
Heartfelt communication allows transformation to happen
Golden Opportunities
Amazing podcast. Trust the knowing the guidance that is inside us all!
Being Fierce is Not the Same as Fear
I enjoy your podcast but this episode is concerning and alarming. What you describe when you state that we all have a Tyrant within, an Abuser within is called Spiritual Bypassing and is extremely dangerous for women in particular. You state: “What keeps me separate from myself? Don’t just say Fear, fear of what? Fear of meeting yourself? Fear of meeting bad parts of yourself? Or meeting something you don’t like? Go and meet it. Within us all are all parts…the Warrior, the Tyrant, the Abuser and the Abused. They’re all living within us at which we run away from, we go to war against. We say, ‘That’s a bad person because they have something in them that I’m fearful of meeting in myself.”-Episode “Finding Peace in Wholeness”. NOPE. Just because I don’t like someone, it does not mean I am afraid of some hidden aspect inside of myself. It does not mean I’m projecting my unowned aspects of my shadow onto someone else, totally clueless as to my own inner world, hidden or not. If you’re going to advise people to do this, there’s further instruction that you have a responsibility to include. It’s definitely not a blanket statement applicable to everyone. It’s so simple to say, “Sometimes we project…” “Sometimes we fear ‘bad’ parts of ourselves” rather than speaking in these absolutes but only when they suit your narrative. Stating that there’s no Right and Wrong is the ultimate in Spiritual Bypassing. If you’re going to tell people to embrace their abuser, you have a responsibility to add that this does not mean you physically embrace them nor does it mean that you excuse the behavior and drop all healthy boundaries. Forgiveness, empathy, compassion, understanding…these are all wonderful but they do not imply that you welcome abusers and tyrants into your inner circle or physical presence. There IS right doing and wrong doing. Period. This is PRECISELY what is wrong with the so-called “spiritual community”: Just pardon EVERYONE and EVERYTHING because we’re all One! Absolutely not. This leads to millions of wishy-washy, passive, self-centered, apathetic, supposedly enlightened people NOT DOING ANYTHING about constant rape, murder, molestation, oppression, injustice, abuse. We are NOT out of polarity. Of course those of us who have been doing this work for years have explored our Light and Dark aspects of ourselves and continue to mine our own pain and suffering for what needs healing and integration. Of course we choose to believe we are positively impacting the Consciousness of Humanity. And while at some level, we ARE all One, it certainly does not mean we need to give a pass to Tyrants, Abusers, War-mongers and demonic leaders who cause suffering ON PURPOSE. They will continue to do so until there are enough of us who say, “Absolutely not” and follow up with consistent, meaningful Action again and again. I stand with inner peace, fierce and fearless as I say NO to atrocities done to me, my loved ones and the innocent just trying to survive daily. Just because I am fierce and I know Right from Wrong does not mean I am fearful or fractured.
I’m beyond grateful to learn from Dr. Christine Page. I was ready for her message/teachings and I’m excited to grow. ~Sissy
One of a kind!
I am so grateful for the heartfelt insight and wisdom Dr. Christine Page shares with us. She is truly a one-of-a-kind healer for mind, body and spirit. I love how she shares ancient wisdom with us in such a practical and down to earth manner. Thank you so much Dr. Page!!
- CreatorChristine Page MD
- Years Active2018 - 2025
- Episodes102
- RatingClean
- Copyright© Copyright 2018 . All rights reserved.
- Show Website