Circle Up & Get REAL Podcast

Jodee Bock
Circle Up & Get REAL Podcast

When you're with your peeps, you invite them to Circle Up. And when like-minded and like-hearted others come together, they hold space for each other to Get REAL: Radical, Energized, Authentic, & Learning-focused. It's time to Circle Up & Get REAL.

  1. Getting REAL About Learning & Development With Jess Almlie

    3월 6일

    Getting REAL About Learning & Development With Jess Almlie

    Today's guest is Jess Almlie, a Learning and Development Specialist who is living her best life as the Founder of her own company, Almlie Consulting. Jess holds a B.A. in Organizational Communication and an M.S. in Educational Leadership, where her thesis explored, “Can leadership be learned in a classroom?” She's also certified in Improving Human Performance through ATD, with 30 years of experience in the L&D industry, having done it all—from orientation coordinator to VP of Learning Experience. She's led teams, developed strategies, and measured impact. As a dedicated volunteer, Jess has served as the President of her local ATD chapter and as an ATD National Advisor, mentoring and coaching chapter leaders across the country. In this conversation, Jess and I talk about a lot of things, including how to and why to measure the results of squishy subjects like leadership, communication, and learning. Jess is on a mission to help L&D leaders and teams level up—whether through one-on-ones or what she calls "coachsulting," dynamic workshops, or teaming up to build strategic learning blueprints that actually drive results. Jess' book, published by ATD Press, will be available this fall. It's called "L&D Order Taker No More: Become a Strategic Business Partner," which Jess says is the handbook she wishes she would have had. It's Jess' story, along with lots of qualitative research. Find out more about Jess at her website, or on LinkedIn at

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6개의 평가


When you're with your peeps, you invite them to Circle Up. And when like-minded and like-hearted others come together, they hold space for each other to Get REAL: Radical, Energized, Authentic, & Learning-focused. It's time to Circle Up & Get REAL.

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