The Dating After Divorce Survival Guide

Eric Payne
The Dating After Divorce Survival Guide

Eric Payne, a divorced dad and retired marriage & fatherhood blogger, tells the comedic tale of his "Chapter 2" — having to start life over brand new after a divorce he didn't want. What Does Starting Over Mean? Although "free” for the first time in 15 years, Eric has years of baggage and a stubborn desire to hold on to the past which initially keeps him stuck as he tries to move in a world way different than the one where he first met his ex-wife in the year 2000. From one-night stands to ghosting to online dating, to mental anguish and heartbreak to the self-care that is required of a 40+, divorced Black man and father in America, Eric tackles it all with fearless transparency, vulnerability, and a refreshing sense of humor — especially when it comes to making fun of himself. It's transparent, it’s raw, it’s funny, it’s messy, and it’s hopeful, but most of all it’s proof that second chances do in fact exist for us when life doesn’t go as planned. Tune in for the exploits, especially the failures — there are plenty along the way on his journey of trying to find love again and discovering himself in the process.

  1. 第 7 集

    After Paris: When You're Your Own Worst Enemy

    Picking up where we left off at Episode 6: After a year of misses capped off by holiday heartache, I have an “aha” moment that leads me to create new boundaries, manage my expectations, and finally gain peace of mind as it relates to my ex-wife and all my relationships. But in almost the same breath, I break an old boundary in a moment of weakness as I move two steps forward but three steps backward into 2019. Be sure you listen to the end. Every fight isn't worth winning. Sometimes you simply have to walk away. IG: @datingafterdivorcesurvival & @ericlpayne ------------------------ Thank you, for listening! If this is your first time: The best place to begin here is all the way that the beginning, Season One, Episode One. That way you won't feel the way I do when I get to a party a little late and everyone there is acting like they're best friends.Please subscribe and recommend this podcast to two people (2) who you think will enjoy it. Did I mention subscribing? Subscribe and never miss an episode. If you listen on Spotify, just hit the “Follow” button. Please, follow the Dating After Divorce music playlist to follow all the tunes that influenced my life while I was going through it: my article, Dating In My Forties, over at Medium for free as a Friend of the Dating After Divorce Survival Guide. Read the article here. You can read all my articles on Medium at: ------------------------- Resources from the Episode :  You are Beautiful, Inside & Out and You are NOT Your Past and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise: Sign up for episode recaps from me, dating Q&As, access to exclusive merch, and more: Get control of YOUR time. It’s your most precious asset:

    33 分鐘
  2. 第 8 集

    After Paris: When the Past Sends You a Text

    When the past sends you a text, you: respond happily and pick up where you left off.ignore it and possibly block like the wind.break your phone, then change your number.Some of the above.None of the above. In Episode 8 of Season 4, the Past makes a surprise appearance in my life while I navigate a new career opportunity, my singleness, am uncomfortable walk down social media memory lane, and my growing hypocrisy as it relates to one person in particular. Topics covered in this episode: managing expectations in relationships and managing emotions because of and despite past and present traumas. IG: @datingafterdivorcesurvival & @ericlpayne ------------------------ This episode is in loving and brotherly memory of Hasan Jelani Durley [July 6, 1974 - January 31, 2022] Learn more: ------------------------ Thank you, for listening! If this is your first time: The best place to begin here is all the way that the beginning, Season One, Episode One. That way you won't feel the way I do when I get to a party a little late and everyone there is acting like they're best friends.Please subscribe and recommend this podcast to two people (2) who you think will enjoy it. Did I mention subscribing? Subscribe and never miss an episode. If you listen on Spotify, just hit the “Follow” button. Please, follow the Dating After Divorce music playlist to follow all the tunes that influenced my life while I was going through it: my article, Dating In My Forties, over at Medium for free as a Friend of the Dating After Divorce Survival Guide. Read the article here. You can read all my articles on Medium at:

    32 分鐘


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Eric Payne, a divorced dad and retired marriage & fatherhood blogger, tells the comedic tale of his "Chapter 2" — having to start life over brand new after a divorce he didn't want. What Does Starting Over Mean? Although "free” for the first time in 15 years, Eric has years of baggage and a stubborn desire to hold on to the past which initially keeps him stuck as he tries to move in a world way different than the one where he first met his ex-wife in the year 2000. From one-night stands to ghosting to online dating, to mental anguish and heartbreak to the self-care that is required of a 40+, divorced Black man and father in America, Eric tackles it all with fearless transparency, vulnerability, and a refreshing sense of humor — especially when it comes to making fun of himself. It's transparent, it’s raw, it’s funny, it’s messy, and it’s hopeful, but most of all it’s proof that second chances do in fact exist for us when life doesn’t go as planned. Tune in for the exploits, especially the failures — there are plenty along the way on his journey of trying to find love again and discovering himself in the process.









