From The Ground Up!
Judy Wagley
“From the Ground Up,” hosted and produced by Judy Wagley, is a weekly program designed to inform and inspire the home gardener, or ANYONE who has an interest in the natural world around us. Each week, Judy talks with and expert and highlights a topic that is timely for the season. You are sure to learn something new and interesting! From the Ground Up is a production of WCMU. Our theme music was written and performed by Ken Verheecke.
“From the Ground Up,” hosted and produced by Judy Wagley, is a weekly program designed to inform and inspire the home gardener, or ANYONE who has an interest in the natural world around us. Each week, Judy talks with and expert and highlights a topic that is timely for the season. You are sure to learn something new and interesting! From the Ground Up is a production of WCMU. Our theme music was written and performed by Ken Verheecke.
- CreatorJudy Wagley
- Years Active2023 - 2024
- Episodes20
- RatingClean
- Show Website