Friends & Followers

Seton Shrine
Friends & Followers

Stories of those who were inspired by Mother Seton's mission Friends & Followers is the latest podcast brought to you by the Seton Shrine that explores Elizabeth Ann Seton’s life through the eyes of those who were most intimately and profoundly inspired by her. From those who were here at the beginning to those who are inspired today, the podcast will dive into how people’s lives were affected by Elizabeth Ann Seton and her legacy. New episodes every two weeks! Visit to learn more, or listen now on iTunes, Spotify, or Stitcher.

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Stories of those who were inspired by Mother Seton's mission Friends & Followers is the latest podcast brought to you by the Seton Shrine that explores Elizabeth Ann Seton’s life through the eyes of those who were most intimately and profoundly inspired by her. From those who were here at the beginning to those who are inspired today, the podcast will dive into how people’s lives were affected by Elizabeth Ann Seton and her legacy. New episodes every two weeks! Visit to learn more, or listen now on iTunes, Spotify, or Stitcher.

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