Health Harmony & Heather with Heather Thomson
Health Harmony & Heather is a podcast that enriches our perspectives on life by exploring social phenomena and the human condition. We will look at the physical, spiritual and mental aspects of health and how to live harmoniously with ourselves, each other and our planet. Our ultimate goal is for each of us to find our innermost truth, happiness, fun and freedom. Come join the journey!!
Love Heather but audio needs improvement
Heather is one of my favorite Housewives and I think she’s a thoughtful interview, but the audio quality is almost unbearable at times.
In a tunnel
The worst sound and can't listen. Good guests but deleted and unfollowed
Good podcast….please we’re begging you fix your audio
You’d have more listeners and bigger audience if you’d fix your audio. I was a listener , couldn’t take it and just came back to check if you’ve updated so I could listen to you…nope! Still giving you five stars bc I think you’re awesome.
so good it’s great!
I love Ryan Bailey!! So cool to see worlds collide.
Love, love, love! 💛
This podcast is so insightful and I’ve enjoyed every episode I’ve listened to so far! Heather is a very skilled interviewer - she does such a great job of sharing her wisdom and I love how she leads meaningful conversations with interesting people from all walks of life who bring so much experience and actionable insight to the table. Highly recommend checking this show out - you won’t be disappointed!
Good podcast! Get a studio
I want to hear all this good content but Heather yelling into an echo-filled room is just a difficult listen at this point. Make this a more professional product and I will listen to it all. Heather is smart and curious and warm as an interviewer.
Fantastic podcast✨✨
I just wanted to take a moment and say thank you for creating such an impactful podcast! I believe that we all have a voice that deserves to be heard. Thank you for putting this into the world! BE UNBROKEN! @MichaelUnbroken
Great podcast!
Heather, host of the In My Heart podcast, highlights all aspects of entrepreneurship, growth and more in this can’t miss podcast! The host and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
Too loud
Love your Podcast & reviewed u 5 stars. Please, please you sound like you are screaming even with the volume turned down. Makes my head hurt. I like to listen as I’m drifting off at night. Will stay tuned & I do love u
Heather no! You did not need to speak that statement in WWHL. You had my complete support until you gave in to woke pressure. You already apologized as appropriate and had my respect and admiration. Now you’re just another spineless white person unnecessarily falling on the sword.
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- المجتمع والثقافةمرتان في الأسبوع
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- مقابلات تتعلق بفن الكوميديايتم التحديث أسبوعيًا
- تلفزيون وأفلاميتم التحديث أسبوعيًا
- تلفزيون وأفلاميتم التحديث أسبوعيًا
- المجتمع والثقافةيتم التحديث أسبوعيًا
- تلفزيون وأفلاميتم التحديث أسبوعيًا
- المجتمع والثقافةيتم التحديث أسبوعيًا
- تطوير الذاتيتم التحديث يوميًا
- المجتمع والثقافةيتم التحديث أسبوعيًا