92 episodes

Hello and welcome to From Caving In To Crushing It Podcast. I’m Drew Deraney. I'm passionate about helping men overcome adversity. I've been through a lot. I’ve got the uncanny knack of encountering multiple top life stressors simultaneously. If you want to find out more about me, my story and what my work is about, go to ProfitCompassion.com. Come along to one of our Open House calls and see what our Men Supporting Men Collaboration Tribe is all about.

In this podcast, I interview men who’ve been through so much in their lives and have come through stronger. They share their story about how they have overcome adversity and learned to know their worth and stand their ground. So, relax, breathe, and welcome to the show. Enjoy.

From Caving In To Crushing It Drew Deraney

    • Education

Hello and welcome to From Caving In To Crushing It Podcast. I’m Drew Deraney. I'm passionate about helping men overcome adversity. I've been through a lot. I’ve got the uncanny knack of encountering multiple top life stressors simultaneously. If you want to find out more about me, my story and what my work is about, go to ProfitCompassion.com. Come along to one of our Open House calls and see what our Men Supporting Men Collaboration Tribe is all about.

In this podcast, I interview men who’ve been through so much in their lives and have come through stronger. They share their story about how they have overcome adversity and learned to know their worth and stand their ground. So, relax, breathe, and welcome to the show. Enjoy.

    Episode 91 - Ben Albert - Life’s Scribbles: Ben Albert on Embracing Chaos, Overcoming Struggles, and Transforming Adversities into Growth

    Episode 91 - Ben Albert - Life’s Scribbles: Ben Albert on Embracing Chaos, Overcoming Struggles, and Transforming Adversities into Growth

    This episode: Life’s Scribbles: Ben Albert on Embracing Chaos, Overcoming Struggles, and Transforming Adversities into Growth. 
    Here’s what you’ll learn about:
    Life's non-linear nature and personal growth. (0:11)

    Drew and Ben connect over shared philosophies and social media posts.
    Ben Albert: Life is not linear, despite being taught so.
    Ben: Life looks like a scribble, with no predictable pattern.
    Ben shares his defining moment of realizing life's adversities are opportunities for growth.

    Personal growth and vulnerability, with a focus on overcoming past struggles. (5:55)

    Ben Albert reflects on his personal growth and self-awareness journey.
    Ben shared his struggles with affirmations and visualization despite following the Miracle Morning routine for years.
    Ben's vulnerability and willingness to confront his issues led to his growth and healing.

    Developing good habits to improve life. (10:47)

    Ben describes his childhood experiences with a physically abusive father and a mother with a neurological disorder, feeling disconnected and small.
    He integrates good habits into his morning routine, such as meditation and exercise, to overcome bad habits like alcohol and porn consumption.
    Ben discussed the idea of integrating small positive changes into daily life, rather than trying to make big changes all at once.
    He explains that by subtracting 1% of time from activities that make you better, you can make time for the positive changes without adding or subtracting anything else.

    Personal growth, self-awareness, and mindset. (16:16)

    Ben emphasizes the importance of choosing our words carefully, as they can affect our mindset and behavior.
    He suggests a simple exercise to identify and change negative self-talk, using a pen and paper to categorize words as "better" or "bitter".
    Ben shares his journey of evolving from a podcaster to a keynote speaker, highlighting the importance of putting in the work.
    He acknowledges the effort required to achieve success, encouraging listeners to embrace their own evolution and not feel bad about their progress.
    Ben started a podcast during a difficult time in his life, learning and growing daily.

    Personal growth and professi

    • 37 min
    Episode 90 - JD McCabe - From Betrayal to Breakthrough: JD McCabe's Journey of Overcoming False Accusations, Emotional Abuse, and Finding Purpose

    Episode 90 - JD McCabe - From Betrayal to Breakthrough: JD McCabe's Journey of Overcoming False Accusations, Emotional Abuse, and Finding Purpose

    This episode: From Betrayal to Breakthrough: JD McCabe's Journey of Overcoming False Accusations, Emotional Abuse, and Finding Purpose. 
    Here’s what you’ll learn about:
    Personal growth after divorce and dealing with false accusations. (0:11)

    JD McCabe shares personal stories of overcoming blind spots and seizing opportunities.
    JD's ex-wife accused him of giving her a sexually transmitted disease, which he denied and later discovered was a lie.
    He saw the accusation as an opportunity to rebuild himself, redefine his identity as a father, and move on emotionally.

    Reconciliation after betrayal and gaslighting in marriage. (5:24)

    JD shares his experience of being involuntarily committed by his family practitioner, leading to discoveries of hidden addiction and infidelity.
    JD was still in love with his ex-wife despite being in a psych facility and facing accusations of abuse.
    He hoped to reconcile with his ex-wife and figure out the issues in their marriage.

    Emotional and psychological abuse, shame, forgiveness, and healing. (10:51)

    JD discusses emotional and psychological abuse in relationships, with a focus on the gender dynamics involved.
    He struggled with shame and forgiveness after being manipulated by a master manipulator.

    Overcoming adversity and finding purpose through faith and gratitude. (15:01)

    JD shares his story of overcoming adversity, including their journey with her cancer, and the lessons they learned along the way.
    JD aims to provide hope, faith, and gratitude to readers through his book, with all proceeds going to support nonprofits.
    JD shares his story of resilience and hope in the face of adversity.
    His colleagues stood by him during a difficult time, despite not fully understanding his situation.

    Relationships, business, and personal growth. (20:55)

    JD McCabe advises young people to prioritize their emotional well-being and not rush into relationships.
    JD suggests creating a list of must-haves and deal breakers in a relationship to ensure compatibility.
    He emphasizes following passion and purpose, with peaks and valleys, and being committed to one's vision.
    JD shares personal story of overcoming adversity with the help of his daughter, and expresses gratitude for the positive impact of their relationship.

    To learn more about JD’s mission, go to his website at https://thirdgift.com/

    • 28 min
    Episode 89 - Wendy Corner - From Tragedy to Triumph: Wendy's Journey Through Grief, Resignation, and Reinvention

    Episode 89 - Wendy Corner - From Tragedy to Triumph: Wendy's Journey Through Grief, Resignation, and Reinvention

    This episode:  From Tragedy to Triumph: Wendy's Journey Through Grief, Resignation, and Reinvention. 
    Here’s what you’ll learn about:
    Defining moments and how they shape our lives. (0:09)

    Wendy shares a defining moment in her life when she found her husband dead at home.
    She recounts the moment when she realized he had passed away and how she went into autopilot.
    Wendy describes the aftermath of her husband's sudden death, including calling the ambulance and dealing with the police.

    Coping with loss of spouse, including grief, guilt, and healing through therapy and support. (5:38)

    Wendy felt relief and guilt after her husband's death, struggling with the idea of being on her own for the first time.
    She found support from her faith and friends, and began healing through CBT therapy and work.

    Personal experiences, resignation from senior position, and travel to Australia. (9:04)

    Wendy resigned from a senior position in the National Health Service after feeling led to pursue a TV program in Australia.

    Immigration experience in Australia, visa challenges, and job opportunities. (12:01)

    Wendy moved to Australia 10 years ago on a sponsored visa and had to rely on savings for almost a year before starting work.
    Her visa conditions required her to work for the company for two years before applying for permanent residency.

    Breaching confidentiality and immigration issues. (14:56)

    Wendy was suspended and had visa revoked after sharing client's story without consent.

    Specializing in public speaking coaching for authors. (17:58)

    Wendy coaches authors on stage presence, niches down to focus on business authors.

    Mindset, confidence, and stage presence for authors. (20:13)

    Wendy helps authors get their voice out and message out through her coaching and events.
    Wendy tailors her programs for individuals, using a mix of NLP, hypnosis, and linguistics to support their growth.

    To learn more about Wendy’s mission, go to her LinkedIn profile at https://www.linkedin.com/in/wendy-corner-making-a-difference/ Or her website at http://www.ywhp.events/    
    Wendy’s Bio: W

    • 29 min
    Episode 88 - Barry Cohen - Rewriting Life After Divorce: Barry Cohen on Communication, Passion, and Personal Growth

    Episode 88 - Barry Cohen - Rewriting Life After Divorce: Barry Cohen on Communication, Passion, and Personal Growth

    This episode:  Rewriting Life After Divorce: Barry Cohen on Communication, Passion, and Personal Growth. 
    Here’s what you’ll learn about:

    Overcoming divorce and improving communication. (0:00)

    Barry Cohen acknowledges defining moments in life that shape our perspective and choices.
    Barry recounts a moment of realization that led to a change in approach to work and relationships.
    He reflects on their divorce 7 years later, sharing insights on growth and positive mindset.
    Barry re-married his wife, highlighting the importance of communication and mindset.

    Finding passion, purpose, and monetizing it. (5:28)

    Barry shares how he found his partner by realizing they won't find another soulmate, and instead, it's about finding each other.
    Barry’s passion for writing led to publishing and publicity focus.
    He advises taking inventory of strengths and weaknesses and finding a system to compensate for weaknesses.
    Barry shares a personal example of committing to a 94-year-old client despite health challenges, ensuring he received a sample copy of his book before he passed away.

    Writing books, entrepreneurship, and personal growth. (12:58)

    Barry shares how Zig Ziglar's philosophy of helping others can lead to success (0:13:14)
    He explains how he assesses clients' needs and helps them achieve their goals (0:15:34)
    Barry says focus on desired outcomes, then create an outline and add meat to the bones.
    Authors with clear ideas can benefit from brain dump interviews, while those without may need more guidance and support.
    Barry Cohen offers guidance on writing your story and sharing it with the world.
    He emphasizes the importance of finding mentors and seeking advice from successful people.

    To learn more about Barry’s mission, go to his LinkedIn profile at https://www.linkedin.com/in/barrycohenauthoreditor/
    Or his website(s) at http://www.adlabcreative.com/  | http://www.publishingmentors.com/ 

    • 24 min
    Episode 87 - Chris Lipper - From Dyslexia to Wall Street: Chris Lipper’s Journey of Overcoming Obstacles and Inventing Success

    Episode 87 - Chris Lipper - From Dyslexia to Wall Street: Chris Lipper’s Journey of Overcoming Obstacles and Inventing Success

    This episode:  From Dyslexia to Wall Street: Chris Lipper’s Journey of Overcoming Obstacles and Inventing Success. 
    Here’s what you’ll learn about:

    Life lessons and overcoming obstacles. (0:08)

    Chris Lipper reflects on a defining moment where he realized life doesn't always go as planned, and shares a regret about not pursuing music despite a passion for it.
    Chris recounts a missed opportunity to receive private tennis coaching as a child due to parental disapproval.
    He shares his experience with dyslexia, boarding school, and college.
    Chris felt disconnected from teachers in college and wanted to move on with life.

    Wall Street experiences and inventing a hashtag product. (5:38)

    Chris shares his experience working on Wall Street, highlighting the importance of word being bond and the unique culture of the industry.
    He invented a removable tattoo as a gift with purchase for the apparel industry.

    Inventions, patents, and pharmaceutical industry challenges. (10:01)

    Chris’ last invention was a transdermal delivery system for drugs and vitamins using removable tattoos.
    He resisted FDA pressure to develop fentanyl, citing patent issues and ethical concerns.

    Entrepreneurship, coaching, and business growth. (14:27)

    Chris shares his experience with coaching and starting a mastermind group.
    Entrepreneurs share challenges and opportunities, receive feedback and coaching, and transform their businesses and lives.

    Virtual conventions and business coaching. (18:33)

    Chris describes the metaverse as a web-based experience with no need for goggles.
    He highlights the realistic and animated nature of the metaverse, his virtual trade show.
    Chris discusses his coaching business, focusing on community-driven feedback and licensing opportunities.
    Chris offers advice to young entrepreneur Chris: follow your dreams and passions.

    To learn more about Chris’ mission, go to his LinkedIn profile at

    • 27 min
    Episode 86 - Aman Thakral - From Failure to Fortune: Aman Thakral on Learning, Adapting, and Building Relationships

    Episode 86 - Aman Thakral - From Failure to Fortune: Aman Thakral on Learning, Adapting, and Building Relationships

    This episode:  From Failure to Fortune: Aman Thakral on Learning, Adapting, and Building Relationships. 
    Here’s what you’ll learn about:
    Learning from failures and adapting to new situations. (6:17)

    At 14, Aman Thakral flunked a class and lost friends, but learned to speak in a way that others understand.
    Aman applied this skill in the IT industry and in sales, helping them understand customers' needs.
    His ability to empathize with others and communicate effectively has been crucial in his personal and professional life.

    Importance of following up with customers and building relationships. (16:26)

    Aman emphasizes the importance of nurturing current and former customers.

    Belief in a higher purpose, with emphasis on hope and technology. (23:02)

    Aman believes in the importance of believing in a higher purpose beyond oneself.

    To learn more about Aman’s mission, go to his LinkedIn profile at https://www.linkedin.com/in/thakralaman/  
    Or his website at http://www.targetintegration.com/  
    Aman’s Bio: Aman Thakral
    I am Aman Thakral an CRM & ERP consultant with 15+ years of experience in CRM Industry where I have helped more than 1000 businesses with the various software.
    About your host: I'm Drew Deraney, the proud father of three children. For most of my life I've been concerned with what people thought of me and how I was supposed to act. I learned not to be my authentic self and instead became a people pleaser, a man wearing a mask.
    In a 9-month span a few years ago, I endured four faith-shaking life events that caused me to question my existence.
    I became determined to find a better way to live. Through intense self-reflection and awareness, I realized that in order to be happy, I must adhere to my standards of honesty, integrity and truth and needed to break free from the belief system that was anchored in me for close to 50 years.
    I found my purpose and my mission in life. I've now become the man I know I am meant to be. My mission is empowering men ready to make a change to do the same.
    My men's group and one-on-one coaching provide a safe space for men to share, without judgement, and transform. My male clients learn to release their inner greatness and stop self-sabotage, the #1 roadblock keeping them from reaching their goals.

    • 28 min

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