Deeply Spiritual but Rather Uncertain - with Skip Collins

Historically the modern evangelical church has been pretty prescriptive about what you must believe. And if you are uncertain in those beliefs, your faith is called into question. What if you could hold Spirituality and uncertainty in tension? I believe that you can. And when you do, you understand what it means to be deeply spiritual but rather uncertain.
Skip does it right
2021. 05. 05.
This podcaster just does it right. He clearly studies his subject. He is not afraid to ask the hard questions about matters of faith. He presents his material with clarity and humility. Skip Collins does it right!
love this podcast
2021. 04. 15.
i really love this podcast. your voice is so calming and genuine and so is the message. learning that many of the truths that i was raised upon may just be theories and that there are many other theories or practices i can engage with is probably what has saved my faith
Approachable and interesting
2019. 06. 19.
I like this podcast because it feels genuine and open yet isn’t afraid to dig into the Bible while also questioning it. It feels like a conversation not a judgment and that keeps bringing me back.
So good!
2019. 01. 27.
Skip honestly and carefully helps us ask questions that Christians traditionally could not ask, and allows for discovery of new and deconstruction of old beliefs in a non-sarcastic or cynical way. Really recommend!
- 제작진Skip Collins
- 방송 연도2018년 - 2025년
- 에피소드82
- 등급전체 연령 사용가
- 저작권© Copyright 2018 All rights reserved.
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