What Now? with Trevor Noah

What Now? with Trevor Noah

Trevor currently hosts a Spotify original weekly podcast titled What Now? with Trevor Noah. In this new podcast, listeners get a chance to hear Trevor like never before. Trevor is joined each episode by celebrities, thought leaders, athletes, and friends to chat about the contemporary topics on everyone’s minds. He brings the kinds of conversations that happen behind the scenes to light - full of radical candor, authentic back-and-forths, and honest reactions, with Trevor bringing to bear his classic, effortlessly playful and equally probing style. Get in touch with us! Send your voice recordings to whatnow@dayzeroproductions.com with suggestions for topics, guests, or what you would do If You Ruled the World and we may just use it on the show!

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3,246개의 평가


Trevor currently hosts a Spotify original weekly podcast titled What Now? with Trevor Noah. In this new podcast, listeners get a chance to hear Trevor like never before. Trevor is joined each episode by celebrities, thought leaders, athletes, and friends to chat about the contemporary topics on everyone’s minds. He brings the kinds of conversations that happen behind the scenes to light - full of radical candor, authentic back-and-forths, and honest reactions, with Trevor bringing to bear his classic, effortlessly playful and equally probing style. Get in touch with us! Send your voice recordings to whatnow@dayzeroproductions.com with suggestions for topics, guests, or what you would do If You Ruled the World and we may just use it on the show!

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