Get Rich Without Being A Bitch

Vanessa Shaw - The Business Growth Academy
Get Rich Without Being A Bitch

Welcome to the Get Rich Without Being A Bitch podcast. This is the place to hear raw and real conversations about what it takes for female entrepreneurs to achieve financial success and live a rich life. I'm Vanessa Shaw, Founder of The Business Growth Academy, author of the Million Dollar Question, and your host for this podcast. Every Tuesday, you can listen to a brand new edition of the podcast. I'll be covering a wealth of business and money topics from mastering your own money mindset to stopping financial self-sabotage and breaking through your own financial glass ceiling.

  1. 3 DAYS AGO

    Raising Your Rates: How And When To Do It

    Learn How to Remove the 7 Money Blind Spots So That You Can Finally Scale and Build Your Business to 7-Figures and Beyond!   Hey, superstars!   In this episode, I'll answer a listener's question—probably the top question from clients and women: "When do I know how to raise my prices, and how do I overcome my hesitation? Also, what number do I raise them to?"   Many of us struggle with fears of judgment, rejection, or losing our sense of belonging. But not everyone is your ideal client. Your goal is to attract champagne clients – those who truly appreciate your value.   Join me as I share actionable tips on how to elevate your mindset and increase your rates confidently without guilt.   Be inspired in this episode of Get Rich Without Being A Bitch: Raising Your Rates: How And When To Do It. Enjoy the podcast? Subscribe and leave a 5-star review!   Vanessa Shaw is the Founder & CEO of The Business Growth Academy. She is an internationally recognized Business Success Coach with clients growing over 100% in 100 days, taking worry-free vacations, and becoming the breadwinners of their families. She also created the fast-track ELITE program which generated more than $13.07 million in new revenue for more than 83 small business owners during the pandemic. Whether you’re an attorney, healthcare professional, financial expert, marketer, branding agency, or another professional service provider, Vanessa and her team at BGA can turn your entrepreneurial dreams into reality.   Follow my socials: LinkedIn:  Facebook:  Instagram:  Twitter:    Visit the Business Growth Academy website.  #getrich #womenentrepreneurs #womeninbusiness #raisingrates #value #businessrates #productprices #businessdelivery #secretnumber #salesprocess #clientacquisition #mindset #business #champagneclients #businesspodcast

    19 min
  2. OCT 15

    Finding Your Zone Of Genius For Your Business

    Learn How to Remove the 7 Money Blind Spots So That You Can Finally Scale and Build Your Business to 7-Figures and Beyond!   Hey superstars!   In this episode, we'll dive into Gay Hendricks’ concept, the zone of genius, what it means, and how it can elevate your business. Your zone of genius is the set of activities that only you can do, fueled by your natural talents and passions—things you'd pursue even without pay. If you start feeling depleted, overwhelmed, or lost excitement, check if you're slipping into other zones, which will go in-depth today. By giving yourself the grace to be curious and spending more time in your zone of genius, you can unlock your full potential and go beyond 7 figures! Come and join me in this episode of Get Rich Without Being A Bitch: Finding Your Zone Of Genius For Your Business   Enjoy the podcast? Subscribe and leave a 5-star review!   Vanessa Shaw is the Founder & CEO of The Business Growth Academy. She is an internationally recognized Business Success Coach with clients growing over 100% in 100 days, taking worry-free vacations, and becoming the breadwinners of their families. She also created the fast-track ELITE program which generated more than $13.07 million in new revenue for more than 83 small business owners during the pandemic. Whether you’re an attorney, healthcare professional, financial expert, marketer, branding agency, or another professional service provider, Vanessa and her team at BGA can turn your entrepreneurial dreams into reality.   Follow my socials: LinkedIn:  Facebook:  Instagram:  Twitter:    Visit the Business Growth Academy website.  #GetRich #TheZoneOfGenius #WomenEntrepreneurs #WomenInBusiness #Business #ElevateYourBusiness #RevenueGeneration #BusinessMindset #BusinessTips #Competence #BusinessPodcast

    12 min
  3. OCT 8

    What If I'm Being A Bitch And How To Fix It

    Get a copy of the 10 Principles of Get Rich Without Being a Bitch.   Hey, superstars!    In this episode, we'll answer a listener's question: “How do I know that I’m being a bitch, and how do I fix it? And how do I keep things running when I’m starting to feel burnt out?”   It's easy to say or do something unkind when you're stressed and overwhelmed. This is your reminder to step back and give yourself some grace.   Developing emotional awareness has been a significant area of personal growth for me, and I encourage you to do the same. Stay curious about the emotions that arise and explore why they're showing up.   Join me as I share key practices to improve your well-being, boost resilience, enhance leadership, grow your business, and manage competing demands with ease.   Be inspired in this episode of Get Rich Without Being A Bitch — What If I'm Being A Bitch And How To Fix It. Enjoy the podcast? Subscribe and leave a 5-star review!   Vanessa Shaw is the Founder & CEO of The Business Growth Academy. She is an internationally recognized Business Success Coach with clients growing over 100% in 100 days, taking worry-free vacations, and becoming the breadwinners of their families. She also created the fast-track ELITE program which generated more than $13.07 million in new revenue for more than 83 small business owners during the pandemic. Whether you’re an attorney, healthcare professional, financial expert, marketer, branding agency, or another professional service provider, Vanessa and her team at BGA can turn your entrepreneurial dreams into reality.   Follow my socials: LinkedIn:  Facebook:  Instagram:  Twitter:    Visit the Business Growth Academy website.  #GetRich #StressManagement #TakeABreak #BusinessPlanning #successgoals #BusinessGrowth #Outsourcing #SelfAwareness #Burnout #RevenueGeneration #WomenEntrepreneurs #WomeninBusiness #BusinessPodcast

    18 min
  4. OCT 1

    How to Maximize Your CEO Time

    Learn How to Remove the 7 Money Blind Spots So That You Can Finally Scale and Build Your Business to 7-Figures and Beyond! Hey, superstars!   In this episode, we’ll explore a common topic in our community: CEO Time.   Many of us get so caught up in day-to-day operations that we neglect this crucial period. In fact, you can often tell what people truly value just by looking at their calendars.   As an entrepreneur, your focus should be on two main objectives: generating revenue and building effective, efficient systems within your business.   Prioritize your CEO time today by dedicating 90 minutes (ideally when your energy is highest, such as on a Monday) to strategically advance your business.   Come and join me in this episode of Get Rich Without Being A Bitch: How to Maximize Your CEO Time.   Enjoy the podcast? Subscribe and leave a 5-star review!   Vanessa Shaw is the Founder & CEO of The Business Growth Academy. She is an internationally recognized Business Success Coach with clients growing over 100% in 100 days, taking worry-free vacations, and becoming the breadwinners of their families. She also created the fast-track ELITE program which generated more than $13.07 million in new revenue for more than 83 small business owners during the pandemic. Whether you’re an attorney, healthcare professional, financial expert, marketer, branding agency, or another professional service provider, Vanessa and her team at BGA can turn your entrepreneurial dreams into reality.   Follow my socials: LinkedIn:  Facebook:  Instagram:  Twitter:    Visit the Business Growth Academy website.  #GetRich #CEOTime #calendaraudit #revenuegeneration #timemanagement #hiring #businessowner #businessgrowth #womenentrepreneurs #womeninbusiness #businesspodcast

    16 min
  5. SEP 24

    Get The Support You Need To Get Ahead

    Learn How to Remove the 7 Money Blind Spots So That You Can Finally Scale and Build Your Business to 7-Figures and Beyond! Hey, superstars! In this episode, let’s unpack a topic that I see women hold themselves back from doing, which is getting the support they need.    Early on in my business, I realized that I don’t have enough hours to get everything done if I don’t get any help.    And I hear women often say that it’s easier for us to do things by ourselves.    This couldn’t be further from the truth. It’s so important for us to break this resistance because we want the value of our time to increase while working fewer hours.   It might be quicker to do it yourself right now, but that also means signing up to do it forever. Train people to your standard, instead.    Come and join me in this episode of Get Rich Without Being A Bitch: Get The Support You Need To Get Ahead.   Enjoy the podcast? Subscribe and leave a 5-star review.   Vanessa Shaw is the Founder & CEO of The Business Growth Academy. She is an internationally recognized Business Success Coach with clients growing over 100% in 100 days, taking worry-free vacations, and becoming the breadwinners of their families. She also created the fast-track ELITE program which generated more than $13.07 million in new revenue for more than 83 small business owners during the pandemic. Whether you’re an attorney, healthcare professional, financial expert, marketer, branding agency, or another professional service provider, Vanessa and her team at BGA can turn your entrepreneurial dreams into reality.   Follow my socials: LinkedIn:  Facebook:  Instagram:  Twitter:    Visit the Business Growth Academy website.  #getrich #support #value #outsourcing #virtualassistant #businesscost #limitations #workinghours #costcutting #knowyourworth #womenentrepreneurs #womeninbusiness #businesspodcast

    23 min
  6. SEP 17

    Champagne Clients: Who Are They And Where To Find Them

    Get a copy of the 10 Principles of Get Rich Without Being a Bitch.   Hey, superstars!   In this episode, we’llabout principle #6 on how to get rich without being a bitch: Champagne clients.   Champagne clients aren’t beginners. They recognize the value of your service and are willing to pay for it. In short, they’re your perfect fit clients.   A subjective measure I built to prescreen clients (which you’re welcome to take if it works in your business) is the dinner test. Would you want you or your team members to have dinner with them?   Also, what are the attributes of your existing champagne clients? Make this as a guide in spotting potential ones easily.   So why are we doing this? The more time and energy you give to non-ideal clients, the less you’ve got for the ones who deserve it.   Come and join me in this episode of Get Rich Without Being A Bitch: Champagne Clients: Who Are They And Where To Find Them   Enjoy the podcast? Subscribe and leave a 5-star review!   Vanessa Shaw is the Founder & CEO of The Business Growth Academy. She is an internationally recognized Business Success Coach with clients growing over 100% in 100 days, taking worry-free vacations, and becoming the breadwinners of their families. She also created the fast-track ELITE program which generated more than $13.07 million in new revenue for more than 83 small business owners during the pandemic. Whether you’re an attorney, healthcare professional, financial expert, marketer, branding agency, or another professional service provider, Vanessa and her team at BGA can turn your entrepreneurial dreams into reality.   Follow my socials: LinkedIn:  Facebook:  Instagram:  Twitter:    Visit the Business Growth Academy website.  #getrich #businesstips #champagneclients #idealclients #typesofclients #clientmatching #clientintroduction #mindset #business #success #womenentrepeneur #womeninbusiness #businesspodcast

    19 min
  7. SEP 10

    The People You Tolerate Are Holding You Back

    Get a FREE copy of “The Million Dollar Question: The Entrepreneur’s Strategic Guide to Earn More Money, Make a Bigger Impact, and Enjoy Greater Freedom.”   In this episode, we will talk about how people you tolerate are holding you back.   One core concept I always talk about is: You won’t get what you want in life. You get what you tolerate.   We need to regularly do an audit of what we’re tolerating that’s draining our energy and raise our standards. This means letting go of things to take things to the next level.   But an aspect that comes up frequently is around people.   You’ve already got that inner saboteur playing havoc in your head. You don’t need more naysayers giving you a hard time.   As you grow, I want you to be mindful of who you share your “seeds of desire” with. Take a stand for yourself and be intentional… starting today.   Come and join me in this episode of Get Rich Without Being A Bitch: The People You Tolerate Are Holding You Back Enjoy the podcast? Subscribe and leave a 5-star review!   Vanessa Shaw is the Founder & CEO of The Business Growth Academy. She is an internationally recognized Business Success Coach with clients growing over 100% in 100 days, taking worry-free vacations, and becoming the breadwinners of their families. She also created the fast-track ELITE program which generated more than $13.07 million in new revenue for more than 83 small business owners during the pandemic. Whether you’re an attorney, healthcare professional, financial expert, marketer, branding agency, or another professional service provider, Vanessa and her team at BGA can turn your entrepreneurial dreams into reality.   Follow my socials: LinkedIn:  Facebook:  Instagram:  Twitter:    Visit the Business Growth Academy website.  #toleration #success #growthmindset #mindset #financialgoals #boundaries #womenentrepeneur #womeninbusiness #business #positivemindset #breakinglimitingbeliefs #getrich #businesspodcast

    17 min
  8. SEP 3

    Are You Sabotaging Your Financial Success?

    Learn How to Remove the 7 Money Blind Spots So That You Can Finally Scale and Build Your Business to 7-Figures and Beyond! Hey, superstars! Today, you need to answer this honestly: Are you sabotaging your financial success – consciously or unconsciously? When you have big dreams and goals to fulfill, there will be resistance from your internal saboteur. For me, it became louder, sometimes paralyzing… until I discovered that it was a normal part of my growth process. Between who I was before (a stay-at-home mom and housewife) and this new version of me (a business owner) is fertile ground for self-sabotage. So I invite you to upgrade your mindset and be aware of where you are financially sabotaging… because if you want to get rich, you need to get ahead! Come and join me in this episode of Get Rich Without Being A Bitch: Are You Sabotaging Your Financial Success? Enjoy the podcast? Subscribe and leave a 5-star review on your favorite platforms. Vanessa Shaw is the Founder & CEO of The Business Growth Academy. She is an internationally recognized Business Success Coach with clients growing over 100% in 100 days, taking worry-free vacations, and becoming the breadwinners of their families. She also created the fast-track ELITE program which generated more than $13.07 million in new revenue for more than 83 small business owners during the pandemic. Whether you’re an attorney, healthcare professional, financial expert, marketer, branding agency, or another professional service provider, Vanessa and her team at BGA can turn your entrepreneurial dreams into reality. Follow my socials: LinkedIn:  Facebook:  Instagram:  Twitter:  Visit the Business Growth Academy website.  #financialsuccess #selfsabotage #internalsaboteur #selfdevelopment #redefiningidentity #integrity #business #mindset #womenentrepeneur #womenbusinessowner #moneymindset #selfimprovement

    24 min
out of 5
15 Ratings


Welcome to the Get Rich Without Being A Bitch podcast. This is the place to hear raw and real conversations about what it takes for female entrepreneurs to achieve financial success and live a rich life. I'm Vanessa Shaw, Founder of The Business Growth Academy, author of the Million Dollar Question, and your host for this podcast. Every Tuesday, you can listen to a brand new edition of the podcast. I'll be covering a wealth of business and money topics from mastering your own money mindset to stopping financial self-sabotage and breaking through your own financial glass ceiling.

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