He Sold His Business for $250 Million - Ankur Nagpal

Boring Businesses

Ankur Nagpal sold his business, Teachable, for $250 million. Now, he's focused on making people aware of tax optimization strategies (inspired by what he wish he know when starting his business).

I asked Ankur how he knew when to sell his business, how the process went, and for some tips on lowering tax bills when selling a business.

0:00 Intro
0:57 How Ankur sold Teachable
9:57 Structure of the Deal
11:40 Why he raised VC money 
14:45 How he went from retired to running his next business
20:29 Carry's business model
23:05 Tax loopholes
26:40 How Ankur markets his new business
33:32 Monetization
38:40 The VC business model
41:30 QSBS

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