Henri Nouwen | Henri's Bookshelf | Following Jesus: Finding Our Way Home in an Age of Anxiety
Henri Nouwen gave a series of lectures on the importance of following Jesus in an age of anxiety which became the basis for this book. Following Jesus explores calling and purpose, fear and hope, and why, when the twenty-first-century seeker has so many choices, including atheism and secularism, the greatest reward for those looking for fulfillment is to choose to embrace the truth of God’s love. Henri Nouwen offers warm, insightful, and practical spiritual habits to help readers navigate the oft-less- travelled, but ultimately life-giving road of faith in and through following Jesus. Our Guest: Robert A. Jonas, Ed.D. (Harvard University), M.T.S. (Weston Jesuit School of Theology) was a dear friend of Henri Nouwen and is the author of The Essential Henri Nouwen, (Shambhala Publications) and Henri Nouwen (Orbis). His most recent book is, My Dear Far-Nearness: The Holy Trinity as Spiritual Practice (2022 Orbis). Trained as a psychotherapist, Dr. Jonas is an author, father and grandfather, video artist, musician, environmental steward, and retreat leader. Dr. Jonas is the director of The Empty Bell, a contemplative sanctuary in Northampton, MA whose website is an extraordinary resource for contemplative Christians and for Buddhist-Christian dialogue. https://www.emptybell.org/ ___________ Book Discussed: Following Jesus: Finding Our Way Home in an Age of Anxiety https://amzn.to/3frmy7R (US) https://amzn.to/3cWRWta (Canada) ___________ SUPPORT THIS PODCAST: henrinouwen.org/donate/ * SIGN UP FOR FREE DAILY E-MEDITATIONS: henrinouwen.org/meditation/ * MORE FREE RESOURCES: henrinouwen.org/ * FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/henrinouwensociety/ TWITTER: twitter.com/nouwensociety FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/nouwensociety/ PINTEREST: www.pinterest.ca/henrinouwen/
- 节目
- 频率半月一更
- 发布时间2024年10月9日 UTC 00:00
- 长度44 分钟
- 分级儿童适宜