FMU 1-08 | How to exchange money in Ukrainian | 5 Minute Ukrainian

5 Minute Ukrainian — Learn Ukrainian One Conversation at a Time!

Обмін валют - currency exchange might be your first interaction with Ukrainians when you arrive to Ukraine. Listen to such conversation and learn the most useful expressions in about 5 minutes!

Конспект уроку – lesson notes for this episode include:

  • Dialogue transcript - to practice reading (with word stresses);
  • Dialogue translation - to make sure you understand every line;
  • Phrases with translation - to practice reading and translating them from English;
  • Bonus phrases - to learn more useful phrases on the topic;
  • 3 bonus exercises - to practice (and progress!)

To receive Lesson Notes to this and other episodes of FMU, as well as flashcards and mp3 files every 10 episodes subscribe and become our premium member. Find out more about our premium membership here.

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