Food as Medicine: Transform Your Health and Ditch Medications With Holistic Wisdom

Wellness Optimizing Warrior M.D.

How can you stay healthy in a seemingly uncaring healthcare system? While not every professional in the health space is corrupt or unwilling to help (in fact many are passionate about helping and serving others), the system at large is not designed to allow access to the best possible care.

On top of this, many of us are eating food that is overprocessed and lacking in nutrients, which contributes to a host of health-related issues including obesity, arthritis, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. But just as food can harm you, it can also heal you. By eating healthy, colorful food you can reduce the need for medication and improve your overall health.

Change is hard, especially when your health professionals haven’t been trained in what is required to be healthy. Doctors of medicine and other medical professionals are trained in how to diagnose and treat disease, but they are not trained in the strategies necessary to avoid getting sick in the first place.

Often, doctors will prescribe medications to help combat the symptoms you're experiencing without doing a deep dive on the underlying cause. For example, if you have an autoimmune condition, you may be given medication to reduce the reaction. However, what is actually going on inside your body and with your immunity is never addressed.

According to the FDA, there are over 20,000 different prescription drugs available. The top four are statins (for cholesterol), metformin (often used for diabetes), lisinopril, and levothyroxine. Patients are led to believe taking these medications is the only way to control or support their conditions. Instead, they should be educated on how to prevent or correct diseases in a holistic way.

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