FPL Family

FPL Family
FPL Family

Husband & Wife, Lee & Sam talk #FPL! @OfficialFPL Show, #FPLFYI, #FPLPod. #FPLFamily LIVE on YouTube every Sunday - go Subscribe! 👍 | Enqs: familyfpl@gmail.com _________________________ 📊 Join the FPLFamily FPL Mini-League! lhszjd __________________________ 🚀 Support FPL Family on Patreon: - Manager of the Month competitions, and Prizes - Zoom Video Chats with Lee and Sam - Slack Chat community with other FPL Managers - Exclusive Podcasts every week looking ahead to the next GW https://www.patreon.com/fplfamily (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqblU4R3J2b0VFbEZnNGRjcEhPZ01qLThrZVhQUXxBQ3Jtc0tsWEtvNlFrdFBnYVZfRUZ4YnZzZVYwcWxQWEFoZzhIMTRsN3JsR1oxNXowaUJEbVk1c3NmRjdqbThQbThfMzh4VE1HamREZnFlRm9JMi1hQmdJUF94QUt4aHF3blNQS3VUUXdYUDgtQm4wNDZieXA3WQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.patreon.com%2Ffplfamily&v=XakCRyfcs9k) ________________________ 📺 Subscribe on YouTube! https://youtube.com/c/fplfamily 🏃‍♂️ Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and TikTok! - Just search 'fplfamily' https://www.twitter.com/fplfamily (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbnQ0eHF3aFhRdXVjeF9RSG45VllZOFVVWXFmd3xBQ3Jtc0tsZ2FpaHZ2MFQxUElIUllRWllHcmlzdFVUVUk3WXY1ajVVVEM2eVJoM2dodjN3WkJoMm1SWXVyZ0lsR1MxZFVORFRzLTBTSVdfQ0NvLUZnUXNKMVJrLUR0Q2lXeHJxQlFBQnBkRnljb2xGYjNITjZ1aw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.twitter.com%2Ffplfamily&v=XakCRyfcs9k) https://www.instagram.com/fplfamily (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbk5XWTFHNGxlc3FPZzVIM0hIbmtTYmstMWFkUXxBQ3Jtc0tuN1dqNHZMNlZWM0t0eTJkd3k4TDBKcG50YWtXN0JpODQwMXNXSXVYTjJzOXdfb1JBVEREMXJwM0EyQmNZSE8zelRqNE1qemJDVWVTbE5fbWR6QzQ4WXBpYVNjcXVNbXluX1plOVhGZVFTRHN0a29JVQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Ffplfamily&v=XakCRyfcs9k) https://www.tiktok.com/fplfamily (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa3BkLWRQc2JmVE5wbXhocWVvVkg5cWI1endHZ3xBQ3Jtc0trRVAwOFMyNEUyUmR1R19ERG5fUnZld2J2cldoSlBKVWZUXzFBY2F2cTJzS1dheVVSYnllZmNnWGgtVlJFdjhBeUtVaUZGREc5VFZ1eXVNdnI3bzM3ZmNZVzhoemdrRGpiVjVrcWFPMzFMcGhuZGVsRQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tiktok.com%2Ffplfamily&v=XakCRyfcs9k) __________________________ Stats, Season Tickers and Player Ratings provided by Fantasy Football Scout Members Area. Become a member here! - http://Bit.ly/FPLFamily1‬ (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbF9wNW9SajYtOXZJRnMyaDRfWTI2UTFpYUlKd3xBQ3Jtc0tuYWwxMFVwaTBYbHM4bkNVYXZpaWVERWZzcENrWGJQTkg2djkwZC1zTGpoeW9fYkgzc2dNYnY4dmpWM3MwV251Um5ZdUFJM0FWcHNwR01HRjVzYS0xOVgxaG5ueFZPU1FsRW1sNXVZUE1IdUhSWllYQQ&q=http%3A%2F%2FBit.ly%2FFPLFamily1%E2%80%AC&v=XakCRyfcs9k) __________________________ #FPL (https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/fpl) #FPLFamily (https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/fplfamily) #FantasyPremierLeague (https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/fantasypremierleague) #FPLTips (https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/fpltips)

  1. FPL GW24/25 - Assistant Manager Chip CHAOS! - (Fantasy Premier League Tips 2024/2025)

    FEB 3

    FPL GW24/25 - Assistant Manager Chip CHAOS! - (Fantasy Premier League Tips 2024/2025)

    After FPL went absolutely OFF last Thursday at the announcement of the upcoming DGW25, Sam and Lee sift through the wreckage of another weekend of footy. Chris Wood keeps being, well, Chris Wood, Liverpool respond with a good win against in-form Bournemouth and Spurs - get this - won a game! GW scores, teams and overall ranks as usual, including Sam's Assistant Manager thoughts for the next two weeks, as she has the chip active. A massive THANK YOU for all your support watching, liking and sharing our videos!  _________________________          📊 Join the FPLFamily Sleeper PickEm League - WEEKLY PRIZES! https://sleeperbot.onelink.me/KdzJ/FP... Download the Sleeper app https://sleeperbot.onelink.me/KdzJ/FP... __________________________ 🚀 Support FPL Family on Patreon: Manager of the Month Competitions  - MONTHLY PRIZES! Zoom Video Chats with Lee and Sam Slack Chat community with other FPL Managers Exclusive Podcasts every Friday looking ahead to the next GW / fplfamily  ________________________ 📊 Join the FPLFamily FPL Mini-League! 54chbc ________________________ 🎧 Also available as a Podcast on your favourite Podcast platforms!   / fplfamily  https://audioboom.com/channels/5010221 Search 'FPL Family' on Spotify, Apple iTunes,  Deezer. __________________________ Stats, Season Tickers and Player Ratings provided by Fantasy Football Scout Members Area. Become a member here! - http://Bit.ly/FPLFamily1‬ __________________________    🏃‍♂️ Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and TikTok! - Just Search 'fplfamily'   / fplfamily    / fplfamily  https://www.tiktok.com/fplfamily #FPL #FPLFamily #FantasyPremierLeague #FPLTips

    1h 29m
  2. FPL GW23/24 - Best Liverpool & Everton Picks for the DGW - (Fantasy Premier League Tips 2024/2025)

    JAN 26

    FPL GW23/24 - Best Liverpool & Everton Picks for the DGW - (Fantasy Premier League Tips 2024/2025)

    Arsenal, City and Liverpool all win this weekend, so it's Nottingham Forest that suffer the most this week, at the hands of a very good-looking Bournemouth side, who are worthy of our attention in FPL. Brentford and Mbeumo are back on radar with an excellent fixture run coming up and Spurs fail to win at home for the seventh successive game - how long has Big Ange got left in the hot-seat? A massive THANK YOU for all your support watching, liking and sharing our videos!  _________________________          📊 Join the FPLFamily Sleeper PickEm League - WEEKLY PRIZES! https://sleeperbot.onelink.me/KdzJ/FPLFamPickEm Download the Sleeper app https://sleeperbot.onelink.me/KdzJ/FPLFamily __________________________  🚀 Support FPL Family on Patreon: - Manager of the Month Competitions  - MONTHLY PRIZES! - Zoom Video Chats with Lee and Sam - Slack Chat community with other FPL Managers - Exclusive Podcasts every Friday looking ahead to the next GW https://www.patreon.com/fplfamily ________________________  📊 Join the FPLFamily FPL Mini-League! 54chbc ________________________ 🎧 Also available as a Podcast on your favourite Podcast platforms! https://soundcloud.com/fplfamily https://audioboom.com/channels/5010221 Search 'FPL Family' on Spotify, Apple iTunes,  Deezer.  __________________________ Stats, Season Tickers and Player Ratings provided by Fantasy Football Scout Members Area. Become a member here! - http://Bit.ly/FPLFamily1‬ __________________________     🏃‍♂️ Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and TikTok! - Just Search 'fplfamily' https://www.twitter.com/fplfamily  https://www.instagram.com/fplfamily https://www.tiktok.com/fplfamily  #FPL #FPLFamily #FantasyPremierLeague #FPLTips

    1h 31m
  3. FPL GW22/23 - Time to ditch Arsenal double-defence?  - (Fantasy Premier League Tips 2024/2025)

    JAN 19

    FPL GW22/23 - Time to ditch Arsenal double-defence? - (Fantasy Premier League Tips 2024/2025)

    Forest win again to keep the pressure on Liverpool, who themselves smash and grab at the G-Tech stadium to beat Brentford 2-0. Everton's goal-drought comes to an end against a lacklustre Spurs and in-form Bournemouth look very investible indeed, with a well-fought win against high-flying Newcastle. We talk teams, overall ranks and look ahead to GW23. A massive THANK YOU for all your support watching, liking and sharing our videos!  _________________________          📊 Join the FPLFamily Sleeper PickEm League - WEEKLY PRIZES! https://sleeperbot.onelink.me/KdzJ/FPLFamPickEm Download the Sleeper app https://sleeperbot.onelink.me/KdzJ/FPLFamily __________________________  🚀 Support FPL Family on Patreon: - Manager of the Month Competitions  - MONTHLY PRIZES! - Zoom Video Chats with Lee and Sam - Slack Chat community with other FPL Managers - Exclusive Podcasts every Friday looking ahead to the next GW https://www.patreon.com/fplfamily ________________________  📊 Join the FPLFamily FPL Mini-League! 54chbc ________________________ 🎧 Also available as a Podcast on your favourite Podcast platforms! https://soundcloud.com/fplfamily https://audioboom.com/channels/5010221 Search 'FPL Family' on Spotify, Apple iTunes,  Deezer.  __________________________ Stats, Season Tickers and Player Ratings provided by Fantasy Football Scout Members Area. Become a member here! - http://Bit.ly/FPLFamily1‬ __________________________     🏃‍♂️ Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and TikTok! - Just Search 'fplfamily' https://www.twitter.com/fplfamily  https://www.instagram.com/fplfamily https://www.tiktok.com/fplfamily  #FPL #FPLFamily #FantasyPremierLeague #FPLTips

    1h 30m
  4. FPL GW20/21 - MAN UTD GRAB A POINT! THRILLER at ANFIELD!  - (Fantasy Premier League Tips 2024/2025)

    JAN 5

    FPL GW20/21 - MAN UTD GRAB A POINT! THRILLER at ANFIELD! - (Fantasy Premier League Tips 2024/2025)

    And so the hectic festive fixture schedule comes to an end and we take a breather for some FA Cup action next weekend. With Wolves v Forest still to come on Monday, Lee and Sam dissect the 2-2 at Anfield (what a game!) and ask whether the triple-up could now be on for Newcastle. Chelsea and Arsenal stumble again I the title race, but City get back-to-back wins...so should we be going back there? A massive THANK YOU for all your support watching, liking and sharing our videos!  _________________________          📊 Join the FPLFamily Sleeper PickEm League - WEEKLY PRIZES! https://sleeperbot.onelink.me/KdzJ/FPLFamPickEm Download the Sleeper app https://sleeperbot.onelink.me/KdzJ/FPLFamily __________________________  🚀 Support FPL Family on Patreon: - Manager of the Month Competitions  - MONTHLY PRIZES! - Zoom Video Chats with Lee and Sam - Slack Chat community with other FPL Managers - Exclusive Podcasts every Friday looking ahead to the next GW https://www.patreon.com/fplfamily ________________________  📊 Join the FPLFamily FPL Mini-League! 54chbc ________________________ 🎧 Also available as a Podcast on your favourite Podcast platforms! https://soundcloud.com/fplfamily https://audioboom.com/channels/5010221 Search 'FPL Family' on Spotify, Apple iTunes,  Deezer.  __________________________ Stats, Season Tickers and Player Ratings provided by Fantasy Football Scout Members Area. Become a member here! - http://Bit.ly/FPLFamily1‬ __________________________     🏃‍♂️ Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and TikTok! - Just Search 'fplfamily' https://www.twitter.com/fplfamily  https://www.instagram.com/fplfamily https://www.tiktok.com/fplfamily  #FPL #FPLFamily #FantasyPremierLeague #FPLTips

    1h 18m
  5. FPL GW19/20 - City WIN! Are they BACK?  - (Fantasy Premier League Tips 2024/2025)


    FPL GW19/20 - City WIN! Are they BACK? - (Fantasy Premier League Tips 2024/2025)

    After a few good weeks for Lee and for Sam, how's GW19 going so far and what does Sam make of the "entertainment" at Spurs. Elsewhere, Haaland scores to get City back to winning ways, Liverpool HAMMER the irons for five and Forest march on with another win against Everton. Slightly weird timing this live stream, with GW19 still in play, but we look back  at a busy festive period and ahead to GW20, starting in the new year, on January 4th.  A massive THANK YOU for all your support watching, liking and sharing our videos!  _________________________          📊 Join the FPLFamily Sleeper PickEm League - WEEKLY PRIZES! https://sleeperbot.onelink.me/KdzJ/FPLFamPickEm Download the Sleeper app https://sleeperbot.onelink.me/KdzJ/FPLFamily __________________________  🚀 Support FPL Family on Patreon: - Manager of the Month Competitions  - MONTHLY PRIZES! - Zoom Video Chats with Lee and Sam - Slack Chat community with other FPL Managers - Exclusive Podcasts every Friday looking ahead to the next GW https://www.patreon.com/fplfamily ________________________  📊 Join the FPLFamily FPL Mini-League! 54chbc ________________________ 🎧 Also available as a Podcast on your favourite Podcast platforms! https://soundcloud.com/fplfamily https://audioboom.com/channels/5010221 Search 'FPL Family' on Spotify, Apple iTunes,  Deezer.  __________________________ Stats, Season Tickers and Player Ratings provided by Fantasy Football Scout Members Area. Become a member here! - http://Bit.ly/FPLFamily1‬ __________________________     🏃‍♂️ Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and TikTok! - Just Search 'fplfamily' https://www.twitter.com/fplfamily  https://www.instagram.com/fplfamily https://www.tiktok.com/fplfamily  #FPL #FPLFamily #FantasyPremierLeague #FPLTips

    1h 23m
  6. FPL GW17/18 - Isak ESSENTIAL? Saka Injured! - (Fantasy Premier League Tips 2024/2025)


    FPL GW17/18 - Isak ESSENTIAL? Saka Injured! - (Fantasy Premier League Tips 2024/2025)

    It's FPL Family Derby Day so we give our hot-takes on both Spurs and Liverpool from this afternoon's action. Elsewhere, United lose again under Amorim and Newcastle find some form. Arsenal make light work of a trip to Palace, but it comes at a cost with Bukayo Saka pictured leaving Selhurst Park on crutches, nursing a hamstring injury. We'll talk through possible replacements and ask whether Nottingham Forest are actually IN this title race??! A massive THANK YOU for all your support watching, liking and sharing our videos!  _________________________          📊 Join the FPLFamily Sleeper PickEm League - WEEKLY PRIZES! https://sleeperbot.onelink.me/KdzJ/FP... Download the Sleeper app https://sleeperbot.onelink.me/KdzJ/FP... __________________________ 🚀 Support FPL Family on Patreon: Manager of the Month Competitions  - MONTHLY PRIZES! Zoom Video Chats with Lee and Sam Slack Chat community with other FPL Managers Exclusive Podcasts every Friday looking ahead to the next GW   / fplfamily  ________________________ 📊 Join the FPLFamily FPL Mini-League! 54chbc ________________________ 🎧 Also available as a Podcast on your favourite Podcast platforms!   / fplfamily  https://audioboom.com/channels/5010221 Search 'FPL Family' on Spotify, Apple iTunes,  Deezer. __________________________ Stats, Season Tickers and Player Ratings provided by Fantasy Football Scout Members Area. Become a member here! - http://Bit.ly/FPLFamily1‬ __________________________    🏃‍♂️ Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and TikTok! - Just Search 'fplfamily'   / fplfamily    / fplfamily  https://www.tiktok.com/fplfamily #FPL #FPLFamily #FantasyPremierLeague #FPLTips

    1h 30m
  7. FPL GW16/17 - O'Neil SACKED! Ait-Nouri & Cunha OUT? - (Fantasy Premier League Tips 2024/2025)


    FPL GW16/17 - O'Neil SACKED! Ait-Nouri & Cunha OUT? - (Fantasy Premier League Tips 2024/2025)

    A Ruud awakening for Leicester this weekend, as Isak and Hall haul at St James' Park. Liverpool and Fulham play out a superb 2-2 at Anfield, but Arsenal don't take advantage, as they find Pickford in fine form. Elsewhere, Palace beat Brighton and Wolves fall at home to a last-minute Ipswich winner, which lead to the club SACKING manager Gary O'Neil on Saturday night. What a weekend! A massive THANK YOU for all your support watching, liking and sharing our videos!  _________________________          📊 Join the FPLFamily Sleeper PickEm League - WEEKLY PRIZES! https://sleeperbot.onelink.me/KdzJ/FPLFamPickEm Download the Sleeper app https://sleeperbot.onelink.me/KdzJ/FPLFamily __________________________  🚀 Support FPL Family on Patreon: - Manager of the Month Competitions  - MONTHLY PRIZES! - Zoom Video Chats with Lee and Sam - Slack Chat community with other FPL Managers - Exclusive Podcasts every Friday looking ahead to the next GW https://www.patreon.com/fplfamily ________________________  📊 Join the FPLFamily FPL Mini-League! 54chbc ________________________ 🎧 Also available as a Podcast on your favourite Podcast platforms! https://soundcloud.com/fplfamily https://audioboom.com/channels/5010221 Search 'FPL Family' on Spotify, Apple iTunes,  Deezer.  __________________________ Stats, Season Tickers and Player Ratings provided by Fantasy Football Scout Members Area. Become a member here! - http://Bit.ly/FPLFamily1‬ __________________________     🏃‍♂️ Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and TikTok! - Just Search 'fplfamily' https://www.twitter.com/fplfamily  https://www.instagram.com/fplfamily https://www.tiktok.com/fplfamily  #FPL #FPLFamily #FantasyPremierLeague #FPLTips

    1h 32m
  8. FPL GW15/16 - Man City & Arsenal both drop points! - (Fantasy Premier League Tips 2024/2025)


    FPL GW15/16 - Man City & Arsenal both drop points! - (Fantasy Premier League Tips 2024/2025)

    What a mad week of FPL - Goalkeeper assists, red cards and goals a-plenty for our assets - but none for Mo Salah and Liverpool as the Merseyside Derby falls foul of the weather. We look at a bonkers week for Lee's team, leaving him with a conundrum with Bryan Mbeumo - keep or sell? - either could happen this week to be honest! We'll look back at the weekend's action and ahead to GW16 A massive THANK YOU for all your support watching, liking and sharing our videos!  _________________________          📊 Join the FPLFamily Sleeper PickEm League - WEEKLY PRIZES! https://sleeperbot.onelink.me/KdzJ/FP... Download the Sleeper app https://sleeperbot.onelink.me/KdzJ/FP... __________________________ 🚀 Support FPL Family on Patreon: Manager of the Month Competitions  - MONTHLY PRIZES! Zoom Video Chats with Lee and Sam Slack Chat community with other FPL Managers Exclusive Podcasts every Friday looking ahead to the next GW   / fplfamily  ________________________ 📊 Join the FPLFamily FPL Mini-League! 54chbc ________________________ 🎧 Also available as a Podcast on your favourite Podcast platforms!   / fplfamily  https://audioboom.com/channels/5010221 Search 'FPL Family' on Spotify, Apple iTunes,  Deezer. __________________________ Stats, Season Tickers and Player Ratings provided by Fantasy Football Scout Members Area. Become a member here! - http://Bit.ly/FPLFamily1‬ __________________________    🏃‍♂️ Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and TikTok! - Just Search 'fplfamily'   / fplfamily    / fplfamily  https://www.tiktok.com/fplfamily #FPL #FPLFamily #FantasyPremierLeague #FPLTips

    1h 27m

Ratings & Reviews

out of 5
21 Ratings


Husband & Wife, Lee & Sam talk #FPL! @OfficialFPL Show, #FPLFYI, #FPLPod. #FPLFamily LIVE on YouTube every Sunday - go Subscribe! 👍 | Enqs: familyfpl@gmail.com _________________________ 📊 Join the FPLFamily FPL Mini-League! lhszjd __________________________ 🚀 Support FPL Family on Patreon: - Manager of the Month competitions, and Prizes - Zoom Video Chats with Lee and Sam - Slack Chat community with other FPL Managers - Exclusive Podcasts every week looking ahead to the next GW https://www.patreon.com/fplfamily (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqblU4R3J2b0VFbEZnNGRjcEhPZ01qLThrZVhQUXxBQ3Jtc0tsWEtvNlFrdFBnYVZfRUZ4YnZzZVYwcWxQWEFoZzhIMTRsN3JsR1oxNXowaUJEbVk1c3NmRjdqbThQbThfMzh4VE1HamREZnFlRm9JMi1hQmdJUF94QUt4aHF3blNQS3VUUXdYUDgtQm4wNDZieXA3WQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.patreon.com%2Ffplfamily&v=XakCRyfcs9k) ________________________ 📺 Subscribe on YouTube! https://youtube.com/c/fplfamily 🏃‍♂️ Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and TikTok! - Just search 'fplfamily' https://www.twitter.com/fplfamily (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbnQ0eHF3aFhRdXVjeF9RSG45VllZOFVVWXFmd3xBQ3Jtc0tsZ2FpaHZ2MFQxUElIUllRWllHcmlzdFVUVUk3WXY1ajVVVEM2eVJoM2dodjN3WkJoMm1SWXVyZ0lsR1MxZFVORFRzLTBTSVdfQ0NvLUZnUXNKMVJrLUR0Q2lXeHJxQlFBQnBkRnljb2xGYjNITjZ1aw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.twitter.com%2Ffplfamily&v=XakCRyfcs9k) https://www.instagram.com/fplfamily (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbk5XWTFHNGxlc3FPZzVIM0hIbmtTYmstMWFkUXxBQ3Jtc0tuN1dqNHZMNlZWM0t0eTJkd3k4TDBKcG50YWtXN0JpODQwMXNXSXVYTjJzOXdfb1JBVEREMXJwM0EyQmNZSE8zelRqNE1qemJDVWVTbE5fbWR6QzQ4WXBpYVNjcXVNbXluX1plOVhGZVFTRHN0a29JVQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Ffplfamily&v=XakCRyfcs9k) https://www.tiktok.com/fplfamily (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa3BkLWRQc2JmVE5wbXhocWVvVkg5cWI1endHZ3xBQ3Jtc0trRVAwOFMyNEUyUmR1R19ERG5fUnZld2J2cldoSlBKVWZUXzFBY2F2cTJzS1dheVVSYnllZmNnWGgtVlJFdjhBeUtVaUZGREc5VFZ1eXVNdnI3bzM3ZmNZVzhoemdrRGpiVjVrcWFPMzFMcGhuZGVsRQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tiktok.com%2Ffplfamily&v=XakCRyfcs9k) __________________________ Stats, Season Tickers and Player Ratings provided by Fantasy Football Scout Members Area. Become a member here! - http://Bit.ly/FPLFamily1‬ (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbF9wNW9SajYtOXZJRnMyaDRfWTI2UTFpYUlKd3xBQ3Jtc0tuYWwxMFVwaTBYbHM4bkNVYXZpaWVERWZzcENrWGJQTkg2djkwZC1zTGpoeW9fYkgzc2dNYnY4dmpWM3MwV251Um5ZdUFJM0FWcHNwR01HRjVzYS0xOVgxaG5ueFZPU1FsRW1sNXVZUE1IdUhSWllYQQ&q=http%3A%2F%2FBit.ly%2FFPLFamily1%E2%80%AC&v=XakCRyfcs9k) __________________________ #FPL (https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/fpl) #FPLFamily (https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/fplfamily) #FantasyPremierLeague (https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/fantasypremierleague) #FPLTips (https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/fpltips)

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