
Dr. Vidisha Patel

Tune in to Perspectives with Dr. Vidisha Patel and engage in discussions on topics related to managing emotions for a healthy lifestyle. You will discover that you are not alone on this journey called life and that “perspective” matters. Discussion topics will include issues such as stigma around mental illness, parenting at various stages of life, role models and their influence on one’s relationships, failure as a gift, and managing stress and anxiety. You will come away with new perspectives and techniques to consider for yourself or your loved ones. Dr. Patel believes that by being in conversation with others we can continue to grow and learn throughout our lives. Challenges are stepping stones to growth and expansion.


Tune in to Perspectives with Dr. Vidisha Patel and engage in discussions on topics related to managing emotions for a healthy lifestyle. You will discover that you are not alone on this journey called life and that “perspective” matters. Discussion topics will include issues such as stigma around mental illness, parenting at various stages of life, role models and their influence on one’s relationships, failure as a gift, and managing stress and anxiety. You will come away with new perspectives and techniques to consider for yourself or your loved ones. Dr. Patel believes that by being in conversation with others we can continue to grow and learn throughout our lives. Challenges are stepping stones to growth and expansion.

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