Gene George and Brodie Hubbard are back in the Shakeytown studios 10 years later making new episodes, and this one covers a lot of pop culture and politics, plus good ol' complaining and smack talking. A glimpse at MADAME WEB, SUSPIRIA (2018), POSSESSION, and LORDS OF SALEM, asking are gory movie fans bad people (and other reductive film criticism), issues in reality TV and ADR, having fun with bad and absurd movies, and then a detour into surprisingly enjoying sports, and then a 700 Club reference leads to a State of the Union. Also, when bad bosses die or get fired, and finally, we love Dr. Peter Weller (ROBOCOP, 1987).
- Show
- PublishedJune 7, 2024 at 3:04 PM UTC
- Length59 min
- RatingClean