Pardon My Take
On "Pardon My Take," Big Cat & PFT Commenter deliver the loudest and most correct sports takes in the history of the spoken word. Daily topics, guests, and an inability to tell what the hosts might be doing will make this your new favorite sports talk show. This is a podcast that will without a doubt change your life for the better- guaranteed, or your money back. *Pretend a reggaeton air horn is going off right now* PMT. You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit
Ведущие и гости
I can’t tell from the audio
-5 дн.
Is Stanford Steve I giant bald white baby?
Won my bracket last year. Expecting results
19 мар.
This is the only college basketball I listen to or watch going into March madness. Won last year and expecting the same this year. Shout out rothstein and Titus
-6 дн.
Like all Barstool podcasts hosted by dudes, the sound mixing is unbearable. They’re either screaming or inaudible. Can someone pleeeaassseee do some sound editing?
Pardon my right wing take
19 мар.
Sell outs. Trash spewing fools.
Max screaming is annoying
12 мар.
Max screaming is annoying
Grow up Max
14 мар.
Let’s record our man child producer curse people out for the 1000th time because his team lost and he can’t move on from it because he’s immature and cannot manage his anger in a healthy manner. Max you make Angelo Cataldi look like Mr. Rogers and that’s saying something. I hope Mommy shoves a bar of soap in your month.
Go Bears!
12 мар.
Long but entertaining. Big Cat is my spirit animal. Love the fastest 2 minutes which is a work of art.
Fell off but still ok
10 мар.
I enjoyed it far better a few years ago. It’s still ok but I only listen how when I’m really bored.
No more JOC
7 мар.
Or at least go back to once a year. He’s unbearable for multiple times a year of interviews
27 февр.
Serial Lebron Haters. Hank is a wet blanket. How does this guy have a job at barstool? Big Cat and PFT are the show
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