Podcasts Archives - Extreme Health Radio

Justin Stellman
Podcasts Archives - Extreme Health Radio

The Extreme Health Radio Podcast is your one stop source for all things related to health, healing and longevity. Whether you're recovering from cancer, have heart disease, diabetes or struggling with other diseases our show has something for you. We empower you to take back control of your health by learning from expert authors, scientists, researchers and doctors. If you're somebody who's into fitness, the paleo diet or a raw food vegan we've got your covered. You'll learn how to take your health, cleansing and detoxification protocols to the next level! Stop spending thousands of dollars on drugs, medications or surgeries when you can learn to live naturally without needing a doctor. Extreme Health Radio is the show for you.

  1. 1 天前

    Michelle Deberge – How To Give Up Gluten, Sugar & Dairy To Boost Your Energy & Restore Your Health + Much More!

    Michelle Deberge is the founder of Gluten, Sugar, Dairy Free. This is a website that teaches people not only about the inflammatory dangers of eating these types of foods, but also teaches people how to prepare delicious food without these harmful ingredients. It's my contention that (on a purely physical level at least) that the removal of gluten, sugar and dairy would help to reduce not only your weight (for those of us concerned with the superficial) but also radically reduce your chance of getting a major disease like cancer or heart disease. These foods are so inflammatory and damaging to our immune system that it can hardly even function. Many of our previous guests have mentioned that sugar causes microscopic inflammation all over the body and can actually scar the inside of our arteries. This then causes our body to create cholesterol to act like an internal bandaid to allow it to heal. And we all know from a long time guest Ty Bollinger from his recent docu-series called The Truth About Cancer that cancer actually feeds off of sugar. There are around 6 times the amount of receptor sites on a cancer cell for sugar than on a regular cell. As for gluten, we all know how that affects leaky gut and causes indigestible proteins to enter the blood stream causing a whole host of cascading health ramifications. These foods are horrible for the human body. At least if you're going to do milk do a raw milk from happy grass fed cows. But I would get off all dairy as well if you feel like you might have digestive issues. Michelle DeBerge teaches us how to increase our energy levels with food that tastes delicious and is easy to make. She's got a wonderful community of people who (like her) are reclaiming their birthright, abundant health! She's also the founder of Join the Kitchen Table which I highly recommend you join. Last time she was over at our home we all had dinner and it was a ton of fun! I hope you liked the show. If you did, please share it! :) Featured Products During This Episode: * Commercial #1 - The Relax FAR Infrared Sauna * Commercial #2 - Bellicon Rebounders Please Subscribe: Subscribe To Our Radio Show For Updates! Listen to other shows with this guest.

    52 分鐘
  2. 2 天前

    Anthony William – The Medical Medium Gets To The Root Of Mysterious & Unexplained Health Issues

    I'm guessing that this show is going to become very controversial as there's already a ton of views on Youtube. I've been getting emails left and right about Anthony William aka The Medical Medium. People have been writing me and saying he's fake. Some people are saying that he's communicating with evil spirits. While others are writing in saying that he's done nothing but help them with their health issues. Kate and I were talking about this recently. Of the people that aren't saying he's helped them, the majority are saying he's communicating with evil spirits. Which I find interesting because I'm guessing this group is a highly religious group. My question for these folks is, how do you know that the "Holy Spirit" or angels you seem to be comfortable with, are in fact "good" and not evil spirits masquerading as angels of light? How do you know? Do you see that good spirit you connect with? So what I'm saying here is that I don't believe anybody knows the true nature of the spirits they connect with. Christians will think the spirits they call upon are all good, but I'm saying there's no way to know that for sure. Some people were saying Anthony William is not connecting at all to higher beings. Again, how do they know what's going on with Anthony and his communication with these beings? By far the majority of the people that wrote in privately to me said that he's been instrumental in them healing their body's health conditions. Whenever you do a show like this (or the one's we've done with Chris Kehler) you're going to get blow back. People think they have everything figured out. Personally I'd rather live in the world of wonder, mystery and what if. Anthony William has helped Kate with her health issue as she had a consultation with him a while back. It has been said that... The only disease is a closed mind. So if you have a diagnosis or a mystery disease or illness, I'd recommend at least being open enough to hear some of what Anthony has to say. Like all of our guests, if it doesn't resonate with you that's cool. We like to present all kinds of ideas and let each person decide what they'll invite into their consciousness that'll determine how deep they want to go with their own natural healing. We took some listener questions at the end like what does Anthony think about colonics and vaccinations and a whole host of other health concerns. I for one thought he's a fascinating guy. What did you think? Do you believe him or not believe him? Do you think he could help you? What are you thoughts? Anthony William is a controversial guy. Share your comments below and let's have a good discussion about this! Sponsor For This Episode: * Extrema Chemical Free Cookware - Cook your food free of chemicals, toxins and heavy metals leeching into your dishes! * Relax FAR Infrared Saunas - Detox your body, cleanse from chemicals, increase your immune system and lose weight with this sauna! Show Notes For This Episode: Click here to download the show notes for THIS EPISODE. Featured Products For This Episode: * We are now commercial free but only if you click here to support us to keep making commercial free shows! :) * a href="http://www.extremehealthradio.

    1 小時 42 分鐘
  3. 3 天前

    Debra Lynn Dadd – 5 Powerful Strategies For Detoxifying Your Entire Home

    [include file=get-in-itunes.html]If you're sick you might want to look no further than the carpets, paints, household cleaning products, bed sheets in your home. These often contain toxins, poisons and chemicals that can be very damaging to your immune system and health. Debra Lynn Dadd advocates cleaning up your home environment before trying to increase you immune system. Limit exposures first before anything else. This is a very interesting interview. After you listen, comment below and tell us what you think! We discuss the following and so much more: * 5 powerful ways to help detox your body from these harmful chemicals * How these toxins damage your immune system * Helpful alternatives to simple household products that are not dangerous * Why you shouldn't wait for symptoms before you make changes to live healthier * How many new toxins are introduced into our environment each year * An amazingly cheap way to actually get rid of toxins from our body * And so much more! According to Debra Lynn Dadd just about all beds are sprayed by law with fire retardants that are very toxic. - Click to tweet this! - Get Notified:[ois skin="Show Page2"] - Commercials: - Please Subscribe: Subscribe To Our Radio Show For Updates! - Other Shows:[include file=show-links.html] | All Shows With This Guest - Show Date:Friday 12/7/2012 - Show Guest:Debra Lynn Dadd - Guest Info:Debra Lynn Dadd has been researching the harmful effects of household and environmental toxins for over 30 years. She's the author of Toxic Free and consults with people all over the world helping them reduce their chemical and toxic exposure in all areas of their lives. Read More... - Topic:Toxins - Guest Website(s): http://www.dld123.com http://www.toxicfree123.com (Guest Social Links Below. Please Follow Them!) Facebook http://www.facebook.com/debralynndaddQG Twitter http://www.twitter.com/DebraLynnDadd Youtube https://www.youtube.com/user/debralynndadd -

    59 分鐘
  4. 5 天前

    New Show: Light At Night…Is It Really That Bad For You?

    Is light at night bad for you? The answer is definitely yes. The short answer as to why light at night is bad is because it suppresses your melatonin levels and alters  your circadian rhythm. Not good if you want to heal with optimal sleep. I go into full detail here about how I mitigate light at night and embrace natural light frequencies during the day. Why Light At Night Is Dangerous Attenuation of short wavelengths alters sleep and the ipRGC pupil response"The use of short wavelength-blocking glasses at night increased subjectively measured sleep quality and objectively measured melatonin levels and sleep duration, presumably as a result of decreased night-time stimulation of ipRGCs. Alterations in the ipRGC-driven pupil response suggest a shift in circadian phase. Results suggest that minimizing short wavelength light following sunset may help in regulating sleep patterns." - SourceBlue light from light-emitting diodes elicits a dose-dependent suppression of melatonin in humans"..light suppresses melatonin most effectively in the short-wavelength portion of the spectrum (446-477 nm)." - Study Green Light Attenuates Melatonin Output and Sleepiness during Sleep Deprivation"Humans are particularly sensitive to green light, and melatonin output is more readily suppressed by this hue"."Melatonin output is more readily suppressed by [green light] than by various other hues of the same intensity. For example, the suppression is about 75% greater than for light of 600 nm (orange-red)" - Source Putting cancer to sleep at night The neuroendocrine/circadian melatonin signal It has been postulated that in industrialized societies, light at night, by suppressing melatonin production, poses a new risk for the development of breast cancer and, perhaps, other cancers as well. Dietary melatonin supplementation working in concert with the endogenous melatonin signal has the potential to be a new preventive/therapeutic strategy to optimize the host/cancer balance in favor of host survival and quality of life. - Source Artificial light at night and melatonin–is it the missing link? "The use of artificial light at night tricks the body into believing that it is still daytime. The special photoreceptors in the eye [...] send signals to the pineal gland which suppresses the production of melatonin. Thus, the onset of melatonin production is pushed back later into the evening [...] reducing the amount of melatonin that the body produces, which can negatively affect health"​. "Melatonin has been shown to be protective against the development and spread of cancer [...] through the suppression of melatonin production, it increases the probability that cancer cells can survive and spread"​.  - Source Light at night and modeled circadian disruption predict higher risk of mortality: A prospective study in >88,000 participants

    40 分鐘
  5. 6 天前

    Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez – Why Individualized Diets Are Critical For Cancer Patients, High Dose Pancreatic Enzyme Therapies, Coffee Enemas & Much More!

    Check out and purchase my individual protocols here >> ANNOUNCEMENT: SUPPLEMENTS TO HELP REPAIR MITOCHONDRIA TO REDUCE OXIDATION & MAKE ATP * Dissolve-It-All - breaking down scar tissue, inflammation and calcification * PUFA Protect - Eliminating a lifetime of a high PUFA diet * Purely K - Reduce Calcification * NAD Power - Allow Your Mitochondria To Create Energy! * Probiotic Endotoxin Reducer - Lower Endotoxins! * Oyster Extract - Bioavailable Copper, Selenium & Zinc * Resilien-C - Whole Food Vitamin C * Panacea - Pure Shilijit 84 Minerals + Chelate Iron * Digest-it-All - Better assimilate & absorb your food * Use discount code EHR15 :) It was a true honor to have Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez on the show today. We've been very familiar with his work for a number of years now so it was a real joy to have him on so he could share his cutting edge research with all of you. He's the author of a number of books and his website is http://www.dr-gonzalez.com which contains lots of really helpful information. He's known for treating people with pancreatic cancer (which happens to be one of the more dangerous varieties of cancer and one of the most difficult to treat) but he also sees patients with all forms of cancer among other health challenges. He was saying on the show that he's been seeing a lot of women lately with breast cancer. It's interesting because I asked my conventional doctor about 13 years ago where cancer came from and why there seems to be so many younger people diagnosed these days. His answer was that we don't know where cancer comes from and the reason why "it seems" like cancer is more prevalent these days is that there are more people and we have the internet so news spreads fast. He does have a couple of points there. The sheer number of people in a population will create more diagnosis of cancer and yes the internet does make information more instant and wide spread. So those two things do have merit (in my opinion) but the fact that he said we don't know where cancer comes from is either a complete lie or total ignorance of the science. Even Otto Warhburg said in the 1920's that when a cell is deprived of 30% less oxygen for a specific amount of time, the cell then starts the process of differentiation which could lead to cancer. How could my doctor not know this? Well there are many reasons but the main reason in my opinion is that he's been com...

    1 小時 17 分鐘
  6. 10月12日

    Dr. David Jockers – Healing, Reversing & Preventing Cancer Using A Step By Step Protocol

    Dr. David Jockers author of Supercharge Your Brain as well as the creator of the Cancer Cleanse program. Today we talked about the dreaded "C" word, cancer. It seems like we all have been touched by cancer in some way. The latest stats I checked showed 21 thousand people around the world die each day from cancer. One out of every two men get will get a diagnosis and one out of every three women will get a diagnosis of cancer. These numbers are absolutely huge. That means every man women and child on earth will be directly or indirectly affected by cancer. After president Nixon declared The War On Cancer back in 1971, nothing has changed. When you declare war on something, be ready for a fight. And we've been fighting ever since to no avail. We need to understand that cancer is a teacher and we need to work with it and re-educate cancer stem cells so that they can do their job and kindly exit the body. This whole idea of fighting and killing only makes matters worse. Our language has been militarized and because of this we fight and oppose everything. In this episode Dr. David Jockers shares his own journey with what he believed was some kind of possible skin cancer that he got rid of by applying the principles he's laid out in The Cancer Detox Program. We talked in depth about exactly what he did on an emotional level, spiritual level and a physical level to successfully overcome what he thought was skin cancer. We talked about sugar and how to avoid eating too much sweets that feed cancer cells. We discussed grounding and getting fresh air and sunlight to help the body become healthier and many other cleansing and detox protocols that help the body build its immune system so it can allow cancer to do its job, then exit the body. As most of you know I got into this whole world of alternative health and natural healing because of my own mom's cancer back in 1995. This was an eye opening thing for me to witness how chemotherapy has affected her. I thank God every day she's still with us and actually thriving. Do I know that she would have lived this long (given a less than 10% chance of survival) doing something like the Gerson therapy instead of chemotherapy and radiation? I want to say yes but the reality is, because I can't clone people, I just don't know. It appears as though chemotherapy, radiation and her bone marrow transplant might have saved her. I know it's shocking for a truly alternative health guy to admit that isn't it? But chemotherapy does kill cancer cells, it just kills everything else also. Regardless she's alive and I am grateful. But let this be a lesson, how about we take care of ourselves so that we never get a diagnosis? This takes true personal responsibility to the next level. Are we willing to fully take charge of our health and our lives? I believe it's our birthright and our destiny. Thank you all for supporting us by making all of your purchases via our Amazon link as well as those of you who donate to us we cannot thank you enough.

    1 小時 31 分鐘
  7. 10月11日

    Dr. Harvey Bigelsen – How Almost Everything Can Be Seen In The Blood!

    Check out all my individual health protocols here >> ANNOUNCEMENT: SUPPLEMENTS TO HELP REPAIR MITOCHONDRIA TO REDUCE OXIDATION & MAKE ATP * Dissolve-It-All - breaking down scar tissue, inflammation and calcification * PUFA Protect - Eliminating a lifetime of a high PUFA diet * Purely K - Reduce Calcification * NAD Power - Allow Your Mitochondria To Create Energy! * Probiotic Endotoxin Reducer - Lower Endotoxins! * Oyster Extract - Bioavailable Copper, Selenium & Zinc * Resilien-C - Whole Food Vitamin C * Panacea - Pure Shilijit 84 Minerals + Chelate Iron * Digest-it-All - Better assimilate & absorb your food * Use discount code EHR15 :) [include file=get-in-itunes.html] We had such a great time speaking with Dr. Harvey Bigelsen in this radio show. His work is truly fascinating. He's taking live blood cell analysis to another level. He does what's called dark field microscopy where he doesn't stain the blood. Most holistic health care practitioners stain the blood. By doing so it actually kills some of organisms and clouds the picture of the blood. When most doctors do live blood cell analysis you might see parasites, white blood cells and other things floating in the blood plasma. But when Dr. Harvey Bigelsen does dark field microscopy he sees things that make you think of Twilight Zone. Remember when Marsuo Emoto wrote the book and he took pictures of water crystals that actually change their structure and shape based on the intention that's put around them? This is similar to what Dr. Harvey Bigelsen is doing. He has seen some pretty amazing things while looking at people's blood. For example, he's seen a woman's baby in the blood when she was pregnant. He can see cancer tumors years before they've actually grown into a detectable cancer. He can see anger in the blood in the form of a liver. Each organ actually carries different emotional states. For example anger in Chinese Medicine correlates to the liver. The lungs, the stomach, the spleen, the endocrine organs all carry with them different emotional states. He even saw a broken femur of a woman who had no broken femur. It turns out 2 weeks later this older lady fell and broke her femur. Can you believe that? What's going on there? Did the event of breaking her femur happen as a sort of subconscious self fulfilling prophecy or was her blood somehow telling the future? Is that creepy or what? If you look into energy medicine, quantum physics and string theory, this ideas shouldn't surprise you.

    1 小時 13 分鐘
  8. 10月10日

    Phil Wilson – The Benefits Of Sweating, Near vs FAR Infrared Light, EMF & Creative Ways To Detox Using Sauna Therapy

    Check out and purchase my individual health protocols here >> At the last minute we had a cancellation so we called up our friend Phil Wilson to talk about sweating and sauna therapy for health and detoxification. I can't tell you how many questions we've had about this Relax FAR Infrared Sauna that we sell on our website. We've owned ours for about 4 years now and it's probably my most favorite health tool we own. There might be some other's that come close like the Bellicon rebounder or Biomat but if I had to choose one, it would be this sauna. We constantly get questions about the differences between near infrared saunas vs FAR infrared saunas and I never know what to say. From personal experience I'm so glad that I have this Relax FAR Infrared Sauna. I don't regret it at all. In fact if it were taken away from me, I'd be really sad. It means a lot to me this healing tool. I've consistently been doing it probably about 6 days a week for 4 years and look forward to getting into it each and every day. It's never a chore or something I make myself do. We also get many questions about EMF and the Relax FAR Infrared sauna so we tackled those questions as well. I encourage you to listen all the way to the end for a special deal! If you're not aware, sitting in a sauna is a great way to relax as well as detoxify fat soluble toxins like chemicals, heavy metals and other poisons living in your fat cells without producing any lactic acid, which is a very big deal. It also increase your immune system, cleanses and detoxifies your lymphatic system and colon all while you do nothing but sit down! Some other benefits include increasing circulation and increasing your immune system by as much as 40%. I like the Relax FAR Infrared sauna in particular because it's easy to clean. It heats up in seconds and it's portable. Also your head sticks out so I really like that feature. They're so easy to fold down that you could let a friend or family member borrow it without having to break it down like you would if you owned a wooden sauna. To me the Relax FAR Infrared sauna is the best. Sometimes it's really great to be reminded why you adopt certain health practices. Even though you might know why you do them, having somebody refresh your memory is always motivating. I hope you enjoy this episode with Mr. Phil Wilson about the health benefits of sweating and detoxifying the body through sauna therapy! :) Thank you all! Justin, Kate and Maggie On Last Thing! As always your support via your donations and bookmarking our Amazon link to use each time you purchase is how we keep our show going. Thank you for bookmarking our Amazon link even if you're not buying anything right now! :) Sponsor For This Episode: * Berkey Water Filters * a href="http://www.extremehealthradio.

    1 小時 31 分鐘
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The Extreme Health Radio Podcast is your one stop source for all things related to health, healing and longevity. Whether you're recovering from cancer, have heart disease, diabetes or struggling with other diseases our show has something for you. We empower you to take back control of your health by learning from expert authors, scientists, researchers and doctors. If you're somebody who's into fitness, the paleo diet or a raw food vegan we've got your covered. You'll learn how to take your health, cleansing and detoxification protocols to the next level! Stop spending thousands of dollars on drugs, medications or surgeries when you can learn to live naturally without needing a doctor. Extreme Health Radio is the show for you.








