From part-time Real Estate Investor to one of the most sought out communication experts in the world.

The 6 Figure Flipper With Matt Aitchison - Learn From World Class Investors on Flipping Houses, Buying Rentals & Wholesaling

Text Summary:

Today we are joined by Joel Rico.  Starting off as an engineer Joel quickly learned that no matter what you do in life you are in the position of sales (and selling yourself).  Therefore Joel took every course imaginable on NLP and communication and is currently one of the leaders in the NLP space. In this interview we’ll learn about easily human beings misunderstand each other, the 3 critical questions to ask someone in order to get to their “why” and what information is needed to construct a win/win negotiation.  


Joel Rico is a professional speaker, coach, and accomplished entrepreneur. Considered a “master” in peak sales performance, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and successful negotiations, his techniques and strategies continue to aid him in coaching his clients.

Joel is currently one of the most sought after Sales Trainers, and for the past decade has been training Sales People, mostly Real Estate Brokers, to better understand their clients, and how to structure win-win agreements. This level of training has elevated many of his clients to top 1000, top 100, top 50, and top 10 active Real Estate brokers in the country. 

Joel’s incredible understanding of the world, people and human nature enables him to coach people to a higher level of effectiveness. He is committed to identifying and overcoming personal and business constraints for breakthrough and optimal performance.

What you will learn:

What is the first conversation Joel has with someone who wants to improve their communication skill set?  (9:20)

What is the NUMBER ONE complaint that people have with sales people? (11:05)

What information is needed before you can construct a “Win/Win” scenario? (13:20)

Criteria questions: 3 questions that can immediately get to the why. (21:06)

What value does Joel give to “scripts”? (32:00)

What is the best way to close? (44:15)

What are some of Joel’s recommendations for Sales or Communication books? (50:20)

In today’s ever changing society what does Joel think about phone calls vs. e-mails or text messages? (52:40)


“At the end of the day we are in the business of selling ourselves, whether you like that or not.”

“Silence is power in communication.”

“The biggest problem with a script is the client doesn’t have a copy, so sometimes they don’t follow along.”

“Telling isn’t selling.  When you are telling something, you aren’t listening.”


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