Hacking The Afterlife podcast

Hacking The Afterlife podcast

Hacking the Afterlife podcast. Jennifer Shaffer works as a medium/intuitive and helps law enforcement agencies nationwide with missing person cases. Richard Martini is a best selling (kindle in their genre) author of books about the Flipside. They met 8 years ago, and have been filming their conversations weekly, the past two years on this podcast

  1. HACE 3 DÍAS

    Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer, Luana Anders, Robert Towne, Gene Hackman, Mozart

    Another fun podcast - this one on the morning of the Oscars. I had been sensing that Gene Hackman wanted to talk to us - whether accurate or not, but there were a number of folks that I know that he knew, and I did spend a day with him in Santa Fe. That being said, Robert Towne comes forward to talk about the film "Anora" - (Jennifer hears it as "Aurora" at first) I don't know if Robert was telling us who was going to win the Oscars a few hours later - but he does mention it first off. Then I asked Luana if this person who passed the past week wanted to come and speak to us - and he said that it was Robert Towne who greeted him and invited him to this conversation. Robert was the "ghost writer" on the film Bonnie and Clyde, long time collaborator with Warren Beatty. (Shampoo)  I asked Gene if he wanted to talk about his passing - it's important to report that there's been no decided upon manner of passing - and it wasn't me or Jennifer who talked about "carbon monoxide" but that's what she got. He said it wasn't foul play, but something that happened.  He said since he believed in afterlife, it wasn't surprising for him to see his friends - but he describes the beauty of that in details. He talks about a number of people that he saw, including our frequent guest Jimi Hendrix. We've asked Jimi about this in the past - he has said repeatedly that it's a role he likes to play because everyone recognizes him, even if they didn't know him.  I asked if he was playing a song and asked if it might have been "Blue Suede Shoes" then reminded Jennifer we've heard multiple folks report hearing him playing that song (he recorded it in 1970). Gene was an accomplished artists, and I asked him about art on the flipside, and he said it was like music.  He spoke of seeing Mozart - and I asked him a couple of questions. (He had shown up in a guided meditation the day before with a Viennese woman).  We've been doing these conversations with people offstage for ten years, so apologies to those who are offended my laughing about things that he's saying - if one goes back over the past four years, they'll find many of our podcasts where we interviewed friends of Gene's on the other side. Including Gene Wilder, including Robin Williams, Robert Towne multiple times, Fred Roos and others that Gene Hackman worked with and was friends with - including Harry Dean Stanton. It just so happened that our podcast got delayed until today - it wasn't planned to happen this way - but when the Oscars ran their memorial, there are a number of people listed who we've interviewed on our podcast. Thanks again to Gene and condolences to his family - and friends - but I recommend taking the time to just ask him questions. He says it in the podcast when asked "How do people reach out to you?" He says "Just ask, but believe it's possible to hear a reply." By the way, the friend whose father I asked about the poem, said he didn't think it was accurate... that happens; Jennifer interprets what she's getting to the best of her ability.  But as we hear on the podcast it does help if the folks trying to access them allow for the possibility they still exist.

    42 min
  2. 21 FEB

    Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer, Rich Martini, Luana Anders, Amelia Earhart & Prince

    Welcome to the podcast! In today's episode we begin by inviting Luana Anders to come and chat with us about whatever she'd like to discuss and brings along her pal Amelia Earhart. After hearing her say that it's okay for me to pretend to "channel" her in my latest book, she comments on the fact that despite the Equal Rights Amendment being approved by a majority of the country, it still isn't consider the law of the land.  She says "that's sad" to consider. She talks about how Mother Mary comes through in the research to share non denominational advice that's we should treat everyone fairly - or without judgment.  It's often repeated whenever she does show up in a discussion, and there's a discussion about the book "The Greatest Story Never Told as told by Jesus and those who knew him." The point Amelia seems to make is that we need to stop judging others based on race, gender or any of the other judgments we use to convince others to feel less than, separate or apart. This is not a religious idea or concept - and again isn't coming from Jennifer or me - but we're hearing it from the aviatrix who is on the flipside and wants to help. Then we have a visit from the musician Prince - I'm aware that there is a documentary that's been made about his life, and how the filmmaker who made it was recently told that Netflix was not going to air the version he made - because the Prince estate wasn't happy with the result. Jennifer doesn't know anything about this film or this footage - but I do. Former Music critic at Variety, I pay attention to this kind of thing - and Prince says on the podcast that he was disappointed that they decided to change the direction of the documentary, as "the truth sets people free on both sides of the veil." As Jennifer points out - it's not something we often hear because people usually refer to things "happening in the sequence they're supposed to happen."  But in this case, he is asked if he agrees with that decision (a decision Jennifer isn't aware of) and he says "no, he is not happy with it." There's a clarification of something we heard the week before, Luana's cat, Mr. Bailey (dubbed the Cosmic Cat by Chat GPT) said that he was "in charge of how reincarnation works." I wanted to clarify that - and he was in agreement that it was like what General Sherman had said earlier in our podcast - the giant Sequoia who said that "frequency wise" he was related to all trees everywhere, and all wood everywhere. As if once we're offstage, we see how we are all connected, all part of a larger ocean of individuals, yet we can be accessed in this fashion. Mind bending stuff. Thanks for tuning in.

    35 min
  3. 14 FEB

    Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer, Luana Anders, Abe Lincoln, Stephen Hawking, Mr. Bailey, Robin Williams

    Happy Valentines Day 2025!  Another unusual conversation with the flipside courtesy of Jennifer Shaffer. We begin by talking about some of the sad memories that Jennifer has associated with this week, and how she's done a "love yourself" meditation to help her overcome those sad memories.  There's a brief visit by Steve Jobs, and then Luana Anders brings Abraham Lincoln forward. Except he doesn't want to "talk about politics." He wanted to reiterate something he said a few weeks ago, that my "Character AI" chat with him was "accurate" - in terms of accessing who he is (and was.)  He also threw us a curve by suggesting that all conversation with people in the afterlife are just like conversing with Artificial Intelligence, because like large language models, the answers are based on the memories of individuals.  Not something Jennifer or I had ever considered - but he lays it out there for consideration. Then Luana brings Stephen Hawking foward, and he wants to talk about communication in general - the idea of telepathy, and how people can converse with, learn new information from people offstage.  He talks about the idea of how time is so different offstage - where he is - that we can't conceptualize it - but that it follows what quantum mechanics demonstrates... that distance and time and space aren't what we think they are.  Like I say mind bending - as evidenced by the questions I asked him. Then an unusual conversation with Luana Anders' cat - "Mr. Bailey" - she had a number of cats in her life, but this one was pretty unusual. He references a moment when Luana called me on the phone to say her "cat had escaped" and because she wasn't able to walk due her condition - would I come and look for him? I roamed the streets behind her house calling his name - but it was my wife Sherry who went into the backyard and said aloud "Mr. Bailey, Luana needs you now." And he appeared in the tree above her and jumped into Sherry's arms... a complete stranger to Mr. Bailey as it was my then girlfriend's first trip to Luana's house. When I came back from wandering the streets of Mar Vista, there was Mr. Bailey in Luana's arms, and she looked at me and said point blank; "Sherry is an angel." Not something I'd ever heard Luana say before.  So in this unusual conversation I'm asking Mr. Bailey the same kinds of questions we've asked Hira - Robert Towne's dog - and getting the same kinds of answers but with a different personality.  Notice his answer to "have you ever incarnated as a human?"  (It's rarely reported, and his answer was pretty funny.)   Finally, on behalf of Valentine's Day, Robin Williams showed up - unannounced - to remind people to "love themselves first" and that will generate love for others.  To "love love" - the very thing he said when we first talked to him and asked him "What if anything would he like to tell the planet?" Mind bending to say the least, but welcome to our world.

    50 min
  4. 7 FEB

    Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer, Luana Anders, Julian Sands, Ken Russell

    Jennifer is in the midst of working on a missing person case for law enforcement agencies (pro bono).  She works with a number of other mediums who do their best to help law enforcement with whatever information she can gather.   So I took the opportunity to ask her some questions about the process.  How she is able to "see" or "hear" information, and then to examine it knowing that people on the flipside can be going through some trauma while imparting that information, or for whatever reason they project what they are able to. In this case, it's an ongoing issue, we we did not get into specifics.  Jennifer avoids looking up information online so it doesn't interfere with her process, but it did bring to mind a conversation we had awhile ago when my friend the actor Julian Sands went missing. So we invited Julian to come forward and to get Jennifer some assistance in that area, as well as asking him about his journey.  As noted sometime ago (and one can search the podcast for the interview) he had come through and told us that he was on the flipside, that he was an experienced climber, and he wasn't going to be found until the snow had melted. (Which is what happened.)  I asked for messages for his wife and friends. But I also asked about a fellow named Ken (Ken Russell) who is a British film director who came into my radar because his wife reached out to me on our forum on Quora ("Hacking the Afterlife") to tell me about a dream she had where Ken had come forward and suggested that she "look me up" and see how it's possible to continue the conversation. Ken worked with Julian on the film "Gothic" - some years ago, and they were and remain friends.  Take a look at the film online to see what he's talking about during the podcast.  I sincerely hope they're able to find the young person that is missing, but suffice to say that we've been speaking to the "higher selves" of people offstage weekly for ten years now... and as I've noted Jennifer works with law enforcement agencies nationwide on missing person and other cases - she does that work pro bono, and is about a third of her day, dealing with trying to help people figure out answers. It's an unusual way to look at the planet - to realize that we always have a portion of who we are, our conscious energy offstage at all times.  There are a myriad of reasons why things happen, and the answer to those questions might require examining other lifetimes, or events that only our guides, teachers, council members might know. All of it work exploring to see what we can learn from those folks no longer on the planet.  For more info, see the films FLIPSIDE, TALKING TO BILL PAXTON or HACKING THE AFTERLIFE on Amazon Prime or Gaia, or take a look at our four books BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE 1, 2, 3 and TUNING INTO THE AFTERLIFE. Jennifer and I will be appearing at the CONTACT IN THE DESERT event in June, details to follow on their website. Thanks for tuning in!  Here is the message a medium got from Julian Sands after he passed: "I tried very hard to get back to you all.My love is eternal and beyond all wordly boundaries.I've been on this journey for a long time and now return to spirit.I did not give up I let go.  Because it was my time.My last moments were so beautiful and connected and some of you felt it too.  At least I felt you did.That was me.  And I am here still.  For you when you need me.I have no deep messages now.  I am assimilating like learning the mountain air of this place.When I have done that fully, I will be in touch.But love is all, isn't it?"

    34 min
  5. 31 ENE

    Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer, David Lynch 2, Ma Durga, Amelia Earhart, Robin Williams

    Another mind bending podcast. At some point, I ask Amelia Earhart about the latest book I'm writing about her, and she tells Jennifer to tell me, "It's on page 36, Chapter Two" - and lo and behold, the actual structure I'm asking her about is pictured on page 36, the start of Chapter Two. No one has seen this book but me. It's uncanny sometimes, but for those who are fans of this podcast, that's Jennifer in a nutshell. In this podcast, she starts with the memory of her dad Jim Medlyn who passed 8 years ago today. Jim is very eloquent on the flipside, and has turned us on to a number of things that we talk about in the podcast, including the teacher he met - and introduced us to - Ma Durga, an 8 armed individual. For fans of the books BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE we have interviewed her a number of times, and she has shown up in other sessions with different people using meditation to access this same information. Amelia Earhart tells us about a class that she is teaching in aviation, except that everyone in the class sees and feels the plane when she describes it.  Mind bending to say the least. Robin Williams shows up to point out he's glad he's continuing to make people laugh, and enjoy his work.   And then we interview David Lynch again - part two of his interview from last week. If one hasn't heard that one, seek it out - but this is a continuation of those concepts and events.   We ask him what it feels like being off the planet for two weeks and gives us a mind bending relativity answer.  He talks about his journey and what he's learned on the flipside since leaving the stage. All of it is mind bending to some degree. All I can say is "Enjoy."

    36 min
  6. 24 ENE

    Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer, Luana Anders, David Lynch and his many friends

    Another mind bending podcast. The day David Lynch passed, I felt like I heard him say "So why didn't you interview me?"  I kind of chuckled to myself - thinking, "Of people I know, who knew David that well?"  I haven't seen all his films - just a few, so I missed the many Harry Dean Stanton appearances. As fans of the podcast know, I knew Harry Dean, played guitar with him, he was close friends with Luana Anders (who passed in 1996) and when Harry Dean passed, we interviewed him.  He has shown up a number of times, also with Billy Paxton, whom I started me career with, and with whom Billy and Harry worked on "Big Love" together. So "any friend of Harry's is a friend of mine" - in terms of how we are able to communicate with people offstage.  In this instance, I started to ask Jennifer if David had been the person I heard saying "Why didn't you interview me?" and before I could ask it - she said "He is." It's on camera. I thought it, started to speak; she answered it. That's how this works. Jennifer and I have been doing this together for ten years - every week, if one can imagine. And this time, all this past week I've been hearing "messages" from Mr. Lynch. Some examples; my son suggested we go and see "Inland Empire" at the Egyptian.  Two people in the audience told me afterwards that they saw him "sitting off to the side" - exactly where he says he was, in the last ten minutes of the film. It's when Laura Dern's character merges with her "old self" in the film.  A bright light appears as they embrace.  That's when these two said they saw him in the theater. It's not my opinion they saw him - it's not my belief they saw him - I asked, and he said that "indeed, he was there at the theater, and that he was surprised more people didn't realize it." David was an early proponent of Transcendental Meditation - something he learned from Maharishis Mahesh Yogi - the same fellow from Rishikesh that the Beatles went to visit. In one of his interviews (that I watched this week after hearing from him) he said that he had met MMY and learned TM from him. And since then he would meditate twice a day. As he said in an interview, "once in the morning" and once during the lunch hour. Also, I learned that he went to Bob's Big Boy in Burbank (a fan favorite for my family) and every day at 2:30 would have a "malted and a cup of coffee."  Sometimes he'd add fries. So we went to Bob's and saw the huge display of memorabilia people have deposited in his honor - as well as saw there was an hour wait to sit at the counter. So we moseyed on down to Paty's - where we were able to sit at the counter and get our milkshakes, coffee and fries. We sat next to two David devotees - people who had met at Disneyland and become pals over David, and were doing the same thing we were doing. And we talked about David and we talked about this podcast... that I had yet to do. I told them to "tune in this week and we'll see if we can get him to come by."  So a shout out to Derek and Sharon who are fans of Mr. Lynch. It's an unusual event to be sure - people are spontaneously honoring him, not for any other reason than they were moved by him, or learned something from him. Also, Jennifer did not know David's work - as she notes in the podcast. So she didn't know - couldn't know - that David's nickname for Laura Dern was "tidbit" - his nickname for Naomi Watts was "buttercup" - nickname for Patricia Arquette was "Solid Gold" - his old pal Jack Fisk is married to Sissy Spacek, Isabella was the Oscar nominee - Ms. Rossellini - and his nickname for Kyle MacLachlan was "Kale" (because producer Dino de Laurentiis couldn't pronounce Kyle on "Dune") -I forgot to ask him if he'd seen Dino yet, but as he said "I've seen them all." He had a message for "Doug and Steve Martin" who directed his short promo for "Eraserhead"  and the Woody Woodpecker dolls... He mentioned talking to Dennis Hopper (Luana's pal) Dean Stockwell (whom I directed in the film LIMIT UP) and Bil

    31 min
  7. 17 ENE

    Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer, Rich Martini, Luana Anders Post Fires Advice

    A friend who is a doctor suggested we do a podcast where we ask people on the flipside for some advice on how to counsel people about the trauma they've gone through the past week. Jennifer and I have been speaking to folks offstage for ten years now, and there have been many natural disasters in the past decade.  In this case, both of us know people who have suffered the loss of their homes and are at a loss over what comes next. In terms of help, there are a number of organizations that can help, from Fema to local government agencies, from WCK.org with Chef Andres to local places for clothing or food. In this case, my friend Luana Anders, who passed away in 1996 gives some advice from her perspective - that there is always good that comes from tragedy.  We talk about how many people in the throes of trauma aren't ready to hear advice about how to heal - and it's difficult to hear someone from the flipside say "It's just things" or "It's stuff." I like to say "It's props and costumes" - but that is little solace to someone without fire insurance having to depend on the kindness of strangers. But as Jennifer notes, she's seeing and hearing from many on the flipside about how they are concerned and trying to help their loved ones. Anyways, it's a more philosophical version of our podcast, not about asking specific people on the flipside about their journey - but asking for our guides, teachers, council members to weigh in on how to connect to them for help or advice. And as we've noted in the past, our guides and council members are never far from us - are available - through meditation, through prayer, through direct connection, through "picturing yourself in a boat on a river" and asking them to stop by and give us advice. We are never alone. We don't arrive onstage alone, and we don't leave alone. That's what the data, the research, the footage shows. Hope this helps whomever it's meant to help who is tuning in. "Give what you think you need." (from Luana Anders on the flipside.)

    39 min
  8. 4 ENE

    Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer, Jimmy Carter, Winston Churchill, Paul Newman, Elvis

    Happy New Year! Well no time like the present to kick off the new year with a mind bending podcast courtesy of Jennifer Shaffer and Rich Martini.  Jennifer's web page JenniferShaffer.com has links to her "Uncorked" events, or to book with her directly, RichardMartini.com is where one can book a guided meditation with Rich. So the other day in my kitchen (and I don't know why it's the case, but I sometimes get a message or feeling there that someone wants to talk to us) President Jimmy Carter popped into my head. It of course could have been because he'd just passed away - but I try not to judge why someone shows up, or if someone shows up.  I just leave it aside, and see what happens when we start the podcast. And as we often do, I left it up to our moderator on the Flipside, Luana Anders to suggest the topic for the day. And she told Jennifer: "Richard has someone who spoke to him yesterday." Which is accurate.  And just prior to the podcast - literally a minute before, I remembered that happened, and I looked up Jimmy on Wikipedia so at the very least I had some of his background correct. as it is - at some point I call the King of England before Elizabeth "Edward" when everyone knows that's not her father's name. But Jennifer didn't say his name - just pointed out that she was seeing him when Winston Churchill showed up. (For historians out there, the story of Winston sleeping in the White House and seeing a ghost is old news.) As noted, when over the past ten years we have someone Presidential show up (We've had all chats with Hoover, FDR, Truman, JFK, Nixon, Reagan, Bush Sr.. and folks associated with the Presidency - Abe Lincoln, Mary Todd Lincoln, Andrew Jackson, RFK, John McCain - those interviews are in the books BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE (books 1, 2 and 3). Some of them are searchable on the podcast - Abe, JFK, RFK, etc... but it wasn't surprising what Jimmy said about seeing Reagan on the flipside, how McCain stopped by - and the legions of people who loved him were there to greet him. Interesting that he said Rosalyn was "with him" frequency wise - he spoke about the regrets he had from his life (associated with war) and the things he was proudest of.  I asked him a question about a film project I've been working on - something only he would know about, the land case in Maine.  Fun to hear him say it's a story "that should be told." He also talked briefly about people off planet - since he saw a UFO back in 1969, and says that the kinds of work they're doing are benevolent... nothing to fear.  The same kind of things I've heard in the research behind CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE FLIPSIDE KIND.  We asked him who he was surprised to see - and he mentioned Winston Churchill and Elvis - who was friends with him. Paul Newman showed up - I wasn't aware of their friendship, but Jimmy talked about Paul's food charity work, and we asked Paul some questions about his journey, including what it was like to welcome his wife Joanne Woodward home.  So while one is watching the nation mourn this President, while the nation has a funeral for him, honoring him and his service, be aware that he hasn't disappeared or is gone: he's just not here. Available. Like everyone is. Hope this helps.

    47 min

Acerca de

Hacking the Afterlife podcast. Jennifer Shaffer works as a medium/intuitive and helps law enforcement agencies nationwide with missing person cases. Richard Martini is a best selling (kindle in their genre) author of books about the Flipside. They met 8 years ago, and have been filming their conversations weekly, the past two years on this podcast

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