456 episodes

Since 2016, Front Row Dads has been the community for "family men with businesses, not businessmen with families".

Weekly interviews on marriage, parenting, health, emotional intelligence, business and legacy.

Learn about the brotherhood at FrontRowDads.com

Front Row Dads with Jon Vroman Jon Vroman

    • Kids & Family
    • 5.0 • 291 Ratings

Since 2016, Front Row Dads has been the community for "family men with businesses, not businessmen with families".

Weekly interviews on marriage, parenting, health, emotional intelligence, business and legacy.

Learn about the brotherhood at FrontRowDads.com

    Work-Life Balance is a Myth and Creating Core Family Values with Justin Donald & Brad Johnson

    Work-Life Balance is a Myth and Creating Core Family Values with Justin Donald & Brad Johnson

    ext up in the Member Takeover Series, we've got a couple of legit OGs from the Brotherhood. We've got Justin Donald taking over as the host, and he's joined by Brad Johnson. As you'll hear, these two have been on board with what Front Row Dads is all about from the very beginning.
    For anyone who doesn't know, Justin is a wildly successful entrepreneur, author, and host of The Lifestyle Investor podcast. And Brad is certainly no slouch. He's the co-founder of Triad Partners and host of the Do Business. Do Life podcast. We are all very much in alignment with being successful in business without sacrificing our responsibilities as husbands and fathers.
    In this episode, Brad digs into his family's core values that were created from the Family Brand. You'll also hear practical tips for entrepreneurs chasing the mythical "work-life balance," why Brad believes in work-life integrations, and the top lessons they've learned to successfully grow a business without sacrificing family, health, or happiness. Enjoy!Jon Vroman,  
    A Wide-Ranging Conversation Through…
    Being a KC Chiefs fan and becoming a Swiftie Building a culture that attracts great talent Pursue work-life integration, not balance Brad’s marriage advice to avoid a doom loop Creating family values with the Family Brand Brad and Justin’s early start in podcasting Who is more OG at Front Row Dads? The impact of having an accountability partner Family first, business second Get the Full Show Notes
    Want access to the full show notes, including links to all resources mentioned during today's conversation? Visit FrontRowDads.com/449
    More About Front Row Dads
    Connect with us @ FrontRowDads.com & Instagram 
    Want to hang out with other FRDs in Austin? Watch this 3-min video from our last Front Row Dads Live event. Tickets avail now for December's event. 
    Not able to travel? We got you. Join our next online event, built just for kickass dads who know there’s more to learn. FrontRowDads.com/summit 
    FRD is solving a huge problem for dads. Our culture has turned “Dad” into a joke. Go ahead, google Dad and you’ll find Dad Bod, Dad Jokes, Dad Weed, etc. Culturally, it’s a Homer Simpson mentality, and it’s BS.  
    Our community is built for solid men. Men with range. Those who are badass, and know there’s still more to learn, together.  
    Most guys find it hard to find “their crew.” Finding other committed men, who are successful in life, and want to put family first – these guys are rare. Is this you?
    In FRD, hundreds of men from all over the world show up for each other, to share resources and raise the bar of fatherhood (our core values)
    If you’re reading this, you want to grow.  Podcasts are great, but guys… when you’re ready to stop just listening to content, and want to JOIN the conversations – the FRD brotherhood is ready for you.  
    One more thing… 
    Has this podcast helped you? If so, please tell us how we’re doing. Please take a minute and leave a review. Seriously, they matter. Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen. 
    Subscribe to this show on Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts  | Spotify

    • 40 min
    Life Lessons Sports Teaches Kids and Taking Control of Your Health with Jason Bronstad and Jason Wachob

    Life Lessons Sports Teaches Kids and Taking Control of Your Health with Jason Bronstad and Jason Wachob

    In today’s Member Takeover episode, I’m passing the baton to a couple of Jasons and badass members of the Brotherhood. Today’s host is none other than Jason Bronstad and joining him is Jason Wachob. Jason Wachob is the co-founder of mindbodygreen, an organization that revolutionizes health and wellness with holistic approaches that go beyond traditional medicine. 
    In this conversation between two Jasons, they discuss something that is easy to forget as parents: it’s not the flashy gifts or the fancy cars that win our kids’ hearts. What matters most is our presence—being there for their sporting events, plays, or simply hanging out and playing at home. 
    As a former basketball player, Jason W. opens up about the impact sports had on him and the valuable life lessons, health benefits, and positive impact sports have on our kids’ personal growth, both on and off the field. 
    Jason W. also shares some killer insights, medical tests, and screens to help us step up our health game, catch any warning signs early, and take control of our mental and physical health. Enjoy!
    A Wide-Ranging Conversation Through…
    Life is precious, never leave an argument angry When a blind date becomes a soulmate  Valuable life lessons kids learn from playing sports Educating kids about wellness with healthy food habits All protein is not created equal to build muscle Medical tests and screens that are worth every penny Wachob family mottos and working toward a ScreamFree home The inspiration for mindbodygreen Tips to help you take charge of your health and nutrition Daily exercise can be as little 5-10 minutes at a time Get the Full Show Notes
    Want access to the full show notes, including links to all resources mentioned during today's conversation? Visit FrontRowDads.com/448
    More About Front Row Dads
    Connect with us @ FrontRowDads.com & Instagram 
    Want to hang out with other FRDs in Austin? Watch this 3-min video from our last Front Row Dads Live event. Tickets avail now for December's event. 
    Not able to travel? We got you. Join our next online event, built just for kickass dads who know there’s more to learn. FrontRowDads.com/summit 
    FRD is solving a huge problem for dads. Our culture has turned “Dad” into a joke. Go ahead, google Dad and you’ll find Dad Bod, Dad Jokes, Dad Weed, etc. Culturally, it’s a Homer Simpson mentality, and it’s BS.  
    Our community is built for solid men. Men with range. Those who are badass, and know there’s still more to learn, together.  
    Most guys find it hard to find “their crew.” Finding other committed men, who are successful in life, and want to put family first – these guys are rare. Is this you?
    In FRD, hundreds of men from all over the world show up for each other, to share resources and raise the bar of fatherhood (our core values)
    If you’re reading this, you want to grow.  Podcasts are great, but guys… when you’re ready to stop just listening to content, and want to JOIN the conversations – the FRD brotherhood is ready for you.  
    One more thing… 
    Has this podcast helped you? If so, please tell us how we’re doing. Please take a minute and leave a review. Seriously, they matter. Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen. 
    Subscribe to this show on Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts  | Spotify

    • 53 min
    Growing From Conflict & Testing the Minimum Viable Separation Concept to Reconnect with Alex Pardo and Mike Wagner

    Growing From Conflict & Testing the Minimum Viable Separation Concept to Reconnect with Alex Pardo and Mike Wagner

    In the second episode of our Member Takeover Series this summer, we're keeping the momentum going with two more powerhouse members of the Brotherhood, featuring Mike Wagner and hosted by Alex Pardo.
    Mike doesn't hold back about his struggles with being genuinely present for his family and how he used work to escape the daily pressures of fatherhood. 
    A big part of Mike's recovery is his embodiment practice of "feeling whatever is" and being honest about his emotional struggles in front of his kids. He shares why this practice is not just for him but serves as a live demonstration to his children on managing emotions in healthy ways.
    You'll also hear why Mike recommends testing a concept he adapted from Tucker Max, the Minimum Viable Separation. By spending some time away from our family when we’re feeling disconnected from our loved ones it allows us to reconnect, resolve conflict and show up in healthier and happier ways.
    A Wide-Ranging Conversation Through…
    The metric for quality time = presence Daily practices to get to a flow state Resources for practicing meditation & presence Leading by example with screen time and technology Improving relationships and anger issues starts within Managing conflict by pausing, then communicating Reconnecting with your family values  Mike’s daily routines to be at his best Testing the Minimum Viable Separation Concept  Get the Full Show Notes
    Want access to the full show notes, including links to all resources mentioned during today's conversation? Visit FrontRowDads.com/447
    More About Front Row Dads
    Connect with us @ FrontRowDads.com & Instagram 
    Want to hang out with other FRDs in Austin? Watch this 3-min video from our last Front Row Dads Live event. Tickets avail now for December's event. 
    Not able to travel? We got you. Join our next online event, built just for kickass dads who know there’s more to learn. FrontRowDads.com/summit 
    FRD is solving a huge problem for dads. Our culture has turned “Dad” into a joke. Go ahead, google Dad and you’ll find Dad Bod, Dad Jokes, Dad Weed, etc. Culturally, it’s a Homer Simpson mentality, and it’s BS.  
    Our community is built for solid men. Men with range. Those who are badass, and know there’s still more to learn, together.  
    Most guys find it hard to find “their crew.” Finding other committed men, who are successful in life, and want to put family first – these guys are rare. Is this you?
    In FRD, hundreds of men from all over the world show up for each other, to share resources and raise the bar of fatherhood (our core values)
    If you’re reading this, you want to grow.  Podcasts are great, but guys… when you’re ready to stop just listening to content, and want to JOIN the conversations – the FRD brotherhood is ready for you.  
    One more thing… 
    Has this podcast helped you? If so, please tell us how we’re doing. Please take a minute and leave a review. Seriously, they matter. Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen. 
    Subscribe to this show on Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts  | Spotify

    • 1 hr 4 min
    Somatic Coaching & Anger Therapy Concepts and Breaking Free of “I’m Not Enough” with Matt Drinkhahn & Michael Chu

    Somatic Coaching & Anger Therapy Concepts and Breaking Free of “I’m Not Enough” with Matt Drinkhahn & Michael Chu

    In the first episode of our Member Takeover Series this summer, we're kicking things off with two incredible humans and VIP members of the Brotherhood, featuring Michael Chu and hosted by Matt Drinkhahn.
    In this conversation, Mike shares some of the childhood wounds that he's worked on since becoming a parent, from overcoming his belief that he "wasn't good enough" despite enjoying tremendous success in creating multiple 7-figure businesses and being a National Champion in martial arts to managing BIG feelings, anger, and frustration with somatic coaching & therapy concepts.
    You'll also hear how Mike uses a "Stop, Drop & Roll" technique to manage stress and conflict with his wife and children which has helped him to be a better partner to his spouse and Dad to his kids. 
    It's easy to forget that when the women we love are upset, they just want to be heard. They aren't asking us big, strong men to fix the problem immediately, a lesson Mike has learned and now manages with his superpower and calming presence. Enjoy!
    A Wide-Ranging Conversation Through…
    Breaking free of the “suck it up” mentality Mike’s rough start on his journey of becoming a Dad Healing childhood wounds with somatic coaching Mike’s “Stop, Drop and Roll” tools for dealing with anger Pass “the test” by getting out of your own head Demonstrate that feeling your feelings is a strength Therapy is ongoing, like muscles, use it or lose it Hold space for their feelings first instead of fixing the problem Get the Full Show Notes
    Want access to the full show notes, including links to all resources mentioned during today's conversation? Visit FrontRowDads.com/446
    More About Front Row Dads
    Connect with us @ FrontRowDads.com & Instagram 
    Want to hang out with other FRDs in Austin? Watch this 3-min video from our last Front Row Dads Live event. Tickets avail now for December's event. 
    Not able to travel? We got you. Join our next online event, built just for kickass dads who know there’s more to learn. FrontRowDads.com/summit 
    FRD is solving a huge problem for dads. Our culture has turned “Dad” into a joke. Go ahead, google Dad and you’ll find Dad Bod, Dad Jokes, Dad Weed, etc. Culturally, it’s a Homer Simpson mentality, and it’s BS.  
    Our community is built for solid men. Men with range. Those who are badass, and know there’s still more to learn, together.  
    Most guys find it hard to find “their crew.” Finding other committed men, who are successful in life, and want to put family first – these guys are rare. Is this you?
    In FRD, hundreds of men from all over the world show up for each other, to share resources and raise the bar of fatherhood (our core values)
    If you’re reading this, you want to grow.  Podcasts are great, but guys… when you’re ready to stop just listening to content, and want to JOIN the conversations – the FRD brotherhood is ready for you.  
    One more thing… 
    Has this podcast helped you? If so, please tell us how we’re doing. Please take a minute and leave a review. Seriously, they matter. Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen. 
    Subscribe to this show on Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts  | Spotify

    • 53 min
    The Pitfalls of People Pleasing, Becoming Mr. Right and a Journey of Family Experiences with Mike Green

    The Pitfalls of People Pleasing, Becoming Mr. Right and a Journey of Family Experiences with Mike Green

    Mike Green is a loving husband, father of two amazing kids and a trusted voice in the FRD Brotherhood. Professionally, he’s an ER physician who has been able to shape and sculpt his life around creating memories with his family, even while working long hours, including 24 and 48-hour shifts at the ER. 
    In our chat, we went deep on the pitfalls of being a people pleaser and how that can stunt and even derail relationships when we try to be somebody other than our true selves. Mike also shares several smile-inducing memories about his childhood with his Dad, from spending his early years on a houseboat in the Bahamas and the work/life balance mindset he inherited to creating a make-shift aquarium in the bathtub for weeks at a time with live fish and turtles. 🤣
    Before we wrapped things up, Mike opened up about what it means to him to be a part of the Brotherhood, to have a safe place to be real and have honest conversations with other men who are all striving to be better Dads and husbands despite having different opinions on many topics. That’s something that definitely resonates with me and probably many of you too. Enjoy!
    A Wide-Ranging Conversation Through…
    Two superpowers Mike got from his Dad Early life living on a houseboat in the Bahamas Being afraid of Dad as a child Work/life balance lessons from Dad Shaping your calendar to sculpt your life The golden nuggets from the Health Summit Becoming Mr. Right vs finding Mrs. Right  Balancing boundaries, trust with people pleasing Planning future family experiences How about Father’s Day FRD Meetups? Why FRD is a safe space to be real Get the Full Show Notes
    Want access to the full show notes, including links to all resources mentioned during today's conversation? Visit FrontRowDads.com/445
    More About Front Row Dads
    Connect with us @ FrontRowDads.com & Instagram 
    Want to hang out with other FRDs in Austin? Watch this 3-min video from our last Front Row Dads Live event. Tickets avail now for December's event. 
    Not able to travel? We got you. Join our next online event, built just for kickass dads who know there’s more to learn. FrontRowDads.com/summit 
    FRD is solving a huge problem for dads. Our culture has turned “Dad” into a joke. Go ahead, google Dad and you’ll find Dad Bod, Dad Jokes, Dad Weed, etc. Culturally, it’s a Homer Simpson mentality, and it’s BS.  
    Our community is built for solid men. Men with range. Those who are badass, and know there’s still more to learn, together.  
    Most guys find it hard to find “their crew.” Finding other committed men, who are successful in life, and want to put family first – these guys are rare. Is this you?
    In FRD, hundreds of men from all over the world show up for each other, to share resources and raise the bar of fatherhood (our core values)
    If you’re reading this, you want to grow.  Podcasts are great, but guys… when you’re ready to stop just listening to content, and want to JOIN the conversations – the FRD brotherhood is ready for you.  
    One more thing… 
    Has this podcast helped you? If so, please tell us how we’re doing. Please take a minute and leave a review. Seriously, they matter. Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen. 
    Subscribe to this show on Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts  | Spotify

    • 1 hr 5 min
    Mr. Nice Guy Syndrome & Managing Boundaries, Shame and Our Triggered Nervous Systems with Dr. Robert Glover

    Mr. Nice Guy Syndrome & Managing Boundaries, Shame and Our Triggered Nervous Systems with Dr. Robert Glover

    Today, I'm joined by Dr. Robert Glover. Robert is a therapist, coach, speaker, and author of the groundbreaking book, No More Mr. Nice Guy. This is a must-read for men who struggle with expressing their needs and setting healthy boundaries without feeling guilty or shame.
    In our conversation, we explored how our childhood traumas set the stage for how we manage emotions and interact in our relationships and how to ditch those "covert contracts" we make with people, assuming they should read our minds and know what we want without us having to say it.
    Robert shares practical advice on how to set boundaries in a way that doesn't alienate others and instead draws them in. You'll also hear about the 3 covert contracts that nice guys make with themselves that cause anger and frustration. We also bonded a bit by talking openly about how we handled disagreements in our own marriages, how easily we get triggered, and how to approach these moments with love the next time. Enjoy!
    A Wide-Ranging Conversation Through…
    Early days of No More Mr. Nice Guy The toxic extremes of nice guys and jerks Identifying the two types of “nice guys” The challenge of managing boundaries & shame Three covert contracts that nice guys make The link between our nervous system and triggers  Robert’s mindfulness routine for dealing with anxiety How letting go brings us closer to the answers we seek Boundaries are for me, not you Get the Full Show Notes
    Want access to the full show notes, including links to all resources mentioned during today's conversation? Visit FrontRowDads.com/444
    More About Front Row Dads
    Connect with us @ FrontRowDads.com & Instagram 
    Want to hang out with other FRDs in Austin? Watch this 3-min video from our last Front Row Dads Live event. Tickets avail now for December's event. 
    Not able to travel? We got you. Join our next online event, built just for kickass dads who know there’s more to learn. FrontRowDads.com/summit 
    FRD is solving a huge problem for dads. Our culture has turned “Dad” into a joke. Go ahead, google Dad and you’ll find Dad Bod, Dad Jokes, Dad Weed, etc. Culturally, it’s a Homer Simpson mentality, and it’s BS.  
    Our community is built for solid men. Men with range. Those who are badass, and know there’s still more to learn, together.  
    Most guys find it hard to find “their crew.” Finding other committed men, who are successful in life, and want to put family first – these guys are rare. Is this you?
    In FRD, hundreds of men from all over the world show up for each other, to share resources and raise the bar of fatherhood (our core values)
    If you’re reading this, you want to grow.  Podcasts are great, but guys… when you’re ready to stop just listening to content, and want to JOIN the conversations – the FRD brotherhood is ready for you.  
    One more thing… 
    Has this podcast helped you? If so, please tell us how we’re doing. Please take a minute and leave a review. Seriously, they matter. Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen. 
    Subscribe to this show on Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts  | Spotify

    • 1 hr 16 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
291 Ratings

291 Ratings

Jason B. - Austin, TX ,

Be a better Father... WORK AT IT!

We all need help, support and resources. I have found the FRD podcast (and The Brotherhood) to be what I’ve needed for a long time. I’m so thankful for Jon and all of the work he has done for us!

C. Bartik ,

So much more than just a family/parenting podcast

This podcast hit me in the right place (my heart) at the right time (struggling with my teen). Jon is an amazing host and interviewer that leads with curiosity, vulnerability and honesty into all aspect of not only being a father, but husband, son, friend, man and human. This is a podcast for men, and even women, who want to get better in all aspects of their lives...health, parenting, business, marriage, legacy, etc. This is an amazing weekly gift to yourself.

...Nick… ,

Insightful and Engaging – A Must-Listen for Every Dad!

Jon Vroman and the Front Row Dads team consistently deliver exceptional content, covering a broad spectrum of topics that are both relevant and thought-provoking. Each episode is packed with practical advice, heartfelt stories, and expert insights that resonate deeply with fathers striving to be the best for their families. Whether it's parenting tips, personal growth, or relationship advice, Jon and his crew hit the mark every time. This podcast is a game-changer for any dad committed to living life in the front row.

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