Hikaru Cho, a Tokyo-born visual artist based in New York, is renowned for her innovative use of real paint on bodies and objects, creating optical illusions that explore the "inside" versus "outside" theme. Her work has been featured on multiple media outlets, and in collaborations with brands like Samsung, Amnesty International, and Shiseido. Cho has held solo exhibitions globally and published eight books, available internationally, including at Kinokuniya NYC.
Follow Hikaru on Instagram @hikaru_cho
Follow AT-One Radio on Instagram @at_one_radio
- 프로그램
- 주기매주 업데이트
- 발행일2024년 12월 12일 오후 5:00 UTC
- 길이14분
- 시즌1
- 에피소드20
- 등급전체 연령 사용가