FluentFiction - Slovenian

FluentFiction - Slovenian

Are you ready to supercharge your Slovenian listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovenian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovenian and English. This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with. Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Lake Bled, Postojna Cave, or Ljubljana Castle? Maybe you want to speak Slovenian with your grandparents from Ljubljana? Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background necessary to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere and life of Slovenia, the primary country where Slovenian is fluently spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovenian listening comprehension. Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Izboljšajte svoje razumevanje poslušanja z našimi slovenskimi zgodbami danes!

  1. A Scenic Hike and an Unexpected Lesson at Lake Bled

    18 HR. AGO

    A Scenic Hike and an Unexpected Lesson at Lake Bled

    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: A Scenic Hike and an Unexpected Lesson at Lake Bled Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.org/a-scenic-hike-and-an-unexpected-lesson-at-lake-bled Story Transcript: Sl: Meglice so se počasi dvigale nad jezero Bled, razkrivale so pogled na otok s cerkvijo sredi jezera. En: The mists were slowly rising over lake Bled, revealing a view of the island with a church in the middle of the lake. Sl: Jesensko listje okoli jezera je bilo živo rdeče in oranžno. En: The autumn leaves around the lake were a vibrant red and orange. Sl: Maja in Anže sta hodila ob obali, z nahrbtniki in palicami v rokah. En: Maja and Anže were walking along the shore, backpacks and walking sticks in hand. Sl: "Dan je res prelep za pohodništvo," je rekla Maja, pri čemer je skrivala bolečico v glasu. En: "The day is really beautiful for hiking," said Maja, masking the pain in her voice. Sl: Občudovala je okolico, njen obraz pa je bil bel. En: She admired the surroundings, but her face was pale. Sl: "Je res, ampak ne izgledaš dobro. En: "It is, but you don't look well. Sl: Si prepričana, da si v redu? En: Are you sure you're okay?" Sl: " jo je vprašal Anže, ki ni mogel skriti svoje skrbi. En: Anže asked, unable to hide his concern. Sl: Maja je prikimala in se nasmehnila. En: Maja nodded and smiled. Sl: "Samo malo sem utrujena, želim priti do tiste razgledne točke. En: "I'm just a bit tired, I want to reach that lookout point. Sl: Potem se vrneva," je zagotovila. En: Then we'll head back," she assured him. Sl: Toda Anže je videl, da njena hoja ni več tako energična. En: But Anže noticed her steps were no longer energetic. Sl: Njena odločnost ga je skrbela. En: Her determination worried him. Sl: Pot sta nadaljevala po poti, obdajala sta ju vetrič in šelestenje suhih listov pod nogami. En: They continued along the path, surrounded by a gentle breeze and the rustle of dry leaves underfoot. Sl: Ko sta se vse bližala razgledni točki, je Maja nenadoma zastala. En: As they got closer to the lookout point, Maja suddenly stopped. Sl: Njena glava je bila težka, svet se je začel vrteti. En: Her head felt heavy, and the world began to spin. Sl: "Maja," je zavpil Anže, ko jo je videl, kako kleca. En: "Maja," shouted Anže as he saw her kneel down. Sl: Pohitel je k njej in jo ujel, preden je padla na tla. En: He rushed to her and caught her before she fell to the ground. Sl: "Oprosti, Anže. En: "Sorry, Anže... Sl: Zelo slabo mi je," je zašepetala in zaprla oči. En: I'm feeling very unwell," she whispered and closed her eyes. Sl: V tistem trenutku je Anžeta prešinilo, da njeno stanje ni nekaj, kar lahko spregledata. En: At that moment, it dawned on Anže that her condition wasn't something they could ignore. Sl: Poklical je pomoč in ji dal piti vodo, medtem ko jo je držal pokonci. En: He called for help and gave her some water while holding her up. Sl: Ko je Maja spet odprla oči, je bila v ambulantnem vozilu. En: When Maja opened her eyes again, she was in an ambulance. Sl: Anže je sedel poleg nje, njegova roka je nežno držala njeno. En: Anže sat next to her, his hand gently holding hers. Sl: "Mislila sem, da zmorem," je pojasnila tiho. En: "I thought I could manage," she explained quietly. Sl: "Pomembno je, da zdaj poskrbiš zase. En: "The important thing is to take care of yourself now. Sl: Še bova hodila skupaj, ko boš...

    15 min
  2. Finding Roots and New Beginnings: A Slovenian Homecoming

    1 DAY AGO

    Finding Roots and New Beginnings: A Slovenian Homecoming

    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Finding Roots and New Beginnings: A Slovenian Homecoming Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.org/finding-roots-and-new-beginnings-a-slovenian-homecoming Story Transcript: Sl: Listje je nežno padalo na tla, ko je Jure stopil skozi vrata velike družinske hiše. En: The leaves gently fell to the ground as Jure stepped through the doors of the large family house. Sl: Hiša je bila polna ljudi, glasov in smeha. En: The house was filled with people, voices, and laughter. Sl: Vonj po sveži potici in šelestenju ognja iz kaminov je napolnil prostor. En: The scent of fresh potica and the rustling of fire from the fireplaces filled the space. Sl: Jure se je počutil malo izgubljenega. En: Jure felt a little lost. Sl: Prišel je iz tujine, da bi spoznal svojo družino in svoje slovenske korenine. En: He had come from abroad to meet his family and discover his Slovenian roots. Sl: A vse to mu je bilo novo in malo nenavadno. En: Yet, all of this was new and somewhat strange to him. Sl: Na drugi strani sobe je Tanja veselo kramljala s sorodniki. En: On the other side of the room, Tanja was cheerfully chatting with relatives. Sl: Kljub svoji veselemu značaju, se je tudi ona počutila nekoliko omejena s pričakovanji majhnega mesta. En: Despite her cheerful nature, she also felt somewhat confined by the expectations of a small town. Sl: Pogosto je razmišljala o potovanjih in novih dogodivščinah. En: She often thought about traveling and new adventures. Sl: Ko se je Jure pogumno pridružil skupini, ki je igrala staro slovensko glasbo, si je želel najti način, kako se bolj povezati z drugimi. En: When Jure bravely joined the group playing old Slovenian music, he wished to find a way to connect more with others. Sl: Tanja pa je v tem videla priložnost, da spozna koga, ki zna gledati širše na svet. En: Tanja, on the other hand, saw this as an opportunity to meet someone who could look at the world in broader terms. Sl: Kasneje so se sorodniki zbrali v dnevni sobi, kjer so skupaj delili potovalne zgodbe in izkušnje. En: Later, the relatives gathered in the living room where they shared travel stories and experiences. Sl: Tanja je sedla blizu Jureta, radovedna, kaj bi lahko izvedela o njegovih potovanjih. En: Tanja sat close to Jure, curious about what she might learn about his travels. Sl: Pogumno se je nagnila naprej: "Jure, povedali so mi, da si veliko prepotoval. En: She leaned forward bravely: "Jure, I heard you've traveled a lot. Sl: Kako je v tujini? En: What is it like abroad?" Sl: ""Veliko drugače," je odgovoril Jure, "a zmeraj me je nazaj vleklo, da bi vedel, od kod prihaja moja družina. En: "Very different," Jure replied, "but I always felt drawn back to know where my family comes from. Sl: Slovenija je tako lepa. En: Slovenia is so beautiful." Sl: " Njegove besede so bile iskrene, njegova želja, da najde svoj prostor tu, je bila očitna. En: His words were sincere, and his desire to find his place here was clear. Sl: Pogovor z Juretovo iskrenostjo je Tanjo navdušil. En: The conversation sparked by Jure's sincerity inspired Tanja. Sl: Skupaj sta se oddaljila od množice, našla tišino na vrtu, obdanem z jesenskimi barvami. En: Together, they moved away from the crowd and found serenity in the garden, surrounded by autumn colors. Sl: Oba sta se odprla. En: They both opened up. Sl: Jure ji je pripovedoval o svojih popotovanjih, o mestih, ki jih je obiskal,...

    15 min
  3. Chasing Legends: An Enchanted Night at Lake Bled

    2 DAYS AGO

    Chasing Legends: An Enchanted Night at Lake Bled

    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Chasing Legends: An Enchanted Night at Lake Bled Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.org/chasing-legends-an-enchanted-night-at-lake-bled Story Transcript: Sl: Dogodek se je začel nekega hladnega jesenskega večera ob Blejskem jezeru. En: The event began on a chilly autumn evening by Blejsko jezero (Lake Bled). Sl: Zala je pogledala čez krog dreves, ki so zlatose lesketali v jesenskem listju, in začutila veter, ki ji je pihal skozi lase. En: Zala looked across the circle of trees, shimmering golden in the autumn foliage, and felt the wind blowing through her hair. Sl: Bila je odločena. En: She was determined. Sl: Tokrat bo zagotovo ujela dokaze o blejskem zmaju. En: This time, she would surely capture evidence of the Bled dragon. Sl: "Ljubica, je to res potrebno? En: "Honey, is this really necessary?" Sl: " je vprašal Matej, ki je gledal svojo punco z mešanico začudenja in občudovanja. En: asked Matej, looking at his girlfriend with a mixture of wonder and admiration. Sl: "Seveda, Matej. En: "Of course, Matej. Sl: To je priložnost. En: This is an opportunity. Sl: Noč čarovnic je posebej magična," mu je odgovorila Zala z iskrivimi očmi. En: Halloween is especially magical," replied Zala with sparkling eyes. Sl: Poleg njiju je stal Boris, njihov prijatelj z bujno domišljijo. En: Beside them stood Boris, their friend with an imaginative flair. Sl: Nosil je velik plašč, poln žepkov, polnih nenavadnih pripomočkov. En: He wore a large coat, full of pockets stuffed with unusual gadgets. Sl: Iz enega je izvlekel nekaj, kar je izgledalo kot rog. En: From one, he pulled out something that looked like a horn. Sl: "To je zmajev klic," je rekel Boris s širokim nasmehom. En: "This is the dragon's call," said Boris with a wide smile. Sl: "Prepričan sem, da bo deloval. En: "I'm sure it will work." Sl: "Matej je zavzdihnil, vendar ni rekel nič. En: Matej sighed but said nothing. Sl: Vedel je, da je ta večer pomemben za Zalo. En: He knew this evening was important for Zala. Sl: Čeprav ni verjel v zmaja, ji ni hotel pokvariti upanja. En: Although he didn't believe in the dragon, he didn't want to spoil her hope. Sl: Skupaj so se odpravili na izlet proti jezeru. En: Together, they set out on a trip toward the lake. Sl: Megla je ležala tiho kot tančica nad serenosjo vodo, otok s cerkvico pa se je zdel skorajda nadnaraven. En: The fog lay quietly like a veil over the serene water; the island with the church seemed almost supernatural. Sl: Zala si je predstavljala, kako se bo njen obraz pojavil na naslovnicah časopisov, ko bo dokazala obstoj zmaja. En: Zala imagined her face appearing on newspaper covers when she would prove the dragon's existence. Sl: Ko so prispeli do roba jezera, je Boris začel s svojim posebnim ritualom. En: When they reached the edge of the lake, Boris started his special ritual. Sl: Oblekel je smešen papirnat kostum zmaja in hrumel, kot da je dejansko zmajev glas. En: He donned a funny paper dragon costume and roared as if he were truly a dragon's voice. Sl: Turisti na bližnji poti so se obrnili in ga radovedno opazovali, nekateri pa celo odhajali, prestrašeni nad njegovim početjem. En: Tourists on the nearby path turned and watched him curiously, some even leaving, frightened by his antics. Sl: Zala se je komaj zadrževala, da ni bruhnila v smeh, vendar je ostala osredotočena. En: Zala could barely hold back her...

    17 min
  4. Breaking Boundaries: Saving the Forests of Triglavski

    3 DAYS AGO

    Breaking Boundaries: Saving the Forests of Triglavski

    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Breaking Boundaries: Saving the Forests of Triglavski Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.org/breaking-boundaries-saving-the-forests-of-triglavski Story Transcript: Sl: Pod krošnjami zlato-rdečih listov je Matija hodil skozi Triglavski narodni park. En: Under the canopy of golden-red leaves, Matija walked through Triglavski narodni park. Sl: Bil je jesen. En: It was autumn. Sl: V zraku je bil vonj po svežih listih. En: The air was filled with the scent of fresh leaves. Sl: Matija je bil okoljski znanstvenik. En: Matija was an environmental scientist. Sl: Vsak dan je skrbel za naše gozdove. En: Every day, he cared for our forests. Sl: Čakal ga je nov izziv. En: A new challenge awaited him. Sl: Gozd ni bil varen. En: The forest was not safe. Sl: Znaki škode so bili povsod. En: Signs of damage were everywhere. Sl: Matija je vedel, da mora hitro ukrepati. En: Matija knew he had to act quickly. Sl: Denarja je bilo premalo in časa še manj. En: There was not enough money, and even less time. Sl: A njegova ljubezen do narave je bila premočna. En: But his love for nature was too strong. Sl: Odločil se je, da bo raziskavo izvedel čez vikend. En: He decided to conduct his research over the weekend. Sl: Tudi brez dovoljenja. En: Even without permission. Sl: Vedel je, da je tveganje veliko, a je verjel, da je nujno. En: He knew the risk was great, but he believed it was necessary. Sl: Rok in Ana sta prišla pomagat. En: Rok and Ana came to help. Sl: Rok je bil dober s tehnologijo. En: Rok was good with technology. Sl: Ana je imela izkušnje s pisanjem poročil. En: Ana had experience with writing reports. Sl: Skupaj so lahko več dosegli. En: Together, they could achieve more. Sl: Njihova pot je bila dolga. En: Their journey was long. Sl: Hladne kapljice dežja so jih opozarjale, da je jesen res tukaj. En: Cold raindrops reminded them that autumn was truly here. Sl: V gozdu so našli več vzorcev. En: In the forest, they found several samples. Sl: Matija je med hojo opazil nekaj nenavadnega. En: While walking, Matija noticed something unusual. Sl: Našel je veliko invazivno rastlino. En: He found a large invasive plant. Sl: Vzela je prostor domačim vrstam. En: It was taking up space from native species. Sl: Alarm se je v njem sprožil. En: An alarm was triggered in him. Sl: Njegova odločnost je bila jasna. En: His determination was clear. Sl: To je bilo tisto, kar je iskal. En: This was what he was looking for. Sl: V mrazu so delali še naprej. En: In the cold, they continued to work. Sl: Ko se je noč spuščala, so zbrali dovolj podatkov. En: As night fell, they had gathered enough data. Sl: Matija je vedel, da so izpolnili nalogo. En: Matija knew they had completed the task. Sl: Vrnitvena pot je bila polna pričakovanja. En: The return journey was full of anticipation. Sl: Doma je Matija pripravil obsežno poročilo. En: At home, Matija prepared an extensive report. Sl: Ana je pomagala z urejanjem. En: Ana helped with editing. Sl: Rok je pripravil predstavitev. En: Rok prepared a presentation. Sl: Bili so pripravljeni. En: They were ready. Sl: Srečanje z oblastmi je bilo ključno. En: The meeting with the authorities was crucial. Sl:...

    15 min
  5. How Mateja Blossomed: Winning with Autumn's Simplicity

    4 DAYS AGO

    How Mateja Blossomed: Winning with Autumn's Simplicity

    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: How Mateja Blossomed: Winning with Autumn's Simplicity Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.org/how-mateja-blossomed-winning-with-autumns-simplicity Story Transcript: Sl: Ljubljanska tržnica je bila polna življenja. En: The Ljubljana marketplace was full of life. Sl: Jesenske barve so preplavile mesta, kjer so se tržnice prelivale z živopisnimi pridelki in obrtmi. En: Autumn colors flooded the spots where the markets blended with vibrant produce and crafts. Sl: Med vsemi stojnicami je bila Matejina cvetličarna. En: Among all the stalls was Mateja's flower shop. Sl: Pripravljala se je na jesenski cvetlični festival. En: She was preparing for the autumn floral festival. Sl: Mateja je bila predana in kreativna cvetličarka, a nekaj jo je skrbelo. En: Mateja was a dedicated and creative florist, but something worried her. Sl: Ko je postavljala svojo stojnico, je Mateja pogledala na drugo stran, kjer je stal Tomaž. En: As she set up her stand, Mateja glanced across to where Tomaž stood. Sl: Njegovi aranžmaji so bili vedno inovativni in privlačni. En: His arrangements were always innovative and appealing. Sl: Tomaž ji je bil velik tekmec, znan po svojih izjemnih postavitvah. En: Tomaž was a major competitor, known for his exceptional displays. Sl: Poleg tega je Matejo mučil še en problem. En: Additionally, Mateja was troubled by another issue. Sl: Pošiljka njenih najpomembnejših rož je bila zadržana. En: The shipment of her most important flowers had been delayed. Sl: Sooskačeval je Bojan, njen prijatelj in sosed na tržnici, ki je prodajal ročno izdelane izdelke. En: Bojan, her friend and neighbor at the market, who sold handmade goods, chimed in. Sl: Bojan je imel vedno nasvet ali dve za svojo prijateljico. En: Bojan always had a piece of advice or two for his friend. Sl: “Mateja,” ji je dejal nekega jutra, medtem ko sta pila kavo, “zakaj ne uporabiš lokalnih cvetlic in jesenskih dekoracij? En: "Mateja," he said one morning while they were drinking coffee, "why don't you use local flowers and autumn decorations? Sl: Lahko ti pomagam z okraski iz bučk. En: I can help you with pumpkin decorations." Sl: "Mateja je premislila Bojanov predlog. En: Mateja pondered Bojan's suggestion. Sl: Odločila se je, da poskusi nekaj novega. En: She decided to try something new. Sl: Namesto manjkajočih rož bo uporabila pisano jesensko listje, buče in druge naravne elemente. En: Instead of the missing flowers, she would use colorful autumn leaves, pumpkins, and other natural elements. Sl: Skupaj z Bojanom sta taglavna potegnila iz vseh kotičkov tržnice. En: Together with Bojan, they sourced from every corner of the market. Sl: Oblikovala sta čudovito, edinstveno postavitev. En: They created a beautiful, unique display. Sl: Prišel je dan festivala. En: The day of the festival arrived. Sl: Tržnica je bila polna obiskovalcev. En: The marketplace was full of visitors. Sl: Mateja je nervozno opazovala obiskovalce. En: Mateja watched them nervously. Sl: Njena stojnica je bila pisana in privlačna, drugačna. En: Her stall was colorful and attractive, different. Sl: Ko so sodniki prišli blizu, so zastali. En: When the judges came close, they paused. Sl: Njihove oči so si ogledovale vse podrobnosti Matejinega umetniškega dela. En: Their eyes examined every detail of Mateja's artistic work. Sl: Čutila je, da so vtisi...

    15 min
  6. Amid Ruins: A Tale of Resilience and New Beginnings

    5 DAYS AGO

    Amid Ruins: A Tale of Resilience and New Beginnings

    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Amid Ruins: A Tale of Resilience and New Beginnings Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.org/amid-ruins-a-tale-of-resilience-and-new-beginnings Story Transcript: Sl: Veter viharja je mršavil Matejine lase, ko je stopala med ruševine majhne obalne vasi. En: The wind of the storm ruffled Mateja's hair as she walked among the ruins of the small coastal village. Sl: Zapuščene kamnite hiše so se opirale druga na drugo, kot da še vedno čakajo na prebivalce, ki so jih nekoč napolnjevali z življenjem. En: Abandoned stone houses leaned on each other, as if still waiting for the inhabitants who once filled them with life. Sl: Listje je šumelo pod njenimi nogami, valovi pa so se lomili na bližnji obali. En: Leaves rustled under her feet, and waves crashed on the nearby shore. Sl: Jesen je vsepovsod risala svoje barve. En: Autumn painted its colors everywhere. Sl: Mateja je prišla sem iskati... nekaj. En: Mateja came here searching for... something. Sl: Smisel, mir, preprosto točko, kjer bi lahko ponovno našla dom. En: Meaning, peace, simply a place where she could once again find a home. Sl: Bojan se je skrival za starim zidom, opazoval je njene poteze. En: Bojan hid behind an old wall, observing her movements. Sl: Videti je bila odločna, vendar je zaslutil senco žalosti v njenih očeh. En: She appeared determined, but he sensed a shadow of sadness in her eyes. Sl: Tudi on je bil tukaj iz podobnih razlogov – pošteno čistil naselje, v upanju, da bi našel nekaj vrednega, kar bi mu lahko pomagalo preživeti prihajajoče mesece. En: He too was here for similar reasons—honestly cleaning up the settlement, hoping to find something valuable that could help him survive the coming months. Sl: Na koncu dneva, ko se je sonce spuščalo proti obzorju, sta se srečala ob stari fontani. En: At the end of the day, as the sun dipped toward the horizon, they met by the old fountain. Sl: Najprej sta si le zadržano prikimala. En: At first, they just nodded to each other reservedly. Sl: »Iščeš kaj posebnega?« je vprašal Bojan, ko je z naporom dvignil kos zarjavelega železa. En: "Are you looking for something special?" Bojan asked as he laboriously lifted a piece of rusty iron. Sl: Mateja je z nasmehom skomignila. En: Mateja shrugged with a smile. Sl: »Nekaj kar me bo spomnilo, da nisem sama.« En: "Something to remind me that I'm not alone." Sl: V tednih, ki so sledili, sta se učila sodelovati. En: In the weeks that followed, they learned to collaborate. Sl: Mateja je hotela postaviti znak – ogromen bakl, ki bi opozarjal morebitne preživele, da tukaj ni vse izgubljeno. En: Mateja wanted to erect a sign—a huge beacon to signal to potential survivors that not all was lost here. Sl: Bojan sprva ni bil naklonjen ideji. En: Bojan was initially opposed to the idea. Sl: »Tak znak bo le privabil nezveste,« je oporekal. En: "Such a sign will only attract traitors," he objected. Sl: A Matejina vztrajnost je bila nalezljiva. En: But Mateja's persistence was contagious. Sl: In globoko v sebi je Bojan začutil, da je morda čas, da začne zaupati spet nekomu drugemu. En: And deep down, Bojan felt that it might be time to start trusting someone else again. Sl: Njuna različna pogleda sta pogosto povzročala trenja, toda skupna naloga jih je prisilila v kompromis. En: Their differing views often caused friction, but the common task forced them into compromise. Sl: Bojan je poskrbel za tehnično plat...

    18 min
  7. Disconnect to Reconnect: An Autumn's Tale of Family Time

    6 DAYS AGO

    Disconnect to Reconnect: An Autumn's Tale of Family Time

    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Disconnect to Reconnect: An Autumn's Tale of Family Time Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.org/disconnect-to-reconnect-an-autumns-tale-of-family-time Story Transcript: Sl: V Bledskem jezeru se je odsevala čudovita jesen. En: A beautiful autumn was reflected in Bledsko jezero. Sl: Listje je bilo barvito, zeleno, rumeno in rdeče. En: The leaves were colorful—green, yellow, and red. Sl: Družina je sedela na majhnem travniku ob jezeru. En: The family was sitting on a small meadow by the lake. Sl: Piknik odeja je bila razgrnjena, na njej pa košara polna domačih dobrot. En: A picnic blanket was spread out, with a basket full of homemade treats on it. Sl: Tišina okoli njih je prekinjena le z nežnim zvokom vetra in oddaljenim zvonjenjem cerkvenih zvonov z Blejskega otoka. En: The silence around them was broken only by the gentle sound of the wind and the distant ringing of church bells from Blejski otok. Sl: Anže je sedel na robu odeje. En: Anže was sitting on the edge of the blanket. Sl: Pogosto je pogledal na svoj telefon. En: He frequently looked at his phone. Sl: Misli so mu begale k službenim dolžnostim. En: His thoughts wandered to work duties. Sl: Njegova žena, Mateja, je opazila, da je Anže odsoten. En: His wife, Mateja, noticed that Anže was absent-minded. Sl: Mateja ga je rahlo stisnila za roko in rekla: "Danes smo tukaj, zdaj. En: Mateja gently squeezed his hand and said, "We are here today, now. Sl: Pusti delo za trenutek. En: Leave work aside for a moment." Sl: " Anže se je nasmehnil, a telefon je ostal v njegovi dlani. En: Anže smiled, but the phone stayed in his hand. Sl: Nina, njuna hči, je bila navdušena. En: Nina, their daughter, was excited. Sl: Skakala je sem ter tja, opazovala race in zbirala liste. En: She was jumping around, watching the ducks and collecting leaves. Sl: "Ati, poglej ta rdeč list! En: "Dad, look at this red leaf!" Sl: " je zaklicala in stekla proti očetu. En: she shouted and ran towards her father. Sl: Anže je pogledal njen sijoči obraz. En: Anže looked at her radiant face. Sl: Kar naenkrat mu je postalo jasno, kaj resnično pomeni ta dan. En: Suddenly, he understood what this day truly meant. Sl: Pomislil je: "Gremo se igrati. En: He thought, "Let's go play. Sl: Telefon lahko počaka. En: The phone can wait." Sl: "Anže je naredil težko odločitev. En: Anže made a difficult decision. Sl: Izklopil je telefon in ga odložil v košaro. En: He turned off his phone and put it in the basket. Sl: "Pokaži mi, Nina, kje so najlepši listi," je pozval hčer. En: "Show me, Nina, where are the most beautiful leaves," he encouraged his daughter. Sl: Ona ga je prijela za roko in ga odpeljala v bližnji gozd. En: She took his hand and led him to the nearby woods. Sl: Oba sta se smejala in lovila liste, ki so jih nosili hladni jesenski vetrovi. En: Both of them laughed and chased the leaves carried by the cool autumn winds. Sl: Mateja je opazovala z občutkom veselja. En: Mateja watched with a feeling of joy. Sl: Tistega dne se je Anže popolnoma posvetil trenutku. En: That day, Anže fully dedicated himself to the moment. Sl: Smisel družinskega časa se je vrnil. En: The meaning of family time returned. Sl: Konec dneva so vsi skupaj sedli ob jezeru, gledali sončni zahod in jedli piškote. En: At the end of the day, they...

    15 min
  8. From Doubt to Inspiration: A Magical Morning at Jezera Bled

    OCT 17

    From Doubt to Inspiration: A Magical Morning at Jezera Bled

    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: From Doubt to Inspiration: A Magical Morning at Jezera Bled Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.org/from-doubt-to-inspiration-a-magical-morning-at-jezera-bled Story Transcript: Sl: Zgodaj zjutraj jezera Bled je bilo ovito v magično svetlobo. En: Early in the morning, jezera Bled was wrapped in magical light. Sl: Megla se je dvigala nad vodo, in barve jeseni so plesale na površini, kot da bi imele svojo skladbo. En: Mist rose above the water, and the colors of autumn danced on the surface as if they had their own melody. Sl: Miha je stal na obali, s kamero pripravljeno, toda njegov notranji svet je bil poln dvomov. En: Miha stood on the shore with his camera ready, but his inner world was full of doubts. Sl: V mestu je izgubil kreativno iskro. En: He had lost his creative spark in the city. Sl: Prišel je v Bled, da bi našel navdih. En: He came to Bled to find inspiration. Sl: Na drugi strani obale je bila Nika. En: On the other side of the shore was Nika. Sl: Njena kamera je ujela lepoto, a njen obraz je izražal nekaj globljega. En: Her camera captured the beauty, but her face expressed something deeper. Sl: Nika je pogosto mislila na svojega brata Tomaža. En: Nika often thought of her brother, Tomaž. Sl: Vsaka fotografija ji je pomagala, da njegov spomin ne zbledi. En: Each photograph helped her keep his memory from fading. Sl: Danes je bil poseben dan - dan vseh svetih - in vsako leto jo je spominjal na izgubo. En: Today was a special day - All Saints' Day - and every year it reminded her of her loss. Sl: Miha je opazoval Niko. En: Miha observed Nika. Sl: Opazil je solzo, ki se je zabliskala v njenih očeh, in občutil je povezanost, ki jo je ni mogel ignorirati. En: He noticed a tear glistening in her eyes and felt a connection he couldn’t ignore. Sl: Počasi je stopil bližje. En: He slowly stepped closer. Sl: "Lepa svetloba, kajne? En: "Beautiful light, isn't it?" Sl: " je rekel, da bi prekinil tišino. En: he said to break the silence. Sl: Nika je pogledala navzgor in se nasmehnila, čeprav z malce žalosti v očeh. En: Nika looked up and smiled, though with a touch of sadness in her eyes. Sl: "Res je. En: "It is. Sl: Vsako leto pridem sem. En: I come here every year. Sl: Pomaga," je rekla potiho. En: It helps," she said quietly. Sl: Miha je v svoji kameri pregledoval prizore in poskušal razumeti svojo ustvarjalno blokado. En: Miha reviewed the scenes in his camera, trying to understand his creative block. Sl: Njegove fotografije so bile brez življenja, brez duše. En: His photographs were lifeless, soulless. Sl: Toda Nika ga je navdihovala. En: But Nika inspired him. Sl: Povabila ga je, da skupaj ujameta najboljše odraz barv na jezeru. En: She invited him to capture the best reflections of colors on the lake together. Sl: V tistem trenutku, ko sta njihovi kameri kliknili skoraj istočasno, je narava ponudila darilo. En: In that moment, when their cameras clicked almost simultaneously, nature offered a gift. Sl: Sonce je prekinilo meglo in nebo, razkrilo prelivajoče barve jeseni na vodi. En: The sun broke through the mist and the sky revealed the flowing colors of autumn on the water. Sl: To je bil čaroben trenutek, kot bi jih Tomaž iz nebes blagoslovil. En: It was a magical moment, as if Tomaž had blessed them from heaven. Sl: Delitev tega trenutka je prinesla...

    15 min


Are you ready to supercharge your Slovenian listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovenian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovenian and English. This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with. Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Lake Bled, Postojna Cave, or Ljubljana Castle? Maybe you want to speak Slovenian with your grandparents from Ljubljana? Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background necessary to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere and life of Slovenia, the primary country where Slovenian is fluently spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovenian listening comprehension. Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Izboljšajte svoje razumevanje poslušanja z našimi slovenskimi zgodbami danes!

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