Grief and the Holidays when you’re Terminal

You Only Die Once

In this episode, Dr. Bohn discusses the subject of grief and how patients with terminal diagnoses may approach the holiday season differently once they receive their diagnosis.

Being informed that your time is short is devastating. Managing the stress of the holidays is challenging and the added worry knowing you are Terminal increases this significantly. Patients facing the Holiday Season after being told that this will more likely than not be the last one, evokes strong emotions. Sometimes, people find a way to find joy, peace, and hope as they express their love to others. Patients that manage to navigate the powerful emotions that are common facing this type of difficult situation report an unexpected freedom. There can be a reduction in typical holiday stressors as patients are given unexpected privileges and liberties by loved ones. There are terrible days and better ones, as anticipated during this stressful time of the year. I hope if this situation is facing you or your loved one, that you find some helpful information here to lighten your burden.

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