carved.

    Sk: Poobzeral si stánky s tradičnými jedlami.
    En: He looked around the stalls with traditional foods.

    Sk: Vo vzduchu cítil vôňu čerstvého chleba a klobásy.
    En: He smelled the aroma of fresh bread and sausages in the air.

    Sk: Skúsil pečený chlieb s masťou a cibuľou.
    En: He tried baked bread with lard and onions.

    Sk: Bol lahodný.
    En: It was delicious.

    Sk: Na hlavnom pódiu vystupovala skupina tanečníkov.
    En: On the main stage, a group of dancers performed.

    Sk: Ich kroje žiarili farbami.
    En: Their costumes shone with colors.

    Sk: Každý pohyb bol dokonalý a ladný.
    En: Every movement was perfect and graceful.

    Sk: Martin sa nadýchal a usmial sa.
    En: Martin took a deep breath and smiled.

    Sk: Toto bolo to, čo si vždy prial vidieť.
    En: This was what he had always wished to see.

    Sk: Potom sa stalo niečo zvláštne.
    En: Then something strange happened.

    Sk: Starý muž prišiel k Martinovi.
    En: An old man came to Martin.

    Sk: Mal hrubú paličku a šedivé vlasy.
    En: He had a thick cane and gray hair.

    Sk: Povedal: "Vidím, že sa ti naše tradície páčia.
    En: He said, "I see you like our traditions.

    Sk: Chceš tancovať s nami?
    En: Would you like to dance with us?"

    Sk: "Martin bol nadšený, ale trochu nervózny.
    En: Martin was excited but a little nervous.

    Sk: Nikdy predtým netancoval ľudové tance.
    En: He had never danced folk dances before.

    Sk: No starý muž ho povzbudil.
    En: But the old man encouraged him.

    Sk: "Neboj sa, ukážem ti to," povedal s úsmevom.
    En: "Don't worry, I'll show you," he said with a smile.

    Sk: Spolu išli na pódium.
    En: Together they went to the stage.

    Sk: Starý muž ukazoval jednoduché kroky.
    En: The old man...

    • 17 min
    Friendship and Courage at Tatralandia: A Thrilling Adventure

    Friendship and Courage at Tatralandia: A Thrilling Adventure

    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Friendship and Courage at Tatralandia: A Thrilling Adventure
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Sk: Slnečný deň v Tatralandia Aquaparku bol plný radosti a smiechu.
    En: A sunny day at the Tatralandia Aquapark was full of joy and laughter.

    Sk: Jana a Peter, dvaja najlepší priatelia, sa rozhodli stráviť deň v bazénoch a na tobogánoch.
    En: Jana and Peter, two best friends, decided to spend the day in the pools and on the water slides.

    Sk: Jana milovala vodu a Peter zasa adrenalínové jazdy.
    En: Jana loved water, and Peter loved adrenaline rides.

    Sk: "Pozri, tam je nový tobogán," ukázal Peter prstom. Mal v očiach radosť.
    En: "Look, there's a new water slide," Peter pointed with excitement in his eyes.

    Sk: Jana súhlasne prikývla a obaja šprintovali smerom k tobogánu.
    En: Jana nodded in agreement, and they both sprinted towards the slide.

    Sk: Rady boli dlhé, ale oni trpezlivo čakali.
    En: The lines were long, but they waited patiently.

    Sk: Konečne, keď prišiel ich čas, Peter vkročil na schodíky vedúce nahor.
    En: Finally, when it was their turn, Peter stepped onto the stairs leading upwards.

    Sk: Keď sa Peter dostal na vrchol, cítil sa výborne.
    En: When Peter reached the top, he felt great.

    Sk: Skočil na tobogán a začal sa kĺzať nadol.
    En: He jumped onto the slide and started gliding down.

    Sk: Voda špliechala, srdce mu búšilo.
    En: The water splashed, and his heart raced.

    Sk: Ale hneď ako vyplával na hladinu bazéna, pocítil bolesť na ruke.
    En: But as soon as he surfaced in the pool, he felt a pain in his arm.

    Sk: "Dostal som žihadlo!" skríkol Peter a chytil si ruku.
    En: "I got stung!" Peter shouted, grabbing his arm.

    Sk: Jana okamžite pochopila, že niečo nie je v poriadku.
    En: Jana immediately realized something was wrong.

    Sk: Vzala Petra za ruku a odviedla ho na lavičku blízko bazéna.
    En: She took Peter by the hand and led him to a bench near the pool.

    Sk: Peter začal dýchať rýchlejšie a jeho ruky začali opúchať.
    En: Peter began to breathe faster, and his hands started to swell.

    Sk: Jana sa bála.
    En: Jana was scared.

    Sk: Vedela, že Peter je alergický na včely.
    En: She knew Peter was allergic to bees.

    Sk: "Musíme ísť k lekárovi," povedala presvedčivo.
    En: "We need to see a doctor," she said convincingly.

    Sk: Bez váhania, obehla celý aquapark a našla pracovníka.
    En: Without hesitation, she ran around the entire aquapark and found a staff member.

    Sk: "Pomôžte nám, môj priateľ má alergickú reakciu na žihadlo," prosila Jana.
    En: "Help us, my friend is having an allergic reaction to a sting," Jana pleaded.

    Sk: Pracovník rýchlo zareagoval a zavolal pomoc.
    En: The staff member quickly responded and called for help.

    Sk: Prišla záchranná služba a Petra okamžite ošetrili.
    En: The rescue service arrived and treated Peter immediately.

    Sk: Po pár minútach, ktoré sa Janke zdali večnosťou, Petra stabilizovali.
    En: After a few minutes that seemed like an eternity to Jana, Peter was stabilized.

    Sk: Sedel na lavičke a dýchal pomaly.
    En: He sat on the bench and breathed slowly.

    Sk: Jana bola pri ňom, držala ho za ruku.
    En: Jana was beside him, holding his hand.

    Sk: "Ďakujem, Jana," povedal Peter a usmial sa unavene.
    En: "Thank you, Jana," Peter said with a tired smile.

    Sk: "Si moja hrdinka."
    En: "You’re...

    • 15 min
    Family Tales and Traditions at Spiš Castle's Folk Festival

    Family Tales and Traditions at Spiš Castle's Folk Festival

    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Family Tales and Traditions at Spiš Castle's Folk Festival
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Sk: Na kraji malého mesta Stará Ľubovňa je krásny Spišský hrad.
    En: At the edge of the small town of Stará Ľubovňa lies the beautiful Spiš Castle.

    Sk: Na hrad prichádzali ľudia z celého Slovenska.
    En: People from all over Slovakia came to visit the castle.

    Sk: Dnes je tradičný slovenský ľudový festival.
    En: Today, there is a traditional Slovak folk festival.

    Sk: Farby krojov sú viditeľné všade.
    En: The colors of the folk costumes are visible everywhere.

    Sk: Jana, Marek a ich malá dcéra Lucia sa vybrali na hrad.
    En: Jana, Marek, and their little daughter Lucia set out for the castle.

    Sk: Mali sme plán stretnúť sa s rodinou.
    En: They had planned to meet their family.

    Sk: Marek držal Luciu za ruku a Jana niesla košík s jedlom.
    En: Marek held Lucia's hand, and Jana carried a basket of food.

    Sk: "Pozri, Lucia, to je Spišský hrad," povedala Jana s úsmevom.
    En: "Look, Lucia, that is Spiš Castle," said Jana with a smile.

    Sk: V hrade boli stánky s jedlom, ručne vyrobené predmety a muzikanti hrali tradičné piesne.
    En: In the castle, there were food stalls, handmade items, and musicians playing traditional songs.

    Sk: Marek vedel, že jeho brat Juraj bude pri stánku s medovinou.
    En: Marek knew his brother Juraj would be at the mead stall.

    Sk: Prišli k nemu a každý si dal pohárik.
    En: They approached him, and everyone had a small glass.

    Sk: "Ahoj, Juraj," zvolal Marek.
    En: "Hello, Juraj," Marek called out.

    Sk: "Toto je Lucia.
    En: "This is Lucia.

    Sk: Pozri, ako už vyrástla.
    En: Look how much she has grown."

    Sk: "Juraj sa zasmial a objal Marka.
    En: Juraj laughed and hugged Marek.

    Sk: "Lucia, máš krásne šaty.
    En: "Lucia, your dress is beautiful.

    Sk: Páči sa ti hrad?
    En: Do you like the castle?"

    Sk: " opýtal sa Juraj a podal dievčaťu malý medový koláčik.
    En: Juraj asked and handed the little girl a small honey cake.

    Sk: Lucia s radosťou kývla hlavou.
    En: Lucia nodded joyfully.

    Sk: Pozrela sa na steny hradu a na strechy, ktoré sa trblietali na slnku.
    En: She looked at the castle walls and the roofs glittering in the sunlight.

    Sk: Marek s Janou vzali Luciu do náručia a išli sa pozrieť na výhľad z veže.
    En: Marek and Jana picked Lucia up and went to see the view from the tower.

    Sk: Z vrcholu veže bol nádherný výhľad na okolie.
    En: From the top of the tower, there was a magnificent view of the surroundings.

    Sk: Polia kvitli a rieka sa kľukatila krajinou.
    En: Fields were in bloom, and the river wound through the landscape.

    Sk: Jana a Marek cítili pokoj.
    En: Jana and Marek felt at peace.

    Sk: Takéto chvíle ich spájali a privádzali bližšie k sebe.
    En: Moments like these brought them closer together.

    Sk: Pod hradom sa začalo divadlo o histórii Spišského hradu.
    En: Under the castle, a play about the history of Spiš Castle began.

    Sk: Ľudia sedeli na tráve a deti behali okolo.
    En: People sat on the grass, and children ran around.

    Sk: Marek držal Luciu na kolenách, aby mala dobrý výhľad.
    En: Marek held Lucia on his lap so she had a good view.

    Sk: Lucia sledovala predstavenie s očami dokorán.
    En: Lucia watched the performance with wide eyes.

    Sk: Keď sa predstavenie skončilo,...

    • 15 min
    Discovering History: A Journey Through Bratislava Castle

    Discovering History: A Journey Through Bratislava Castle

    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Discovering History: A Journey Through Bratislava Castle
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Sk: Slnko príjemne svietilo nad Bratislavským hradom.
    En: The sun was pleasantly shining over Bratislava Castle.

    Sk: Jana, Marek a Zuzana stáli pred veľkými bránami.
    En: Jana, Marek, and Zuzana stood in front of the large gates.

    Sk: V ten deň bola ich trieda na výlete.
    En: That day, their class was on a field trip.

    Sk: Ich učiteľka, pani Novaková, chcela, aby sa dozvedeli viac o histórii a architektúre.
    En: Their teacher, Mrs. Nováková, wanted them to learn more about history and architecture.

    Sk: "Pozrite sa na tie veže!
    En: "Look at those towers!"

    Sk: " povedala Jana, ukazujúc na hrad.
    En: said Jana, pointing at the castle.

    Sk: "Je to krásne," súhlasil Marek.
    En: "It's beautiful," agreed Marek.

    Sk: Zuzana sa usmiala a pridala, "Mám rada históriu.
    En: Zuzana smiled and added, "I love history.

    Sk: Chcem vedieť viac o tomto mieste.
    En: I want to know more about this place."

    Sk: "Pani Novaková ich viedla dnu.
    En: Mrs. Nováková led them inside.

    Sk: Prechádzali cez nádvorie.
    En: They walked through the courtyard.

    Sk: "Tento hrad stojí tu od deviateho storočia," vysvetlila učiteľka.
    En: "This castle has been here since the ninth century," the teacher explained.

    Sk: "Je to jedno z najdôležitejších miest na Slovensku.
    En: "It is one of the most important places in Slovakia."

    Sk: "Žiaci sa zastavili pri veľkej stene s freskami.
    En: The students stopped by a large wall with frescoes.

    Sk: "Čo sú to tie obrázky?
    En: "What are those pictures?"

    Sk: " spýtala sa Zuzana.
    En: asked Zuzana.

    Sk: "To sú scénky z našej histórie," odpovedala pani Novaková.
    En: "They are scenes from our history," answered Mrs. Nováková.

    Sk: "Pozrite sa, toto je kráľ Svätopluk I.
    En: "Look, this is King Svätopluk I.

    Sk: Bol mocným panovníkom.
    En: He was a powerful ruler."

    Sk: "Prešli k veži a začali vystupovať po schodoch.
    En: They moved to a tower and started climbing the steps.

    Sk: Keď dosiahli vrchol, otvoril sa im nádherný výhľad na celú Bratislavu.
    En: When they reached the top, a wonderful view of all of Bratislava opened up before them.

    Sk: "Vidím náš dom!
    En: "I can see our house!"

    Sk: " zvolala Jana vzrušene.
    En: Jana exclaimed excitedly.

    Sk: "Môžeme tam zostať navždy?
    En: "Can we stay here forever?"

    Sk: " pýtal sa Marek so smiechom.
    En: Marek asked, laughing.

    Sk: "Nie, ale môžeme si tú krásu užívať," odpovedala učiteľka.
    En: "No, but we can enjoy this beauty," the teacher replied.

    Sk: "Pozrite sa, tamtá budova je starej radnice.
    En: "Look, that building over there is the old town hall.

    Sk: Má veľmi dôležitú históriu.
    En: It has a very important history."

    Sk: "Neskôr vo výstavnej miestnosti žiaci obdivovali staré meče, brnenia a knihy.
    En: Later, in the exhibition room, the students admired old swords, armor, and books.

    Sk: "Toto je úžasné," hovorila Zuzana, keď sa skláňala nad staré mapy.
    En: "This is amazing," said Zuzana as she leaned over old maps.

    Sk: Na konci výletu sa pani Nováková usmiala na svojich žiakov.
    En: At the end of the trip, Mrs. Nováková smiled at her students.

    Sk: "Dúfam, že ste sa veľa naučili.
    En: "I hope you learned a...

    • 15 min

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Katka329 ,

Fun way to practice Slovak!

I enjoy listening to the stories and appreciate the transcripts and vocabulary lists. This podcast is helping me improve my Slovak. D’akujem!

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