Linda Sivertsen and her guest co-host, bestselling author, and Oprah magazine columnist Martha Beck are self-described giddy fangirls in this playful, wise interview with Glennon Doyle--author of the New York Times bestseller, CARRY ON, WARRIOR. Her new memoir, LOVE WARRIOR (Flatiron Books), is now available for preorder and the reviews--“astounding” (Rob Bell), “epic” (Liz Gilbert), and “blew me away” (Brené Brown)--barely hint at the mind-blowing experience that is this book (trust us)! Glennon’s blog,, reaches about a million people daily, and her non-profit, Together Rising, has raised more than 4 million dollars to aid women and children in crisis around the world.
We cannot say for sure where Glennon's magic fairy dust comes from. Could it result, perhaps, from her raw, extraordinary honesty? (You may remember how Martha told Danielle LaPorte and Linda Sivertsen during her episode for this podcast last year: “Every time you get more honest, you get more magical.”)
Regardless, tune in to find out why, in comparing herself to Glennon, Martha’s now threatening to put her own head in the toilet:). Enjoy!
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- Show
- PublishedJuly 30, 2016 at 3:02 AM UTC
- Length1h 2m
- RatingExplicit