Having a passion for compassion

The Woman Inspired Podcast

For a long time I felt as if so much of the world had lost the ability to have compassion. I mean, look around and we constantly see jaded, evil-minded, self-centered people who don’t seem to have a care in the world except for caring for themselves, and gaining whatever amount of money, thing, or popularity could be had here on earth. But in the wake of hurricanes, tornadoes, people being hungry and cold, I’ve seen, and felt a renewed hope in mankind’s ability to tap into compassion. While I don’t know if it’s possible, my hope and prayer is that a true passion for compassion will sweep across the globe.

In this episode of The Woman Inspired Podcast we’re talking about compassion. What is it? How did Jesus show compassion? And why is it so important for us to show compassion for others? This and more are discussed in this week’s episode titled, “Having a passion for compassion.”

 For more encouragement, Biblical insight, testimony, humor and inspiration, tune in to The Woman Inspired Podcast! Please like, share, follow and download. You can listen to this and all episodes by going to: https://womaninspired.org/podcasts OR searching for The Woman Inspired Podcast on your fav app: Audible, iHeart, Apple, Podbean, Podvine, and all quality podcast apps.

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