Bubble Bath Stories

Manny Oso & Nicky Trendz
Bubble Bath Stories

When one is alone in a bubble bath, all one has is their thoughts and questions you wouldn't dare say out loud. That is basically what Bubble Bath Stories is. Co-Host Nicky Trendz and Manny Oso are a couple in a small apartment who spend a lot of time talking with the bathroom door open!

  1. Headline Overload

    2월 4일

    Headline Overload

    Hey duckies, January has happened it’s done. And man did a lot happen! With all the stories that January had to offer, we thought we’d bring you a plethora of topics for your next water cooler talk. To decide, we brought back out, the Hat of Topics! Nicky Trendz and Manny Oso start the showing with their grievances and Kansas’s slam on Trumps DEI purge and the ridiculousness of it all. They do a quick recap on the Grammy Awards. Nicky wants to have a quick laugh at Drake’s expense… plus, for those who need it. Nicky Trendz gives us a quick TED Talk on the whole Blake Lively and Justin Baldoni fed. Manny is quite surprised at the explanation. They try to hit a quick lightning round at the end, but there was so much about January, it could not all be packed into this episode! What was your favorite part about January? But anyways, you tell us! - do you think Ryan Rynolds should’ve just stay out of it? - Did you have a laugh a Drakes expense, too? We won’t tell Read the stories: Trump calls out dwarfism https://amp.kansas.com/opinion/opn-columns-blogs/dion-lefler/article299469154.html Latinos For Trump, buyers remorse https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZP8Yj8WQ4/ Drugstores just want Buyers! https://thehill.com/homenews/nexstar_media_wire/5114881-cvs-gives-customers-a-way-to-get-into-locked-cabinets/ Grammy Recap: https://www.grammy.com/news/kendrick-lamar-not-like-us-wins-song-of-the-year-2025-grammys Here’s a quick explainer of Blake Lively and Justin Baldoni: https://www.forbes.com/sites/maryroeloffs/2025/02/03/justin-baldoni-vs-blake-lively-feud-explained-judge-threatens-to-move-up-it-ends-with-us-trial-date/ Drake vs everyone: https://www.theroot.com/kendrick-lamar-officially-ends-drake-beef-with-grammys-1851753680 Hellman’s says we loose ingredients: https://www.stern.nyu.edu/sites/default/files/2024-05/Soybean%20Yield%20Decline%20Annotated%20Methodology.pdf Selena vs Government https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/white-house-takes-aim-selena-gomez-video-crying-ice-raids-rcna190292 DC Plane Crash https://abcnews.go.com/US/live-updates/dc-plane-crash-live-updates-salvage-operations/?id=118393207 Philly plane crash https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/what-we-know-jet-crash-northeast-philly/4097366/ Houston evacuation https://www.cnn.com/2025/02/02/us/united-airlines-houston-evacuation/index.html Costco says “f**k it! $30 an Hour” https://apple.news/ACBJJ9ZOBSpOwynS5N1OF_Q To keep up with the Ducks in charge follow: FB & IG: @Bubblebathstories Nicky Trendz IG: @nickyTRENDZ Manny Oso IG: @gotnotime4diss For official Merch head over to Bubblebathstories.co ☎️ Or call us at 347-878-1144 !!!📞 Tell us how you really feel!

  2. John, From the Office?"

    2024. 11. 18.

    John, From the Office?"

    Okay, so it’s that time of year folks! Presidents been chosen. (Eww!) New Laws have been voted. Oh well. And we all chose the wrong Masked Singer! Now for something important. John Kransinski has been crowned People Magazine’s 2024 Sexiest Man of the Year! … ladies, hold on to your unmentionables. Of coarse, with a decision like that people have been talking. Everyone has their opinion, and your two favorite hosts are here to bring it to you. Nicky really needed to air-out this one. Much to say about the choice and the process of how this came to be. Would you pay for someone to be involved in this selection? Just asking. Manny is down to throw in his opinion, too. Like, no-homo but Manny is has referred to Pedro Pascal as “Daddy” one too many times. This seems like the most appropriate time to voice that opinion. Theres others dudes involved in the issue, as secondary choices, you guys may agree or disagree with these. But the piece on the boys from New Girl is worth talking about. But anyways you tell us! - who should have made the cover of Sexiest Man Alive? - Who is the king of the title? Like, this Celebrity stays making this list? - Is the wife’s products thing a stretch? What’s your not-so-sexy deal breakers? Read the article, or if you’re like Nicky check out the pictures! https://people.com/sexiest-man-alive-2024-john-krasinski-reveal-8743226 Read up a little of the selection process: https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/john-krasinski-is-peoples-sexiest-man-alive-everything-we-know-about-how-he-was-chosen--and-why-debate-over-the-selection-is-good-for-sales-175727695.html To keep up with the Ducks in charge follow: FB & IG: @Bubblebathstories Nicky Trendz IG: @nickyTRENDZ Manny Oso IG: @gotnotime4diss For official Merch head over to Bubblebathstories.co ☎️ Or call us at 347-878-1144 !!!📞 Tell us how you really feel!



When one is alone in a bubble bath, all one has is their thoughts and questions you wouldn't dare say out loud. That is basically what Bubble Bath Stories is. Co-Host Nicky Trendz and Manny Oso are a couple in a small apartment who spend a lot of time talking with the bathroom door open!

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