Golf In Japan

Golf In Japan
Golf In Japan

Join us for an engaging conversation filled with insights and laughter as we reflect on our decades-long journey of living and playing golf in Japan. Whether you're a seasoned player or just getting into the swing of things, "Golf In Japan" promises to deliver a unique perspective and some good-natured fun. So, grab your clubs and tune in for an immersive golfing experience in the land of the rising sun!About the hosts4 foreigners living in Tokyo: KC from Ireland, Damon and Pro Joe from Australia, and Rookie golfer Ryan from the US take you on a relaxed, funny, and friendly discussion about two things they love; Golf and Japan! 


Join us for an engaging conversation filled with insights and laughter as we reflect on our decades-long journey of living and playing golf in Japan. Whether you're a seasoned player or just getting into the swing of things, "Golf In Japan" promises to deliver a unique perspective and some good-natured fun. So, grab your clubs and tune in for an immersive golfing experience in the land of the rising sun!About the hosts4 foreigners living in Tokyo: KC from Ireland, Damon and Pro Joe from Australia, and Rookie golfer Ryan from the US take you on a relaxed, funny, and friendly discussion about two things they love; Golf and Japan! 








