Here to Say Thank You

GOD'S SpokenWords

I Am Here to Say Thank You

I am here to say thank you—not for the things you give, but for who you are.
I praise and magnify your holy name. Daddy, you are good in all your ways, and trustworthy is your name.

I am here to say thank you for your unconditional love—a love I could never earn. Yet, while we were still sinners, you chose to die for us.
I worship you, not for the bread you give, but for the bread of life that you are. You are the source of my strength, my joy, and my peace. In you, I find my perfect rest.

You are the Father who never sleeps or slumbers. You watch over me, protecting my going out and my coming in. You see all, you know all—even before it happens.

I am here to say thank you, Daddy. You have made my heart your home. You know me better than I know myself. I am your prized possession, your royal priesthood, your holy nation.
Thank you, Baba, for always leading me by your Spirit. You are Alpha—the Beginning, Omega—the End, and the God of everything in between. Wherever I go, there you are. In my weakness, you make me strong. I am not sufficient in myself, but my sufficiency is in you, Father.

I am here to say thank you. By you, Daddy, I can run through a troop. By you, Father, I can leap over a wall. You are my confidence, my teacher, my guide. You have trained my hands for battle and my fingers for war.

You are my fortress, my high tower, my deliverer, my shield, and my refuge. My soul will bless you. My soul will sing your praises. My mouth will shout for joy!

I will never forget your benefits. You have forgiven all my sins and healed all my diseases. You have redeemed my life from destruction and crowned me with loving kindness and tender mercies. You satisfy my soul with good things and renew my youth like the eagle’s.

I am here to say thank you, Daddy. For some trust in chariots and others in horses, but I will remember the name of the Lord my God.

Thank you. Baba

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