God's Correction Is Needed - It's an Act of Mercy
Many are discouraged and frightened by the signs of the times and the prophecies from heaven that warn us of a coming chastisement. But what does it really mean and how should we understand these things in the big picture? Exorcist, Fr, Dan Reehil joins us to break this down and bring a clear message of hope and understanding about these very difficult times.
In preparation for Election Day, we are calling all the faithful to join together in an Election Novena that seeks the maternal intercession of the Blessed Mother, under her title of the Immaculate Conception, patroness of the United States.
On the nine days leading up to Election Day — beginning on Sunday, Oct. 27 and concluding on Monday, Nov. 4 — please join souls from around the nation in invoking the intercession of Mary, the Immaculate Conception, for our country.
In 1791, America’s first bishop, John Carroll, entrusted the country to the Blessed Mother, and in 1846 the bishops of the United States reaffirmed that dedication, declaring Mary as patroness of the United States under her title of the Immaculate Conception.
Please promote this Election Novena wherever you can
The novena prayers include:
1. Cardinal Burke’s Nine-Month Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe
2. Fr. Chad Ripperger’s Consecration of the Election to the Blessed Virgin Mary
3. Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel
4. The Memorare
CLICK HERE: https://usgraceforce.com/immaculate-conception-election-novena-oct-27-nov-4/?fbclid=IwY2xjawGGC-JleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHfPVoidiedut7zxOQZFufOHMBs0EhUKU0ONiwGIkMxNyhE8XeWRN4nBQ8g_aem_rZMQXSkWq452Wj-ZCkJtfA
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The Joyful Mysteries: https://www.youtube.co
- Émission
- FréquenceToutes les 2 semaines
- Publiée23 octobre 2024 à 17:41 UTC
- Durée46 min
- Épisode264
- ClassificationTous publics