Folk Katha (Hindi Folk Tales Podcast)

Folk Katha (Hindi Folk Tales Podcast)

कुछ कहानियाँ मनोरंजक होती हैं, तो कुछ कहानियाँ हमें जीवन की सीख दे जाती हैं। यहां Ep.Log Media पर हम आपके लिए लेकर आए हैं बंगाल की मिट्टी से जन्मी हुई कुछ ऐसी रोमानचक लोक कथाएं जिन्हे सुनने वाला हर बालक, महत्वपूर्ण शिक्षा प्राप्त करेगा और भारतीय संस्कृति से जुड़ जाएगा। Some stories are entertaining, while some stories are inspirational. We at Ep.Log Media, have brought to you, a collection of folktales that originate from the soil of Bengal. Children listening to these tales are sure to be entertained, learn important life lessons and come closer to our Indian Culture.


  1. Zameendar Aur Uski Kataar


    Zameendar Aur Uski Kataar

    This story is about a Zamindaar or Landlord who is wealthy however, he is a miser. He doesn't give the due money to the people who work for him. One day, the zamindaar is in dire need of money and is left with no option but to borrow money from some other person. In rerurn, he mortgaged his gold Kataar to him. Did the zamindaar return the borrowed money and what happened to the kataar? Listen to the full story to know the answers to these questions. यह कहानी एक जमींदार या मकान मालिक के बारे में है जो अमीर तो है लेकिन कंजूस है। वह अपने यहां काम करने वाले लोगों को उनका बकाया पैसा नहीं देता। एक दिन, जमींदार को पैसे की सख्त जरूरत होती है और उसके पास किसी अन्य व्यक्ति से पैसे उधार लेने के अलावा कोई विकल्प नहीं बचता है। बदले में उसने अपना सोने का कटार उसके पास गिरवी रख दिया। क्या जमींदार ने उधार लिया हुआ पैसा लौटा दिया और कटार का क्या हुआ? इन सवालों के जवाब जानने के लिए पूरी कहानी सुनें। Tune in and enjoy the stories only on Ep.Log Media Disclaimer: The following podcast series, "Folk Katha" is intended for entertainment and educational purposes only. While the content is based on the facts provided in the public domain, it is important to note that artistic liberties may have been taken in the storytelling process. The podcast does not aim to promote any specific religious beliefs or endorse any particular interpretation of the scriptures. Listeners are encouraged to approach the stories with an open mind and view them as cultural and mythological narratives. The opinions and views expressed in the podcast do not necessarily reflect the views of all individuals or communities. The podcast is not intended to replace personal spiritual practices or religious or cultural teachings. Please consult appropriate religious and cultural sources for a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. Ep.Log Media does not take any liability for the accuracy or completeness of the information presented in the podcast. Listener discretion is advised. See for privacy information.

    12 min
  2. Siyar Ka Badla


    Siyar Ka Badla

    Trust is like a vase made of glass; beautiful yet fragile. Once this glass breaks, there’s no going back as it cannot be made into a vase again. In the same way, trust once broken can never be regained. Breaking trust is not in our hands but building that trust is in our hands. Trusting blindly is one of the biggest blunders we can make since this will have negative consequences for us only. This story revolves around this theme only. It tells the tale of a jackal and a crow. Who trusted blindly? How did the trust break? What happened after the trust broke? Listen to the full story to know the answers to these questions.  भरोसा शीशे के फूलदान की तरह है; सुंदर फिर भी नाजुक. एक बार यह कांच टूट जाए तो वापस नहीं जा सकता क्योंकि इसे दोबारा फूलदान नहीं बनाया जा सकता। उसी तरह, एक बार टूटा हुआ भरोसा कभी दोबारा हासिल नहीं किया जा सकता। विश्वास तोड़ना हमारे हाथ में नहीं है लेकिन विश्वास बनाना हमारे हाथ में है। आँख बंद करके भरोसा करना हमारी सबसे बड़ी भूलों में से एक है क्योंकि इसके हमारे लिए नकारात्मक परिणाम ही होंगे। ये कहानी इसी थीम के इर्द-गिर्द घूमती है. इसमें एक सियार और एक कौवे की कहानी बताई गई है। आंख मूंदकर भरोसा किसने किया? भरोसा कैसे टूटा? भरोसा टूटने के बाद क्या हुआ? इन सवालों के जवाब जानने के लिए पूरी कहानी सुनें।  Tune in and enjoy the stories only on Ep.Log Media Disclaimer: The following podcast series, "Folk Katha" is intended for entertainment and educational purposes only. While the content is based on the facts provided in the public domain, it is important to note that artistic liberties may have been taken in the storytelling process. The podcast does not aim to promote any specific religious beliefs or endorse any particular interpretation of the scriptures. Listeners are encouraged to approach the stories with an open mind and view them as cultural and mythological narratives. The opinions and views expressed in the podcast do not necessarily reflect the views of all individuals or communities. The podcast is not intended to replace personal spiritual practices or religious or cultural teachings. Please consult appropriate religious and cultural sources for a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. Ep.Log Media does not take any liability for the accuracy or completeness of the information presented in the podcast. Listener discretion is advised. See for privacy information.

    8 min
  3. Chaturi Chamar


    Chaturi Chamar

    This story is full of humor and cleverness of a man. This simple man who lives with his wife goes to the city in search of work and starts earning too. His biggest asset is his sharp brain which solves all his troubles. Once he encountered a group of bandits but tactfully handled the situation. But the trouble is not over yet as the bandits are still after the man. What do these bandits do to the man? Does the man save himself or does he get robbed? Listen to the full story to know the answers to these questions.   यह कहानी एक आदमी के हास्य और चतुराई से भरी हुई है। अपनी पत्नी के साथ रहने वाला यह सीधा-सादा आदमी काम की तलाश में शहर जाता है और कमाने भी लगता है। उनकी सबसे बड़ी संपत्ति उनका तेज दिमाग है जो उनकी सभी परेशानियों को हल करता है। एक बार उनका सामना डाकुओं के एक समूह से हुआ, लेकिन चतुराई से स्थिति को संभाला। लेकिन मुसीबत अभी खत्म नहीं हुई है क्योंकि डाकू अभी भी आदमी के पीछे पड़े हुए हैं।ये डाकू, आदमी के साथ क्या करते हैं? क्या आदमी खुद को बचाता है या उसे लूट लिया जाता है? इन सवालों के जवाब जानने के लिए सुनिए पूरी खबर.    Tune in and enjoy the stories only on Ep.Log Media Disclaimer: The following podcast series, "Folk Katha" is intended for entertainment and educational purposes only. While the content is based on the facts provided in the public domain, it is important to note that artistic liberties may have been taken in the storytelling process. The podcast does not aim to promote any specific religious beliefs or endorse any particular interpretation of the scriptures. Listeners are encouraged to approach the stories with an open mind and view them as cultural and mythological narratives. The opinions and views expressed in the podcast do not necessarily reflect the views of all individuals or communities. The podcast is not intended to replace personal spiritual practices or religious or cultural teachings. Please consult appropriate religious and cultural sources for a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. Ep.Log Media does not take any liability for the accuracy or completeness of the information presented in the podcast. Listener discretion is advised. See for privacy information.

    14 min
  4. Machli Kyu Hassi


    Machli Kyu Hassi

    Have you ever seen a fish laugh? Just like you we also have never seen such a thing happen, but unusual things do happen in this world. This story is about a fish which laughed, and its laugh raised a lot of questions. The laugh particularly made the Queen upset and she wanted the answers to her questions. Why did the fish laugh? Did her laugh cause trouble to anyone? Get to know these answers after listening to the full story.    क्या आपने कभी मछली को हंसते हुए देखा है? आपकी तरह हमने भी कभी ऐसा होते नहीं देखा है, लेकिन इस दुनिया में असामान्य चीजें होती हैं। यह कहानी एक मछली के बारे में है जो हंसती थी, और इसकी हंसी ने बहुत सारे सवाल उठाए। हंसी ने विशेष रूप से रानी को परेशान कर दिया और वह अपने सवालों के जवाब चाहती थी। मछली क्यों हँसती है? क्या उसकी हंसी ने किसी को परेशान किया? पूरी कहानी सुनने के बाद इन जवाबों को जानें।  Tune in and enjoy the stories only on Ep.Log Media Disclaimer: The following podcast series, "Folk Katha" is intended for entertainment and educational purposes only. While the content is based on the facts provided in the public domain, it is important to note that artistic liberties may have been taken in the storytelling process. The podcast does not aim to promote any specific religious beliefs or endorse any particular interpretation of the scriptures. Listeners are encouraged to approach the stories with an open mind and view them as cultural and mythological narratives. The opinions and views expressed in the podcast do not necessarily reflect the views of all individuals or communities. The podcast is not intended to replace personal spiritual practices or religious or cultural teachings. Please consult appropriate religious and cultural sources for a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. Ep.Log Media does not take any liability for the accuracy or completeness of the information presented in the podcast. Listener discretion is advised. See for privacy information.

    17 min
  5. Jadui Mayur


    Jadui Mayur

    Do you believe in magic? Even if you do not believe in magic, this story will surely make you believe in it. This story is about a painting of a peacock who magically comes to life and then goes back into the painting. But one day something unfortunate happened and the peacock could never come to life again. Why was the painting magical? What happened to the peacock? Did it ever come back? Listen to the full story to know the answers to these questions.  क्या आप जादू में विश्वास करते हैं? भले ही आप जादू में विश्वास न करें, लेकिन यह कहानी निश्चित रूप से आपको इस पर विश्वास दिलाएगी। यह कहानी एक मोर की पेंटिंग के बारे में है जो जादुई रूप से जीवन में आता है और फिर पेंटिंग में वापस चला जाता है। लेकिन एक दिन कुछ दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण हुआ और मोर फिर कभी जीवित नहीं हो सका। पेंटिंग जादुई क्यों थी? मोर के साथ क्या हुआ? क्या यह कभी वापस आया? इन सवालों के जवाब जानने के लिए सुनिए पूरी खबर.     Tune in and enjoy the stories only on Ep.Log Media Disclaimer: The following podcast series, "Folk Katha" is intended for entertainment and educational purposes only. While the content is based on the facts provided in the public domain, it is important to note that artistic liberties may have been taken in the storytelling process. The podcast does not aim to promote any specific religious beliefs or endorse any particular interpretation of the scriptures. Listeners are encouraged to approach the stories with an open mind and view them as cultural and mythological narratives. The opinions and views expressed in the podcast do not necessarily reflect the views of all individuals or communities. The podcast is not intended to replace personal spiritual practices or religious or cultural teachings. Please consult appropriate religious and cultural sources for a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. Ep.Log Media does not take any liability for the accuracy or completeness of the information presented in the podcast. Listener discretion is advised.   See for privacy information.

    15 min
  6. Saccha Gayak


    Saccha Gayak

    Hope and hard work are the two pillars that lead us to success and happiness in life. But both cannot do anything without patience. Patience is a virtue and makes our success more beautiful. In this story, a boy called Gauraang is a talented singer whose talent has never been recognized by anyone. He is disheartened and starts losing hope. Did he give up on his talent? Did he accept things the way they are, or did he come out stronger? Get to know the answers to these questions by listening to the full story.  आशा और कड़ी मेहनत दो स्तंभ हैं जो हमें जीवन में सफलता और खुशी की ओर ले जाते हैं। लेकिन दोनों धैर्य के बिना कुछ नहीं कर सकते। धैर्य एक गुण है और हमारी सफलता को और अधिक सुंदर बनाता है। इस कहानी में गौरांग नाम का एक लड़का एक टैलेंटेड सिंगर है जिसकी प्रतिभा को कभी किसी ने पहचाना ही नहीं। वह निराश हो जाता है और आशा खोना शुरू कर देता है। क्या उसने चीजों को उसी तरह स्वीकार किया जैसे वे हैं, या वह मजबूत होकर बाहर आया? पूरी कहानी सुनकर इन सवालों के जवाब जानें।     Tune in and enjoy the stories only on Ep.Log Media Disclaimer: The following podcast series, "Folk Katha" is intended for entertainment and educational purposes only. While the content is based on the facts provided in the public domain, it is important to note that artistic liberties may have been taken in the storytelling process. The podcast does not aim to promote any specific religious beliefs or endorse any particular interpretation of the scriptures. Listeners are encouraged to approach the stories with an open mind and view them as cultural and mythological narratives. The opinions and views expressed in the podcast do not necessarily reflect the views of all individuals or communities. The podcast is not intended to replace personal spiritual practices or religious or cultural teachings. Please consult appropriate religious and cultural sources for a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. Ep.Log Media does not take any liability for the accuracy or completeness of the information presented in the podcast. Listener discretion is advised. See for privacy information.

    13 min
  7. Hazaar Swarn Mudrayen


    Hazaar Swarn Mudrayen

    This Folk Tale is about a Pandit who is witty and wise and gets a gift of One Thousand Gold Coins. It is a tale of an old and knowledgeable Pandit who receives a precious gift from the King but later he encounters a thief who is after his gift. Did the thief succeed in his robbery? Did he befool the wise Pandit easily? Was the Pandit caught in the thief’s trap? Listen to the full story to get the answers to these questions. यह लोक कथा एक पंडित के बारे में है जो चतुर और बुद्धिमान है और उसे एक हजार सोने के सिक्के मिले थे। यह एक बूढ़े और जानकार पंडित की कहानी है जिसे राजा से एक कीमती उपहार मिलता है लेकिन बाद में उसका सामना एक चोर से होता है जो उसके उपहार की तलाश में है। क्या चोर अपनी डकैती में सफल हो गया? क्या उसने बुद्धिमान पंडित को आसानी से मूर्ख बना दिया? क्या पंडित चोर के जाल में फंस गया? इन सवालों के जवाब पाने के लिए पूरी कहानी सुनें। Tune in and enjoy the stories only on Ep.Log Media Disclaimer: The following podcast series, "Folk Katha" is intended for entertainment and educational purposes only. While the content is based on the facts provided in the public domain, it is important to note that artistic liberties may have been taken in the storytelling process. The podcast does not aim to promote any specific religious beliefs or endorse any particular interpretation of the scriptures. Listeners are encouraged to approach the stories with an open mind and view them as cultural and mythological narratives. The opinions and views expressed in the podcast do not necessarily reflect the views of all individuals or communities. The podcast is not intended to replace personal spiritual practices or religious or cultural teachings. Please consult appropriate religious and cultural sources for a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. Ep.Log Media does not take any liability for the accuracy or completeness of the information presented in the podcast. Listener discretion is advised.   See for privacy information.

    12 min

    Introducing: Folk Katha (Hindi Folk Tales from India)

    कुछ कहानियाँ मनोरंजक होती हैं, तो कुछ कहानियाँ हमें जीवन की सीख दे जाती हैं। यहां Ep.Log Media पर हम आपके लिए लेकर आए हैं बंगाल की मिट्टी से जन्मी हुई कुछ ऐसी रोमानचक लोक कथाएं जिन्हे सुनने वाला हर बालक, महत्वपूर्ण शिक्षा प्राप्त करेगा और भारतीय संस्कृति से जुड़ जाएगा। Some stories are entertaining, while some stories are inspirational. We at Ep.Log Media, have brought to you, a collection of folktales that originate from the soil of Bengal. Children listening to these tales are sure to be entertained, learn important life lessons and come closer to our Indian Culture. Tune in and enjoy the stories only on Ep.Log Media Disclaimer: The following podcast series, "Folk Katha" is intended for entertainment and educational purposes only. While the content is based on the facts provided in the public domain, it is important to note that artistic liberties may have been taken in the storytelling process. The podcast does not aim to promote any specific religious beliefs or endorse any particular interpretation of the scriptures. Listeners are encouraged to approach the stories with an open mind and view them as cultural and mythological narratives. The opinions and views expressed in the podcast do not necessarily reflect the views of all individuals or communities. The podcast is not intended to replace personal spiritual practices or religious or cultural teachings. Please consult appropriate religious and cultural sources for a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. Ep.Log Media does not take any liability for the accuracy or completeness of the information presented in the podcast. Listener discretion is advised. See for privacy information.

    1 min



कुछ कहानियाँ मनोरंजक होती हैं, तो कुछ कहानियाँ हमें जीवन की सीख दे जाती हैं। यहां Ep.Log Media पर हम आपके लिए लेकर आए हैं बंगाल की मिट्टी से जन्मी हुई कुछ ऐसी रोमानचक लोक कथाएं जिन्हे सुनने वाला हर बालक, महत्वपूर्ण शिक्षा प्राप्त करेगा और भारतीय संस्कृति से जुड़ जाएगा। Some stories are entertaining, while some stories are inspirational. We at Ep.Log Media, have brought to you, a collection of folktales that originate from the soil of Bengal. Children listening to these tales are sure to be entertained, learn important life lessons and come closer to our Indian Culture.

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