41 episodes

A unique podcast solely dedicated to the natural horse.
The information covered in each episode is based on thousands of success cases using natural health care,  practical wisdom, and science. Learn what horses need to live their best lives – body, mind, and spirit – and how diet, nutritional therapy, natural remedies, and holistic horse-keeping can work for your horse on all levels. Listen in to equip yourself with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions for your horse’s health with less stress, overwhelm, and confusion.

Healing Horses with Elisha Elisha Edwards

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    • 5.0 • 7 Ratings

A unique podcast solely dedicated to the natural horse.
The information covered in each episode is based on thousands of success cases using natural health care,  practical wisdom, and science. Learn what horses need to live their best lives – body, mind, and spirit – and how diet, nutritional therapy, natural remedies, and holistic horse-keeping can work for your horse on all levels. Listen in to equip yourself with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions for your horse’s health with less stress, overwhelm, and confusion.

    40: Journaling for Better Horse Health

    40: Journaling for Better Horse Health

    This week, we are exploring the benefits of journaling for improving equine health.
    Journaling is invaluable for anyone facing health issues with their horses or those who want to ensure they are doing all the right things for their horses' wellbeing.
    Whether dealing with a challenging health condition or rehabbing a horse, stay tuned to learn how journaling will give you a deeper understanding of your horse and help you keep track of its health.
    Holistic Approach to Horse CareWhen working with horses from a holistic perspective, I look for everything they are sensitive to, correlate their health with events, check their supplements, and examine their diet to put all those pieces together, whether they have health challenges or not.
    Tracking ProgressJournaling helps you track how your horse progresses, especially when working on rehab or recovery, as working toward health is not always a straight line and can be confusing while you figure things out.
    Keeping a Positive AttitudeKeep a positive attitude, as your horse will draw energy from you. Journaling helpsyou stay positive as it reminds you of the progress made.
    Eliminating Confusion Journaling eliminates confusion. Writing down all facts and dates gives you a clear record of all that has happened and helps identify any patterns that may be crucial for managing horse health.
    Tracking Patterns and CausesRecord all the symptoms and changes. That allows you to retain valuable information that you may need to prevent future issues. It is also helpful for managing chronic problems without relying on memory alone.
    Allowing the Horse to Guide RecoveryAllowing the horse to guide the recovery process means recognizing improvements and setbacks as part of the healing journey. By documenting everything, you can better understand what the horse is expressing and make more informed decisions.
    What to JournalIf you are new to journaling, start with all the essential information, like age, symptom profile, living conditions, hay changes, supplement changes, and lifestyle factors at the onset of any condition. Also, record the bloodwork and diagnoses to establish a baseline, always including dates, as health profiles can vary seasonally.
    Recording Health Events and SymptomsRecord any significant health events, like trims, vaccinations, deworming, and dental work, as that helps you identify the correlations between those events and symptom changes.
    Weight and Picture TrackingFor conditions like equine metabolic syndrome, keep track of weight and take pictures. Seeing your horse every day can make it hard to notice changes, but photos provide clear evidence of progress or lack thereof. That also applies to conditions affecting specific areas like eyes, feet, or coat.
    Shedding PatternsComparing the shedding patterns of a horse to the rest of the herd and recording dates helps you track any improvements over time. Photos can help you keep track of any year-to-year changes.
    Identifying Triggers and PatternsJournaling helps you identify triggers for issues like infections. Record food, supplement changes, and lifestyle factors, and note environmental factors like weather to gain more insight into issues like thrush infections.
    Recognizing StagnationJournaling helps you recognize what has not changed if symptoms persist. If a condition remains unchanged despite various adjustments, it might highlight a specific supplement or diet item you need to re-evaluate. Documenting any changes makes it far easier to identify and address those sticking points.
    Links and...

    • 27 min
    39: Dietary Strategies for Underweight Horses

    39: Dietary Strategies for Underweight Horses

    This week, I explore ways to help horses that find it hard to gain weight.
    Many horses struggle to gain weight, which is a significant concern for their owners, particularly during winter. Despite being well-fed, those horses often remain thin, unable to build and maintain muscle mass. It is a common issue, particularly among thoroughbred breeds with high metabolisms. As those horses age, keeping weight on them becomes even more challenging.
    So, today, I share various dietary strategies to help hard keepers gain weight and improve their overall health.
    Factors to Rule Out Before Increasing FoodBefore deciding to increase the food intake to address weight loss in your horse, you need to rule out other potential health issues that may impact their ability to maintain weight.
    Equine Dental HealthHealthy teeth are crucial for a horse to chew and digest its food. Misalignment, sharp edges, missing teeth, abscesses, or sore gums can make eating uncomfortable, leading to weight loss. Symptoms like dropping food (quidding) could indicate dental issues. I recommend regular checks by an equine dentist to maintain oral health and efficient digestion.
    UlcersUlcers, particularly in performance horses, can significantly impact appetite and weight. Up to 80% of horses may have ulcers or related lesions. Symptoms include decreased appetite and rapid weight loss. Stress and medication can exacerbate ulcers, leading to a pot-bellied appearance and hollow flanks. Treatment often involves medication and dietary adjustments to support digestive health.
    Leaky GutLeaky gut, caused by the over-fermentation of starches and sugars in the hindgut, leads to intestinal gas, heat, toxins, and systemic toxicity, causing weight loss, diarrhea, and laminitis. It is essential to support the hindgut and digestive health to manage and prevent those symptoms.
    ParasitesActive parasite infections interfere with nutrient absorption and can cause significant weight loss. Chemical dewormers are essential, as natural remedies are often ineffective against active infestations. Parasites can cause anemia and deplete vitamins and minerals, further impacting the health and weight of a horse.
    Stress and Hormonal ImbalancesStress affects the ability of a horse to maintain weight. High stress can lead to muscle wasting, particularly in horses with conditions like Cushing's disease (PPID), so it is essential to manage stress through proper nutrition, environmental enrichment, and sometimes hormonal regulation.
    Respiratory IssuesConditions like COPD or heaves can prevent proper blood oxygenation, making it difficult for horses to build mass and tissue. Addressing respiratory health and ensuring efficient gas exchange in the lungs is crucial for those horses to maintain or gain weight.
    Importance of FiberFiber is essential for horses as it ferments into energy in the form of volatile fatty acids, fueling their cells. Ideal fiber levels in hay are crucial for energy and digestive health. However, too much fiber can be counterproductive if it is not digestible, requiring horses to eat more to meet their nutritional needs.
    Hay and Slow FeedersProviding hay 24/7 is essential, especially for hard keepers. Slow feeders can help to manage intake, but for horses that need to gain weight, loose hay or feeders with larger holes may be necessary to ensure they get enough calories. Owners should tailor the quality and type of hay to meet the needs of each horse.
    Variety in Hay TypesUsing different types of hay can help manage the dietary needs of a herd, especially when perfect hay is hard to find. It is beneficial to introduce variety and ensure the hay is

    • 30 min
    38: Case Study: Cami's comeback from Uveitis with Peggy Lindsley

    38: Case Study: Cami's comeback from Uveitis with Peggy Lindsley

    Today, I have a special guest called Peggy joining me to share her story of overcoming the health challenges she faced with her horse Cami.
    Peggy lives in Alabama. She has two horses, one of which is a 36-year-old Arabian Quarter Horse cross. The other is Cami, a 13-year-old Oldenburg Quarter Horse mare. I began working with Peggy in 2021 when Cami had several challenging health conditions.
    Initial Contact and Reason for Appointment
    After hearing me on a podcast, Peggy initially contacted me to help her 36-year-old horse, Sterling, who was struggling with FICO water syndrome. During our discussions, she realized that her other horse, Cami, who was dealing with chronic uveitis, could also benefit from my understanding.
    Background on Cami
    Peggy bought Cami in 2020 during the pandemic. She found her online and learned that Cami had only been away from her breeder for about eight months. Initially, she had a stress-free life on 40 acres with a herd, but her next home was stressful. She was kept in a stall 24/7 with little outdoor time and no herd contact, which was a drastic change for her.
    Initial Health Concerns
    When Peggy brought Cami home, she knew she had eye issues, and the vet confirmed a minor irritation. Peggy initially managed it with medication, even considering the possibility of removing the eye if necessary. However, as Cami settled in, various other health issues emerged, including weight gain, crusty neck, and anxiety.
    Treatment and Medications
    Peggy tried multiple medications to manage Cami’s eye issues, including oral anti-inflammatories and ointments. Taking her to an ophthalmologist was challenging due to her anxiety around trailering, so Peggy had to manage treatments at home with my help and with that of her vet. It required significant teamwork and research.
    Initial Attitude and Goals
    Peggy was determined to save Cami’s eye, feeling that surgery was not a viable option due to her reactive state and the stress it would cause her. She began using positive reinforcement and clicker training to help her administer the medication, which allowed us to manage the symptoms but not solve the underlying problem.
    Holistic Approach and Realizations
    Reducing stress and holistically addressing equine health is essential for managing chronic conditions like uveitis. Peggy explains that Cami’s health conditions worsened in a less stressful environment as her body began to express the underlying imbalances.
    Health Deterioration and Progress
    Peggy recalls how Cami developed a cataract and went blind in one eye after a severe reaction to annual vaccinations. That led to a visit from an ophthalmologist and required intense medication to save the eye. That period was the beginning of our understanding of how her hypersensitivity led to complex health issues.
    Managing Multiple Health Issues
    Cami’s immune system was hypersensitive. She reacted to various triggers like vaccinations, ant bites- and even organic fly sprays. Although the increased sensitivity was a sign of her body healing, it also added a layer of complexity to her care.
    Initial Treatment Strategy
    My first treatment program for Cami focused on improving her digestion, regulating her insulin and blood sugar, and reducing oxidative stress rather than directly addressing the eye issue. Peggy began to notice improvements in her overall health, including weight loss, a shinier coat, and healthier hooves.
    Importance of Detailed Observation
    Regular photos helped Peggy monitor changes and effectiveness of treatments and helped her make informed decisions regarding Cami’s care. Daily observation and documentation were also required to track her progress.

    • 55 min
    37: Equine Recurrent Uveitis (ERU): The Holistic Approach

    37: Equine Recurrent Uveitis (ERU): The Holistic Approach

    This week, we are looking at uveitis, sometimes known as moon blindness in horses.
    Uveitis is a big concern for horse owners because it can lead to blindness and, in severe cases, even result in the horse losing an eye. Even in traditional medicine, the exact cause of this complex and chronic condition remains elusive.  
    So, today, I approach uveitis from a holistic perspective, exploring its various facets and potential treatments.
    Understanding Uveitis
    Uveitis, indicated by the suffix itis, denotes inflammation, specifically chronic inflammation of the uvea, which is one of the layers of the eye. The uvea comprises three structures- the iris, ciliary body, and choroid, which could get damaged in uveitis cases.
    Possible Causes and Holistic Approach
    The causes of uveitis are diverse and often unknown. A holistic approach considers dietary, lifestyle, and nutritional interventions to reduce inflammation and potentially save the affected eye. Many believe uveitis is triggered by infections or autoimmune responses, leading to continuous inflammation and tissue damage.
    Genetic Predisposition
    Appaloosa horses are eight times more likely to develop equine recurrent uveitis, indicating a genetic predisposition. Despite that, horse owners should focus on mitigating the condition with an appropriate diet and lifestyle changes to reduce inflammation and support tissue repair.
    Stress and Toxicity
    Stress and toxicity are significant triggers for uveitis flare-ups. Stressful events, like separation from the herd or lifestyle changes, can exacerbate the condition. Toxins from medications or vaccinations can also overload the immune system, leading to increased inflammation.
    Free Radical Damage
    Free radicals cause considerable damage to tissues, contributing to conditions like uveitis. Antioxidants play a role in neutralizing free radicals, as they protect the tissues from oxidative stress and potential DNA mutations.
    Connection to Metabolic Disorders
    Horses with metabolic disorders like insulin resistance or Cushing's disease are more susceptible to uveitis. Those conditions cause chronic inflammation and tissue breakdown, particularly affecting the eyes.
    Importance of Liver Health
    A healthy liver is crucial for eye health, as the liver is responsible for metabolism and detoxification. Supporting liver function through proper diet and supplementation can help reduce the toxic load on the body, protecting the eyes from further damage.
    Dietary Considerations
    Dietary management is essential, as a diet that minimizes metabolic stress and supports liver function helps to manage the progression of uveitis. It is crucial to eliminate excess sugars, fats, and proteins, as they can exacerbate inflammation and put additional pressure on the liver. Instead, focus on a balanced diet rich in fiber and essential nutrients.
    Antioxidants and Supplements
    The antioxidants most beneficial for uveitis include zinc, vitamin E, vitamin C, N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), and Coenzyme Q10. Those help reduce inflammation and support overall eye health. However, supplementation should be approached cautiously and tailored to the individual needs of each horse.
    Homeopathic Remedies
    Homeopathic remedies like Apis, derived from honeybees, can reduce inflammation and swelling in uveitis cases. However, addressing underlying factors such as stress and metabolic imbalances is also essential.
    Managing uveitis requires a comprehensive approach that includes dietary adjustments and addressing underlying health issues. By reducing inflammation and oxidative stress, owners can improve the outcomes for horses suffering from this chronic...

    • 25 min
    36: 5 Ways to Help Hormonal Mares Naturally

    36: 5 Ways to Help Hormonal Mares Naturally

    This week, we are shifting our focus to hormones in mares.
    Many horse owners are eager to learn how to manage hormonal mares and better understand their behavior. While the most intense symptoms of hormone changes tend to surface in spring, chronic issues can persist year-round, making them challenging to handle, as hormonal imbalances can significantly alter their brain chemistry, behavior, and well-being.
    As most women know, hormones are powerful and can cause severe symptoms. Unfortunately, horses cannot easily communicate what they are experiencing. So, today, I share tips on approaching hormonal issues with mares naturally and holistically.
    Introduction to Hormonal Imbalances in Horses
    Hormonal imbalances in horses, particularly mares and geldings, have become normalized in the industry. That has led to a lack of awareness about healthy hormone levels. The primary causes of hormone imbalances are stress, nutrient deficiencies, and toxicity, which disrupt homeostasis in the body.
    Seasonal Hormonal Changes
    In spring, increased daylight triggers hormonal changes in mares. Their eyes absorb more light, activating the endocrine system, including the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. The hypothalamus, known as the master gland, orchestrates these changes by stimulating various hormones in response to environmental factors such as temperature, fluid balance, hunger, and stress.
    Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland Interaction
    The hypothalamus links the nervous and endocrine systems, receiving environmental information and eliciting a response by stimulating the pituitary gland with neural hormones. This complex interaction prepares mares for reproduction, producing follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones for estrogen and progesterone production in the ovaries.
    Estrus Cycle and Hormonal Symptoms
    A healthy mare experiences a 21-day estrus cycle, with ovulation around day 16 and heat lasting 4-6 days. However, many mares suffer from hormonal imbalances, leading to chronic heat cycles and symptoms such as uterine pain, colic, sweating, frequent urination, back pain, and general stiffness. These symptoms often go unrecognized as hormonal issues.
    Behavioral and Emotional Impact
    Hormonal imbalances also affect the behavior of mares, causing agitation, anger, depression, fatigue, and anxiety. That can impact their ability to cooperate with humans, making them unsafe and hard to handle. Recognizing and addressing the imbalances through nutrition and lifestyle adjustments can significantly improve their behavior and overall well-being.
    Conventional and Holistic Approaches
    While hormone replacement therapies are commonplace, they come with many side effects, including weight gain, uterine infections, and risks to human handlers. Medications like synthetic progesterone and medroxyprogesterone suppress estrus, but their risks often outweigh the benefits. A holistic approach focusing on diet, nutrition, and natural remedies is better for long-lasting results.
    The Role of Stress and Nutrition
    Stress significantly impacts hormonal balance, as elevated cortisol and insulin levels disrupt the physical equilibrium. Nutrient deficiencies, particularly vitamin B6 and magnesium, contribute to hormonal issues. Essential fatty acids, calcium, and Vitamin B12 will also support hormone regulation and overall health.
    Protein and Alfalfa
    Excessive protein intake can lead to behavioral and anxiety problems in horses. While protein is essential, horses do not require as much as some owners might think. Be cautious with alfalfa, a high-protein forage, and ensure it is relevant and appropriate for your horse.
    Commercial Feeds and Hormone Impact
    Commercial feeds can contain various...

    • 35 min
    35: The Chemistry of Stress in Horses

    35: The Chemistry of Stress in Horses

    We are currently experiencing an epidemic of stress-related conditions in horses, affecting virtually every aspect of their health. So, this week, we are focusing on ways to prevent or reduce stress in horses.
    When a horse becomes stressed, various physiological changes occur, exacerbating any health issues or challenges that may already exist.
    Join me as I explore why horses tend to get stressed, examining the biochemical processes that unfold when they do and how their organs respond, highlighting how these factors can ultimately lead to either the success or failure of their health.
    Categories of StressorsStressors in horses can be physical or emotional. Physical stressors include chronic illness, injuries, surgeries, pain, inflammation, high physical demands, and chronic hunger. Emotional stressors stem from the social nature of the horse. They may include weaning, grief, anger, frustration, loneliness due to confinement, and chronic hunger.
    Physical Stressors Chronic Illness and Injuries:Chronic illnesses place constant stress on the equine body as it struggles to restore balance. Injuries, such as pulled ligaments, broken bones, or muscle damage, require the body to activate resources to reduce inflammation and begin healing, which is a significant stressor.
    Surgeries and Pain:Surgeries are invasive and traumatic for the tissues of horses. Pain and inflammation, whether from injuries, food allergies, or high-sugar diets, create a constant state of low-grade stress, hindering tissue repair and allowing degenerative processes to take place.
    Performance and Chronic Hunger: High-performance physical demands can be stressful, so the necessary tools and resources are essential to help the horse recover. Horses are natural grazers, so chronic hunger can lead to chronic stress, affecting their physical and emotional well-being.
    Emotional Stressors Social Nature and Weaning: Horses are highly social beings with a strong emotional IQ. Weaning is a significant emotional stressor and is often the first traumatic event for a horse. Some horses adapt well, while others carry the trauma long into adulthood.
    Grief: Grief from losing herd mates, whether due to death or separation, can affect horses. They may exhibit signs of depression and a loss of zest for life, potentially leading to physical health issues like ulcers or laminitis.
    Anger, Frustration, and Loneliness: Poor human-horse relationships, where the horse feels misunderstood or unheard, can lead to frustration and anger. Loneliness, often due to confinement and lack of social interaction, is another emotional stressor that could affect their health.
    Impact of Stress on HorsesAs prey animals, horses have a pronounced and severe stress response hardwired for survival. This response, necessary for escaping predators, includes hypervigilance and neuroses. Genetic factors can influence their stress response, highlighting the importance of breeding calmer, less stressed horses to ensure better future generations.
    Fight, Flight, and FreezeThe natural stress response in horses is flight. However, in unnatural environments where fleeing is impossible, this energy has no outlet, leading to frustration, anger, and irritability. Chronic stress without release can result in shutdown and withdrawal, further compounding any existing health issues.
    Physiological Effects of StressStress significantly impacts the digestive system, reducing blood flow to vital organs, slowing gut motility, inhibiting nutrient absorption, and reducing digestive secretions. That can lead to malnutrition and colic. Chronic stress also increases acidity in the stomach,...

    • 34 min

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Can you PLEEEAAASE do an episode about breeds I 𝙬𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 🅛🅞🅥🅔 ❤it so much. The is a really great show but if you made one about the different breeds and what they're good for. Ex: good jumpers, good dressage, etc.

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